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Wii Fit weight limit

Wii Fit weight limit

A new promotional image shows the balance board used in Wii Fit has a weight limit of 300 pounds.

300lbs limit (136Kg).

Note however that this is the Japanese version, and Nintendo may be releasing a larger sized board for blobby America.

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Rob Jones

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Mr Friend said:

136kg is about 300lb.


Master Foot said:

They should increase the US weight limit to much more than that! And of course there are going to be the frivolous law suits over weight discrimination because of broken Wiifit boards. One word Nintendo, Adamantium.


Zelda Dude said:

They should probably make a bigger board, just in case. Some people in the US are a little overweight.

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John said:

This made me laugh.


B Darius said:

Fat people NEED Wii Fit.


CaLi NuGGiTs said:

That's funny.


Scooby Jew said:

Aww, poor fat people that "have feelings too". Yeah right. Fat people are designed for one thing: A source of entertainment for us horizontally blessed.


Gonzo said:

Wow, I'm way less than that. My family is too. So we can try this out.


Stupidgenius said:

When a bunch of fat americans break one of these things they're going to be seriously pissed.


Nintendoof said:

Goomba is packin' on the pounds.


Elebot said:

Yeah, saw this coming. Kind of ironic that something to encourage you to exercise would have a weight limitation.


Splintercell4ever said:

Well, one of my teachers definitely cannot play this game.

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Nova said:

The fact that they are even making a fat version of it says something about america.


jskrdude said:

There's no need to increase the limit. Nobody that weighs 300 pounds is going to want to stand up and move around on that excercise board thing.


DragonFoxCoon said:

They'd better; doesn't everyone in the world know how much we love our fast food over here?


Jimmy said:

Looks pretty in green. I agree with Master Foot.


Goombaka said:

300lb is hardly unreasonable. If you weigh more than 300lb, I think your physical fitness is beyond the powers of a mere video game.


TapijTBeveR said:

It's only a problem in the usa!


eric ♥ wii said:

Lmao. Wow that is seriously so true, they have to raise the weight thing for the US. We are the most obese country in the world.


Morrissey said:

From what I see every day, the 'fat b45t4rd' version should be available in Australia too.


Senpai said:

If you're more that 300 pounds you need to fix your diet and sit around less, these exercises are too extensive for anyone above 300.


Master Foot said:

Maybe they should make two SKUs; one with a 300lb limit and one with a 500lb limit.


BrothaZ said:

Now when I read this, I'm hungry. 300 seems a little low for Nintendo's standards I'll admit.


Chris said:

Nintendo now presents: Wii Fit TUBSTER EDITION! How many stone does that convert into?


Ultigonio said:

Yeah. Motion sensitive tech can only withstand so much. However, I wouldn't say that 300 is morbidly obese. In fact, it's not.


Nintendoof said:

That's ironic isn't it?


Sunray said:

If you think that 300lbs is not morbidly obese you are sorely mistaken. Why not just lay off the people who have weight issues and let them enjoy the Wii the way we all do.


orphen said:

I think if you're over 136 kilo, you shouldn't be inside plying on the Wii but go out and exercise.


ttc said:

I guess that 300 is a lot but I agree they should make a fat version.


wiifat said:

You guys are so weak. 20something posts here and not one of you came up with the OBVIOUS product name for the 300lb+ version. Wii FAT.


Mlemlo said:

You guys are also overlooking the fact that the average American is taller than the average Japanese. I'm 5'10" and 225lbs, I have to say that if I were 300lbs, I feel I'd be physically able to handle Wii Fit (I mean, I'm out of shape, so it'll still be hard as hell, but I could do it and improve at it). Now image all the overweight people 6' and taller.


Large said:

I am 6'4" 320 lbs and can out run/exercise/etc every one of you with the weak comments about Fat People. Oh and I have a Wii and want Wii Fit. Ignorance rules the world.


Idiots said:

My brother is 6'7" 315 lbs, he is a bit overweight, but not that much. He is mostly muscle with about 20lbs of fat to lose. I would guess 90% of people on this post have 20lbs to lose. Bump it up to a 450 limit.


Man in a Box said:

I'm 6'4" and about 230lbs so the weight factor isn't a problem but, what about the size? If I stand with my feet shoulder width apart I'd need a board at least 70cm wide. Does anybody know the dimensions of the board?


Fat Guy said:

Yeah, of course you're all right. A person who's over 300lbs doesn't need to exercise or anything. Seriously, a person who's extremely overweight more often than not physically can't take the strain of doing things like jogging or playing basketball. Something light in the home would be safer, and allow the exercise program to continue. For me, I swim because the buoyancy makes my weight less of an issue and I can still get a good workout without destroying my joints, but I'd like a nice, fun, home alternative. I'd personally need more than a 300lb limit, but you get used to not being able to fit in places. But some of you people don't need to be a jerk about it.


Quick Silver said:

Yeah I was wondering the weight limit myself. For something like this, I'd invest in the replacement plan, that places like Futureshop, Best Buy etc offer. Good idea though. I'd be interested in trying it, if it didn't cost too much.


Gina Beets said:

If people don't want to be 300lbs then they should have just stopped at 250.


Lizerd said:

Ok you people shouldn't be making fun of horizontally blessed people. Some people realize that they are overweight and want to do something about it so don't discourage them! Oh and what's up with the crazy bunny from rayman on here?


Deep said:

I agree with fat guy, I used to be fat myself, trust me it used to be difficult for a fat person like me in the past to go to the gym without other people giving you a complex. The product is great as it can let you be in your own space initially until you lose a few kilos. The fact that you don't have to be around people for a fat person is the best thing about this product. It's a good start. Sooner or later you got to start jogging if you want to lose serious weight, but this will help a lot in get the initial momentum definitely.


jnmacD said:

Mlemlo the average Japanese person is not much below 5'10, despite internet statistics. I thought the same before I came to live here and they really aren't much smaller than the average westerner. I have plenty of Japanese friends taller than me. I'm 6'0 and weigh around 200 pounds and am MUCH fatter then the average Japanese person. They are just lighter because they are not fat. Height has nothing/little to do with it.


lumpygravy said:

Hey hey hey. There are fat people in Japan. Just not as many as in America lol. But then again we are a larger nation (no pun intended) than Japan. However, if your ass is over 300 lbs, you should be exercising by pushing away from the table, drop a few pounds (say 100 or so) and then buy a Wii-Fit board. Oh, and the Japanese are much smaller people. Americans have BIG BONES. I'm 135 lbs by the way (after popping out three kids, thank you) and I plan on getting one of these because I LOVE my Wii.


Lyle Wiiwing said:

Being over 300 lbs is extremely rare if not impossible to find in Japan. That's because they take better care of themselves physically and mentally than here in NA. But I doubt that they will change the weight when releasing it here.


another fat guy said:

You guys are so ignorant and realize that there are people out there who are over 300lbs for whom their weight isn't reflective of their eating and exercise habits. I'm one of those people. I have to exercise 2 hours a day and stay on a strict diet to just MAINTAIN the weight I'm at. I have an extremely slow metabolic rate, and because I was sick for about half a year at a time, and then had another 4 months without rigorous activity after a brain surgery to remove a tumor, I have gone past 300lbs, I'm glad I'm not close to 400. I play rigorous sports as well, I play basketball, soccer and football. I'm actually one of the best basketball players in my school and could easily beat about 95% of the people in the school. I want something like Wii Fit, because I would rather do something and enjoy it for maybe half an hour, rather than boringly jogging for half an hour or doing other exercises (which is part of my maintenance plan).


Tall Guy said:

Hi, I'm 6'3", 280lbs. I've played hockey and worked out for the last fifteen years of my life. I'm a big guy, I have a pudgy belly, but I also have a lot of muscle to back it up. While I'm under the "weight limit", I would greatly appreciate it if they upped it to maybe 350 or 400 because what happens when my 100 pound nephew or 200 pound cousin comes over and jumps on it (thusly increasing their weight by adding momentum to their mass)? As a side note to those of you being rude to people who are over 300 lbs, did you ever think maybe this could be their chance at losing some weight? I was a "fat kid" (5'ish and 200lbs already) until I started playing hockey. Sometimes it only takes a fun outlet for people to get active and get some self esteem and the pounds keep rolling off. Shame on all of you.


princess said:

My fiance is 6ft 7, 330lbs and isn't unfit. He is a boxer and rugby player so is just heavy, but by no means is he unfit.


Moosegrinder said:

The UK packshot says 150kg.


Chip said:

Well I am one of those fat Americans and I'm hitting the gym. One, for my baby girls, and two so I can get under 300 to play Wii Fit. This is cool.


Cas said:

People talking about being 300 pounds+ and claiming they're muscled/fit. Give me a break. If you're over 300 pounds and made of muscle, you're not going to be the kind of guy who'd be using the Wii for fitness unless you get paid to promote it on tv, the rest of you are liars. I got a lot of family members who are fat but at least they don't deny it. Nevertheless, I agree the weight limit should be increased. I'm sure there are some huge people who'd like to get started somehow, although I don't personally know anyone larger than 300.


Johnnyboy said:

Forget about weight, what about me. I've lost my legs so can't do this. They should do one for wheelchair.


Kynda Wii said:

Well, I am over 300 lbs, but would like something that I could challenge my kids on (my younger daughter has a rare genetic skin disorder, so most sports are out for her) that is physically challenging. Having a Wii fit board that could support say 400 lbs (even though I don't weigh near that) would make me feel more comfortable about dishing out the bucks. As for the person who said that physically fit people who weigh over 300+ wouldn't use this. Have you ever MET a bodybuilder? They LOVE to have fun and I know the men from Team Impact would LOVE to play on one of these things just to try and outdo each other. The balance games also look like something they could do when recovering from an injury. Being a 5'10" female in the USA who is almost 350 lbs, (serious car wreck & then being afraid to leave the house for a very long time caused me to pack it on with emotional eating not that you care), I would purchase it just for the balance games ALONE. Because they would be FUN! So, Nintendo could make money by charging me more for a bigger board. Plus get me to brag about it to people who have chubby kids. Sounds win/win for Nintendo to me.


JES said:

I'm 320#, I work out 3-4x a week, ride a bike, golf, hike, jog. I used to lift weights, and that's where I got most of my mass. Having a Wii fit would be great! I could enjoy it with my wife & kids as well. Everyone I've met tells me I look like I weigh 250. Not everyone over 300 looks like a couch potato! I'm just lucky that 150kg=330# (If the US gets the UK model). All you judgmental people on this post need to take a chill pill. People over 300# can be healthy, or at least lose weight. I bet some of you are ugly or stupid; for which there is no cure. If you're just a bigot though, there may be help for that type of ugliness.


Greg said:

Shaquille O'Neal is around 325lbs. I'm not too fat, I'm too short.


Sasquatch said:

6'8" 310lbs here. I lift 4 times a week and I'm a member of the Utah Highway patrols DPS SWAT team. I'm a member of the Utah National Guard and have been to Iraq twice. Physical fitness is a big part of my life not only because it has to be but because I love to do it. Being as big as I am I would worry about breaking something electronic that you stand on especially if it only has a 300lbs. Limit. I hope that I can get an extended warranty plan on an item like this. I want one because I just love video games of all types, been gaming my entire life. My wife is pregnant and I think it would be a neat gift for her as well. I think an interactive solution to working out will make it fun and having daily goals while being able to monitor your progress on a video game is pure genius. Can't wait to see this.

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Michael said:

Well I'm about 6 feet tall, and I'm right around 300lbs. I'm overweight and out of shape, but the activities on Wii Fit are something that I should be able to do with little problem. I mean I also play the DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) game on the Wii- can do almost any song on the 2 easiest levels with no problem. (being overweight, I sweat quickly and tier quicker than some others), but I move around a lot for 300lbs. I heard that the US board is a little wider then the Japan board (wider people), so hopefully they do increase the limit some (350 - 400lbs) for the American version. Last weight check - 298, so unless I have a big supper, I should be OK.


Tito said:

The adamantium comment was hilarious.


dc said:

A lot of people are fat due to medical conditions- real ones. I was a varsity soccer player, cyclist, and intermediate JKD/Kali practitioner- when my body was destroyed by an MRSA infection I got IN THE HOSPITAL. I laid almost motionless in a hospital bed for 2 months while they treated me. Everything atrophied. Even astronauts are wheeled around in chairs after only a week or two in space. Anyway, I'm a blob now, and the meds I had to take could take years to wear off completely. I'd like a Wii FAT model please! Anything to make recovery easier. And next time you laugh at a fat guy- Just remember how quickly you could end up that way, through no doing of your own.


Get a life said:

You people who consider yourself "horizontally blessed" have no room to talk. You obviously don't understand what it's like to be overweight and have to deal with people like scooby jew putting you down. Who cares if someone is overweight? You should encourage them for wanting to be healthier! Other peoples choices aren't your business anyway. If you can use the board don't worry about how it's going to work for people you don't even know. It's people like that that make this world such a hateful place.


P said:

I have a buddy that's 325lbs and is in really good shape, he's just tall and lifts weights.


Bii said:

I hope they make it to fit up to 500lbs, even though I weigh quite a bit less (but still over 300lbs). I can physically do the things they are showing but it is hard to get out and do it since I have small children. I belonged to a gym until they closed down. I think it would be excellent to be able to have my whole family participate in physical fitness. Even if they had the option to get a heavier duty one since not everyone needs one to accommodate great girth.


cme said:

Ok stop the bull. I am tired of people saying that since you're over 300# you should be outside or in a gym exercising. Have you ever thought that the world is so cruel to people that want to exercise but when you're out and doing it they stare and laugh. On the other hand let someone 150 or 180 run or walk by they are all smiles. That is why they need to up the weight requirements people still want to have fun. No, there shouldn't be a different game for plus people we are already segregated why keep doing it. No WIIFit+ nor WIIFit-500.


spanish moon said:

I am bowled over by some of the comments here. I really thought that people had been educated better than to think some people are obese because they are weak or because they want to be. I think the Wii FIT is a wonderful way for obese people- and I am one of them- to start some gentle exercise at home before going out and facing people like some of those smug ones who have replied here.


Specialtee said:

I am considered obese by medical standards but I work out 4 times a week since the beginning of the year. I like the aerobics classes because they are fun. The others wonder how I can move so fast and yes I'm a little over 300 lbs but there are people who are smaller than me who get tired easily while doing these advanced aerobics, so please don't judge a book by its cover because you tend to be left looking more of a fool than you are. I am sure there will be some skinny folks kicking their Wii Fit to the curb when it proves too much for them. And who is it that determined what is obese and what is not? If we look at doctors they always come up with some new theory and if you look to fashion they are always changing sizes to smaller and smaller so those who used to be considered thin at that size are now looked at as being fat. People are different no matter what, some have acne, some have disabilities, some are poor, and some are republicans! Everything is a circle of discrimination and people talk bad about what they fear an never about what they have or will accomplish.


Keikue said:

Well I used to weigh over 440 pounds now am at about 330. I have been working hard trying to lose weight and think this would be a great activity to keep people like myself motivated. I hope they do increase the weight.


Mose said:

Good news for all my chubby American chums, Wii Fit has launched in Europe with a 150kg weight limit.


peter said:

300lb = 21.5 stone! If you weigh more than that, better get jogging.


falconV said:

This game sounds fun, even though I am not overweight (just out of shape). I wish all you overweight people good luck in getting back in shape.


Plaugefiend said:

Well, not all Americans are fat. But then again, we do have McDonald's. Damn that clown.


Wii Rox said:

WOW scooby jew you're really sounding insensitive. I REALLY hate people who think that way, that is so smug and typical, that comment was COMPLETELY unneeded, don't you think those "poor fat people" have enough problems already, without arrogant people like YOU putting them down? Seriously, get over yourself, the whole point of wiifit is to give larger people a better sense of confidence so they CAN get out more. Your comment just pissed me clean off.


fudgelen said:

The Wii fit is not just for skinny people. Fat people don't just sit around all day but that's all people seem to think about them. My mum is overweight and she's always on the go, she has more energy than her skinny friends. Just because you're skinny does not make you a fit and healthy person. Jamie Oliver even proved that on a documentary on c4, the obese man was fitter than the skinny man. Don't judge a book by its cover (i love you Wii rox). ps I'm not overweight but my mum has the same fitness as me.


Jimbo said:

There are some idiots in here.


Big Bear said:

There are some very good points made here. I am currently 6"2 and about 350. I am a ex cross-country runner, a Lacrosse player and a football player. I'm a little on the heavy side now but I have always been, even in High School I was never lower than about 250. I love video games and I should probably just drop the excess weight to get down but the motivation is the hardest part. I would love to see a bigger board because I believe that anybody can lose weight, just need a little push in the right direction. It is so hard to get a good cardio workout when you are heavy due to joints, other body parts and confidence problems. A big board for Wii fit is something every heavy person needs. Also to set all those people that are hating on the bigger people, you can go screw yourself. I have had to put up with you kind of people all my life and to tell you the truth I have beat the crap out of so many of you it's funny. So lay off the fat jokes and statements because it's you people that give Americans bad reputation not us, you are scum and not even good enough to hold my jock strap.

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connor said:

Yo, just because you weigh near 300 pounds doesn't mean that you're so fat you can't stand up! I'm 17, 6'3 and around 19st. But I do lift weights. So yea, I agree that the Wii fit should probably have a higher weight limit.


Quartz said:

I'm only around 95 pounds but I'll be playing this game anyway. It looks awesome. And, isn't this kind of old?


Big Guy said:

Can I get two balance pads and put one foot on each one for a 600lb limit? If not, I guess I'll have to wait for WiiFit- Quarter Ton Edition.


fact finder said:

In Japan the Wii Fit box says the Balance Board is rated to 136 Kg, or 300 pounds, whereas in America it's rated to 330 pounds, which is 150 Kg. You'd think the board was made stronger for the US, but in fact Japan has a little-known law where manufacturers have to submit their scales for government approval. At the time the standard was 300 pounds. Since America doesn't have that law, we're able to state that it can hold 330 pounds despite the fact that the Boards are exactly the same! When you're performing certain actions like jumping and squatting you're putting extra pressure on the board, so in fact it's able to withstand considerably more weight-- probably about 600 pounds This was said by Shigeru Miyamoto Nintendo senior managing director/producer/game designer. Hope this clears things up.


