Rusty's Real Deal Baseball

Published by Nintendo, Developed by -

Genres: Sports (1 players)

US release date: Apr 3rd, 2014 | EU release date: -

Prices: $0.00 (US)

Rusty's Real Deal Baseball

Feel the crack of the bat in a collection of baseball-themed mini games!

Then, take a breather and haggle with hilarious ol' Rusty to lower the real-life Nintendo eShop price of additional batting, pitching, and fielding minigames, plus a whole lot more!

Knock it out of the park in a series of baseball-themed minigames that will have you swinging at disappearing fastballs, bringing down UFOs with the help of some rubber tires, or even becoming an umpire and ringing up batters. But before you play ball, you'll have to haggle with that miserable mutt, ex-pro baseball player Rusty Slugger, to lower the actual Nintendo eShop purchase price of each minigame! Don't worry, you can use weird in-game items like donuts and nose hair trimmers (that's not a typo) to help you get the lowest price possible.

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