270,000 dead seals

Save the Seals

Forgive me this once for posting something not strictly Wii-related (or even game related).

The annual seal massacre got underway recently in Canada. 270,000 baby seals (the quota allowed by the Canadian government) are set to be killed for their fur. And not in a nice way. It's estimated nearly half of them are dragged over the ice before death and skinned alive. Ouch.

You might forgive this practise of some poor-ass underdeveloped country where they don't know any better, but in Canada? wtF. Several countries have already imposed a ban on all aspects of seal trade, and a load of others are heading that way too. Still though, for now the senseless hunts carry on.

If you'd prefer these killings didn't take place, take a second to sign PETA's petition thingy. Or more importantly don't buy stuff with fur on it.

*UPDATE* - As of today, May 5th 2009, the European Union (EU) has banned trade on seal products. Great news for the seals.

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Rob Jones

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User comments


ganondorfrules said:

Poor seals.


Chaos said:

Why is there a quota anyway?


Wii Freak said:

That is so sad, and I'm a canadian. I'm EVIL!


[RS]Omega Red said:

I think it's really kewl you took the time to post a story for support to stop something like that. I sent it out to any e-mail addys I could remember.


Unknown said:

Why the heck is Canada killing baby seals. They're so cute. They haven't done anything wrong.


Gonzo said:

I don't even live in Canada. But, why do they kill so many seals?


darkvic said:

That's terrible. Why would the Canadian government allow such a monstrous event. I expected a little decency from Canada.


TheDancingPenguin said:

For hundreds of years, people have been killing animals. Sure, it's unjust and completely horrible, but some people make their money that way. It's either the people that die from hunger or the seals that die from Canadians.


someguy said:

I'm canadian and number 1 on my list: animals. Even if you are going to do this, don't frecking skin them alive.

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PHiRE said:

The fact that some people make a living off it is no justification for anything. If it's banned they will move onto something else (i.e. hopefully get a real job). It's not the end of the world for them.


Freaknasty said:

PHiRE it's not that easy, these people sometimes live in poverty and areas where work is not available. Hunting and fishing are the only options, we aren't talking the cities here, we are talking nothern canada where less than a 100 people live in one area.

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PHiRE said:

Well I feel bad for them if they're in poverty, but pretty much anyone who looks at that pic up there or worse, watches the videos of the seals being killed would say that it shouldn't be allowed to carry on. The Canadian government should step in and help the people to switch "careers" if needed.


wiiman said:

PHiRE is right. The canadian government should reassign the people who do this. And freaknasty are you saying it is right that they are doing this? This isn't measly hunting and fishing, it is animal cruelty. Also there many more cows in this world than seals. We usually use of all of the cow, they just toss away the carcasses.


Freaknasty said:

By the way I resent that Canada sucks logo and would appreciate if that was pulled. Canada is a great place to live and the seal hunt is just one aspect that could be improved. I also agree that the seal hunt should be kept exclusively to the indeginous people of Canada who have done it for 4000 years and that they should have more human ways of killing them but for the hunt to be ended would be unfeasible.


Elementrat said:

That is mean and uncalled for. Thanks for the notification. I wouldn't have know about this if you hadn't made the announcement. Please don't feel bad about posting un-Wii related stuff in the future. Frankly, I don't care too much as long as it is interesting.


Wii's World said:

Freaknasty: I'll pull the logo if Canada ever stops sucking on this issue. I don't doubt that Canada is a cool place to live, but as someone who likes animals this seal massacre sucks ass (just my opinion). The fact that other advanced countries are banning seal products should make you wonder. It's embarrassing for Canada.


Ian C said:

*sniff* I like seals. Why Canada Why?!?


Ian C said:

I did that PETA thing. I hope they listen to it.


Wii Freak said:

What if we were seals and getting killed by people.


Elementrat said:

I agree with WW. (I can't lose now) :p.


cmk said:

Lol on the logo on the side. That's awesome. And wow! Wiisworld actually posted! Also, I think its cool you posted this, but please don't make it a habit ok?


DJames said:

Yer it's cool. There's blood dripping from the leafy thing off Canada's flag. All those poor seals. Maybe if they narrow it down to one seal each and make sure that they're seals that are old and sick just waiting to be killed.


