BBC iPlayer gets a Wii channel

According to a news update on the BBC website, they've been working in partnership with Nintendo and will be releasing a special iPlayer channel on the Wii.

UK Wiiers won't have to wait long for the new channel, as it's expected to launch at midnight on November 18th, 2009. It features a full-screen interface designed to give the end user a faster and higher quality experience.

The BBC's Erik Huggers (nice) commented:

"It's important that we can offer audiences more ways to access the huge range of BBC content available, this improved version of the BBC iPlayer underlines our commitment to reaching new audiences by making BBC iPlayer viewable on as many platforms as possible".

iPlayer on Wii will be downloadable free of charge from the Shop Channel.

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Rob Jones

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Nova said:

So.. you can watch TV on the Wii. But only in England. Fantastic.


wiiboy101 said:

England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and smaller islands.. Britain not England.


Parvin said:

It's ok, but it won't let me watch Russel Howard's news, cause "there's a connection error". But I can still watch other programs? Hmm. The quality's not up to scratch but at least it's watchable.


dan said:

What about Ireland.

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