Classic Controller Pro US release

North American users can now get their hands on the Classic Controller Pro. Formerly only available in Japan, they come in white or black and are priced at $19.99.

I like how the cable comes out the top of this one, it bothers me slightly the other way around.

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Rob Jones

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wiiboy101 said:

They do look nice and analogs are getting fine reviews (cough dualshock), but the whole you need this for MHtri is marketing BS, that's just an excuse to get sony fans on board. It's a suck up to psp/ps2, 3 fans to jump on board and play it. Every MHtri player I know is using the wiimote and nunchuk.


BrothaZ said:

I heard about how the controls work for MHtri, they honestly sound awful. I played with the classic pro and it seemed pretty damn good.


Bloop said:

I already have two flat Classics which I've been using to play console emulators on my PC (with output to an Svideo TV) using Mayflash's aptly named "Wii Classic Controller to USB Adapter." I love the D-Pad on my current pads, as they feel pretty much like a DS's D-pad with a non-slip texture and rounded edges. I see that Classic Pro is finally in the US at the same price as the original, so what I want to know before I throw down a $20 is: "IS THE D-PAD ON THE PRO AS GOOD AS THE ONE ON THE FLAT MODEL?" I mean the CC is made for Virtual Console games, majority of which are 2D, so any skimping on D-Pad quality would make it suck for Platformers and Fighters.


Darunia said:

I just wish they'd make a CC that wasn't a peripheral, and was a wiimote in its own sense. It sucks that you have to hook it to the wiimote.


wiiboy101 said:

Wii remote sat on your sofa with a small wire from the classic pad yes such a horrible thing, I seriously don't see a problem there, the lead doesn't go across the floor etc so there's no issue to speak of it's just as versatile as a cordless pad a wire only becomes an issue when laying around the floor connected to something at the other end.


wiiboy101 said:

No second analog mapped polished to Wii remote pointer ir mouse that's a bummer, why capcom why, a bit of sony sucking up going on there. Didn't want the Wii fans to get what they actually wanted, there's a gamer mouse in the Wii remote so use it capcom. Seriously it's so obvious you deliberately left it out so the psp fan would feel at home. I'm sick of the damage sony has done to gaming directly and indirectly.


axis said:

Wiiboy. Tbh I like what they have done. Honestly, the western monster hunter community are from.. which consoles? So, leaving out a control style they are familiar with would be, stupid, idiotic and bad business. That horse you have, tis a bit high. Pls dismount and join reality thx :D.

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