SSBB final smashes

SSBB final smashes

The latest info about Super Smash Bros Brawl is regarding attacks called "final smashes". These are deadly attacks that can only be pulled off once in each game, and only after collecting an item called the smash ball (pictured left).

Smash Ball
Scramble for the Smash Ball.

Mario's fireball
Mario winds up his final smash.

Mario's fireball
Bam. That's a spicy meatball.

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Wooooooooooo said:

Mario's getting dragonball Z style!


Captain Jamesman said:

Wow! Mario will never be the same again! It seems he won't need fire flowers any more.


um said:

Wow that's cool.


Quartz said:

Nice! Haha, spicy meatball. This looks awesome.


Sniper Veteran said:

What's Snake's final smash? An airstrike? Yea I think that's a great final smash for Snake.


Unknown said:

Oh yeah. But I wonder what pikachu's final smash attack is? I never saw it in the trailers.


Scooby Jew said:

I don't get why they call it a "final" smash. Is it only available near the end of the match as a Sudden Death substitute or was that just a fitting name for it at the time?


JD said:



Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:

Maybe Roy will do the same, that's if he comes in the game. Peach's will probably be a GIANT TURNIP! And imagine having only those final smashes and putting items on high.


stinky12694 said:

They call it a final smash because it will most definitely kill your opponents.


Hey said:

Link's must be that sweet thing where he hacks at you while you're trapped between triforces.


Elementrat said:

Well, this is quite a new tactic. This will make for some interesting twists on gameplay. I'm still wondering exactly how single player mode will be. Everyone seems to focus on multiplayer because thats where SSB truly shines.


Sonic Fan said:

Cool. But I wonder what Sonic's final smash attack will be, if he is in it.


cmk said:

Nice. Maybe kirby will suck up everyone and get a bigass powerup.


Brawl Bobby said:

Actually, Kirby's final smash attack is this: He puts on a chef's hat and throws someone into a giant pot and cooks them (maybe he eats them!). Well, that's what he does to Mario, that's what I saw in the preview.


Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:

Yeah! Wario's is his freakin fart attack and Pickachu's will probably be a giant thunderstorm.


mATT said:

I'll bet that all final smashes automatically get rid of at least one life unless you avoid them.


Crimson Hawk said:

I wonder what Pit's final smash is?


ghostrider brawler said:

Maybe or most probably sonic's final smash is going to be where he transforms into super sonic.


Lady X said:

Mario looks like he got a lil boost, that's all good and everything but I won't be ok with all of this until I see that Zelda/Shiek is in. Sonic I don't think will be all that. I think they need to put a few more girls in though lol FEMALE POWER.


Boo said:

The thing is, well I think that final smashes sort of ruin the game as it was before. To make it better for all players who think like me or like the final smashes they should make it optional.


Goku said:

Nice so mario finally learned the 10x kamehameha that I taught him, good for him.


max said:

If you think back, we've actually been told a lot of the final smashes already. Just look at the trailers. Mario- fire blast thingy, Zelda- Triforce slash, Samus- That huge gun blast from the trailer, Wario- Massive fart, Pikachu- Controllable ball of electricity, Kirby- Cooks enemy in a pot.


hopes said:

I hope they have a lot of characters in this game, like 70. Ooh that would be fun.


Steve said:

Question about the smashes, do you get the item then use it or do you get the item then press a button to use it?


alib said:

I think the idea of a final smash is cool, it would be a bit better if you could use it more often.


nojes said:

If they put falco in I wonder what his final smash will be. Probably similar to whatever fox's is.


TidalSpiral said:

I'd love it if Fox used the idea of throwing his reflector into the sky and blasting away at it, throwing a huge rain of lasers down on everyone. Maybe the lights dim and the reflector hover in the air for a minute so you get plenty of blasting. And the shots push people back slightly.


Super Smash said:

Falco won't be in, he stunk. Roy won't be in it because he was just a clone of Marth to promote the new fire emblem game that was horrible.


master said:

Pikachu's final smash is volt tackle.


ghostrider brawler said:

I bet meta knights final smash is were he makes a awall of swords and slashes all the enemys up a bit like marios final smash but instead of fire its swords.


Emi said:

Want to bet that Peach's Final Smash may be either her Psych Bomb from Super Mario RPG or the vibes from Super Princess Peach?

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SONIC said:

I bet sonic's final smash will be like he turns into metal sonic and runs really fast and rams into the enemy.


superchaosway said:

In a video demonstrating how to play brawl, sonic gets a smash ball and goes Super Sonic and kicks Link's ass BAD.


snake said:

I am getting that game.


shadowdancer said:

The only I know about sonic's smash attack is that he turns into super sonic.


billybob said:

Wario's super smash isn't that huge fart. He actually eats garlic for his final smash. The fart is just his down B attack.


Mr Random said:

I've seen Sonic's final smash. It's frickin awesome. You get to control Super Sonic and ram into other players.


Mr Random said:

Snake's final smash is Grenade Launcher. You get 12 rounds to fire at your opponents from a helicopter that picks you up. You keep shooting until you run out of ammo or when your time runs out. Then it's over.


Mr Random said:

Pikmin and Olimars final smash is End of Day. What happens is Olimar heads for his ship, blasts off, then it turns to nighttime. Then a whole bunch of creatures attack the other players. The more brawlers, the more damage is done. Then Olimar lands with an explosion.


DK(deodorant kill) said:

Fox, Falco and Wolf (if you didn't know he was in there) have the same final smash. It is a giant landmaster that comes down from the sky and blasts them to death. The landmaster can also hover so it is good just in case you roll it off the edge, so basically it kicks butt.


Danny said:

Okay, this might sound weird, but at the point that Sonic achieves his Super Sonic status of his final smash. He actually sounds EXACTLY, EXACTLY like Goku I mean almost totally the same, I'm confident it isn't the same guy but I still think it might be. Anyone think they may be able to clear this up?


franco said:

Fox, Falco and wolf do have the same final smash but they say different things.


Dario said:

Hey does someone know what Pit says when he makes his final smash?


Wii Rox said:

Pit says "All troops, move out" and the landmasters are different, fox handles well on the ground but poorly in the air, and falco vice versa. Wolf's landmaster surpasses fox AND falco's tank in land movement and aerial, but only appears for half the time.


kewl kid said:

Does anybody know what Mario says when he performs his final smash? I'm totally unable to understand anything he says.


ED said:

Kewl kid, Mario just does a battle cry.


ganondork said:

Almost every final smash is dodgeable, just side step them.


ganondork said:

Ganondorf's final smash is when he turns into ganon and k0s you and if you look at it you're paralyzed.


ganondork said:

True that sonic becomes super and pickachu's volt tackle, but they're impossible to control. I'm cereal.

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