GameStop will be hosting Super Smash Bros. Brawl tournaments at 2,500 of its stores across the US (includes EB Games).
It all kicks off on March 8th (i.e tomorrow). Store winners will progress to district tourneys on March 15th. Winners of those go on to a brawl in San Jose on March 29th. The winners there will go all around the world, devoting their lives to the art of brawl. I made that last bit up, San Jose is the final.
The grand prize is pretty awesome:
I'm not sure if this part is genuine, but some reports say this is the GameStop SSBB trophy the eventual winner will get:
Did they cheap out?
If true, that's hilarious. Beneath that plaque it probably says "Junior Wrestling Champ 1984".
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
eric ♥ wii said:
Wow I doubt that is the trophy.
Aeth said:
Man, that trophy is lame. The REAL trophy is probably Mario.
a wii gamer said:
Lol ya I'm a wrestler and that's definitely a wrestling trophy.
Wii Freak said:
Brawl releases on Sunday! Can't wait! I preordered it.
Captain Jamesman said:
Looks pretty dumb if you ask me. Still, it's great the game will REALLY be on sale this Sunday. I called them up and they told me.
Keranu said:
I'll BUY that awesome trophy off them.
YoshLee said:
Horrible trophy but the fact that it's a brawl tournament makes up for it (too bad I'm not in it). A real trophy should be either one of the smash bros symbol or a trophy of the character the winner of the brawl used.
insultman911 said:
If I could be in the tournament, I would choose Mario.
grandeza said:
They should make the losers take the trophy.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Well I'm going to wait til' Sunday.
WiiNinja said:
Tomorrow? Wiisworld, it's at 12:01 am, which is Sunday, when everyone gets the game. There will be more local tournaments, so don't sweat it peeps. We'll get our Brawls. Anyway, by that time, I won't really care. Yes, it is a dumb idea.
Jonny said:
If that was the real trophy, I'd likely melt it down and pour it on some hapless fool who I didn't like. The rest of the prizes, thumbs up. I see promise in this tourney.
Juan said:
I preordered it twice, and joined a tourney.
insultman911 said:
Never mind. I'm going! But only for the 8th and 15th maybe.
Tennindo said:
Oh man. I must WIN for I am a Smash Bros god.
luis said:
What is a Wii library? Is it all the Wii games ever made?
wii mii said:
Awesome prize.
Rozz said:
If that is the real trophy, it will be mine when I win the tournament.
Nova said:
I can't go when this happens *cry*.
Bad trophy! But I will be in the tournament just for fun and pick my game up tonight, because my store is having a midnight release party for the game, party and a tourney.
Quartz said:
Yeah, I seriously doubt that trophy. It does probably say exactly what you just said.
GiGANTOR said:
Dang, brawl comes out tomorrow. It's been forever since it's been announced, and it's finally here.
Nintendoof said:
Is the Wii game library all Wii games or what?
Unforgiven said:
That's cool, but I reserved it at gamecrazy, but are still having a tournament, not as big though but whatever.
blab355 said:
About an hour away from when the GameStop opens around here! Then, we wait another hour before they can sell it (it opens at 11 PM). Too bad there's not a branch of the tournament in my neck of the woods. That trophy is hilarious.
#1 Peach Fan said:
This is sad I won't be playing monday.
smashking06 said:
I just came from the gamestop tournament. I got second place. Would have got first but they don't let you use the gamecube controller. You have to use the Wiimote. Great game, so much fun. And YES that is the trophy, pretty pathetic. Gamestop could have done better.
Epsilon said:
Ooh, I used to live in San Jose. Very interesting. But man! Those cheap bastards copped out on the trophy! It's not like they have a shortage of funds or anything. Can't say any of those prizes interest me. Well, except the $5000 of course.
cory said:
My friend won the local store competition and that's the REAL TROPHY they give out.
Aeth said:
That is the real trophy? What, was the trophy store out of boxers?
B said:
No that's the trophy, my good bud won it.
PH said:
I won the tournament on Saturday, and yes that is the trophy.
Plaugefiend said:
I lost the tournament, I was someone I suck with, Lucas.
GMAN192 said:
That's quite a prize.
Mastah said:
I won but I got a silver one, mine wasn't even gold. My store must have been even more cheap.