Ablex said:

I live in eastern Canada, I do not hunt seals and most eastern candadians (Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island) can honestly tell you the same thing. I do not even endorse the seal hunt, but I try to show you both sides of the story. Many of those involved in the seal hunt are fishermen who may have little to no source of income during the winter months. Although, the largest threat to the seal populations in the long term is not people, but global warming, with the ice thinning and disappearing there is so place for the seals to go (for whatever reason it is that they go on them). So the government (and just about every other country in the world) is urging us to stop the hunt.


stinky12694 said:

Dude, that's just wrong. And this is the only post that I'm not going to make a witty remark.


Crimson Hawk said:

NO! I love seals, curse you canadians (excluding the nice ones), CURSE YOU!


TDS said:

It is nice to see that everyone here has a soul. I thought video games made us all evil and violent! Maybe. Just maybe some of the video game critics will notice this and realize we can tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Good job on bringing this to our attention again.


Elementrat said:

He (or she but I'm sure he is a he), has posted before. Dude, you are the most devoted webmaster I have ever seen. Do you actually read EVERYONE'S posts? I am in awe. You deserve a medal for spending so much time making sure the site is in tip top shape. *gives medal*.


Ekaj185 said:

This is horrible! Seals shouldn't die. And Canada does suck for this.


Gonzo said:

Yea, I feel bad for all those seals. They should ban it everywhere!


dragdara said:

Poor little dudes.


Wiimsicle said:

Yeah that is bad, damn. Good post.


Crimson Hawk said:

I did the PETA petition thing too, I WANT TO HELP THOSE CUTE SEALS! And amazing, good job for posting Wii's World.


1st day Wii owner said:

Oh my god. I am so helping.


Wii Wii said:

Dumb Canadians!


Scooby Jew said:

I must admit, it is pretty funny to see "CANADA SUCKS" every time I scroll down. I think Ace Ventura would be damn ashamed by these people, making slippers out of innocent little baby seals. The exact thing he criticized in the movie. Those are just my thoughts.


Wherewulf said:

Seal hunting? More like cute little baby animal slaughter! *fills in petition thingy*.



It should have said Canada's shame. When will it end? Eh? Then they would understand it.


cman said:

Why must I be canadian! Noooo.


Owlboy said:

This explains his displacement with canadians though not all canadians are involved with this, generalizations will only make you look like an idiot. Not saying that our webmaster was making such a generalization. Just making the point.


wiiwiillrockwii said:

I'm mainly canadian (dad's side, my mom's side is swedish, native american, etc), but I do not think this is cool. At all (stupid dad's side).


someguy said:

Really this isn't Canada's fault, most of Canada is very nice - it's just them.


That One Guy said:

I'm Canadian, but since I don't live near the seals so I would've never heard of this, I feel so sorry for the seals.


That One Guy said:

Not all Canadians are dumb, only the ones who actually DO hunt seals (or any other animal for dumb reasons).


bjack said:

Like they say in south park BLAME CANADA! For killing poor wittle innocent cute seals. There should be a law to block that.


YoshiGirl said:

I'm a peta subscriber and I petition and donate every year when they do it. But not enough people sign the petition or give money :( Also, I don't like the Wii toys being brought to wendy's fast food as the fast food business is a cruel place for chickens. It saddened me to find Nintendo supporting it, seen as I'm a vegetarian.


Smash Champion said:

I hAtE CanAdIAn sEAl KillArZ! How 'bout I massacre you, you sicko hunters!?!


Crimson Hawk said:

Amen Smash Champion, you rock so hard, canadian seal hunters should die. Seals deserve to live too.*sniffle*. WHAAA!


singingsarah said:

I wonder what those people, no wait I can't even call them people they're more like evil heartless demons are thinking when they are skinning and dragging the poor helpless baby seals alive with an axe through their heads.

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Elizabeth said:

This is a school project this is not worth doing but we need to stop the pathetic evil that is going on. What did they do to you like really. Just canadians if you read this and you are a seal hunter will you please just stop what you are doing.


super yoshi said:

Hey seal hunters, what did the seals do wrong huh?!?


random guy said:

Wow I'm Canadian and I never even knew that, that really sucks. Why would people do that? Just one thing though, it's not ALL Canadians, so just concentrate your hate on the hunters, not the country.


pa said:

Why do they do it, do they have a heart? They have a life too and they have a right to live as well as you have a right to live.