Bill said:

Wow, what a bunch of jerks many of you are. Karma is going to bite you in the ass sooner or later. I was 467 pounds last year and was a lot more active than most people. I got down to 409 in 6 months by walking, diet changes and bicycling. I had gastric bypass surgery in December and am now down to 350. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week for two hours each time. I think that too many people underestimate how able bodied some of us morbidly obese folks are. I have pre-ordered my Wii Fit and will wait until I am down to 330 lbs to use it. Besides, there will more than likely be a third party that comes out with an even better Balance Board with higher weight limits. I just hope the software doesn't max out at 300 or 330 when you have to enter your weight.


blahblahblah said:

Americans are so disgusting and ignorant it's pathetic. Something as innocent as a Wii Fit has brought out the stupid in some of you people. Who the hell cares what size you are, EVERYONE needs to work out. Yes the size limit should be higher because there are bigger people in the world who need to lose weight. Being obese isn't just throwing food in your mouth every 10 mins. It also has to do with emotional stress from idiots like some of the people here. Now please enlighten me on how it makes sense to criticize someone for being overweight but when they try to lose weight they get criticized for that as well? So I guess basically overweight people are damned if they do and damned if they don't right? Some overweight people have food addictions. That may sound funny but it's just like any other addiction. They use food to take the pain or hurt away from what they are feeling inside. Just like crack heads rely on crack. Bulimic people also have food addictions but they are never the butt of jokes. Because at the end of the day they are still skinny, even though they in their heads they are thinking they are fat. Get a clue, have some respect.


Jenni said:

Um, I think 300lbs is completely reasonable. It's plastic anyways, how much weight do you think it can withstand?


jj said:

Whatever happened to if you don't have anything nice to say don't anything at all? I'm sure all you people that are talking all this crude crap are perfect and have no flaws at all. Grow up and get over yourself.


Pretty Pete said:

My brothers and I are all over 300lbs and not one of us are obese. We all are just blessed with large bodies, German heritage. If you see me at 310lbs do 50 push ups in less than 2 minutes and than play DDR on heavy are you still going to criticize me?


TapijTBeveR said:

I think the one place you would have to worry about this weight limit would be Germany. I mean even the women are over six foot. I have been to Japan and Korea as well and they have some heavy people there as well. It is more of a worldwide thing with people being overweight now-a-days. But do what we all do and blame Canada.


maryjane said:

Blame yourselves, everyone loves eating. I'd rather be big than a skinny person. I don't want to be invisible when I turn sideways. I'm 5'9 and weigh 195, yeah I'm fat, deal with it. We come in all shapes and sizes, some of us weren't born to anorexic parents. Yeah there are people out there that blame us for it's good old fast food but it's better than squid or cat meat or dog meat. Everyone in this world are FREAKS OF NATURE somehow.


yeah said:

I am 310 and workout 5 days a week. Try having a jacket size of 56 and waist of 44. 12 difference. Average is 6. There are fat people in other countries you pieces of shat.


JD said:

I am still freaked out about using the glass weight scales. I am just very aware that I am overweight and I wouldn't like to put my faith in something with such a low weight limit. Perception is the worst thing to have while "trying to get in shape". I will not let it phase me that I am awful close to the limit- I'm just going to pretend that this is obviously created for people who are already "fit".


musclegut said:

300lbs is really not much. I'm 6'2" 260lbs, my bmi always registers off the charts as I'm a bodybuilder and muscle weighs more than fat so don't be discouraged by what a machine tells you, factor in reality.


Grumbles said:

Oooh I so want to buy this! If it were 350 limit, I would be there in line at 3am. But I guess I have to loose 20 lbs in order to be able to work out. *rolls eyes* I would totally pay a $50 premium for a "beefy" version. I've been doing my 10, 000 steps a day with my pedometer and walking a few miles with a friend a few days a week, this Wii Fit would really give me something fun to exercise with and hopefully shed these pounds.


Gravdigr said:

I'm glad to hear the board can handle the higher weight for the lower impact exercises. My wife has struggled with her weight for many years. She was overweight when we met, friends joked she should carry me over the threshold and I'm 6' 225 lbs, and she could carry me. She's big, strong, and very active. Problem is cold winters pretty much keep us stuck inside as a gym is out of the question due to her insecurity issues, not that she would get hurt feelings, but that she would get angry and break the offending person in 2. So all you snobs that happen to be skinny, be glad the bad tempered fat people could exercise in their homes. By the way, we love Wii sports, she kicks my butt in boxing every time.


Morbidly Obese said:

I weigh 480lbs and have been interested in using this item since I heard about it. I think the balance and stretching games would be very appropriate for someone who wants to "get off the couch" and "push away from the table." I am strong as an ox and indeed love to eat good food. No, I do not have a medical condition that made me overweight. No, I do not need your sympathy, empathy or give a crap what any of you think. Opinions are indeed like a-holes, everyone has them; although, it seems like ignorant people have more flying out theirs than us fatties (even though we can single-handedly close a buffet line). All being said, I am going to buy one the day it comes out and break the $#&% out of it and return over and over again. I hope I can single-handedly destroy the supply in my locality and hope other fatties will play along. I guess the beautiful will need to w(eigh)t and "get outside" for some exercise.


Ironic Wii said:

I am 6'3 330lb and I'm so crazy about Wii that I'm planning to loose 40lb in a few weeks just to get it. Wait. I could also just buy 2. That's it. This way I can gain 270lb and still use Wii fit (x2= 600lb limit). If it doesn't I'll sue Nintendo because today I'm fat because they didn't invent this earlier. For those in doubt- my name is irony.


Trife said:

If you are overweight and upset that the weight restrictions are below your weight, go lose it somewhere else, you can't blame anyone but yourself and your lifestyle/activities to your weight. Go look at those insanely obese people when they occasionally have bits about them on TV, they end up consuming tens of thousands of calories a day, consuming multiple two-liters and eating candy bars by the handful- it's all their own doing, if you cut back, you will surely get a little help. Saying it's genetic isn't an excuse either, cause no way your grandparents and great grandparents were 500 pounds, because they wouldn't have ever functioned in society. Just lose the weight yourself, then play your video games. Besides, if you weigh that much and you just want to play a video game, you're not going to want to play it much anyways cause you'll be sweating to death.


Steven said:

Looking at the manual for the Wii Balance Board on the Nintendo website, the US version is limited to 330 lbs (150 kg).


Jim said:

All you people are doing is discussing what's considered fat and what isn't. This is ridiculous, some of you saying fat people can barely stand? I work 50+ hours a week standing on my feet in a 100+ degree warehouse at times in the middle of the summer. I also happen to be 400+lbs shut the hell up with the bullsh*t as everyone is different. Granted I'm not calling myself fit by any means but damn. As for the WiiFit its a game, a video game, the same thing that made a good percentage of fat people fat in the first place. So shut the hell up, go eat McDonalds, and bring me back some too, and we'll play Wiifit together and see who and how long it takes to break it!


Big Dog said:

I weigh 380 but look like I weigh 300. I already walk at least 3 miles a day but this would let me exercise while I relax so that would be cool. Oh and to that "Scooby Jew" idiot why not say something face to face and see how long you stay horizontal.


chingon said:

I'm 6'5 1/2", 314 lbs. I am seriously ill. I have Severe Progressive Rheumatoid Arthritis, Coronary Artery Disease (it's hereditary a-holes)and several minor problems related to my health and medication I take. I am fairly active, I walk my labs daily except in extreme weather (I live in Ohio), I go fishing several times per week, and I play my Wii Sports and Tiger Woods golf. I used to play basketball every day until I was 32 and started feeling the effects of the arthritis. I eat the same diet my wife eats at 122 lbs. When I was 26 and played basketball and worked out at a facility I was 260lbs and extremely physically fit. Now I cannot do any exercise that impacts the joints, because of Arthritis and my weight. I need non-impact exercise and Wii Fit would be a blessing for me. For all the jerks, nlm. 'I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was'.



I just went out and bought Wii fit (on reserve) today and I get it home and it simply refuses to get past the weigh-in and keeps resetting every time I try to get it to register. If you are anywhere near 300 pounds, it will refuse to work with, supposed 660 pound combined weight limit or not. Be warned, do not buy if you are actually overweight. Isn't that silly?


Shame on U said:

Have compassion for fat people and their feelings. My dad is 6'4 and definitely obese, but he could for sure get some use out of a bigger board. He's too lazy to go outside and exercise, but this would be more convenient and would be in the privacy of his own home. This product really gives me the most hope for him. So you haters. LAY OFF! Think about old people too, like my grandfather who is around the 300 lb mark, had a shoulder replacement a year ago, and will have his knees done this summer. I think this would be awesome for his rehabilitation, flexibility, circulation, etc. So let's just give this bigger board a chance for the sake of our fat loved ones.


This is absurd said:

I seriously hope that the people making cracks and demeaning comments about fat people are still in high school or younger (which that's still not an excuse). If you are adults, you should really be ashamed of yourselves. You must live really pathetic lives. People are excited about the Wii fit. It shouldn't matter what size, if you want to use it then go for it. The people who think they are better than fat people or in their deluded mind think they are a supermodel, you really need to seek psychiatric help. You obviously are not happy with yourselves.


WTH People said:

Since when has it been okay to discriminate against ANYONE? When America started, the Indians were the source of hate, then the Chinese and the Irish, and of course the Blacks and Mexicans. Now it's wrong to make fun of a persons nationality (they can't help what color they are or where they're from) so now we pick on the fat people. Come on! Hate is HATE. PERIOD. What does it matter how you hate, skin, sexual orientation, religion, size. When has hate become ok? Get off it! No one wants to be fat. It's uncomfortable, people look at you like you're dirty, it's horrible. Why not respect each other for a change and learn to accept our differences and coexist. Did you know, fat people are charged more on airplanes, can't use exercise equipment, or go on some fun rides or go horseback riding. It's now the ONLY acceptable form of prejudice and it needs to stop. What about our civil rights?


grinchedmom said:

Saw the weight limit. Although I am 275 lbs, I would not feel comfortable on it (I feel like I weigh in excess of 500 lbs). I was not always big like this. I used to be fit as a fiddle before I married an abusive husband. Matter of fact, I was a knock out. Had the looks and the walk to go with it. Long story short, I ended up with physical problems from the abuse which put a dampening on doing physical activities. I try to maintain a balanced diet and I rarely have a 2nd helping unless it is veggies like broccoli, carrots, and non starch veggies. It's either baked, boiled or broiled. I hate family get togethers. The way some of the family members eat literally make me sick, especially when they decide to go to a buffet restaurant. I do not understand how people can pile up their plates like they do.


mholt099 said:

It will force all "big people" to lose the weight required, 300 pounds.


Lissa said:

I am also overweight. I didn't think I was over 330 that is the Wii Fit max, apparently I am and I can't even play the freaking game that I bought to get me in shape.


G said:

So because I'm a larger guy means I can't get fit? Everyone in my house hold is large, well over the 300 limit except myself. They were hoping to get this in order to shed a few pounds and get Fit. So this disturbs me if there is a weight limit.


Fatty MaGee said:

If you weigh 301 the game will not allow you to play. Has anyone figured out if there is a way to override this? Yes I'm a fat A$$ but it was my $90 spent and if I break it oh well I'm out $90. Nobody's fault but my own. Any hackers unlock this yet let me know maybe I'll share my corn dog with ya. Probably not.


Daktaklakpak said:

Stop eating your fat foods and get off your fat ass and go outside. Damn, you fat people always have to blame everybody else for the problems. QUIT EATING AND WORK OUT.


well said:

Hey peepz, if they put it over 300 they would have had to boost the strength, which would cost us in the long run. It's a little bit communist to say all the regular weight people should pay extra because of your weight problem.


Angela said:

Seriously? The board components can only withstand a certain amount of weight. Nintendo must have taken into account the highest pressure activity performed on the board, and from there extrapolated the highest weight a person should be to perform the exercises without breaking the board. Maybe they could have created a sturdier board, but the price would increase, and then less people would want to buy it. So here's what they did: They targeted the biggest audience of people and brought the price low enough so the majority of people would want it. If you are one of the 300+ lb people, then why don't you get together and petition Nintendo to make a Turbo Edition or something like that. If they see there is enough support behind it and enough financial incentive, maybe they'll do it.


Rock said:

Wow, look how long all of the posts are. Anyways I don't think that Wii Fit was made to help people lose a large amount of weight. It was made to help people to stay in shape.


Angie said:

I'm over 300 and I can move around very nicely. You guys shouldn't be so critical. A lot of people who are over 300 lbs ARE active and can walk and exercise and do everything else. Just because one person who is overweight doesn't move around a lot doesn't mean ALL overweight people are like that. Don't judge everyone the same. Wii fit shouldn't have a weight limit. I feel very capable of doing everything that it has to offer.


Wade said:

I can see the "I lost 150 pounds playing the WII" exercise programs now.


Boob said:

Fatsos in America! Go get yourself a burger and stop complaining!


Brittany said:

First of all. I am 6'3 and am a college basketball player. I am not huuuuge, by your standards, I'm just a very big built person. Muscle is very heavy. I weigh 275 and have played ball against girls who are MUCH heavier than I. So shove your fat jokes somewhere else.


ch said:

Weight is more than just statically standing there. Once you move for games like skiing, there will be more force applied. That's when breakage for heavier people will occur. They caution everyone not to jump on it, because of the force that would cause.


jennbrew said:

I went out and the the Wii fit, the weight limit is 330 here in canada. I knew I was over that by about 1 or 2 pounds, I can move around and I am not bed ridden. But if you wiegh in over 330 lbs on the Wii fit IT WILL NOT WORK! It tells you that you exceed the weight limit and then reboots. My kids love it though, and it is pushing me to lose that last little bit so I can get on it. Soon I hope.


aj said:

I'm a fat guy and think us fatties should find other ways to get fit than the Wii. Try a sport that you've never tried, try lifting weight, try swimming, start small. By the way why is this a forum for people's sad stories of being fat? And for those offended that people call americans fat, um over half of us are 'over weight' or perhaps 'morbidly obese' whatever you want to call it, so just deal with it.


Linda said:

It's painfully obvious that ignorance is a much bigger problem in the USA than obesity. To take that a bit further, obesity is proven to be a biogenetic issue rather than a mental or behavioral issue. On the other hand, all of the negative comments are completely behavioral. As long as those people are reinforced (laughing, snickering, & even yelling against their view), they will continue.


PO'ed and Fed Up said:

I am really sick and tired of all the hypocrisy in this country when it comes to PC. We can't call blacks black anymore because it offends them, we can't call Mexicans that anymore because if might offend them, can't call women girls anymore because it offends them, but what the hell, we can make fun of fat people all we want because "it's their own damn fault!" GIVE ME A BREAK! Yes, the majority of the population of this country is not 300 pounds, but a significant portion of it is. This is also being pitched as an exercise platform to help people get back in shape, which is a good thing. The majority of "fat" people that I know that don't go to the gym, don't go because of ridicule, harassment and embarrassment. A product like this will help them to get more active, in the privacy of their living room and help them to eventually make the move to the gym, pool or hiking/bath trail. LAY OFF THE FAT JOKES here and try to be a bit more supportive.


SB said:

Too bad they didn't make a bigger board, I'm 360lbs but also 6'8" and most of this stuff is just too small for the big guy. Also as a side note, You don't need to be fat to be 300lbs, just bigger than the average guy.


mjj said:

My son is 21 years old. He is 6ft 5in, has very big bones and weighs 300 pounds. He does not appear "fat", he is very active playing basketball, baseball and bowling and he loves Wii. But our fear is that this is wii's "breaking point". It seems that retailers (clothing, etc) and some posters do not realize that even if you weigh 300 pounds you may not be "fat".


keara said:

I was seriously looking forward to the wiifit, and for more reasons than myself getting fit. Members of my family who are overweight but very physically able would now have a FUN and exciting way to lose weight. HA! Now I realize that thanks to weight limits they probably won't feel comfortable putting a toe on the board. I agree that America has problems with overall weight control but all places in the world have overweight people! I think there should be a version that will accommodate all sizes. I want my loved ones around for a long long time and I just know that this would be a good way for them to do so.


Funny said:

Wow, I can't believe they have a weight limit. Nintendo is so going to court when fat people step on that board and it snaps in half. I feel utterly blessed to be a normal sized American.


Gum said:

And you know what? US Version only increased this limit to 150KG! Gosh!


big guy said:

I was 280 and lost 60lbs dieting, but when I was 280 (5'6") I was in good enough shape to do any kind of exercise, it's easier now, but still, I was very active then. And now I'm more active then my 110lb girlfriend.


sonicblast23 said:

Scooby, I know that you are wrong. I am overweight and I have more feelings than you do you jerk.


Dean said:

How do I lose the weight to use Wii fit? 150kg+ need it most.


Ben said:

I hate all of you that are blaming the obesity on all of the overweight people. It is a clinical problem just like bulimia or anorexia and it is one of the hardest things to resolve. You all can go to hell if you are going to be assholes about it because you're the skinny ones who have never dealt with this your whole life.


Wii Rox said:

Hmm, boob, your nickname says it all doesn't it, how could you be so stupid and ignorant as to say something like that, with all this evidence given to you by some of these pure-hearted people. Besides, people all over the world are overweight, not just America, and overweight people are not just enormous food junkies, so stop being so arrogant, and that goes for all of you.


Lee said:

To the idiot that suggests anyone over 300 lbs get to jogging. Yes, jogging is MUCH better on the knees for an overweight person than something like Wii Fit. Get a clue.


Candi said:

I love how you are all bagging on the US. And the "obesity" problem- let's face it our food is way better than yours! Seriously have you even tried a Double western six dollar burger from CJ's? I'm amazed I don't weigh 300 lbs! You know you live in the best country in the world when the poorest people are overweight. And to address the point of weight limits needing to be upped- a) that's appealing to a market base- it's good business and b) they cannot make it an "unlimited" weight capacity because that would be impossible to do while keeping it practical. 300 lb weight capacity is practical and appeases a large mass of the population that would purchase it.


hav0k99 said:

All I want to know is.. can I eat it?


