Capri Sun sponsored video

Make extra room in your fridge, as everybody's favorite drink Capri Sun has gone nova and reinvented itself in a new bigger package suitable for those long summer days spent out in the sunshine with friends.

More refreshing than ever, The Big Pouch weighs in at an impressive 11.2 ounces, which we're assured is a record breaker in pouch-based beverages across the board. Also brand new is the noticably stylish cap, designed to be opened and closed multiple times without breaking off in your sweaty hand.

The Big Pouch may only be around for a limited time, so watch out for it in these three breezy flavours:

  • Fruit Punch
  • Maui Cooler
  • Strawberry Kiwi

Check your local stores for the drink you love, but bigger. Big Pouches can usually be found at the end of the aisle in places like Walmart, Meijer, Stop and Shop, Giant Eagle and some others.

This post is sponsored by Capri Sun.

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Rob Jones

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