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rob said:

Why the hell do they do that?! I bet they wouldn't like it if the seal turned around and skinned them alive.


crystal lucario said:

The poor seals never had a chance.


baronvonevil said:

If you want to help the seals, then boycott canadian seafood.


Crimson Hawk said:

I'm with'ya baronvonevil, ALL THE WAY! Down with canadian seafood *burning a big pile of canadian seafood*!


Crimson Hawk said:

This has pissed me off to the MAX!


Crimson Hawk said:

Well, don't you think we should do something about this tragedy!


whiiz said:

Damn you seal skinners! Who the hell said that killing seals was just? Dammit.


baronvonevil said:

All I know about this hunt is it's supposed to be a stupid tradition that's been around for hundreds of years. Maybe the canadian government is blinded from the cruelty of this hunt by the profits they make from selling those baby seals' fur. I also heard that the seal killers only make 40 bucks, or maybe they're being paid more with all the money that's being taxed from the canadian people, it's just my thought.


Twelvefootdavis said:

Crimson hawk, seals are not Canadian seafood. They are hunted for their fur for wealthy American and European fashionistas. I think this is a barbaric practice, but the only reason most people get upset are because the seals are cute. If this was a spider/fish/ugly animal hunt, no one would care. Millions of cattle get slaughtered every month. But does that stop you all from eating at McDonalds? Survival of the cutest?


flakythetreefriend said:

WHAT THE HELL?! Damn you Canadians, who would even want to do that stupid event like thing!? They've pissed me off so much, I CAN'T EVEN TYPE RIGHT. Oh for the love of god, I wish people would stop all this, at least give them a chance to live. And for some odd reason, I can't help thinking Twelvefootdavis is right. I really don't know what to think.

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PHiRE said:

At least cows get some life though, they're not killed after a few weeks of being born.


Crimson Hawk said:

I didn't say they were seafood, baronvonevil did, and I thought it was true so I agreed with him.


Smash Champion said:

Seafood or not, it's just sick.


Crimson Hawk said:

EXACTLY Smash Champion!


Christian Nelson said:

I, honestly, would kill myself if it stopped the hunting (it should be called murdering, of, not JUST seals, but all animals.


Crimson Hawk said:

You are so dedicated to animals Christian Nelson, YOU ROCK!


Andrew said:

You canadians make me sick! Have you no shame? Where is your honour? Do you have any pride!


baronvonevil said:

Andrew, it's not the fault of all canadians, in fact a majority of the canadian people are opposed to the hunt. 85% if it'll make you feel better, besides that other 15% are most Canadian politicians and the those retarded seal killers. They just need to be killed before they strike next year. The reason for boycotting canadian seafood is because 90% of those sealers are broke fishermen in Newfoundland. The canadian people should vote liberal.


Devonika said:

Screw canadians, that's just wrong.


Tiannaleah said:

Seals shouldn't be killed, they have the right to live just like any other person, damn those bastards. I hope the killers die like the seals they killed!


Crimson Hawk said:

Animals are people too. So they deserve to be treated like people too.


canada my ass said:

SEALS FTW! Canada would hurt seals. THEY'RE CANADIAN.


Sue said:

That is so awful. Stop it NOW.


A Yoshi Fan said:

Agree with baronvonevil. I'm Canadian myself and I do say it's cruel, but where I am I never heard of such a thing except here. That means that we are not retarded overhunting seal killers (well at lest in the East).


Seal Boy said:

Those people are horrible. Seals FTW. Hunters FTL.


wiggitywoofwoof108 said:

Why? You evil creatures.


KirbyRulez said:

In my opinion I'd rather have the seals live. Get a new job, boo hoo for them.


smashfreak said:

How awful.


Rebekah said:

Hi I am from Australia and I am ashamed CANADA. Shame on you.


Bob said:

Seals rule. Save the seals, I hope all seal clubbers die.


LineMaster/Rider said:

I hope all those hunters have eternal suffering in this life and all eternity after it. I hope they go to the deepest depths of torment and back, then get skinned alive by seals.