Tommy The Wii Man said:

Scooby Jew, you are being too harsh just because "oh, they're bigger than me" you really need to chill out about this overweight problem! Heck, you might be well over 300 pounds and you might not even notice. Also Daktaklakpak you are being just as harsh. So really all of you who are being so rude to the overweight, STOP! I am NOT overweight by the way.


Kicknit said:

I think it is hilarious how everyone here says 300lb people are so obese they can not move. I am 325 6'8" and probably could out work anyone. People have to realize there is more to weight than a number. I run, lift weights, play all kinds of sports and would have liked to do Wii fit.


AJ said:

You know just because someone is over 300 doesn't mean they aren't fit. I walk miles a day and up until recently was doing aqua aerobics 3 days a week and can keep up with the best of them. It's not a matter of sitting on the couch eating bon bons. I know quite a few heavy weights whine and complain oh poor me, but such is life. Honestly though if they could up the weight limit to 350lb that would get a lot of people more motivated to start moving without the fear of "oh man am I to close to the weight limit to break it?" Fat people don't like going to gyms and public work out areas because they get stared at, having something fun and entertaining in the privacy of your own home would be perfect.


big american said:

Hey, I'm bigger than most people but I'm also in good shape can pick up you skinny little starving people and throw you. I believe the term is bigger better faster stronger all of which I am.


rose1912 said:

I'm just kind of shocked at all the people on here being so cruel. EVERYONE I know is fit and beautiful! Get real and stop living in the fantasy world, where no one is cooler than you. I think that Wii Fit was originally made for kids, so they should make an adult version. Some people are just more than 300 lbs, and you would not consider them fat.


Crimson Fang said:

It can also just be a matter of will. I've stopped eating all junk food whatsoever, cut my portions, and drink only water, while other people in my family eat out every week. After I tried eating healthier, I actually like dry cheerios, oatmeal, granola, and lost some weight. Now there are also people who put on weight and keep it easier than others, and still more people raised eating unhealthy. You can't blame them for weighing more, geez. And Wii Rox, I'm glad at least you didn't change your name to insult people. It's horrible how this topic is.


Fat, so said:

I've been putting on 10 pounds a year for 20 years, and now weigh almost 400 pounds at age 40. It's not hard to do- basically one or two extra cheeseburgers a month will do it. It creeps up on you. Anyway, something like this could have easily helped me not be 600 pounds at age 60. Repetitive exercise bores me, and it's like 100 degrees outside. This would be perfect. Oh well, guess I'll have another cheeseburger instead. Oh, and you people making fun of fatties- I hope you choke on the karma that brings you.


Quartz said:

Are you guys still ranting on about this? Wow man, this announcement was made like how many months ago? The game is out now, why are you still arguing? There is no change going to be made, and there is no point in this argument any more. In fact, there hardly was in the first place, even LESS now. Come on, guys.


turtle01 said:

How about those football players like myself who are 6'7 300 pounds and can run circles around all you skinny people. I'd like to use the WiiFit for fun and so the 300lb weight limit is a concern to me.


biggrl said:

You people who are making fun of fat people are just ignorant! Get a life, get a clue, and realize people are worth more than a number on a scale.


Fat Rationality said:

I see no problem with the weight limit. I'm 6'2" 320#. I used to be 350# and was able to lose 20 pounds without the Wii fit this far, so I really don't care. There are scores of things you could do, such as DDR, that don't even cost as much as the Wii fit, and don't have weight limits. It's not like this is the first consumer fitness product that has a 300 limit either. It really is just good business, and at least the limit wasn't 250 or less like some other home work out machines I've seen.


Fat Rationality said:

Also, enough with the personal weepy "I'm fat but this is why it isn't my fault" stories. No one cares. I'm fat. It's my own stupid fault. I really don't care what people at the gym say or think of me, and I can do something about my weight other than buying Wii fit.


Big E said:

Just as there are many 3rd party platforms for DDR (some that hold up to 1000 lbs- fat haters insert joke here), I would expect there to be high capacity 3rd party solutions for Wii Fit. Too bad- I spent 4 hours standing in the cold to buy my Wii last winter just so I could then stand in line to buy a Wii Fit only to discover that I can't use it.


Big E said:

Since it has been pointed out many places that this is for all intents and purposes a Japanese product made by a Japanese company for the slight of build and typically vertically challenged Japanese consumer (American Football and Basketball players need not apply) maybe the heavy duty version of this product could be called the Wii Fit- Sumo edition or the Sumo Fit Wii or variations thereon. It would be cool if they added some Sumo type games to it too.


LadyShekster said:

I once went up to 297 lbs. After brain surgery due to 80 mgs of Prednisone drug I was given. When I felt better I tried to use exercise equipment and I quickly found out that a lot of them do have weight limits. Since I was 3 lbs off for 300 lbs. I was not keen on using them. Thankfully, I lost over 137 lbs (nutrition/exercise) and can now go back on rides and use any equipment I choose. Being really overweight I use to really try to find equipment to use and it was hard without spending $$$ for a gym membership. My husband is a bodybuilder, 6'4 weighs 284 lbs. I know he won't use it in fear of breaking it. My whole household are computer geeks and video/pc gamers. I would prefer a larger one myself only because scale size just seems small. I have big feet now after I had my two kids.


big and fit said:

How about all you skinny bastards go to hell. I am over 300 pounds and can pinch you skinny bastards and run and will be the one to carry your ass out of a burning building, with another 75lbs of gear. So stop being jealous of people that don't purge after a meal. Some people are big, some are not, there is no reason to insult someone over it.


Ignorant Bliss said:

I usually find the people who claim "Anybody over 300 lbs probably cannot handle the Wii Fit" to be individuals who are clueless about BMI, bone structure, and genetic predisposition. One would be amazed at how many individuals they will look upon perceiving them to be a certain weight, and his/her perception is completely off. I happen to be one of those individuals walking away from carnivals with stuffed animals because the carnie never could guess my true weight. I am so sick of ignorant people who think just that anybody who is 250-300 pounds is morbidly obese. I would never say that I am the healthiest person at this point in life, but I am far from an immobile individual. I find it unfortunate that individuals cannot find the time to educate themselves more before they open their mouths. I think that 300 lbs is a somewhat low number, considering most medical equipment out there supports 400-450 pounds. It's time for society to wise up and stop making assumptions out of their a**.


Annoyed Fireman said:

I feel this is crap. I'm 6'8", 325 lbs, and have less than 3% body fat. I considered purchasing this because it looked fun and gave me a game to play with my family, however putting a limit on it has made my opinions about Nintendo change.


Bill said:

Actually, I weigh more than 300 pounds, and I walk, play basketball, and used to umpire baseball and ref basketball. People were always shocked at how quick I can move for a big guy. Yes I need to lose weight, but the morons who say if you're over 300lbs you must not be able to stand are imbeciles.


fatcanuck said:

Come on, I'm 360 6'7" and I know I'm fat, you think Nintendo put the 300 lb limit for no reason? They had to make it some number, just wait until there is a 400 lb limit and then the really fat people will make a splash.


Fat Chick said:

No worries guys, the boards released in the US can weigh up to 330 pounds and can withstand 600 pounds before breaking. All of us slightly over 300 pounders can rest easy and go try and find our Wii Fits now.


Chill said:

I'm 6'3", 210. -like the idea for the product. Just wish it was a bit wider so I could actually stand on it 'shoulder-width apart'.

Avatar 33

Joe said:

Too funny! I love my WiiFit and the board fits my whole family, 95lbs up to 255lbs. What I want to know is why Nintendo should be responsible for making sure that every possible person on the planet who wants to use their game is able to. They are a for-profit company, not the American government. We must have every person who is over 6'4" AND interested in playing this game posting to this board. Crazy! The bulk of America, the planet, is NOT tall, male, former/present athletes, who are currently body builders or working in very physically demanding jobs. And those people I just listed certainly are not the children who are the target of Nintendo's game. It's a shame that we can't just have a kids game and let the kids have at it. Nintendo never said that this was a fitness-making game designed for the fat adult in you. It's a kids game. Let it go, people.


arrb said:

Nintendo will realize that they can make more money with a bigger board. Just wait, it's about cash. America rules with disposable income. Make it and we'll buy it.


arrb said:

Nintendo will realize that they can make more money with a bigger board. Just wait it's about cash. America rules with disposable income. Make it and we'll buy it.


dudeman said:

There are too many fat slobs out there that need a lot more than the Wii fit, first keep the pie hole closed.


sick of jerky ppl said:

It's easy for you "horizontally blessed" as you put it to say anyone over 300lbs is overweight and they should go out side and exercise instead of playing a game inside. But you don't get the snide comments made about your weight and how you're exercising. I'd rather stay inside on a fitness game than in a gym with thin people because I know I'm fat, but thin people who have to put down bigger people for wanting to try a product that's targeted at people wanting to lose weight are cruel and nasty. See bigger people can lose weight and look good but self absorbed jerks will ALWAYS be self absorbed jerks. They should make the board to accommodate for people who want to lose weight in the privacy of their own homes.


BIG ROB said:

I'm a large dude 6'6" 305 lbs. I'm in high school, I start on my football team. I run a 5.2 second 40-yard dash so I'm not fat - I'm just big.


disgruntledfatchik said:

This product could be used in conjunction with diet and exercise. Also, just because someone weighs over 300lbs does not mean they can barely walk or breath, but I guess you skinny little virgin nerds sitting in your mom's basement dwelling on this wouldn't know that. Some of you making fun of overweight people just prove how hateful people can be, no wonder we're the most hated country in the world.


bigbitch said:

Who cares what you weigh if you are fit, but I am over 300 and would prefer to exercise at home so I am sure if enough people ask and they can charge more they will make another one for higher weights.


Cara said:

The weight limit for Wii Fit in Australia is 150kg (about 330 lbs I think). I got the Wii Fit a couple of months ago and I love using it, but my boyfriend can't use it because he's over the limit and it really sucks because he was looking forward to using the Wii Fit too. He wants to lose weight, but he gets bored very easily of exercise videos/DVDs and he's somewhat of an agoraphobic and anthropophobic- meaning he gets very nervous, anxious and sometimes scared if he has to go outside or be around lots of people. The Wii Fit would've been perfect for him to use. I really hope the Wii Fit releases another version that has an increased limit. I also think it's pretty stupid to release an exercise game that fat people who would need it can't even use it.


Paul Keevil said:

Well done Wii for bringing out this product. Who cares if you are overweight- If you are doing something about it (even by way of a Video Game) then it's a step in the right direction. Personally, I am 210 lbs (15 stone-UK) and 5ft 10. I don't consider myself overweight- I am just too short. Height wise, I should be about about 8'9"!


Fat Bastard said:

They should just make a Wii Surfboard for the real plumpers.


Awe Schitt said:

All you tall and heavy people should play outside. Wii Fit is for people under 220pounds (100kg). Forget what Nintendo has told you. Tall and heavy people can't play with every cool stuff we small and light people have. Tall and heavy people need to play outside with trees, tractors, cows and sharks. Outdoors are made for the tall and heavy people. You will not have your cake and eat it too. The Wii Fit is not for the tall and wide. Let us people under 200 pounds enjoy our Wii Fit in peace. I am 120 pounds 5feet 4inches. I don't have a problem with the Wii Fit. The fact is: You are TOO fat to play on the Wii Fit.


heather said:

I weigh 189 and am a 5'5 female. I am considered obese and it calls me obese on wii fit. Even though I am under 200lbs I know what it feels like to be embarrassed to work out in public. I like the privacy and I'm sure someone 100+ lbs more than me would like the privacy as much or more than I do. It's a good way to get people off the couch and have fun while exercising. I think it should have a 400lb limit.


Amazed said:

Pathetic. That's the only word for all those who think it's funny to make fun of people who are overweight/obese. I pity you and all those who know you- they must really have awful lives if they have to tolerate your opinions on a day to day basis. Grow up. PS the Wii Fit is brilliant- just a shame this topic has attracted such nasty comments. Perhaps it should be removed?


Ignorant Bliss said:

This one goes out to the cleverly named "Awe Schitt". I guess you "people" under "200 pounds" that are not "tall and wide" should get a special little toy. A brand new sparkling toy to play after you ride around in your driveway in your kid-sized escalade that gets 7.5 MPH. I mean, Nintendo was founded by little tiny Asian people who weren't tall enough to ride the big kid roller coaster rides, right? I bet little people big world is your favorite show, too. Stop talking out of your a** and wake up to people other than your "short and narrow" self. You sound like a moron.


WII Chi said:

The weight limit of the Wii Fit is based solely on economics. The return on investment for the product design and manufacturing cost is the only reason for the limit. Have you looked at the weight limit of your bathroom scale? Most have a weight limit of 300Lbs with some more expensive going up to 350Lbs. Above that the price goes out of sight. Then add in the cost of the electronics and you can understand the cost issue. At least Nintendo does include some exercises that do not use the balance board, such as running/jogging that you can still do inside. You just have to let someone else setup your character and not get on the board yourself. If Nintendo could disable the games that require additional stress like Ski Jump, they may be able to up the weight limit for the balance games like Yoga, soccer, balance table, etc. Although there are physical limits for hi impact plastics that must be considered for games where pounds per square inch are doubled when standing on one foot vs two feet.


Wow said:

I just googled here to see what the weight limit was. Sheese. Don't y'all have anything to do but argue! ScoobyJew, shame on you, you should know better.


too fat to fit said:

I am 6'2 and I've been working hard jobs like UPS, trailer unloading and stuff like that. Factories, the whole 9 yards. And I'm fat. Yeah but not really. I ask people how much they think I weigh they always say about 250-260. I say higher they call bull. Then when I tell them I actually weigh 320 they don't believe it. I am active, I play sports and everything else. The board itself has a weight limit of 330 pounds but the game itself won't let you play if you are above 290. It sucks. Glad I found that out though before I bought one of these.


Gabbie said:

I'm not overweight but I do think it is kind of rude to call overweight people in America **blobby**! When most of the people are the ones buying this game.


joecoolest said:

The people who like to denigrate fat people have so little to be happy about when looking at themselves they are overjoyed to be able to find a flaw in someone else. No matter how obvious the flaw is it makes them feel superior in their inferior lives. A feeling they don't get very often. Let them have their 5 seconds of glory. They will surely treasure it.


Heather said:

You know, I should have known that you "gamers" out there would be so rude and discriminatory that anyone out side trying to excersise would be made fun of. It's assholes like you that can't leave well enough alone. You think that we don't know that we're fat and over weight. Please, give me frickin' break. Hello captain obvious, doesn't mean anything to you "skinny" bastards that what you say hurts people? Give it up, I am 5'10" 275lbs and could probably kick your frickin' scrawny ass. I have lost 16lbs in the last 6 months, and guess what, you will always be scrawny little bastards no matter how much weight I loose, or anyone else for that matter. I'll bet most of "fat" America has more common sense than you could ever dream of. Get on with your lives and leave those of us who want to loose weight alone. Wii Fit seems to be an AWESOME way to get off the couch and still have our self esteem that the smaller people keep trying to take from us and make us feel bad. Screw off.


Not fat said:

It's ok to make fun of fat people because they're not real people anyway.


Bob UK said:

First you bunch of sizist idiots- some medical conditions result in increased body mass, such as type 2 diabetes genetic variant or thyroid problems or blood disorders. I'm 325lbs but my resting pulse is 82 and my BP is 120/72- I'm 49 years old and have the diabetes listed BEAT THAT IF YOU CAN- I inherited from my fathers side- who are Scots. I hardly have any fat about my body except for the Fat apron of diabetics. I have tried medications, diets, exercise to lose the weight but to no avail. The ingested full is not utilized and converted to fats for storage. I know when my diabetes progresses to the next level ALL of my fat will be utilized so quickly that I will lose nearly 10st in 3 months. I'm not looking forward to that. BUT I would like to try anything that gives fun and pleasure such as the Wii Fit- so why should I be excluded? So grow and come to terms that overweight people for a variety of reason are here to stay, we are happy with it, we can deal with it but it seems the only people with a problem about it are the underweight ones.


all4fun said:

I would just like to say, I'm over the 300# mark, and I am fit enough to try the Wii fit. I can't because of the limit, but I just wanted to say for the fat people out there, that I agree, just because you're over 300#'s doesn't mean you're not fit enough to enjoy it. And isn't that the point of getting one, to get fit?


Contessa said:

I am looking to buy a Wii fit from someone on Ebay that says that they exceeded the weight limit and couldn't use it. I wonder if it's possible that they did damage to the board testing it out before figuring it out that they were too big to use it. It's made out of plastic and tiny sensors! If you are like 400 pounds anyhow, I don't see how you could even balance yourself on the tiny board. People that obese have big thighs = larger space between their feet allowed. They would have to come out with a bigger board to make it possible for someone heavier than 300 pounds to fit on the thing and make it out of steel. I mean how the hell do you weigh yourself if your that fat? At the county dump?


PoobieKitten said:

I was over the 300 mark. I saw Wii fit and was SO happy it was coming out. When I found out the weight limit my heart sunk. Instead of whining about it I lost the 25 extra pounds I needed to be able to use it. It took 5 months and I busted my hump but I -really- wanted this. I am glad I did. Using water Aerobics not eating past 7pm, walking, Wii Sport games (LOVE bowling) and drinking a ton of water I lost what I needed to. I look forward to losing even more with my Wii Fit. My reward for losing 25 was the system.


wow-wii-fit-rox said:

I haven't played it but I'm getting it for my birthday on Monday and to be fair 300 is enough, but if need be they should make a larger one. Why shouldn't they, there's plenty of reasons why people are over 300. I mean I personally under 100lbs but still people overweight are allowed to play this game, lose weight and have just as much fun as we do. Human rights people! I know I sound too sensible but I'm nice.


