We pretty much saw this in the E For All video, but today's Super Smash Bros Brawl is about Donkey Kong, and his bananas getting stolen in Adventure mode.
Poor Goomba!
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spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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User comments
SuperMatt said:
I see goomba! Diddy kongs so cool in this video.
the smash master said:
I already saw this one but it has good sound anyway.
Wii Freak said:
This time it had the original music.
Amazon Kevin said:
Man! DK's got a fierce Roar.
Super King said:
Boo. I never thought I'd say this but this update was disappointing. We've seen it already! I guess it didn't have sound before, but. There should have been another update to go with this one.
pichu fan said:
Looks like diddy kong was in the matrix. I like the slow motion with the peanut vs the bill. Better if they talked.
ssbbssbbssbb said:
I think I saw this already.
BrothaZ said:
Yeah it's too bad all of us have seen this, but having it on the official site is nice.
Aeth said:
Already saw this, but it is still awesome to see Diddy Kong do his matrix popgun firing at the Bullet Bills. Though I think Donkey Kong should have done a bit more than throw a Goomba.
Nintendoof said:
Was that juices coming out of that Koopa or leaves? Yowch.
RisingPhoenix said:
A wasteful day. Updates have been lacking ever since the Sonic update.
feb10isfartheraway said:
The post also revealed that Bowser plays a bad guy (duh).
EDD said:
Wow this looks tight. This video makes donkey kong and diddy look good.
Washu's Guinea Pig said:
More like poor Koopa. DK just flat out shattered its shell.
B Darius said:
Dynamic Duo.
Elebot said:
A little disappointed in the update, but it was still a great video. I just knew what was going to happen.
Epsilon said:
Beh, nothing new to me.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Since when did Diddy's hat have the Nintendo logo on it? It's the small things that matter.
N00bhunter0 said:
Oh my god monkey matrix.
rabid rabbid said:
It's so cliche, when the bullet bill goes boom behind them.