Master Yoshi said:

Baby seals are so cute. I hope hunters get owned.


emski said:

Oh my god I read this bulletin and it had all these pics and I nearly burst into tears. I love canada and all that but this is just sick. Stop now, how would you like it if someone was doing that to you? Please people have a heart! Xx save the seals xx.

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melanie said:

Stop this, it is cruel. How could you be so stupid? What do you do with the extra coats, throw them away.


dudelidoo said:

Well, not all canadians are to blame, only the stupid government we have. Truly this is the 1 time I ain't proud living in canada.


Isabelle said:

Why are these people so cruel? Those things are helpless and they didn't do anything wrong! What the hell is wrong with you guys?


Holly said:

That is so messed up. I'm sorry but I wouldn't kill anything for its fur. Especially the way they do it. That's horrible.

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alex said:

I think that this is the cruelest thing possible. We must put a stop to it. What if you were them? Think of it that way and things really do change.


kl said:

This is so stupid. How the hell can these people live with themselves. They are such idiots and can go find a new hobby. This is horrible.


sarah said:

This is a disgrace, why would stupid old Canada want to kill baby seals? Because they're losers! But there's more, they have no heart and no respect to living creatures.


kristi said:

Oh my god. Poor seals. I hate the people who kill them. I want to help, but how? This is so sad.


jessica and noelle said:

I'm in 8th grade, me and my friend noelle go and look up the canadian seal hunt every day and it's horrible. I'm so sad right now, I feel their pain and we also are helping by putting posters in our school. To stop the seal hunt!



It's not right so please, they didn't do anything to you.


nitesh said:

What you give is what you get. So whoever is doing these cruel activities, will get the same treatment when it's their time to DIE. God bless these poor seals.


goldseer said:

Those poor little guys. Who the hell skins a poor defenseless ball of fluff like that alive?! It's so cruel.


Mandy said:

That is so mean! Somebody should skin those canadians alive and see how they like it.


sad said:

Oh my god. Horrible :( Seals are better than humans.


Kaylyn said:

When I read the bulletin about seal killing I actually cried. I think this is wrong and I'm against it. I don't believe in killing animals only for their fur! Seals are adorable and should be loved, not killed! If I saw someone killing I seal I'd end up killing that person. I agree with Mandy. Someone should see how Canadians like being skinned. I think it's rude and unfair. I feel bad for these animals.


cilla said:

This is really bad, they need to stop, they have no idea what they are doing to the seals.


LANI said:

Oh my god, why do you do such terrible things to them? You bad people. That should be against the law.


Disgusted said:

Canada should ban this right now, what have the seals done to you? I will answer that as well - nothing and it's disgusting to think that someone would do such a thing.


that one girl said:

I can't believe that, that is so sad. I want to just kill the people that do that. It's sick and wrong.


Titi said:

I detest people who kill harmless animals. They're mean, they deserve to die the same way! It's mean but.



I don't know how people can be so sick minded. I know they wouldn't like it if that happened to them or their babies.


leila the crow said:

I hate animal killing! Especially if they're pointless.


Canadian said:

Huh, that's the oddest thing. I'm a Canadian. That's the weirdest thing ever! Where'd you get your info. If that's true, I'm greatly disappointed. Were they the French or the British? I feel sad for those seals.


lexie said:

Hey this is awful. Stop killing innocent seals. I have been looking at this for about 3 or 4 months and it is just wrong. What did the seals ever do to you? Don't you think that they should have the right to live? We don't need hamburgers or ham or turkey or chicken or any other living thing to live {except the dairy and egg products}. We should all stop eating meat. It is definitely not fair, do the animals have a say in it? No, they can't choose if they want to be eaten or not.


Seal Luver said:

Go to antisealingcoalition.ca for more info on the annual slaughter of seals in Canada.


sonicgodzilla said:

I hope they all die a slow horrible painful death and burn in the deepest pits of hell for doing such a cruel act on those poor defenseless seals.


Lexa said:

This is so stupid. For school I was doing a report and then when I was looking for pics but then I found this. It is so terrible. I love seals and I would never kill a seal or any animal. Please Canada, stop killing the seals for stupid fur. Nobody really needs this fir. They never did anything to you, so don't do it to them.