SweetDBMe said:

I think that in our afterlife we will be what we made fun of, and I truly hope so. My daughter was born with a condition that will not allow her to lose any extra water and thus causes her to be overweight for her age do to the extra water in her body. This being said I hope all of you never have to know the pain and hurt by being overweight or made fun of. And I am all for the Wii Fit making a bigger board this would be great for people who WANTED to do something about their weight. I mean after all why would they go to the gym or out in public with all you rude and cruel people to judge them.


chenchen said:

Some of the comments on here are extremely ignorant. People over 300lbs exercise, they're not all fat lazy couch potatoes, and anyone who feeds into those stereotypes is a total ass! But other than that, of course they should make a Wii fit for people over 300lbs. If it's made for exercise. Then everyone, including bigger people should be able to use it. I for one am over weight. 5'7", 200lbs and would love to give it a try.


hmm said:

I think they will have to bring out a big version, I'm 6'1 and 120kgs. I am fit with 6% body fat and I'm not even a body builder, so I can see the need to bring out a big version. Anyway what about all those sumo wrestlers, maybe they could use one on each foot?


camouflagegirl said:

You people are CRUEL. I mean, do you have nothing better to do with your lives and sit around and make fat jokes. The whole purpose of this game was to allow overweight people get into shape.


tired of idiots said:

Well it's no wonder that young people are killing themselves to be skinny, with morons like some of you out there downing people for being overweight. Everyone is made different, some are way too skinny and some could stand to lose some pounds. It's not fair to say that if someone is over 300 pounds they won't be able to exercise at all, that's just stupid. And may I point out to you that those people have the ability to lose pounds, and those of you that are UGLY on the inside are ugly on the outside too, and you always will be.


over you ass-wipes said:

I love it! I was born without an immune system, and the steroids I take have made me gain weight since I was 11. How is that my fault? I don't sit around on my fat ass, so how can I get off of it? Why am I not a 'real person'? I know- we shouldn't let black people use it. What do you think about that? Anybody want to make 'less than a real person' jokes about black people? Oh, yeah. I didn't think so.


Kay-Kay said:

All of you people sitting here writing about fat people, should get a life. You only make comments about them because you want to make yourself feel better. And scooby for you to say that fat people don't have feeling and aren't worth as much as you are is just ignorance. Just because someone looks different from you doesn't make you better than them. Didn't your parents teach you any better?


hlavka said:

Hey I came on here to find the weight limit. I am big, I also exercise 5 times a week, I was hoping the limit would be more because some of us want the board for family activities in the winter, when it's like 20 degrees out. Also how does it stand up to say a 6 year old who decides that when you leave the room to get a drink of water, jumps off the couch on to it, how does the weight hold up then? Kids are tough on stuff. My husband is also 6'4 and over 300, he walks 4 miles a day to and from work, we were all hoping to play together. Hopefully they'll come out with a bigger board, so the whole family can play. As for those skinny little brats, do you think we started out this way, just wait, most of the skinny haters where I come from turn into big chunkies. So there.


Wii Rox said:

@heather, not all "gamers" are obnoxious, most of us are really nice. I'm 13 and I weigh almost 200lb but I'm very tall for my age and quite muscular too, and my gut barely stretches 6 inches from my body.


sweetangrymom said:

To everyone who says people who weigh 300 pounds don't want to get off the couch anyway, or made a rude comment: I think you all need to grow up. Some people have a medical condition that causes them to weigh a lot. I personally am not super skinny, but on the same hand am not super fat either. I think we all should grow some manners and learn to respect ourselves and others. And obviously, if you are talking about overweight people you have no respect for yourself. Maybe someone should start making fun of skinny people and see how they like it.


shoowii said:

Other countries besides the US have unhealthy people. Americans are usually taller so they weigh more. And if they work out they weigh even more. Scrawny little guys are just as gross as any fat person. I hate to see guys with no muscle tone at all and who have smaller arms than me, a girl.


Smober said:

Firstly, for all of you fatasses like me who still want to use the Fit, you CAN. You just have to fake all of the weigh-ins with either a stand-in person or by only putting part of you on the board. It weighs you whenever you change games though, so it's tedious. Secondly, while the Fit may not be equivalent to an actual gym workout, it's a START, and what the really big people need is a start. It's starting that's the hardest. The problem is that the Fit is inspiring all of these people to make that start, but then telling them NO! YOU ARE TOO FAT TO HAVE FUN TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT! I understand why the limit is there, but upping it that extra 20lbs to 350 would help a LOT of people. No, the activities aren't as easy for obese people, but they're not super-hard, and doing them makes them easier over time. The point is that they're not supposed to be easy. If they were easy, they wouldn't help. As for me, I've been obese literally since I was 2 years old even though when I was younger I played soccer, basketball, volleyball and softball and was on the track team for a few years. My parents both have pretty huge frames to begin with, but most of this is indeed fat. Yes, I blame my mother for starting me down that path with pretty much only processed, boxed, canned, frozen food, but I blame myself for not being strong enough to completely overhaul a lifestyle that's been out of my control for 90% of my life. It's hard moving from boxes, cans a microwave and 5 minutes to ingredients, knives, a stove and 30 minutes. I don't overeat (any more) and I see skinny people eat bigger meals than I can without feeling sick on a regular basis. I've gained maybe 40lbs in the last decade, mostly just after high school, but I've otherwise maintained it (and even lost some). Whereas I've seen a whole lot of people I know double in size in the last 5 years. Those are the people I'm concerned about. I may weigh more than them still, but I'm more fit than they are, and I sure don't waddle.


Wii3 said:

Inside every fat person there's 3(?) thin people trying to get out.


Wow said:

Funny how many moronic AntiAmerican asswipes there are in the world today. Yeah, I guess I never see a fat Ugandan woman, or bloated biscuit eating British chic, or blah blah blah. You idiots who live elsewhere, yeah, what are you doing when you are crying for us fat Americans to come save your asses. Hiding in the closets, that where.


Dudelikesdumbass said:

Guys, A lot of American football players are over 300lbs and would kick most of the people on this boards asses in any sport of your choice. I am 6-2 and weigh close to 300lbs and can run faster than most of you dorks. I understand when you're small you can't comprehend the concept but believe me, 300lbs is not debilitating.


inmich78 said:

It's too bad that so many of you think that being fat is just a matter of sitting your butt in front of a television and shoveling food down your throat. At my most active- 2 hrs of exercise daily x 7 days a week- plus a 1000 calorie diet, I only got down to 220 lbs. Unfortunately due to a heart infection a few years ago that pretty much floored me, my weight has slowly edged over the 300 lbs because of a hormonal disorder that I've fought since the age of 12. The treatment for the heart infection also managed to screw up my balance so when I close my eyes, I tend to start falling over. It's not a fun situation and I was hoping that doing something like Wii Fit would help me out, but it looks like I'm going to have to wait for a higher lb limit or keep slogging at my weight the old fashioned way- and yes, I walk three times daily, 3 miles each time. I think I could manage the exercises on the Wii Fit. Despite being over 300 lbs.


Pudge said:

Its people like you ignorants who discourage we overweight people from going to a gym and trying to get in shape. Personally, I am more apt to stay in the comfort of my own home, where I won't be judged by you close minded jerks. Besides, we don't all have the luxury of being able to hit the gym whenever we want. I am a single mom and one of the only times I can exercise, especially in the winter, is when my kids are asleep. This product is perfect for people like myself, who want to better themselves, but have reservations or personal restrictions when it comes to going to the gym.


A Dose of Reality said:

Of course there are going to be people over the 300lb limit who are lazy and couch potatoes, but there are also some, probably more, who are active and who are looking forward to this to help them lose a few pounds. Anybody trying to use this to lose weight, or even just for fun, shouldn't be ridiculed for it. Why should we discriminate against weight? What if the Wii fit also had a minimum weight requirement, below which the sensors couldn't register or sense the person? I bet the roles here would be reversed if that were the case, and many of the same people who are making fun of obese people over the weight limit would be making fun of those who are under this hypothetical minimum requirement, telling them that they're sissies and that they need to bulk up. Bottom line: anyone who wants to use this should be able to use it and should be able to use it free of ridicule, no matter if they're obese, normal weight, or anorexic.


chunkymunky said:

It should be at least 350, just like the nicer fitness equipment. There should be some data out there they analyzed that would tell them the best profit vs weight limit. I just can't believe 300 is the magic number. Mainly because of the fact that for some people 300 is not necessarily obese, even though like 20% of us Americans (and other nations) are. I mean I am 5'11" and 180, but my hubby is 6'5" and close to the 300 limit and all muscle! Regardless he could break it by jumping. Heck, I could break it by jumping. I can see our child jumping on it or at least wanting to when we are on it. It needs to be more substantial if you are paying that much for the thing.


chrisie said:

I think skinny people are rude. I'm average size and I have to work out all the time and watch what I eat. It's supper insensitive for those who are born thin and eat what they want to be mean you obviously don't have a heart. I love my Wii fit and I have bought 3 for friends and family it's great to let them work out when they want and two of them are close to 300lbs there doing great because they would never go out and do this. Have compassion and respect for your fellow man. That's what's wrong with people, they judge. Instead of judging be a supported you never know what will happen in your life and who you may affect with your negative minds.


WalkOffObesity said:

Too Fat To Get Fit? Having tipped the scales at 440 pounds (over 31 stone) I started walking every day, 30 minutes. Tough at first but it turned into a 3,000 mile bicycle and walk up the east coast of America. My life over the last two years has changed beyond belief, all with a simple walk. I want a Wii Fit and I'm under 300 pounds but I really do think the weight limit should be increased. More than 60% of Americans are obese. Nintendo are closing the doors to millions of sales and missing the chance to pass on a wonderful tool for getting people motivated. Unless you have been overweight and I mean REALLY overweight, you have no idea how hideous, depressing and tough it is knowing that you brought it all on yourself. We need to all quit judging people by their size and start trying to motivate others along our journey to better health. Come on Nintendo, EXPAND your weight limit and help obesity become a chapter in future history books. Move it and lose it! Priscilla Houliston, Pennsylvania.


averagejane said:

My husband would love to use the Wii Fit Board but is 6'2" and 310 pounds. Not everyone over 300lbs is unable to move at a good pace. I am 5'6" and 130lbs, and he has far more energy than me. However, both of us know that he needs to lose weight.


FellowFatVictim said:

I spent many years fighting weight problems. Always the heavier kid and most times the most athletic. I got all the names called and jokes cracked. My feelings hurt by the snickers and giggles just because I have more mass than you. It's right to treat me like I am some sort of freak because of my weight. I am not going to let you demoralize me and disrespect me because I handle my emotions different or digest as you do. I know tons of unhealthy people who are standard weights and heights. Don't you people know your soul can only be ugly and not the person. I hate you people for acting like you are supreme because you are slimmer. That does not make you healthier than people with girth. You people treat drug addicts and criminals better. I wish I had a better body. I know what it takes to do it. It's just why do you make fun of people who are curious about the weight limit so they can get healthier. Damn you people for judging me when all I wanted to do was exercise in private and save a few bucks doing it. This whole post should be deleted because it sickens me I have to see people make excuses why they weigh what they do and because of reasons. Who gives RATS Bottom. Let us all be good souls and just love life. We Need a Morale Check America. It's a game people can play and have fun losing weight. Why isn't that a giving bigger people would love this chance to either compete or even win on a somewhat level field.


Fat Athlete said:

You know what. This goes out to all of the people on this post that are making fun of fat people. I am one of those fat people, and I try my best to lose weight. I play hockey 2 times a week, and I try to get at least a hour or two of tennis in. And I'm not talking about Wii Tennis, I actually play. You thin people don't get it. I weigh 320 lbs, but I bet I am more athletic than most of you. To claim that people over 300lbs should just sit around and do nothing except be a coach potato, and that the Wii Fit would be too much of a strain, you can kiss my ass. I barely have the time to get the exercise in that I do, when you have a young child, it's a sacrifice that you have to make. I have weights at home and such, but nothing for an aerobic exercise. That is where the Fit would come into play. If they don't make an over 300lb version so be it, I'll make the effort to get down to 300, then buy it, but to have one now to help my fat ass get in shape would be a great help.


wise old man said:

I think all the skinny people should not play on this and only the overweight people should, because who needs it? Not the skinny people right. And why 300, is that the average weight of the world or something. If Nintendo was smart they would market to the average weight of that country. Or to those people who need it the most.


Wii Rox said:

Wow, can you please not turn this into a racial matter, I'm British, (besides, unless you're of native American blood, you descended from the Brits yourself).


Miss A said:

I'm a substitute teacher and I'm telling you right now, there are several boy students just in the middle school here that are 6' or taller, and heavily built. At 12-14 years old, some are already pushing or over 200 lbs. Just think how big they will be as seniors even if they are athletes and fit. The fat slurs are not funny. There are plenty of overweight people with medical conditions that have nothing to do with how much they eat or exercise. I have several people in my extended family with thyroid conditions and they eat less & healthier than I do. Those who can put someone down just because they are physically different from them are just small minded. Please just grow up. PS I want a Wii Fit for my autistic kid who desperately wants to play sports but can't. Guess what? My kid doesn't look any different from the "blessed" toothpick kids, but, is. Bless that little butt. Beauty is what? In the eye of the beholder? Imagine that? Now get out of your chairs and go do somethin'. uh-oh. Me too.


Big Mama's House said:

I'm a 6' tall girl. I've been lifting 50 pounds repetitively for the last 5 years at my job. I have a little pudge and I weigh 265. When I was younger, I was 6' and weighed 135 before I developed into a woman. I used to always say I'm never going to get big like that. I even remember my thin body telling my mother "you only wish you could look like this!" Which I am very ashamed to admit with my growing up. So, for all you assholes that think you're so fit and trim right now, you better think twice before your mouth utters hateful things. People have a tendency to become what they hate. In all honesty, I wouldn't change one thing about my body right now. I could probably kick your "horizontally blessed" ass, Scooby Jew. You may look fit, but seriously, do people like you? Because I have a feeling that they don't. GET REAL. We're all different. Your size doesn't make you who you are. Well at least one really good thing about being a bigger, stronger woman. You're the last thing a serial killer rapist wants to victimize in the parking lot.


Big Mama's House said:

Some of these postings are actually very encouraging for us bigger people. It's actually nice hearing that there are other big people out there who like who they are and are in no hurry to change it! Yeah, most of us big people are just living NORMAL everyday lives, not overeating, and getting exercise when we can. You skinny people who think you are really something, those of us who are confident (not conceited) really know that you really think you are ugly. Ya'll just have 'ta front the fact that you're really disgusted with yourselves, not us.


drizzamed said:

How about NFL players that want to play on the board? How about active linemen such as Warren Sapp that weighs over 300 lbs that want to play?


Ebony Ninja said:

Oh! I get it. Fat people can play Wii Fit and eat Twinkies at the same time from the comfort of the dining room sofa (smile). Wii Fit will not help this time of person. Dieting will. And no one should be over 300lbs if they are under 7ft tall.


soldierswife said:

People can be so ignorant. I am 340lbs and very active. I have 2 small children and a deployed husband so yes I am outside all the time but for all you thin people who have never been overweight imagine carrying around another adult around on your back day in and day out and do all things you have to do in a day and tell how your body would feel at the end of the day. I am not asking for pity, trying to enlighten. I know I have done this to myself and am doing something about it not only to become a better healthier person but a better mother and wife. I am having gastric bypass next month and am getting a Wii fit because it's a way to work out and still have fun with my children during my recovery people. Don't knock "fat" people for actually wanting to do something about their weight, encourage them! Because you don't know what has happened to them to cause their weight gain, not every fat person eats all the time. I am a vegetarian and eat less than my children do! So be more sensitive to other because one day it might be you.


neisey said:

I think all the comments against overweight people are totally uncalled for and the sad part is we are all adults here and half of you people are probably raising children and teaching them the same disrespect that is that is coming from your own mouth. So maybe you are thin, what if your child grows up to be overweight then who will be laughing. Bottom line there are many of people out there whom are overweight and I seriously doubt they choose to be that way. So grow up and show some respect for other people. You don't look cool, you look stupid. Which you probably are stupid and ugly so you put other people down.


Mamasita said:

I can't believe all the negative comments towards overweight/obese people. Pure ignorance!


tom said:

Anyone over 190 is overweight, period.


smart said:

What defines us is how we treat other people. How can you call people names and expect to live a good life? I have never met a fat person who wants to be fat. Everyone has something to deal with, name callers included. I suggest all the name callers clean their own backyard before trying to tell everyone else to clean theirs. I'd rather be fat than be you any day.


Erin said:

The board supports up to 600 pounds, you just can't set up a profile if you are over 300-330 pounds.


Fatty McFat said:

Can anyone get me a cheeseburger, please?


Tall, not big said:

In 1994 I was 6'0" and 170lbs, I was labeled "thick". I was also an exercise addict working out 4 hours per day, 6 days per week. Then I went to college and all working out came to a screeching halt. In 2007 I was 6'0" and 298lbs. I began to diet (but didn't work out) and 11 months later I was 215lbs-and diagnosed with a thyroid disorder. So, long story short-there are SO MANY variables to weight gain, weight loss, exercise addiction, food addiction, self esteem that ONLY when you are mentally and emotionally healthy can you be physically healthy. I know equal amounts of "fat" and "skinny" people with IDENTICAL body image issues. That said-any activity (and notice I said activity not exercise)needs to be recognized. We as humans have become lethargic, and your location can only contribute to that behavior (for example, growing up in Chicago we walked everywhere, living in Albuquerque now we drive everywhere). Only when activity becomes the cultural norm, only when we can gather and do something beyond sitting in traffic, sitting at Starbucks, sitting at a restaurant will bull arguments such as Scooby Jews end. I would to tell him "people in fat houses shouldn't throw donuts" as I bet he/she is not in prime physical condition. Weight is not the only variable here - height, weight, ability/disability, medications, etc play a HUGE factor. Letting go of numbers will move us all past this. I plan to get a Wii Fit so that next year I can post here again and say I'm 6'0" and 100lbs-SKINNY and health, right?. Ha.


Baltogirl1957 said:

I myself am within the guidelines for weight. I bought this item today and will start using it tomorrow. I think all of you slamming large people should be ashamed of yourselves. You know one day you could gain weight and be big. My sister used to say to me "how can you let yourself be so big?". She was a size 7, now is a size 20. I rest my case. I think you should be encouraging people to lose the weight. You are never too late to help yourself.


amazed said:

I can not believe what I have read on here. You can sugar coat this as much as you want but medically speaking 5lbs overweight is enough to start making health difference. At 20lbs over you are pushing the heart attack numbers from 'global average' to 'American average'. We are talking about 300lbs. Your risk of a heart attack is up more than 50%, your life expectancy is down 15 years (that's more than a smoker) and you people are on here wanting people to feel sorry for you? I read a post that actually said "oh well I guess since I can't exercise I'll just go eat another cheeseburger". I can't figure out if I want to scream or cry. Put down the fork. Eat small meals, 3-6 times a day. Eat healthy foods- quick hint, 99.99% of fast food doesn't count. This isn't hard but no one is going to do it for you. Not Nintendo, not the government, not your friends, not your family. YOU. Stop making up reasons why "you're not that bad" and take some control over your own life. If you are more than 300lbs you don't need Wii Fit, you need Fat Camp.


