Wii video cable composite and component

Wii video cable composite and component

The video cable being shipped with Wii will support both composite and component usage. This is good news for HDTV owners who have previously had a hard time getting their hands on component cables for the GameCube. It's always nice to save a bit of money too.

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Rob Jones

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quartzlcc said:

Well, that's good.


wii-mote dude said:

So you can hook up the wii to a plasma screen now? Awesome.


metroid lover said:

That's a smart move since I always wanted to play gamecube games on progressive scan but could never find the component cables.


Gam3r_with_revenge said:

Yes finally a sweet cable for a wicked system. Can't wait for Monstergame cables.


Sash-2k said:

Is this just for the US release or worldwide?


wackman said:

Yeah, is this cable also for europe?


Ja-Mez said:

Think lower hemisphere too, Australia wants that cable!


milkman844 said:

Cable that supports composite AND component? Is that even possible?


ashlar80 said:

Has this been confirmed? One of the video game pre-order sites said that the system came with a composite cable only.


joonkimdds said:

No, it has not been confirmed. This news was just a rumor and now it's gone. The system comes with a composite cable only.


FoolKilla said:

Most tvs have the smaller set of (3) cables. Good thing they're going to put that in.


ShyLink said:

Thank god. I wasn't looking forward to paying another $50 like I did for my Gamecube component cables. Now my Wii will run in 480p from day one.


600exact said:

Why does Nintendo keep on surprising me?


Orpheon said:

Surprising is what Nintendo do best. This is not official yet, so let's all hope for the best.


JoonKimDDS said:

Nintendo just officially announced that they will NOT include component cable.


MissyElliott said:

Any advice on connecting Wii to my Comcast cable box?


Stimpy said:

Just got a Wii and composite cable was not included.

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