Crystal said:

I'm Canadian and I love animals, after I found out that Canada is responsible for this, I was freaking out. We must do something to stop this madness.


Seal Lover said:

It's not hunting, it's murder.



If you really want to make an impact, visit any Canadian government site and make a comment.


A person who cares said:

Ok I'm a kid so my mind doesn't really matter, but the seals matter to me ok. That is one of the saddest things ever, like why would you want to go kill a baby seal. What is the matter with our country? That's just wrong. I think no one should wear fur any more, it would save a lot of animals, including baby seals. They're little, that's like killing a little kid. That's wrong man, just stop the madness. SAVE THE SEALS! Like I said before I'm only like 12 but take my advice and like that seal lover person said "It's not hunting, it's murder".


A person who cares said:

You guys are sick. I would say what's the matter with Canadians these days, but I am one. But unlike some other people I would never do this EVER. It just makes me sick to my stomach. I cried when I saw this, I know every one's like "DAMN CANADIANS" but all of them aren't bad. SAVE SEALS, STOP HUNTING! I would kill myself if that would stop hunting, just please stop hunting.


mclarenf2 said:

Save the seals.


Quartz said:

Man there are always problems with hunting baby seals going on. It's really retarded, that's fo' shizzle.


AA said:

Man, I've loved seals all my life and this really sucks. I've known about this, but I didn't know it was this bad. Everyone, write a letter to your Canadian politician! Baby seals FTW.


RR said:

What? They are retarded freaks. Who would kill poor innocent animals by getting their fur? People who do that should go to hell.


rebecca said:

Screw you seal hunters. You're probably the lowest people on this planet. What the hell do you think you're doing? You retards.


ToTaLgAmEr said:

OKAY I'm a Canadian and for everyone who says Canadians in general are to blame, well then you are wrong. Something like 90% of Canada's people live within 100km or miles to the USA border. Therefore only like 10 percent could live in the north where seals live.


Fur FTL Wool FTW said:

I don't agree with seal hunting. I think wool as a much more comfortable (morally and physically) to wear than any fur (I consider wool different to fur because you collect it without killing the animal. It is actually better for the sheep to have its wool sheared off about once a year). If someone has to kill a seal for the fur to feed their family, it should at least should be adult seals. NO other reason.

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Charlie said:

It is so horrible, they can make artificial fur can't they. They don't gotta kill the little dudes, eh.


Lexie said:

Why would you kill animals? They never did anything to you. Would you like a baby seal to kill you? No so stop hunting poor seals I am against Animal testing and killing them for fun. So you people who hunt you better stop! Thank you.


bex said:

How could they do such a thing.


Azzra said:

Oh my god that's messed up. Down Canada! That is the most revolting and inhumane thing to do. What did seals ever do to them?


hbh said:

The real problem is, that's all they can do to keep their family fed. What we need are more job opportunities where those kind of people live.


animalloverzzz said:

Dude you have issues if you think that killing seals is a sport, you got to be kiddin'. Seriously you guys need to get a life, not kiddin' either. Leave the seals alone.


elisa almeida said:

Seriously people, this has to come to a stop, it's not right.


Frogman said:

Sung to the tune of American idiot- *Don't want to be a Canadian Idiot. Don't wanna be some seal skinning hockey nut*.


Frogman said:

Sorry Canada, but that's messed up. I apologize and really can't blame you, but I can blame your government. And all of the seal skinners up there.


Frogman said:

SEALS RULE FOREVER! But they're still not as awesome as.. *coughs* frogs *coughs*.


The Crimson Artist said:

Let's all go to Canada and smuggle them out of the country. Really. We can adopt them and then release them in a safe place later! Or at least get the Canadians to not skin them alive.


BrAwL said:

I was born in Seal Hunting Happy Land (Newfoundland) but even I agree that this is wrong. But in Newfoundland most of the work there involves fish or sea animals. And sometimes beer.


TruBlu said:

Killing animals for their fur is so barbaric and unnecessary. We live in modern times, no need to do such a thing. Once I saw a picture of a lady with a fur coat on and she was holding a dead and skinned fox in her hand. That made me decide I hate fur.