Bigfoot said:

I played with the balance board last week, the weight isn't such a big issue for me but if you have big feet your toes and heels will be on the corners of the board, which isn't that nice. I hope the next version will be a few centimeters bigger for the bigfoots in Holland and other countries.


fat-n-sassy said:

I'm over 300 lbs and I don't see how I can be entertainment for the "horizontally blessed". I am just as active as my friends that are half my size. I got my Wii for christmas and I plan on using it to better my size. But regardless. I'm happy no matter what size I am.


Wow said:

What amazing judgemental folks here. If someone is researching Wii FIT- leave them alone.


FutureLightWeight said:

I am shocked to read some of the crude comments on here. I am over 300lbs (322) and NEED something like this to kick start my weight loss. Do you think I want to go to the gym for people like some of you to gawk and laugh at? I got this way from having a car accident and many surgeries with no physical activity allowed for a long period of time and not eating like I should. I want to make a change and would love for the Fit to help. To those who are making the mean comments, how would you feel if someone said those things about someone you cared about? I have a feeling people making those comments are just trying to get an uproar started.


On-the-line said:

What about us football players? I am probably in better shape than 90% of those running down people who weigh over 300lbs and I weigh 328. I am quick, strong, and have endurance enough to play 4 quarters.


Better end around said:

Was looking for a better way around the weight limit. I'd gladly pay a premium to get a bigger board but until then we cheated the system with my son's weight and my husband plays some of the balance games sitting down. It's a riot. I am also obese but well under the 330 limit and after spending the afternoon on it there is nothing on there too hard for my 6'3" 350lb husband to do. As mentioned earlier my size 10 feet are nearly too big let alone the size 13's on my husband. My 10 year old's feet will out grow it before the year is up! Also is there a longer nunchuck cord out there? Too short for my big guy to box very well with.


Monster Man said:

Give the big folks a break! I am a former college athlete who in my prime was 350lbs. I am now about 330lbs and would love to use the Fit with my kids. This is a great tool to engage the youth of today who are more into gadgets and games than exercise.


Up the Gusset said:

Obesity is all very subjective. For a person to be deemed 'obese', it is based on several factors including height, weight, BMI (body mass index), bone structure, genetic tendencies, and finally, diet and exercise. With all these factors 'weighed in' a person needs to be more than 50% more than their ideal body weight in fat based on 'standards' deemed 'normal' by so-called experts. Wii needs to take into account people wanting to use the Wii fit program who have feet which are larger than the board itself. (ie: my husband has a size 16 foot!) I feel the weight limit is just a limit of the system and it's components from the manufacturer. What needs to be addressed is the size of the board to accommodate the sheer foot size and ability to spread the feet to 'shoulder width apart' in order to do the required movements on Wii fit. With the board as small as it is, one would have to have legs only 1 foot long in order to get the appropriate width between feet for the board size. Let's see if Wii will now address this issue.


Engineer 1 said:

I just want to point out that when engineering something for a heavier person it costs more. I am sure there will be something out soon enough that will accommodate heavier people. It wasn't intended as a 'mean' thing to exclude 300+ pounds, just a cost/engineering thing.

Avatar 0

J said:

"Anyone over 190 is overweight. Period - Tom". Um, is that pounds or kilograms? Because if it's pounds, then according to you, Michael Phelps and Jason Lezak are both overweight (Phelps weighs 195 and Lezak is over 200). And, elite athletes aside, you are sadly mistaken. Someone 6'4" tall and 200 pounds has a BMI of 24.3. Considered a "healthy weight". That is only a true statement [by standard BMI calculations (which are notoriously skewed in someone who is very athletic)] if you are 6'1" or shorter, which many people are not. Personally, I think the weight limit should be as high as they can make it without damaging the board, unless there is a law that requires it to be lower (as there is in Japan, which is why it is lower there - not higher in the US). And people should quit being such snotty jerks about other people's weight or their attempts to lose weight. Fat people are far more likely to become thin that some of the people who have posted here are likely to become nice people. I'd rather spend my time with a nice person who happens to be fat than a jerk of any size! Shame on some of you, and I very much hope it bites you in the butt someday.


lea said:

There are weight limits on a lot of products out in the retail market. Your car even has a weight limit, amusement park rides have limits, and the list goes on and on! I for one do not plan on letting my 300+ lb friend on my Wii Fit. They put the weight limit on it for a reason and I'm not going to find out the hard way why. You do a lot of activity on the board putting lots of pressure on it. They should look into making a bigger board, but until then the heavyweights will need to find a different form of exercise to do.


FellowFatVictim said:

I love this post is still active. Shows great response for the Wii fit game. I surely think the makers of these active oriented games would sadly turn their heads at the shame you people have brought upon yourselves. America is great, but our people as of late surely don't show it. I am sure Nintendo is doing research as we speak on what weights per poundage per profit they could produce these instruments to us. I found this post because I wanted to do a little more and have a little fun. Seeing the many cleverly done commercials on the Wii fit kind of motivated me to look into it. Its family oriented and beats the boob tube which isn't the boob tube with kids around. So conforming I am so this was a good median I could still feel like a man. As most of us who fear restaurant seating or turn styles (My worse fear keep on plugging and chugging we will all be just fine. Plus when the world goes ape shit all I need to find is water seeing I have plenty of stored protein on me. Thank you ignorant people once again judging me and turning me into a raving EMO. By the way the Nintendo Wii ROCKS. My biceps look great. Need a better boxing game using the Wii sport boxing platform.


plumppeach said:

Total idiots. Nothing better to do but sit and talk about overweight people. I'm sure 99% of you idiots are 18 and have it coming to you!


Dismayedbycruelty said:

Nintendo will only benefit from raising the weight limit on the balance boards. I know a girl who weighs around 260 and is pregnant. It isn't unheard of for women to gain 40+ pounds during a pregnancy. She loves Wii Fit and uses it when she can't get out to her gym. What happens if she does gain that much while pregnant? Some of you sound like you want to commit her to fat camp or something. Anyways, Nintendo would benefit from raising the limit. And all of the skinny people complaining wouldn't know the difference.


MelonPie said:

I don't think anyone has a right to put a weight limit on an EXERCISING item, but at the same time, they do put it for safety regulations and such. I agree though, that it should be quite a bit larger than just '300lbs'. Asians are a different race than the average American, so of course their body types would be MUCH different. The UK's limit is 330lbs, which I believe is what the US's is also.


Truth said:

People making fun of fat people probably have really ugly faces and know there is nothing they can do about it, so they need someone to make them feel better.


obesityhurts said:

My husband is over the 330 pound weight limit, and hates that he is not able to work out like myself and my daughter on the Wii Fit. I think they really need to come out with a board for those who exceed the 330 pound weight to help them lose the weight! My husband would definitely buy it if one were available.


Monkey said:

I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of the people on here talking trash about overweight folks, haven't stepped on a scale recently. You gamers aren't known to be petite little things.


Moretruth said:

Well we all have our own problems, however obesity is fixed by exercise. How do the stupid ignorant ones making fun of us obese plan on getting help, because there are no remedies for stupid.


Wowzer said:

I don't think I've ever seen anyone over 300lbs. And I thought I was big at 120. As long as you eat healthy, exercise and feel well then it can't be too bad I guess.


EffHaterScum said:

Wow people! You have all reinterpreted stupid. I am amazed (not exactly sure why) at the amount of ridicule put out there. Which one of you, probably ugly or under-endowed douche bags, is perfect? Just a thought.


BigD said:

At 6'4" and 350+, I was playing racquetball 2-3 times a week, golfing twice a week and doing 1hr+ of cardio 4-5 times a week until knee problems knocked me down to basically just golfing. Just because we are big doesn't mean we can't move and are just blobs sitting on couches. Grow up and get a life. There are plenty of us who would like to use this and can't because of the weight restriction. They have scales that can accept more than 330lbs, so why can't they build a Wii Board to handle more. It's not rocket science.


Karrie said:

I bought a Wii Fit for my brother for Christmas because my mom bought him the Wii. I didn't realize there was a weight limit. He is losing weight but is waiting for the day he can play the Wii Fit. He is a 6'10" firefighter (not lazy) who is over 300lbs. Response to the small minded posters: For all the shorties out there who can't think outside of their small worlds, you should understand that there are people out there who are very tall and don't weigh less than 300lbs. Big people could be motivated to move and lose weight using this game.


Johhny said:

Just so some of you know, the weight limit is 330lb, 23.8 stones. But the board can hold a lot more weight, certain exercises like squats will cause a great downward pressure on the board, I haven't seen this verified but a lot of people come out with the same figure that the board can probably actually hold double the weight limit. So if you're over the limit by a few pounds I wouldn't worry, it should hold your weight quite easily. Just go more easy when doing squats or jumping up and down, the harder you do it the more weight on the board.


500 pounder said:

There sure are a lot of opinions about how fat people need to get off the couch and step away from the table. I totally agree. I weigh 510 pounds and I know my health is bad. That is why I bought Dance Dance Revolution House Party 2 for the Wii. After the first day I couldn't move, but that didn't stop me. It is so much fun, and when I get to the 300lbs mark I plan on switching to the Wii Fit. Attention fatties, switch to the Dance Pad. It's safer and there is no weight limit.


Laura said:

I think that everyone likes to point at the heavier people to make themselves feel better. Trust me, skin and bones is less cuter than someone with love handles. Video games can be enjoyed by all, and if you break the Wii board, it's just an excuse to get a free new one. Am I right? Yes. I'm 220 pounds and I'm 5'10". Not everyone that's overweight LOOKS overweight. Most people that are over 200 pounds are a lot healthier than those who are 120 pounds. Learn your facts, and the only reason you're that much is because you don't know how to live life freely.


Danny said:

Wow. You guys are a bunch of total "insert your preference of words here". First of all my brother is 6'8 and he is over 300 pounds, he's not fat, he's rather muscular, but could stand to tone up a bit. I personally am 6' and 260. Does that make me fat?


bm2 said:

If you're a little over the limit, put the board on carpet or a comforter under it, that will drop you down about 20lbs. Of course it will be inaccurate for awhile, but once you lose the weight, start over.


strongone said:

So since I am 6'4" and 325 but in great shape, honestly not much fat on me, would like to play but I can't. What the hell, oh well makes a nice door mat I guess.


Sweet-tart said:

I'm 5'9 3200lbs, I'm overweight but I play Wii everyday and I walk everywhere I need to go in town and I run the mile once and still I'm not getting fit or losing weight. It's pretty bad when people expect so much from a game just because it's made to help you figure out how healthy or unhealthy you are, doesn't mean playing a "motion" video game is going to help you get healthy and lose weight. I do think that Nintendo shouldn't have made something to sell around the world without factoring in who their target buyers were (I mean hello, how many active people are going to hang out at home and play video games all the time?). My house has a Wii and you know how often it gets played? Maybe 3 hours a week. I'm trying to teach my kids that though games are fun, it's better to go out and run, jump and get crazy at the park than to stay inside and play games.


wkdwendy said:

I am not going to waste my breath with all the fat haters out there, it's not worth my time trying to get ignorant people to not act so cruel. I am a severely obese woman who would love to have something to do like the Wii Fit. I walk, and people stare at me and laugh, I have had things thrown at me, because people are cruel, so that is why us "couch potatoes" don't do more than we do. It's not only hurtful to hear the comments, but can be dangerous. I weigh 390, and would happily pay 100 dollars more for the "fat" version of Wii Fit. Or 200 more. Whatever. So, with hope that they will do it, I wait. And yes, I know my weight is all my own fault. I do have the medical problems that exacerbate it, but it's my own fault for not doing more. I KNOW that, and I accept that. Just letting anyone important who may read this that some of us "fatties" would happily pay more if it can be done.


Old MacLardbutt said:

While I just couldn't take reading every post here, I would still like to know where some of you people get off acting like someone that is over 300lbs is incapable of basic movement. I myself am 6'2" and well over 300lbs and well aware of the fact that I'm fat, but that has never seemed to stop me from doing whatever I damn well please. I happen to be a farmer, and if anyone would like to claim that I am not capable of doing the piddling little Wii Fit workout because of my weight. Well, there is plenty of work around here. Stop on by and we'll see how long you last before you're flat on your arse. In the meantime, please know that some of you are making yourselves look very ignorant.


Zoned0ut said:

I'm not going to state my height, weight, athletic prowess, bmi, medical condition, genetics or any other reason to be reading the posts on this bulletin board. It goes without saying. Why else would I be here looking into the weight limit of this product. Hint, I'm not giving it as a gift. Almost every post from an overweight person justifies their size and then goes directly into calling thinner people stupid, ugly or ignorant. Or worse yet, mention how likely it would be that they could pound the thinner ones into the ground. Look, I don't like being called fat or lazy either, but isn't it just as bad to label skinny folks as dumb, weak or ugly?


greatnews said:

The great news is now there are a few "fitness" games out that you can do and not have to have the fit board, and the number of games is growing! So for all you people overweight like me, that want to get more fit and have a fun way of doing it, we aren't limited by the board. I just went out to the game store today and I bought my fitness coach. It was recommended by my sister and she says she absolutely loves it. I can't wait to break the game open and play! So please don't get discouraged, keep it up, be determined, and at the end of the day only YOU matter. Not what all these people are saying.


dewie said:

330 here, I'm seeing various reports that I'm covered by Wii fit. Augh I hate doing research.


worth it said:

So I'm a little under the weight limit (294lbs, 5ft10) but I've been trying to find an exercise alternative that is more fun than walking down the street saying "yay, another tree". 300lbs being the weight limit is so stupid, why would they release something into an obese nation without thinking hey let's raise the limit so people can safely and more attractively lose weight so they aren't 300lbs.


Frank said:

I'm 6'6 330 and used to play football. I'm only like 20% body fat and just want to tone up a bit and thought this would be a good way to do it but the 300lb weight limit is a joke. If you really think that everyone who is 300lbs is fat come see me, because most of you little midgets that think that 300lbs means obesity are most likely fatter than I am.


slimming down said:

To all you overweight people out there who are worried about the weight limit. I bought a Wii fit and didn't even know there was a weight limit. When I got it I weighed 330lbs. And now thanks to Wii fit after only 1 month I am 309lbs. My fit board is fine. There is nothing wrong with it. So go get you one and get to moving.


rieckend said:

I came here for answers and apparently all I found is that Americans hate each other, no wonder the rest of the world thinks low of us. We should be encouraging people to exercise, not insult people. I have a misdiagnosed thyroid problem. I exercise every day, eat good and get nowhere. I wanted to get this board now that I am on meds to start the long journey back to a decent weight. This won't happen overnight. I am glad for folks that are skinny but you suck when you insult, and make jokes out of others, especially when you don't know them.


Bigberg said:

I am 6'2" and weigh 340lbs. I played NCAA football as a defensive tackle. I can play basketball, lift weights and anything else you throw at me. When I stepped on the Fit board and saw that I exceeded the weight limit I thought it was the biggest let down that Nintendo has ever had. I am far from being fat. I am a big guy and heartbroken that I can't do this with my family.


Real Mature said:

Wow. I was hoping to find out a little info on the Wii Fit and found a cesspool of insults on here instead. You would think that a "fat person" would be encouraged by their peers to lose weight, but instead, you slam someone for being different than you and that's just not cool.


Wii Lose said:

To those who make fun of fat people- if it is so easy to discriminate against this one strata in society, it seems to me that you would be prone to discrimination of other kinds. Test yourself. Just replace the words "fat person" with the word "n*****" or "jew" or even just "blind man" or "tall man", anyone who differs from yourself. Then see if you would speak the same things about them that you say about fat people. Would you laugh with your friends if a tall man, black man, blind man, walked in the room? Discrimination is discrimination. Reevaluate your behaviors and treat all human brothers and sisters with respect.


Matt said:

Replace the words "Fat Bastard" with "poor choices in behavior led to Aids" and how funny would that be? Yes. Those of us that are fat should lose some pounds. Those of you that are "into" making fun of fat people, should gain some compassion. How many people with poor behavior choices do you have sympathy for. But not the FAT people. I sincerely hope you NEVER pack on the pounds so you won't have to feel what it's like to be a "FAT BASTARD". Overeating can be caused by psychological stress or other emotional issues. Hmmm. Drug use does the same to some people. How many tears have you shed for people that are hooked on drugs. Oh they are having such a hard time, but their trying to quit. Good for them. When is the last time you saw a FAT BASTARD trying to exercise and thought "Good on you for trying. Keep going. You can do it." or do you think. Yea. You need to be doing that you "FAT BASTARD".


amber said:

You guys are nice. And even though a lot of Americans are overweight, most of us weigh less than 300lbs.


Like Large said:

I am also 6'4 and 320 pounds, I own Wii fit and it works for me. I am a fatty, and I intend of doing something about it! I'm putting down the Big Mac and picking up the Wiimote.


shortandfat said:

I just have to put in my 2 cents. I'm one of those people that's around 300#. Yes I admit most of it is my own doing. I do have some illnesses that make losing weight harder, but that doesn't stop me from trying and succeeding eventually. I've lost 50# so far, but it's not easy, because those same people that tell me I need to just get out and exercise, then laugh at me for doing so. If I go jogging everyone who I pass by laughs at me and if I go walking, they laugh at me. If I go to the gym they laugh at me, but yet I'm supposed to "just get outside and exercise" so I love the privacy of my Wii fit and yes even at almost 300# I can do many things on the Wii fit. There are some that are a challenge, but I can work up to them. So for those of you that claim that 300# people can't do the Wii fit exercises you're wrong.


margaret said:

So my husband is just over the 300 limit and we figured out a way for him to use it, just not get the body measurements until he loses some weight. Put a bath towel underneath the board and you can use it if over 300lbs. Again you are not measured properly but the idea is you can use it until you get under the weight of 300 and then do the fitness tests etc and get measured. But at least you are doing some exercise. We love it and my husband is now actually exercising. Try it out folks.


