Liberation Maiden review

Liberation Maiden review

Crazy begets crazy.

Every now and then a game comes along that redefines the medium in a carefully, exquisitely formatted package. Sometimes the right combination of story, gameplay, and overall spectacle magically transforms what could have been average into a masterpiece of design. Does Liberation Maiden, made by Grasshopper... read more

Bonk's Adventure remake impressions

Bonk's Adventure remake impressions

Hudson's hidden gem

Here's something you may not know. The classic TG-16 platformer Bonk's Adventure was remade by Hudson in 2003 and released as part of a Hudson Selection game disc on GameCube and PS2. Bonk's remake never made it out of Japan, leaving most of us ignorant of the fact that it exists at all. Our new best... read more

Nintendo Australia offering NSMB2 certificates

Nintendo Australia offering NSMB2 certificates

Millionaires only

Across the globe, New Super Mario Bros 2 players have now collected a whopping 550,000,000,000 coins and rising. To acknowledge this, at least in the region of Australia, the official Nintendo website is offering players with over a million coins a certificate. Check out more details at the address... read more

GTA art featuring Mario & Luigi

GTA art featuring Mario & Luigi

You don't see this every day

Well this is pretty cool! Talented artist Amirul Hafiz has come up with these GTA-style pieces with a difference - that is, they have characters from the Nintendo universe in them instead. Enjoying a Burger Shot. Fighting the law, and losing. The passion, she is back. Not... read more

Hyrule Historia is the best selling book in the US

Hyrule Historia is the best selling book in the US

Ocarina of Tome

The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia is a large 272 page book celebrating the rich history of the Zelda games. A collaboration between Dark Horse and Nintendo, it was released over a year ago in Japan. Now it's finally made the translation into the English language and arrived on western... read more

Epic Mickey studio closes its doors

Epic Mickey studio closes its doors

Fork in the road

Around a fortnight ago we reported that the ill-received Epic Mickey series may not have a future. Sadly that seems to be the case today as Junction Point, the developers behind the games, are closing down their studio. This news was confirmed in a statement released by Disney: It was with much... read more

Current Nintendo eShop charts

Current Nintendo eShop charts

Balloon Fight rises up

Balloon Fight from the NES era is currently on the Wii U Virtual Console for a bargain $0.30. This has obviously lured gamers into parting with their cash, as it sits proudly atop the current charts. Wii U eShop Balloon Fight The Cave Little Inferno Trine 2: Director's Cut Mighty Switch... read more

Picross e2 review

Picross e2 review

Perplexing pixelated picture puzzles perhaps?

As a series, Picross has a lengthy history by this point, the first version on Game Boy featuring Mario himself came out nearly eighteen years ago. For the uninitiated, a picross is a picture puzzle, known outside the Nintendo universe as a nonogram. These puzzles take the form of a square grid and are... read more

Bloody Vampire new screenshots

Bloody Vampire new screenshots

Witch's Cat new screenshots

Witch's Cat new screenshots

Bloody Vampire and Witch's Cat 3DS

Bloody Vampire and Witch's Cat 3DS

Coming to an eShop near you

Today's news brings us an insight into what may be coming to the eShop this Thursday. Publishers Agetec are bringing two cutesy Japanese games called Bloody Vampire and Witch's Cat onto North America's popular 3DS download service. Fans of the Rabi Laby series will be interested to know that Witch's Cat... read more

Yarn Yoshi new screenshots

Yarn Yoshi new screenshots

Batman: Arkham City Armoured Edition review

Batman: Arkham City Armoured Edition review

The best superhero game of all time just got better.

As a longtime Marvel comics fan, the release of the original Batman: Arkham City was bittersweet. Sure, I enjoy a few DC comics superheroes, but Marvel is really where my allegiance lies. I wanted more than anything for the next great superhero game to be Spider-Man or Captain America or dare I say an... read more

Nintendo Download - Jan 31st (EU)

Nintendo Download - Jan 31st (EU)

Zen Pinball 2

Things are slowly but surely picking up on the Wii U front. This coming Thursday, for the second week running, downloaders in Europe can get their hands on a new Wii U eShop game. There's not much else to write about though, 3DS players go empty handed. Wii U eShop downloads Zen Pinball 2 (Free) ... read more

Rayman Legends demo impressions

Rayman Legends demo impressions


Walking into my nearest Gamestop I cautiously approached the playable Wii U booth. After playing around with the system for a bit I came across the Rayman Legends demo. As a fan of the previous Rayman reboot, I gave a quick smirk and was on my way to playing one of the best demos I have ever experienced.... read more

Update for Gunman Clive out now in Europe

Update for Gunman Clive out now in Europe

Crashes begone

If you've been running into crashes on stage 10 of Gunman Clive or other glitches, you'll be pleased to hear that the game's developer Bertil Horberg has issued a patch. The update is already live on the European eShop, and it seems likely the US version will follow soon. An update for Gunman Clive is... read more

The Cave review

The Cave review

How many mysteries does this cave hold? ..... 7 ...... it holds 7.

Anyone who is familiar with Ron Gilbert and his unique take on adventure and humor will understand what my tagline was going for. If not, then I have some explaining to do, and don't worry, I will explain. Monkey Island. Instantly that title brings very fond memories rushing back to many gamers that grew up... read more

35 Junior Games new screenshots

35 Junior Games new screenshots

Virtual Console on Wii U

Virtual Console on Wii U

Devil's in the detail

In yesterday's Nintendo Direct video, President Iwata went through a lot of waffle on the Miiverse - but alongside that was the announcement of Virtual Console coming to Wii U. This revelation may have been inevitable, but at least we now have some concrete details. Virtual Console games will reach the... read more

SiNG PARTY review

SiNG PARTY review

Sing it like you mean it!

The music/rhythm genre has had its ups and downs in the gaming world. Guitar Hero exploded onto the scene a few years ago and led the musical revolution. Unfortunately this craze did not last forever as the entire genre seemed to run dry in the past two years or so. With SiNG PARTY, developer Freestyle is... read more

Poker on the Wii

Read 'em and weep

Titles like World Championship Poker and World Series of Poker: Tournament of Champions are a hit on the Wii.
  • January 22nd, 2013

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