Gamecube ports mod

Ever wanted your gamecube ports on the front of your Wii instead? Maybe, just maybe this mod by Cheap Ass Gamer is for you.

Gamecube ports mod
Gamecube ports on Wii mod.

It may be the same size as the Wii itself, but it looks pretty in the dark!

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Rob Jones

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Jason Pilcher said:

How about you just buy extension cords for your gamecube controller?


Elementrat said:

I wouldn't do that to my Wii, but it looks pretty sweet! I can put up with ports on top.


Ekaj185 said:

Pretty in the dark :D.


Gamer guru said:

Sah-WEEEET! It's glowing! Now all we need is the light on the Wii to stay on.


Master Foot said:

How about remaking the Wavebird specifically for Wii. Once a controller is wireless, Nintendo can put those ports on the roof for all I care.


Gonzo said:

That looks hot! Why when I play the Wii the blue light where you put the CD in never lights except for 1 second when I press power on?


Hey said:

That's an incredible waste of money. Even though it looks cool.


Unknown said:

Just get a Wavebird controller.


Gonzo said:

That's hot. But, how come when I play, that blue light were the disk slot is, is never on? Only for one second when I turn the system on. It would be better if that light is on while we play.


o.O said:

Looks cool but another question would be how much does it cost?


Son Ninja said:

Will it have a high speed port on the bottom? Will I able to plug my GB Player to it like the GameCube?


Gonzo said:

That blue light where the slot is, is never on when I play.


stinky12694 said:

Gonzo, it turns blue when you get a message when your Wii is off.

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