Noreen said:

I want to commend "shortandfat" for what he/she said. I just got the Wii Fit the other day and I just 5 min ago tried to use it and it turns out it says that I am too heavy to do it. I am absolutely so upset about this. I watched my 9 year old doing this right before I was to try it and I was so excited. Couldn't wait to try it. And when it asked me to stand on it, it said that my weight is over the limit. The only reason those who have said negative things about us who weigh more than 300 is because you're just just plain ignorant and very heartless and when you don't understand something you should NEVER talk about it.


aleblanc55 said:

Most of these post are horrible. To sum it up, not all fat people are fat for no reason, there is often a lot of mental issues behind it, not everyone 300 pounds and up are fat. I am 5'11" and 235 and yes I need to lose weight but think how easy it would be for me to be 6'5" and 300 with muscle or without it. And I am in ok shape, can lift, run, and I play sports. Do overweight people need to lose weight, yes, but god at least encourage them and not tear them down. Plus at 200 and up which is probably the weight of a lot of men in shape and not, excluding skinny lanky people, I could easily put more than 300 pounds of pressure on the board, creating a problem for even the skinny people.


Battlecat said:

So many people are just plain stupid. Not all people are fat from eating. Some like myself have serious medical issues and due to taking medicine (steroids) has caused them to gain weight. A game such as Wii Fit will give them the privacy of their own home to play as the medical issues allow them.


jay said:

I am not fat but I have big feet, size 13 but that isn't that big and they hang over the front and back. So they could make a board that is a tad wider and longer as that also limits tall big footed people, to the use of the board.


Marcel said:

I have Wii FIt. I love it and am doing everything that it tells me to do. With that said, I have a friend who is well over 300lbs and he used Wii Fit with no problems. I think it said he was 346.


moLmo said:

When I first got mine, specifically to work out, I was 306 and it didn't break or malfunction at all. I'm well under the limit now so it doesn't matter, but it didn't break when I was over that.


Big Guy said:

I'm 6'4" and 330lbs. Want a Wii fit so I can start exercising more often. Yes I realize I have become overweight of my own accord but it's of concern to my family and close friends. Strangers should back off for two reasons: it's not your problem. People skinnier than me had died from coronary diseases too. Yeah we are at risk for being overweight but if you don't exercise regularly and eat healthy you are at risk too.


avata said:

I think it's sickening the way people are putting down heavy people. Especially when obesity is on the rise. It is harder to exercise when you are morbidly obese, so anything that can keep someone getting fit, while feeling like it's just playing a game is great.


bizzeeb said:

Anyone researching Wii Fit obviously is looking for a fun way to get in shape, regardless of weight. Why make fun of the big folks for that? I think this is one of the greatest 'toys' out there. And I'm one of the 'wee' folk (no pun intended).



I think that if anyone puts the effort into losing the weight, they should be commended for their effort. It's harder to get into shape than get out of shape. If it takes a years worth of HONEST EFFORT to get started on a fitness regiment, that's better than no effort at all.


KGB said:

Asian people are skinny because the food they eat is gross and they don't WANT to keep eating it. Have you ever wanted to just pig out on sushi? Have an irresistable urge to eat lots of rice? And not the junk you find at normal Chinese buffets.


crzeygrl said:

WOW, the ignorance runs rampant.


Munkey Spanc said:

Hey hey hey! The US isn't the only place that got more spare tires per capita. *points at France* them too. With all their rich cream sauces. And their cheeses. I want to go to France.


Alan said:

Bottom line I want to know is, I am 25 stone, if I buy a Wii fit board will it work with my weight? Yes or no? Regardless of the limit marked on the box, my risk if it breaks, but will it work? If I don't do something I will die so this in the comfort of my home is the option I am ready for.


Lazy butt said:

Okay all you "larger" people you think just because you say you do all these sports you think you are "in shape", think again. Go to a doctor and get on a diet and exercise plan. And before you all go nuts over my comments, I am a morbidly obese person. I do not exercise or eat like I should. I am a lazy person who has only thought about getting a Wii fit. Now that I know that never was meant for someone like me, Nintendo and can kiss my behind. And then for all of you judgmental idiots out there, most of you are thin because you are just lucky. You too should see a doctor, because my grandfather who weighed only about 120 lbs. Had a heart attack because of blocked arteries. So maybe we all need to take closer look at ourselves before we start judging others.


William said:

I think that they should definitely make this for people over 300 lbs. I am a little bit over that, not by much, but would definitely like to use this. Or any exercising machine for that matter, but the majority of them are cutoff between 275 and 300. It has never made sense to me why they would put that kind of weight limit on it, because it is generally people that weigh that much that need these as an option more than the people who do weigh less. Yes, there are cruel people in the world who will make fun of everyone who is larger. That's one reason why I don't like going out too much, but I still want to lose weight. I do some simple exercises in my house, but not getting the results that I do want to see, and I feel that if I'm having fun while exercising, then I'll be encouraged more to continue on with it. A lot of people say that the people that are under the category of obese can't do a lot of these things, but I beg to differ. I was able to do yoga, and pilates, and I don't strike people as being the type of person to be able to do it. My opinion, all these exercising things, including the Wii fit, should be forced to be able to sustain a minimum of 450 lbs. Just for the purpose that, as I said, a lot of people that weigh over 300 are the ones that truly need a solution.


Reasonable said:

Ok, let's be serious. I would like to see the weight limit increased for personal reasons, however, once they do that there will be a whole new group of people just shy of that mark wanting it to be increased yet again to accommodate them. Perhaps this restriction is a good motivator for those who don't meet the limit to get moving so that they can use it. I think it's a great tool for people who are too embarrassed to hit the gym but don't know what to do at home either. It's a guide, but the active can still be used without the board. So get moving, lose the weight and get on that board.


jaclin said:

Well, I can see that there could be some athletic people that, with bulk muscle, might weigh over 330 and not be obese. Then, the board might not be wide enough for them, either. But I don't think we can blame Nintendo for not creating a board to fit everyone. Let's face it, if they made the board wider it would be impossible for the majority of us to do aerobics on it. Not to mention, it would take up more space at home. I wouldn't buy it if it were bigger. And, if I wasn't going to use a balance board, I wouldn't even buy the Wii in the first place because the classic games make me dizzy. Oh, maybe they need to make games that won't make us dizzy. Can't please everyone! And if you're extremely obese, let me tell you, these games might look fun but they're exhausting. I have to push myself to even play on mine, sometimes, and I'm not obese.. Only lazy and these games will tire you quickly. I really like the step aerobics about the best and I could have just signed up for a class. I'll sweat LESS rollerblading for an hour.


jaclin said:

I never pick on people that look overweight. I don't really like the word fat. I prefer overweight or obese, but I mostly only would refer to myself as that. I don't judge others for their weight as a general rule. Yeah, if I see someone at the buffet taking up two seats and it's obviously not muscle, my jaw is going to drop as I sit in wonder of how someone could let themselves get so big. I mean, I've been obese. I've packed on 40-50 pounds before, but I was aware of my body and knew when I really had to go on a diet. Some people are well over 40-50 pounds that they need to lose. Some people, it's more like 200. I pity those people, but at the same time have trouble understanding how they can be so lazy to not want to do something about it well before they get that size. Like Kim, at work, who goes on a "slim fast diet" with cheetos on the side. Then, she blames the diet for not working. Well, obviously. It's not fun to diet. Food is good. I've even heard that some scientists may be adding things to our food that are designed to give us that euphoric experience to make us come back for more and more. McDonalds is trying to push McFlurries and Shakes right now. 2 for $5. Well, if you're only one person, you need to pass on that offer. But, it's always there in the advertising. It's really hard to stay away from ice cream and stuff. These places like McDonalds need to be finding ways to cut the calories from their milkshakes. Not only have less tasty healthy alternatives. America's restaurants are at fault every bit as much as the consumer. Corporate America is at fault too. They often put so much pressure on employees to be productive and put their companies first. American employees, not saying every company, are often forced to work overtime and are severely limited on time off. Stress builds up. Individuals become drones and their work balance suffers. Worse, as prices go up, people are forced to take two jobs. This all can lead to a lot of emotional eating. Corporate America really should push for work balance. I think mandatory overtime should be illegal. People need time with their families anyway. This has been one of the main causes, in my opinion, of moral decay in our society. Everyone is at work. Nobody is at home with the kids. Obviously, I'm referring to the overall trend and not the temporary unemployment problems.


bert said:

All I can say is if you lot were to stop filling your faces you wouldn't need to be worrying about the weight limit for a Wii fit at the end of the day, it's a games console not something for you to use as an excuse to not go walking or some other alternative if can't move very fast or a lot. Then a Wii fit is not for you because that means exercise. And another thing is that you big people go on about hate and that we are self-centered and so on but obviously you umpers hate the averaged size person, surely you also must be self-centered and should stop hating.


limit 2 low said:

There are a lot of nasty comments on here. I would like to see the weight limit higher as I am at the 310lbs mark. I can use it when I'm not holding as much water (through illness not weight related). I want to get my weight lower and just not eating is not enough. I haven't the money or time to go to the gym. I have thyroid problems that make it much harder for me to lose weight and really need to be able to use the Wii Fit board every day. Not just on days it feels I'm safe to let on board. I would like to add that if you are on here being personal about people, what goes around comes around. They might just find out one day how hard it is to be come free of a trap like being obese.


limitlow said:

There are a lot of ignorant people out there. We "obese/heavy" individuals hear it from all of you other folks. We hear what you're saying without you even saying a word. You're so damn disgusted with our appearance or something. Why can't you accept another human being for who they are. The fact Nintendo has come out with a way to play and have fun is awesome. We'll be able to help children/teens stay active and hope and pray they do not fall into the same traps as some of us adults. It's not always our own faults that we're heavy. It's either an emotional addiction/a health issue like thyroid disorder or something else. We bigger people don't always just sit around and eat because we have nothing better to do. Let me tell you you're being SHALLOW as all hell. PS check the movie "Shallow Hal" out. And those of you who have a weight issue ignore the ignorant individuals. Skinny is what society accepts. Become heavy, hell even have a disability, and you get shunned. We all need to show each other some respect!


RuDog said:

It seems that there are a lot of people who need to tease and make fun of other people in order to make themselves feel better. It's funny, I've noticed that most of the smaller people who are doing the name calling don't even know how to use correct grammar and language. So, what does that say? You might be skinny, but you're a dumb ass. Pop that big head of yours, there is something about you that isn't perfect either. To Scooby Jew, what is wrong with you? You bring shame to all the other Jews. Get a life people, figure what is wrong with your self, then instead of wasting energy making fun of someone, find a way to maybe be a help. Oh my goodness. What a thought. Help a fellow person instead of make fun of them.


Not so ignorant said:

Hey ScoobyJew, have you ever felt the effects of discrimination? Since you are Jewish, I am assuming you have. That is what you are doing to overweight people. I am sure you don't want to be prejudged, just like everyone else. I work in the medical field. A lot of overweight/obese people have underlying conditions that make them that way, be a pituitary disorder, metabolism issue, or even a mental illness. Sometimes it can even be caused by a medication they are using. It is unfair to judge anyone, regardless of shape, shade or religion. Get real. NOTHING makes you better than anyone else.


Michele said:

I am happily nowhere near the 300lb cut-off but there are many who are. There are a lot of factors that can contribute to obesity. Yes some people get that way from just eating way too much and moving very little. But even so, should you just say well you got yourself fat so live with it? I don't think so. We should be encouraging these people especially to get up and move. This game makes exercise fun. The board should support heavy weighters too. If they weigh 400lbs, they are going to have trouble working out at gyms and probably feel uncomfortable exercising in public. Some of the posts here show why. Wii Fit and other Wii exercise games might motivate them to start getting in shape. You burn a lot of calories just lifting your arms if you weigh that much.


trina said:

I didn't notice the weight limit until I purchased the board. Not on the box. So, I have a board I can not use. Overweight people need to be able to use wii fit. I'm sick of people who don't have a weight problem giving an opinion of why fat people are fat. Focus on your own concerns and let us worry about ours. We don't want to hear your opinions.


Very tall said:

I'm nearly 7' tall- not overweight for my height & muscle mass- (I'm a body builder) but unable to use this- not just fat people are restricted here.


Big Mama said:

It's always nice to be reminded of how 'fit' people are such a bunch of secretly SMUG bastards. Everyone treats you nice to your face, then has nothing but smarmy remarks about FAT people! I would LOVE to buy a Wii Fit Board and get moving but unfortunately, the weight limit doesn't allow it. So.. screw you judgmental a-holes. Fat people have just as much right to live on this earth as you do. Get over yourselves.


Fattie McGee said:

I find it interesting that people think that the "Fatties" over 300lbs (or 330lbs in the US version) should get outside and lose the weight. I wonder if they've ever BEEN a fattie outside trying to lose the weight. It's AWFUL the way people stare. I love my Wii fit because it helps me get some activity in without the bony people gawking.


Caroline said:

I think your comments about obese people are vile- let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Just think that someone might be too scared to join a gym or to exercise in public and this could be the answer. Grow up people and get a life.


jre said:

A lot of you are insensitive morons. I am skinny as a rail--92 lbs. 5'7 Totally through nothing I do. I eat Big Macs and chips like a fiend; I would probably pass out if I had to climb more than a couple of sets of stairs. My best friend is a bigger girl and so careful about what she eats and can run marathons around me. Don't be smug sbout what you may not have any control over.


indianabig said:

I'm glad they have something for us bigger population, you "skinny" people are the reason we don't go to gyms. Please try to be more supportive, we need this just like everyone else.


reggie said:

Well I'm 6'9 1/2 and weigh 375 lbs, I'm fat but not grossly fat, they should make a Wii board for us bigger folks. Not my fault somebody is 5'7 150 lbs, more power to them, why all the hate for heavy folks?


savage said:

I agree I'm 6'1" 325. I've been a jock my whole life, I love sports and being active you little aHoles need to wise up. Not all big people are big because they're lazy. I wish they would make a bigger Wii fit.


boyhowdie said:

WOW! What a diverse group of people with opinions there are out there. I was just looking for info on the weight limit of the Wii fit board. I have 9 people in my family, from 12 y/o to 47 y/o with weight range from 110 lbs to 345 lbs and I wanted something we could all use. Just like clothing comes in different sizes perhaps the Wii board should too. I don't think Nintendo is trying to discriminate, but more request for a larger board for whatever reason would probably help it get to the market quicker. I don't know, just a thought. I am surprised by all the small minded people that have expressed their opinions here. Some must be very religious because they certainly have a holier than thou attitude. As far as making rude remarks about the USA if you leave my country alone I will leave yours alone and if you already live in the US and don't like it please go back to your country, unless they don't want you. If that is the case there are a few other countries that would be glad to take you, don't let US hold you back.


hippie chick said:

I think they should increase the weight on the balance board. Because it might get more people up and working out. Some of my family can't use it so why should I buy it?


fatso said:

Well, I just googled balance board weight limit because my son just wants a Wii for X-mas and I thought to buy it with the Balance Board. The real weight limit is about 300kg because it takes into account the impact of jumping (it effectively doubles your weight). Still, the Balance Board can only accurately support 150kg. I'm 365lb (about 166kg) with 6'4". Of course I look fat but I used to weigh 300 pounds and nobody told me I was fat nor obese. My work keeps glued to a chair for most of my day and jogging is out of the question, since I already injured myself while playing a bit of tennis.


Parvin said:

Got the game yesterday (Dec 3rd 09). It's actually better than expected, and it was a surprise gift. Hopefully it will help the good 'ol muscles.


Fubar said:

I am fat. I don't know how I got to this point. I don't feel fat. Until I look in the mirror, or try on new clothes. I can't jog. I can't hardly stand to leave my house. I would like to lose weight so I can die in forty or fifty years, not four or five.


Reality Check said:

Skinny people make fun of heavy people online because they know they would get their asses kicked if they tried it in person. Same thing goes with the America bashers. Say it to our faces and you'll get your gobs smacked.


Sue said:

Wow! I agree that it is a major problem in the US. However, an even bigger problem is rude, ignorant people who think that putting someone who is different down makes them a better person. Get over yourselves and realize that there is more to a person than their appearance.


BestFatThanIgnoran said:

ScoobyJew, I'm sure there's an oven for you.


judgenot said:

To everyone that has any judgment about fat people, you need to get a life. I hope that you wake up one day and find yourself 500 pounds and too fat for the WiiFat edition! I also hope that people like you make it hard for you to deal with being fat. Making judgments on people that you have never met is not only ignorant but also rude. I am 5'6" 348 lbs and I am truly a fat person. However because I have been fat all my life, I carry my weight very well and am more flexible and agile than any one that I know. I play my Wii religiously and I run and play outside with my kids daily. There are thin people that are just as unhealthy as I may be I just happen to show mine on the outside. So don't judge me and get a life!


329 and can use it said:

I am 6' tall, 329lbs, and an avid weight lifter. I have no problems benching 300lbs easy, curling 90lbs per arm and watching all the "horizontally blessed" as that turd scooby jew said above, try to lift anything near us "Fat People" or "Entertainment" as he puts it is just as entertaining to watch. The greatest thing about fat people is that we got past the 3rd grade "I am better than you" syndrome, and we use respect to interact with others. I know all the little skinny boys that made fun of my fat ass in school every day when I was weak, would not have the balls to say it to my face now. Most of the little turds do it online. Good luck to all the people in here trying to change their lives and I hope you do great.


lynn said:

I would appreciate actual experience from people who use the Wii balance board and are close to 300lbs. I would gladly pay extra for a heavy duty board to handle my weight. Can anyone supply any real world info? Everyone on here criticizing heavy people for being heavy are just a few years away from being fat themselves.


Yakaboochi said:

Some people just don't know what 300lbs looks like. I'm 6'2" and 360lbs. Work out 3-4 tomes a week. People are shocked when they hear how much I weigh. If I was 2'6" the 300lbs would look bad.