Adol said:

Are they ever going to release Y's I & II on the VC?


the blood writer said:

It's strange that people even hunt wild animals any more in this modern time. I hate those people who take the life of an animal just because they won't settle for fake fur.


mandy said:

Oh my god, what is going on down there? That's so mean and uncaring. I can't believe that they would ever do that to live animals that have a right to live too.


Lemmy said:

Ok for one, that's wrong and two, do they even have permits to do that? But otherwise that's just WRONG. Plain sick.


theykilledkenny said:

How horrible, this really upsets me that animals would be killed just for fur or other stuff. Seriously, why not use fake fur or something. And Wii Freak, you're not evil just cause you're Canadian cause you obviously don't support it.


davyt 0247 said:

Sheesh, what in the world is going on up there, and only for SKINS? (I'm an animal lover and seals are at the very top of my list of favorite animals). I don't think smuggling will work though, Crimson Artist. But, I do think that we all need to do something about this injustice.


hap310 said:

Thank you so much for posting this, so many people are so cruel and I know you are not one of them. This may not sound very nice but I hope the people doing this die in a very painful way, it is all they deserve.


joelle said:

I know that there are a lot of comments but I really hope you take the time to read this one. We need to do something, we can't just sit here saying poor seals, we need to take a stand.


Clong8834 said:

Oh my god. How would they like it if we went and murdered their kids? I hate those Canadians. The baby seals did nothing.


nora said:

Oh my god those poor seals. I hate those awful people. I think they all should rot in prison or I hope that they all die a horrible death just like those seals did. This absolutely needs to stop! Those seals didn't even do anything to them. Those murders are evil and awful people who don't deserve to be alive on this planet.


Animal activist123 said:

I feel so freakin bad for those seals. Like, what the heck do people need seal fur for coats anyway. We can always use fabric!


Franco said:

When one has the opportunity to see some photos how these seals are killed and the reason behind all this, I can not justify this kind of behavior. Nevertheless I think one should start protesting and make pressor on his/her country and perhaps petition which then will be presented to his/her respective government. Hopefully, eventually pressor will be done by our respective countries authorities, and if need be boycotts will be imposed on Canada.


randomer said:

This is disgusting, they should stop doing this, it's absolutely barbaric that they think hunting seals and baby ones at that is fun. I agree with Clong8834 yeah how would they like it if we went and murdered their kids?! Why do these innocent poor baby seals have to suffer.


blackmajic 31 said:

ABSOLUTELY APPALLING, who do we think we are killing seals like that. Not just a few. But 275 000 annually. Just imagine if people were killing our own children (IN FRONT OF US) for their skin. How can we go on like this when people RIGHT NOW are killing those baby seals?. GUYS. There's 150 of us in this forum that feel this way. PLEASE. Let's do something. Sign this pledge. And send a letter to the minister at this site http://www.hsus.org/protect_seals.html

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jose said:

I sick of those hunters who don't even hunt just massacre the poor seals. Men I totally depress that the kind of things that make me feel angry with the people.


KJ WII said:

I LOVE those cute little seals. Why would anyone do anything like that? It makes me sick. How rude of Canada. What did the seals ever do to them? It's so mean.


Person said:

One thing everyone can do is just not buy any seafood from Canada, so they run out of business and that way they will not need to kill seals. But either way this MUST be stopped! Help the cause.


Jen said:

I love seals.



I can not believe that humans are so harsh, they sometimes make me SO mad.


clau said:

I cry when I see this kind of stuff. I don't understand why they kill them. Look at their faces, they are so cute and they look like saying: don't kill me. Oh my god please stop this. I love animals. All of them. We have to respect them and don't hurt them any more. They are here for the same reason as all of us.


Justine said:

I hate that "seal clubbing", it is so unfair to the seals. Seals are adorable and cute and cuddly. I really hope one day someone can stop this. I strongly believe that this needs to stop, it makes me want to cry. Why would anyone do this, just look at their cute faces.


Katie said:

I really hope they stop this crap. It is so unfair to the seals.


matt said:

I love seals, how can people do that to them? I wish people like that were dead and never do it again.


