Datel's Wii remote

A new third-party Wiimote created by Datel is set to hit UK stores, priced at 29.95 GBP (around $43 in USD).

As you can see, the aesthetics are much less pleasing than Big N's effort. Clearly someone at Datel wanted it to be ribbed, this is for enhanced grip. At least that's the official line. Also of note, the device is totally wireless. In layman's terms, that means it has no wires.

In its favor, the remote can be charged up via a USB cable, which is packed in.

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Rob Jones

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wii guy said:

Uhh isn't the Wii remote wireless already? And that thing looks like a Wii remote smashed and has poorly taped buttons.


SkullHydra said:

I totally agree. It's a piece of crap.


monkeylemur said:

Oh my god. TODALLY WYRELESS?. NO WAI. I am seriously wondering why they even bother to write that there. Of course it's wireless, where're you going to even plug the thing in anyways? But the usb cable thing is kind of nice I guess, but don't see too much point in this at ALL.


Peter said:

Don't write it off, I heard somewhere it's wireless.


Shu said:

Lol I would buy it for the usb wire so I can charge up my orig one :D.


wii oui said:

Wait a minute, you mean it's wireless and square buttons now harder to push. Looks like something a 3 year old drew made into a wiimote.


Nintendoof said:



Diddy Kong Lover said:

Yuck, this is by far one of the more disgusting 3rd party controllers.

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Nova said:

I feel like this console generation is far less open to third party controllers. I remember back when you could find ps2 controllers that looked like game boys. And it was kind of cool. But now, controllers have become the icon of the console, and to make anything other than the first party controller seems bizarre.


Master Foot said:

It looks like someone squeezed that wiimote as it came out the mold. Lol, ribbed for enhanced grip..


Master Foot said:

That wiimote looks like it has a disease. Maybe that's why Nintendo's wiimotes come with those "rubber jackets".


Dazed said:

Hey hey, where's the freeloader datel?!?


Awesome Phil said:

Looks like someone just photoshoped a wiimote.


wario fan said:

What the hell is this.


COD4Wii said:

I bought one, there's a rapidfire option. It's exactly like a modded xbox 360 controller.

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