Baller said:

I am a semi-pro football player in the states, and am 6'4" tall and weight 330lbs. I have actually played the Wii fit and really enjoyed it just for fun, some of the games it wouldn't let me play, but all in all it was fun. I think they should make one with a larger weight limit though, those are the people who need the thing.


IT said:

As funny as it may seem, some of us "fat people" who are over 300 pounds really DO look forward to using the Wii fit, but the 300 pound limit sucks for someone like me at 320. Granted, that may prove inspiration for me to drop the 20 plus pounds so that I can use the Wii. But don't knock fat people for wanting to use the Wii to try to get in better shape. At least we're trying something. For me, it's more comfortable to exercise at home because when I'm in the gym and I see all the buff and fit guys and I'm heavyset, I feel out of place and I'd rather not go to the gym. I see guys running on the tread mill and I'm breaking a sweat just walking, so in all honesty, the Wii is attractive to me because I can exercise in the comfort of my own home without being embarrassed.


kathleen said:

For those of you who make themselves feel better or more superior by putting others down, remember that it could be you someday, maybe not for weight but for something else. Everyone has the right to try to better themselves. The Wii Fit should have a higher weight limit so that those inspired by the ability to work out in the safety of their living rooms, not being stared at or talked about at the gym, have the chance to get started on the road to a new self. Judge not, lest you be judged.


Over 300 tip said:

Didn't bother to read all the banter and ignorant teenager comments about overweight people. I'm slightly over the 330 mark, and all I do (as funny as it sounds) is every time it said "OK, STEP ON" I just sit on it. I register under 330 since my legs are off, then I can stand up and play all the games just fine. Rock on fellow fatties!


Fat & Fun in TX said:

Doesn't anyone here watch shows like the biggest loser. That is the game we want the board for, and I can tell you a lot of these people are well over 300lb, and they work their butts off literally. This is minor compared to the work outs they get. So lay off people.


Disappointed said:

First off. As for "Scooby Jew" and any other immature comments in here. You make that comment, then wonder why people who are overweight don't get out? REALLY? Well if you are not smart enough to figure it out genius, that's WHY- BC of Horrible people like you! My family is a mix of all sizes and height, I used to be 120 lbs before kids, I am now 160, not close to 300 but because of having 2 kids, and my genetics, it was hard to come back down to even 160- Some people can't help their weight, as a nurse I know for a fact many things can contribute- it just happens & pregnancy, diabetes, genetics, heart, depression, arthritis, joint problems (any health problems can contribute). So have a heart and lay off! You don't know their story. And by the way, if you are a guy that is average height or taller- a healthy weight is anywhere between 200-265 (not far from 300) so, they don't need to increase the weight limit just because some people are unfortunate to be overweight, they need to increase it because a tall, healthy guy would need the increase as well. And it would also be great for overweight people to be able to have fun & work out without having to worry about ignorant people making immature comments.


Misha said:

I'm in London and I weigh 14st 12lbs I used to weigh 16st 13lbs due to an illness called pcos at 5"2 it's a lot back then and even now but the Wii fit has helped me so much plus I'm on metformin which has helped control my sugar craving which in pcos terms I won't put weight on. I have done my portion control as well but all in all I have lost weight on this.


Darunia said:

Just a little piece of information. Miyamoto said the board can hold up to 600lbs, it just won't register your progress until you're under the limit. You can still get the minutes and everything, it just won't register your weight. And for the losers like Scooby Jew, screw off.


Patrick said:

300lbs is not that heavy. I am 6'10" and weigh 295 without clothes+ shoes. Manufacturers are very short sighted when picking weight limits just as they are in making cars assuming people are their size.


DeeZee said:

I'm just under the 325 lb weight limit and mine is saying I'm over the limit. I am very active and walk a 10 month old pit bull/shepherd mix who has long legs. I don't. I think this board is very unhelpful and very unmotivating with people who want to lose weight in the United States of America. Does anyone have any ideas on why the board is saying over the weight limit?

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Grace said:

I just wanted to let all the nasty people who posted on this board that I am praying that god lets you into heaven. May you learn to soften your hearts and be good people.


Katie said:

BestFatThanIgnoran- too far.


Kiwi 152KG said:

Just for all those saying the yanks are the fattest, Australia holds that title now! Beer Swilling Yobbos they be!


TheOne said:

Why are people picking on us Americans? You are just jealous. We eat all we can at our favorite McDolnalds (TM, Copyright, etc) and 300lbs is the average weight for a 13 old kid. So what? At least we live large, we just like to be fat and annoying. The rest of the world is just jealous. We know that at least the people in our state of Britain United Kingdom are thin, and have James Bond accents, so go away.


Dracimas said:

The more of these flames I read the madder I get. I am 365lbs and am fat. I am looking for a fun way to exercise so I can try to get some of this weight off. It was said here that no one over 300lbs would want to do this. WRONG! I want to. It was said that no one over 300lbs would be able to do this. WRONG! I HAVE done this. It was said that anyone over 300lbs should go outside and exercise, but why should you be allowed to enjoy the exercises Wii Fit has, while those of us who NEED something like this are relegated to being out in the weather, heat, cold, etc. Seems it would be understood by the ignorant people who made these inflammatory statements that those of us who really need this would have a better chance of success with a routine if it were fun. Otherwise, we see what you get to enjoy and what we can't, and it makes us even more depressed about our weight than we already are, which is NOT conducive to success. I, for one, am going to risk breaking one for my first 66lbs. By the way, there are a lot of reasons people might be over 300lbs. Making fun of us is not only an act of evil, but shows just how stupid people can be. Being skinny doesn't make you better, or right. Stop judging us. We don't deserve it.


tolerant said:

I was ashamed reading a lot of the comments. No one set out to be heavy. Do you think children say "I want to be fat when I grow up"? There are reasons why people are overweight other than just eating. Medical issues play a key role in it! We need to be more tolerant and a nicer society.


Ignorantpeople said:

Really? Can we stop calling people "fat" it's rude. Would you want someone to call you stupid, because you do not know how to talk without word vomit flowing out?


walter said:

I am 5 feet tall and 156 pounds and at one point in time I was 260lbs. When I was that big I would never be able to use a Wii fit. I couldn't even walk up the damn stairs. So yea making a 300 pound limit is stupid. If you are that big put down the doughnuts and run outside duh.


shawnsbbygrl1 said:

My husband is 6'5 and about 270, he is overweight but at that same time, I don't understand how you can call him morbidly obese. Now I'm 5'5 and if I was 300 I would totally understand that. But simply because you're 300, alone don't mean much. Remember everyone is at a different height.


Dracimas said:

See, Walter above is a prime example of the stupidity in this thread. He says someone over 300 lbs can't walk on the Wii, or "even walk up the damn stairs", and yet his advice is to "run outside". Can't walk, but should run? Walter, you are an idiot.


troy said:

Hey I have a question about the Wii fit board. It was working just fine, and a larger friend hopped up on it and now it won't stay on.


Wiigull said:

Hmm. How 'bout skipping Wii Fit (does it absolutely *require* the board to be effective? I don't have it yet so I haven't got a clue.) and try EA's exercise program. It's gotten excellent reviews and doesn't require the board. And for the rest of the world, stop bashing and look around you. Between cable news and the internet, your own fat secrets are out there for everyone to see. The US isn't the only country with an obesity problem.


CASMAN said:

As a fitness instructor, I've seen "morbid" obesity. However, these so called "blessed people" who are thin remember this. Thin doesn't mean fit. Overweight people have excess weight to carry, somewhere under there are muscles to lug it around. "thin" people usually don't eat to stay thin, or smoke. Few diet and exercise all the time. To the "heavy" people, don't quit trying. I am 5ft 5in, the ideal weight for me is 132lbs. Are you serious? I'm 145, I am 44yrs. Old, exercise:cardio, weights, and diet. My excess weight is muscle. If you're going to weigh more, be more active. Your body will eventually change. So I'm overweight. Check your height, bmi, all that, then we'll see how many "thin" people are fit or fat.


AlannB said:

All you "horizontally blessed" people, the only reason you feel good about yourself is because "fat people" make you feel good. Maybe if you weren't such jerks to people, they would feel more comfortable going to a gym (with all the looks and attitudes people dish out). If larger people had something they could do in the privacy of home, WITHOUT having to deal with jerks, they could get into shape ENOUGH to go to a regular gym. My girlfriend is over 6' and would barely make the weight limit. And she works at least 10 hours a day. When does she have time to go to a gym or a pool? They are closed by the time she could get to it. Not everyone works the 9-5.


momof2 said:

Ummm. I think the Wii is a great invention because it gives obese people a chance at life that actually wants to do something with their life, yes I think the weight limit should be more I'm overweight but trying to lose weight so I can run and play with my babies. There is a lot of cruel people out there talking bout FAT PEOPLE. It makes no sense in people being so cruel. Just because ya fat doesn't mean you're a BAD Person. Fat people should have a second chance to get fit and the Wii could help I think.


ladyevie said:

I am 291 lbs. 6'-0" and could out run, out box, out exercise all almost everyone I know. The last girl that tried to challenge me learned her lesson. I think people show really look within themselves and wonder why they have to be so cruel. I am happier than anyone I know because I accept myself. I am a beautiful wife that my husband runs home to every night. And an active mom. People are overweight, obese, fat for a reason and 90% it's not because they are lazy! My parents are immigrants and they are short and skinny. My siblings and I born and raise here are allover 6'-0" and big. And its not because we sit around. There's "crap" in our foods. Steroids, growth hormones, etc. That's why Americans are "bigger". So zip it you ignorant, lonely, and ugly haters.


UK tooth problem said:

Too bad the UK is the third fattest nation in the world. You guys play soccer and cricket for fun, while Americans have numerous sports. Statistically, nearly all NFL players are considered overweight, which is obviously ridiculous. Until the CDC changes its standards for weight America will continue to be one of the fattest nations, but to all of you who are dissing America for being fat, we're falling in the rankings, and don't hold the top spot for fattest country, search Australia. With the way things are going I say the UK overtakes the US in weight by 2012. Have a beer, a "fag", and watch Cricket while it rains all day. I figure that's why people from the UK are always so rude, they never see the sun, their wives are horrific, and their teeth are, well, let's not go there. By the way, I'm not American, but I wish I was. At least they have manners, and have the decency to give more financial aid to other countries, more money than any other country in the world. I hope to get my VISA soon! God Bless America.


rdnk1602 said:

For all of you out there talking trash about fat people I just got to say something. I worked for the US Forest Service as a forestry tech, and a wild land firefighter. I then went on to be a Professional Structural Firefighter. As a Firefighter I weighed 324Lbs, was I over weight. Yes. Was I fat. No, I was solid. I had a major accident and I couldn't work out so I went up to 401! I'm now down to 371Lbs and still loosing weight. Just cause someone is fat don't mean they just sit around eating cookies and donuts. Let's not be ignorant and talk trash because someone is overweight. They already know it and may not like them selves, don't make it worse. If you do then you are just a sorry excuse for a human. We should all love each other.


Q said:

I have the Wii fit and I think there may be a way for over the weight limit to still get the Wii and enjoy some of it's benefits until they can get down to the 300 lb limiit. There are many exercises on the Wii fit that don't require the use of the board. Such as the run the (or you can walk in place) Have someone else stand on the board and keep doing the exercises that don't require weight the board until you get down to the allowable weight. That way you are still getting the benefit of working out at home and have extra incentive to get down to the 300 lbs (to start).


Bubba1 said:

It is funny and sad at the same time to see how people think of overweight individuals. Wii fit is not for athletes or it would be called the "Wii Trainer". There are plenty of people that weigh in excess of 300lbs that could benefit from this system. To ask for a board to accomodate their needs is not unreasonable.


C said:

Some of you are SO stupid and RUDE! There is nothing funny about this. Why wouldn't a fat person want to start getting fit?


Sandman1 said:

First off the 300 pound limit is a little low for the US, but my problem is the size of the board. When I stand with my feet shoulder width apart the board fits nicely between my legs. They need to make a wider board for larger athletic individuals such as my self. I also have a problem with Wii using BMI to tell you if your are fat or not. As an athlete I have never liked the BMI it is simply a formula that doesn't take into account body fat. I weigh about 280 pounds but by not means am I fat or out of shape. I run between 10 and 15 miles a week swim 2-3 miles a week and bike 30-40 miles a week and when the weather is warmer I supplement all that with about 2 hours of surfing a day. I have at last measurement 9% body fat but according to the game I am obese. Game makers please make some adjustments to your game to accommodate larger men like myself.



I am unfortunately closer to 400 lbs. I have gained weight over the years due to bad habits and poor choices. The problem is willpower, and not wanting to go to a gym where people make you feel uncomfortable. My problem is it won't even let you do the exercises unless you weigh in on the board first. This is a big deterrent for me. If I could at least follow the exercise without the board until my weight came down, this to me would be acceptable. Oh well, just got to try it without it for now.


Marduke said:

I am 7' 4" and 330 pounds and I would like to use the Wii also, since I am much wealthier than all those shrimps on here, I had Nintendo make me a special board. They did this for free even though I offered $1000 USD. Simply contact Nintendo customer care. Unfortunately the Wii Fit will not register my dogs they weigh 200 pounds and are pure bred wolfhounds, but the Wii Fit does not read the animal weights over 60 pounds. YET.


Simon said:

I am within the weight limit but my feet are longer than the board is wide, I am 6foot 8 inches and weigh 275 pounds but the small board sized for children apparently is not working for me. No full grown Man in America, and most Male Sub-Adults in America have feet longer than the board size. So when you lean forward often it will stop reading you. Also, as a full sized man mentioned above, for those of us larger than first graders or jockeys we have to stand unnaturally with feet much closer together than our man sized shoulder widths, making balance difficult. I too hope Wii comes out with a board made for adult men to use, I think the concept is GREAT, but I can not use it well and would like to.


GQ said:

Wii fit isn't good for losing weight anyways. If you really want to lose weight use EA Sports Active. Wii Fit SUCKS.


Teri66 said:

Thanks GQ. I was looking for a quality Wii Workout option that doesn't use the balance board. Going to buy it tonight.


becky said:

Wow some of you people need to chill. Oh and noone cares about how tall you are/how much you weigh and how you aren't fat. NO ONE CARES.


getalife said:

Seriously people. I came onto this site to check to see if the Wii board had a weight limit. Looks like I'm pretty good on that end. As for most of you that don't have the intelligence to have respect for others, when you're so busy hurting others with hurtful words, how can you live with yourself? Words are powerful. The bible tells us to watch our speech, thoughts and actions, which clearly covers even written word. You need to ask god for forgiveness and turn from your wicked talk (and typing). If you can't say anything nice, then you shouldn't be saying anything at all.


F=MA said:

Reading these comments makes me want to go out any kick some skinny-boy ass. The strongest people in the world look like doughy farmers. Don't mess with us.


Steve said:

Everybody takes this as "super fat" thinking of average height. What about people like me. I'm 6'9" and weigh about 338. That is not super fat on someone my size but I'm still unable to use this. I feel if they can make digital scales that go to 500 pounds they should be able to make a balance board that goes to 350-400 pounds.


Nat said:

I just came on here to check the weight limit but am now wondering where all these hot & heavy, weight-lifting, sports playing guys are? Probably not in Australia.


4real said:

Yall are stupid to make fun of an overweight person and they will knock you clean out. You don't even know what their issues are for making them eat like they do. It don't matter but don't hate when the overweight person looks better than you when they have the weight off.

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josh said:

I bought the Wii board and I weight over 450 lbs. I bought it so that I could use it to lose weight. How unfortunate for Nintendo.


Hmm said:

Gosh, I think some people make fun of "bigger" people because they have nothing better to do, which says a lot I must say. I've just bought the Wii fit board, And I live in the uk. But my sister can't go on it as she weighs more than the weight limit. I think this is quite stupid.


ayana said:

I have a family member that weighs somewhere around 195lbs and she is trying so hard to lose weight she doesn't eat junk food like that, at least once a month eats plenty of fruits and vegetables but doesn't have time to exercise. She goes to college online and works as apart time nurse. I hope the Wii fit plus works and helps.


flipper said:

I am 327lbs and can't get the thing to lose weight. I am so mad that I have to lose 35lbs just to lose the weight.


nick said:

I skipped reading half of these posts to reply to one. Tom, how can you be so retarded as to say that anyone "over 190 is overweight. Period?" I'm 6'6''. I also have a large amount of muscle from playing sports all of my life. My doctor doesn't want me to ever be less than 210 pounds. 190 would be dangerously underweight for me unless I lost all of my muscle. Anyway, I couldn't use this product anyway, regardless of weight. I have size 15 feet and a 56'' chest. I'm very tall with very broad shoulders. At my skinniest I would not be able to get the full benefit from the Wii Fit. Some things are not made for the naturally larger people (If you're under 6'2'' and don't have a medical condition, you should definitely be able to be within the weight limit. With no problem. I'm overweight so this isn't some insensitive thin jerk like many on here). I can't drive small cars. I can't even fit in my friends '96 Honda accord without opening the sun roof to stick the top of my head out. Oh well.


VDNovach said:

I got a little upset. I bought a Wii and Wii Fit plus and can't use it because I am too heavy for it by 38lbs.


Debbie said:

I'm 5'7" or thereabouts, female, and I weigh about 100 kilos give or take. I have no idea what my true weight is because I've not had decent scales for ages, but I know I'm overweight. Mainly because I broke my leg a few months ago and it's hard for me to do any exercise. Not only does it hurt to walk or swim, but I'm getting hand-pain and pins-and-needles from trapped nerves due to bad posture and use of crutches, making it even harder for me to walk outside! I really like the look of Wii Fit and the newer version of it. I just don't want to buy a board that might break due to the force I can exert as a somewhere between 15-20 stone woman. It's bad enough that it might not register me properly. I'm somewhere close to that 136kg limit so I don't want to take chances. Should I buy?


retired fireman said:

Can you use the board if you are over 330 pounds since it is rated at 660 pounds? I thought that it just wouldn't accurately weigh you. Am I wrong?


Chris said:

Have they ever weighed their sumo wrestlers? I am very sure they are over 300 lbs! Just make a board that will take at least 400 lbs.