Blahhh said:

I want to shoot them. And also the stupid Chinese that skin dogs and cats alive too! They all have no hearts and are all going to burn in HELL!


Canadian animal said:

This is so sad. I am also from Canada. If they MUST kill them, which they do not have to, they may as well put them to sleep in a humane way rather than beating the guts out of them. They are so sweet too. Life is hard enough not being able to run fast on land, it sort of stinks when a person is coming after you with a club at full speed and you can't run fast enough. Canada is not the only place where there is killing or "hunting" of animals. It's all over the world. Pretty sad. I never wore a fur coat in my life and I never will ever buy one. Do NOT support fur dealers. I never will.


Darkrai said:

They don't even kill them humanely.


Shadowz said:

It's quite sad when humans think they can take advantage of animals like this. Killing them, it's just so inhuman.

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Ashley said:

That's so sad. Let that man lay down and I'll gladly be the one to hurt his ass.


Evan said:

It's stupid, they shouldn't even be allowed to kill seals. I think they can live without the seals fur pelt. The seals should be allowed to live in peace.


sprinkles said:

How can humans kill poor seals? We should all make posters and hang them up saying stop seal hunting.


Douglaszl said:

Stop killing the seals! I'm sick of this people.

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Shannon said:

Seal hunting is disgusting and should be stopped now. If I could I would show that killing a baby seal is like killing a human baby, this is disgraceful and no matter what country or reason.


super me said:

YUCK! We should give guns to the seals, then they will kill the BAD seals hunter.


Seal Saver said:

Save those cuties, poor seals, but I can see why people have to do it if it was their only source of food and income then that makes it better, but they also do it because the population of seals in Canada is too high. Killing them doesn't make it right, why don't they just move them to Antarctica?


Animal luver said:

I DON'T care if they live in poverty, it's horrible to kill those cute little guys.


Fargo said:

Why do they have to kill such innocent baby seals. No animal should be killed because of human selfishness. I believe that animals are equal to humans. Think about this, if people went around killing human babies would we allow it? No! So we shouldn't kill baby or adult seals, or animals period.


Aleks said:

Poor seals. I hate all the people who kill them. What's wrong with Canada?


imgonnakilem said:

How would you like to be skinned alive. Not right huh. I always held a grudge against Canada.


oh lordy said:

People, those seal hunters only make a very very small fraction of their income from sealing. In addition, for some, seal hunting is even considered a sport. And are seals overpopulated? According to scientists, NO! I'm not supporting this cause because I think seals are cute or anything; it's just cruel to beat a helpless animal in its head then skin it alive. And yes, I'm a vegetarian so don't say that I only support baby seals because they're cute. I support other animals too.



I just can't believe that Wii live in a world that does this. Stop the killing. The killing of Whales (if you watch Whale wars you'll know what I mean), Seals (as you've read above), Fish (I mean stop over-fishing. It's fine, but just in moderation, we didn't Over-Fish over 150 years ago, why do it now). And other animals like the killing of bush meat (monkeys) in Africa.


Katie said:

What in the world is wrong with these people. The seals are so cute, and they're defenseless. It's like a person killing a baby for god sake. I'm sure they wouldn't like it if a person came after them with a club the way they do with the seals. Some people in this world today are taking nature and all of its beautiful creatures for granted, and the sad part is that the majority of people probably won't realize it until it's too late. That goes for all the endangered species like the gorilla, elephant, tigers, etc. I just don't see how some people can be so cold and say "Hey let's go club a poor defenseless animal today".


Urban Canadian Kid said:

It's not Canada in general, it's the people. But seriously, if you're going to kill something, don't kill it for nothing. Don't kill for stuff you want. You probably already have it. Freakin' idiots are a disgrace to my country.


Leya Loves Seals said:

S. O. S Save our seals, spread the word teach everyone about saving seals. Tell everyone you know, put it on face book, send though e-mail, people need to know.


Penny said:

Oh my god see I'm sick of all the killing of all animals and reading of hearing them on the TV, radio and papers. I agree with Leya, S.O.S and S.O.W (save our seals and save our whales). I am planning to do something about it because I love all animals and the ones that die, they do nothing to the people. We are selfish dicks.


hotty said:

Hell with those hunters how would they liked to be killed with sticks.

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