3DS one year birthday

Later this month, on March 27th, the 3DS handheld will celebrate its first birthday. Nintendo has put out a press release showing a timeline of all its successes to date:

(click for larger version)

In terms of sales figures, the 3DS has sold a healthy 4.5 million units in the United States alone. Games like Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 sold in great numbers as well.

"Nintendo 3DS closes its first year with a long list of achievements but we are still just scratching the surface. With an exciting lineup of 1st and 3rd-party games and more on the way, a blooming library of entertainment options and an emerging install base, 3DS has an incredibly bright future. We're just starting out but this platform is built for the long haul." - NoA President Reggie Fils-Aime
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