Not fat person said:

You guys are all so rude. Not every American is a fat ass only 30% of adults. I'm an American and I'm 5'4 and weigh 95 pounds. Are you calling me a fat ass just because I'm American? What if I started saying stereotypes about you just because about 1/4 of your country is fat? It doesn't mean the other 3/4 is fat too.


yes said:

Glad there may be one for 'American Meat'. Done the bowling, works up a good sweat, tennis-wii sport- also-having fun for so long; now want to hula hoop, Wii fit.


disgraceful said:

Seriously everyone here that is bashing Americans for having such small amount of our people overweight should consider this one; what if the 300 pound plus person wants to exercise and have fun at the same time? Should he or she be given the same opportunity to use the Wii fit as much as anyone who does fit the below 300 pounds bill? 2; America might be at the top ten, but America is not in the top three. So anyone here who is from Nauru, Tonga, New Zealand and UK should probably keep their mouths shut because they are pretty high up on that list as well. 3; this only shows that America desires to be fit and healthy to get out of the rut that we have fallen in. So why don't all of you bashers out there put that in your pipe and smoke it. And everyone else who isn't a basher, way to go, great job at being fit, healthy and above all open minded.


BugsyJones said:

I'm 350 and 6'2" and can out bench any of you. I can't use the Wii fit but I don't need to, all you little skinny twerps can get off your buts and stop talking about things you don't know about and go exercise like real people instead of making fun of everyone else.


happy said:

What he said! Plus every person has a "problem" or a "flaw". Fat-bashing is not cool. Do something to HELP. Volunteer to walk/run with elementary kids or something. Idiots.


Twig Snapper said:

I'm 6'6" 296 lbs. I stopped jogging because I kept having to scrape you little people off my shoes...


t said:

I'm over 300lbs. But I play semi-pro hockey and need every pound. Oh ya, call me fat. Do it, punk.


BamHeadShot said:

I've been tired of MW2. I can't wait for Black Ops. I just registered to get my copy of Call of Duty Black Ops before release. Yeaaa. The single player FFA modes are going to be sooo sick.


sweetlilme09 said:

Can we say psychopaths? People if you all felt that good about yourselves you wouldn't be on here talking down about others. God made every one equal besides who are you to judge anyway? Wow I think this is hideous enough for SKINNY people with morals to get pissed about. Just pure ignorance.


Big Viking said:

I am 6'10 and 300lbs. My body Fat is 6.5 percent. Raise the weight limit so I can play with my kids. Fat Americans hmmmm stick it.


F-TheSkinnyPeople said:

I say 400lbs is good limit, beyond that and you are probably not standing any way. I am 350 and hope to be using this daily.


VioletBud said:

I admit I'm overweight. Last time I checked I was 143kg. I came on this site to check the weight limit on the Wii fit and as I read the comments, I was appalled that all the comments point towards fat people being lazy. I walk 14km to work and home again 3-4 days a week. Plus I'm on my feet all day. I work with disabled people and we recently got a Wii and Wii fit board for the clients. They love it. We have exercise programs at work and it's always the larger clients who want to get up and have a go because they don't get judged. People are fat because they're discriminated by the skinny people of this world. You people should be ashamed of yourselves. You laugh at fat peoples misfortunes when you yourself are part of the problem. You say fatties need to go out jogging, but if I was to jog down your street I would no doubt stop to punch you in the face. I know I'm fat and I have to live with it everyday. I got rejected from the army because they judged me by my size. They didn't even give me a chance to do a fitness test. If they bothered to give me a chance they would see I'm a lot fitter than they expect. When I don't work I do pilates. I have a slow metabolism and the 'fat gene' on both sides of my family so its difficult for me to lose weight let alone maintain it. And if you think I wouldn't be able to move fast enough to punch you in the face, think again, I was champion boxer of my school. I beat up kids 3 years older than me who were much bigger. For those of you saying the fat is a deformity or a form of 'ugliness' you are wrong. I am beautiful and even the stuck up bitch that bred from my mother's best friend comments on my good looks when she sees me, and she's never polite to anyone. Although this might seem crude I feel it is relevant. My boyfriend gets more enjoyment out of sex when I'm on top. Being fat isn't always a bad thing, I admit I would love myself more if I was skinny. But I think I've become accustomed to my figure and I believe if I was skinny I would become the kind of person I despise. I would rather be fat and happy, than skinny and a bitch.


Reagan said:

Okay first off, I am overweight and I have to say I would definitely buy this product if it had a larger weight limit. Everyone on here bashing overweight people are ignorant. No one is perfect, and not everyone can be skinny. You skinny people are ignorant. I don't know a single skinny person that is content with theirselves. They all talk about how fat they are or how they don't like their legs. So I guess you're no better than us.


rachel said:

People sometimes can't control their weight because they could have diseases so stfu.


Big and Tall said:

My thoughts: 1) Call Nintendo, they'll hook you up with a special board. 2) How can one brag about a high score on Wii Fit? If I can't do that, what's the point? 3) I'm big and tall and I can't change that, neither can Nintendo. Just like some people can't change how little and short they are. 4) Nintendo's target audience is 10 year olds. NOW, for you little ones who are taking shots at the big ones and making the big ones angry, remember this: The ladies ask big people to open the jar They ask us to walk them home (because nobody wants to mess with a woman being escorted by a giant shadow). Big people can push stuck cars out of the snow and they usually drive bigger vehicles that can pull you out of the snow. Tall people can see over a crowd. Also they can get the jar off the high cupboard and not use that little indoor 3 step ladder rated for 225 lbs which would simply break under my awesomeness. We can also haul more stuff (you know the couch you couldn't lift, or be on one end of a 400 pound antique freezer you couldn't budge. (I was sore after carrying that one btw). The best part is Nintendo could fix the board to support big people. :D Here's a thought, maybe they can Make Wii Stilts to make you taller?


Kiwi said:

There's another balance board (Wii compatible) called Snakebyte Premium Fitness board that holds up to 180kg. Apparently has been popular. Comes in black and white.

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Lisa said:

I would like to see one of you average size folks have 6 spine surgeries and arthritis in your spine and see if you can keep weight off. Each time I had a herniated disk I gained 25 lbs. When you cannot walk without pain the less you do. Now the disks are all fixed but the weight didn't go away. I have lost it once before but now my metabolism is that of a snail. Dr. Said I would have to go on liquid diet to jump start it working normal again. I eat less than my 6 year old and still I gain weight. All you rude people should suffer the pain I go through and then let's see if you run your mouth about fat people.


concerned daughter said:

You know something else about Americans most of them are rude and pompous. I can't believe the jerks on this page, my father has always been an active man, and about a year and a half ago he had a couple of heart attacks and more health problems like diabetes COPD and cataracts, he lost his job, lost his house and had to move in with me. He suffered severe depression and gained weight now he wants to get active again and lose that weight so he can be around for his grandchildren. He can not go to the gym due to all his health problems it would cost him a fortune, my father was slowly giving up. I am very proud of him for wanting to lose weight and stick around I have a Wii fit and I tried to help him with it, he is too heavy for it by 20lbs. All of you who are knocking obese people should be ashamed of yourselves my father has to take a lot of breaks because he can not breathe or workout to a heavy routine because of his heart and because of the copd you all need to grow up.


e knowles said:

Yes America does need bigger boards. I am researching this fact right now. Do any of you know if they did indeed get smart? Or is the weight capacity for American Wii boards still 300?


Hmm said:

You racists. We could say that all Asians are short and annoying, but we don't, because not all of you are. Not all Americans are obese or rude OR pompous, and if you ask me, it's YOU guys who are hating on the US who are being pompous. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Also, I'm with concerned daughter up there, not all overweight people choose to be that way. Way to be ignorant, guys. A plus.


Bessos4u said:

I agree Tall Guy. The limit should be higher. I bought to have fun & get exercise, with no knowledge of the weight limit. Fortunately, I lost the weight through other means & can't wait to use the board after a two year wait.


Trent said:

Some of you people are just oblivious. Not everyone that is over 300 pounds will NOT exercise. Also not everyone over 300 pounds is obese. I played College Football, I weigh about 340 Pounds and am 6'5" tall when I graduated High School I ran a 4.7 second 40 yard dash, weighed 305 pounds then. 12 years later I will admit I have gained some weight but am NOT obese and DO exercise. I live in Minnesota and thought this would be a great way to try and stay active in the winter months when I cannot play softball and do other activities. I was wrong and very disappointed. I like video games and believed this would work wonders for me as opposed to hitting the gym where things are much less interactive, and much more time consuming. The fact that Nintendo has the weight limit it does on Wii Fit flat out stinks.


angry annie said:

I thought the reason for the Wii fit game was to help people become more active and be healthy in return lose weight. I think the fact it has a weight limit is ridiculous, most overweight people hate going to exercise in public, they feel like they are being judged! This is not right and I will definitely be talking to the authorities of Nintendo.


Big Blue said:

The 300 is low. I hurt my ankle pretty badly and got out of shape. I tore the tendon in three places. One doctor insisted that it was sprained. After eight months of him, I went to another one and had the surgery. Since I missed two winters of skating and playing hockey, I got very out of shape. I was in very good shape at 245 and 6-foot-3. So 300 is a little low.


Diet Coke said:

Stop making excuses, 300lbs is 21.5 stones in weight, no one needs to be that size for any body structure, stop making excuses about how you're not really overweight, you're simply fat, no excuses. In the states you make all your ride seats bigger so you can get on the rides, that's not because you're a different breed of human, a genetic species that is a larger human form, you're simply a bunch of overweight fatties, don't blame Nintendo because you can't walk past the fridge without opening the door and stuffing your face, they don't shove the food down your throat, it's nobody else's fault you're fat, look at yourself for the problem, it is "YOUR OWN FAULT" nobody else's.


Big T said:

Ok. I just did a search to get the weight limit and it brought me here. At first I was blown away about the ignorant, stupid, Jerk wagons comments. Thank god I read further to see some good sense people commented later. My wife and I just got a Wii fit. I'm already using it and in 1 weeks time have improved my balance which took great pressure off my ankle I messed up awhile back. Because of my ankle damage, I couldn't exercise as well which played apart in my weight gain. Now here's the thing. I was over 300 when I started using it. 312 to be exact. Now I'm down to 306 and dropping. The use of the Wii Fit helped my drive to eat better and exercise more. Now my wife on the other hand can't use the board because it won't register her but I'm sure she's near my weight. The effect. TOTALLY DISCOURAGED. Yeah Make a bigger board. Help the ones who need help. Encourage them and quit getting caught up in yourself.


wanna wii fit said:

I'm slightly too big for the Wii fit, and I'm trying my darnedest to get down to 300lbs so I can use it. I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but there are other Wii games that you can use to get fit without needing the balance board. The just dance games are a great workout. They are fun, have a great selection of music, and you can go at your own pace. They even tell you how much you sweat, and can keep track of your workouts. I'm dying to get a Wii fit, but for now, I'm loving the just dance games, as well as the other sports selections.


iliketwinkys said:

Soooo me and my friends are trying to put as much weight on the Wii balance board as we can and ahh so far it's not detecting us so we're just going to get back to that byezzz.


iliketwinkys said:

Didn't work, apparently you shouldn't try it. My friend says she broke her tailbone and is crawling around on the floor. It's kind of funny. Don't ever try it. The three of us put a bunch of pillows on her and we piled on. Then when we go off of her. She said help me get my coat off and me and the other friend laughed and said "NO don't TAKE IT OFF. YOU MIGHT NEED THAT FOR THE HOSPITAL. IT'S CHILLY OUTSIDE." So don't try it.


Ben said:

I'm 6'10 440 lbs. And I would like to have a Wii fit that could hold me. Most people would just say I'm a big guy but I know better. I'm very overweight. But I still do plenty of outdoor activities for fun and exercise but having a Wii fit would be a great indoor activity. I really hope Nintendo or a third party makes a heavy duty version.


limitless said:

So I weigh around 145, my sister 130, my dad 230, & my mom 250. We all play the Wii fit plus perfectly fine except my fiance he's over 300lbs & he's working on getting down to better size so he can play the Wii fit & other games. So all you people that are talking $#it on everybody that weighs over 300lbs karma is going to come & bite you all in the a$$ one day. You might be all skinny & happy now but karma is real & all I have to say is get ready for it because I hope it happens to you.


used to be said:

Actually I am proof the Wii fit is effective. I started on the board at 397 pounds and with the Wii fit board and eating right, I am down to 187 so, seriously, buy it. I didn't break my board and I saw results! And to all the haters. At least people that lose weight accomplish something in life.


aws85 said:

Wow a lot of ignorance on this board. First off the United States isn't the most overweight country that title is held by Samoa. Secondly there are plenty of people over 300 lbs like myself who would love the benefits of this system. I've been trying to better myself and it would help greatly if I had a program like this that tracks my weight loss. I was going to buy one until I saw the limit. Nintendo just lost my business.


Amlv said:

Haaaaaha I love all the fat jokes. I am fat and I am a model for torrid. And I use the Wii fit I love it. People are lame cause 300 pounds really is not the big. 500 is. Get over your self. And stop picking on the easy people that you could make fun of. If I want to be 200 or 600 that my life nit your. Grow up. I weigh 264 and I love my self. And if I want to be 650 then I will. I sure ever one has issues. Comments are like an asshole everones got one. I sure half of you people have some kind of trouble.


FatBoy said:

I have a brain tumor that destroyed my pituitary gland. My endocrine system, testosterone, adrenal and all is shot. I'm 340#. I exercise, take handfuls of drugs, have dangerous MRI's every 6 months. I would LOVE to have a balance board that would work for me, to go along with my treadmill and Bowflex. To all the skinny haters, I'm thrilled you are healthy and look great. Don't be hateful though, please.

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Michael said:

@used to be - I'm pretty sure I smell bullshit right there. Wii Fit won't let you go past the body test stage if you're above the weight limit. It resets back to the intro screen. I'd know I just tried it for the first time not knowing I'd be over the limit (not too ashamed to admit I'm scared to know what my actual weight is), but I'd say I'm not TOO far over it. So you couldn't have started using it unless you were like 299lbs or some shit.


Jupiter said:

Wow. I cannot believe how many of you think that people over 300lbs are just big fat slobs who lay around and do nothing. I regrettably weigh 338 lbs myself (8 lbs over the limit for the Wii Fit Plus) and would love to be able to use the thing so that I could start out at home, away from cynical stares and rude whispers. I went out and got myself a gym membership last year and was too embarrassed to use it more than a handful of times because of people just like the ones here. Right now I am starting (again) to try and lose weight and just reading these comments disgusts me. I hate knowing that when I am out there imagining all the things people are saying about me- I'm probably right.



I grew up loving Nintendo and have wanted the Wii Fit for a long time. Yet starting at almost 400 pounds (down 75 right now) I've been leary. I'm glad they put a weight limit on the box but do believe Nintendo needs to make a larger version for those of us that are larger. To the asses with all the negative comments about weight do your research there are many that aren't the lazy eating all the time fat people, but instead are on the outside healthy but inside there are problems that lower metabolism, that inhibit the burn of sugar as it should be, and so very many others. Before you judge get to know the facts and don't assume.


Ihateignorance said:

To all the people on here that are making themselves feel better by trying to bring someone else down GET A LIFE. And FYI the Wii Fit is for people to get fit so this is a step in the right direction.



You know what, here is to all the big people out here. I am 17 and weigh 330lbs and yes people stare at me, that's fine, go ahead, I don't care. I know I'm fat but the thing is I'm sweet and nice so when the skinny girls guys get sick of their bitchiness then they be coming to the thick girls.


Momo said:

You know Scooby Jew and others like him are probably the typical type short guys with Napoleon complexes. I'm around 5' 7" and used to LIVE for Dance Dance Revolution. I was extremely active until one day my knee started killing me. I couldn't straighten my leg. I went to three or four doctors and they had me on so many muscle relaxers that all I did was laugh and sleep. It was almost a year before one doctor decided to take a look at my back and found I had a herniated disk. I am on meds to help control the inflammation but I have gained weight (went from 240 to 280) and the pressure on my back doesn't allow me to exercise but for so long. The doctors have put me on this med and that, even appetite suppressors because they wouldn't believe that I don't eat even the recommended 1500 calories a day. Couple that with PCOS and I'm screwed. This would be awesome but I won't invest that much if there is a chance it will just break. It would be awesome to be able to pause the game and take a break long enough to deal with the pain and get right back on it. As it stands now I go to the gym for an hour a day (if I can manage a whole hour) and come home. After I lie down and give my back a rest (yes lie down. I have D cup boobs to go with it. Guys don't know how bad it sucks to have that much weight up top) I'm ready to go back but because I live in the country my gym is a good 15 or 20 minutes away. With gas sky high here it's not practical. This would be awesome considering how much I miss DDR and this is a low to no impact game (unlike all the jumping involved in DDR). Oh yeah, and PS the fattest man in the world is Manuel Irrebe from Mexico and there are shows based in Britain that deal with teenagers and kids more overweight than I've seen here period. One poor girl was 500 lbs. There are all kinds of reasons for being big and I understand that Nintendo can only do so much but making it strong enough for 350 lbs would not involve so much and would seriously boost their market. I really don't care what you 'horizontally blessed' people say because that can change in an instant. At least we 'vertically blessed' people aren't making fun of the vertically challenged. And honestly in this board the educationally lacking.


Not Surprised said:

I could not read this entire thread. It is hard to get past the ignorant comments made but what I pray are just a bunch of children who obviously have no manners, compassion, or tack! Just because a person is bigger than a size 8 does not mean they are lazy or spend all day eating. Seriously. GROW UP.

1 post

Jenn said:

Here's the thing.. people who are 300lbs and higher (I am) don't necessarily want to go out and exercise because we're well aware that everywhere we go we are judged. A gym is built to achieve fitness and yet its one of the most intimidating places I can think of. The last thing you want is to have people staring at you as you struggle after just a few minutes on a machine. Same with even walking or bike riding.. you get looks and laughter and even though you're doing something to change your situation, it is in no way motivating! Its clearly an issue made evident by all the rude, ignorant comments on this thread alone. An overweight person would, in my opinion, be much more inclined to work out in the privacy of their home until they built some confidence in their abilities versus out in the public eye. Clearly 300lbs is way too low a weight limit and while I understand that motion technology has its limits here in Canada ours goes up to 330 so there's no reason it couldn't be extended even that much more.

1 decade ago

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