Consider this speculation for the time being, but it seems that Leon Kennedy (you might know him from such games as Resident Evil 4) will be featuring in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
Paul Mercier is the actor who voices Leon. On his IMDb page, Brawl is listed as his latest work:
If this is to be relied on, there's still a chance he could just be an Assist Trophy. Either way it's an exciting rumor. Welcome, stranger!
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User comments
Wii Freak said:
That's another rumored character. The first was Krystal from Starfox.
Ian C said:
Amen! The greatest addition in SSBB *cries*.
Master Foot said:
I don't know what to make of this. If Nintendo forces Paul to remove his resume until Brawl's release, then it's likely that there is some veracity behind this speculation. If so, then either Megaman or Leon may be the assist trophy. Anyways, with all that SquarEnix GBA and DS support, I'm surprised that not one character was announced for Brawl thus far. The waiting game continues.
#1 Peach Fan said:
I really don't know what to think of this. I figure if he's in they will tone down his gun, just like with Snake.
Sagget said:
Ew IMDB, one of my top unreliable sources. Whatever happened to that Epona and Tingle's voice in Twilight Princess?
ToTaL GaMeR said:
I wanted to try RE4. Anyway I think this will be pretty kewl either way, if he's an assist trophy or a character.
what said:
You know, he could do the voice of other people besides Leon.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Yup, but seriously enough with rumors, just add a new or returning character. Hopefully Rayman or Lucario or Captain Falcon.
Wii Freak said:
Leon shoot Kirby in the head.
Aeth said:
Nintendo will most likely ask Mercier to take that information down. We have now two semi-confirmed characters *WAHOO*! Krystal I would think playable but for now I think Kennedy will be an Assist Trophy (though it would be awesome if he was playable).
kool-aid man said:
This can't be true. Well if he's in, he better be a character or I'm blowing up Japan.
BrothaZ said:
Wow. The first thing I said when I read this is "what the heck?". Honestly that is REALLY cool and all but I did not expect this whatsoever.
Nickhead said:
This is a 100% percent big LIE with capital letters.
Jonny said:
I'd probably cream myself if that was true. Add Albert Wesker, and I think I'd die instantaneously.
Plaugefiend said:
I hate to say this, but it would kind of suck to have him. I love Resident Evil games but having him would wreck the game. I'd rather have Krystal because there aren't a lot of female characters in all Smash Bros games.
Hyrule said:
I'd love if he was a character, but I see him as more of an assist trophy.
Kenny said:
I checked imdb and it states that KAZUYA MISHIMA was a voice actor for the game as well. Devil is in Brawl?
Captain Jamesman said:
It would be cool if he was playable.
Juan said:
NO! I don't want another M rated character! I'm pleading Capcom give us Ryu from Street Fighter.
LegatoSkyheart said:
Well at least something from Capcom shows up.
Nova said:
I don't think so. Hal Laboratory made a big deal about not using modern weapons in Brawl. They fixed Snake but it would be hard to adapt Leon.
Gina Beets said:
I hope that he'll be a playable character because he is just so cool! His final smash should be an unlimited rocket launcher/the chicago typewriter or he calls zombies to fight for him, but then that would be 3 characters that have other characters to help them fight.
doglover said:
I think Leon should be the playable and Megaman either the assist trophy or not in at all, because Megaman's only move that I know of is the laser blast.
Jamie said:
I don't know why they picked Leon since they already have a gun guy really with Snake.
ssbb said:
If this was true I would faint because I would be so excited.
matt13346 said:
That's bull, if Capcom is to put any of their characters in Brawl, it's going to be Megaman.
Hersheys said:
3rd party AT seems unlikely.
NinjaRygar said:
It's fake. That's from IMDB, where the content is submitted by fans. Make nothing of it.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Forget "tone down" Peach Fan; they'll outright remove it. Nintendo said early on that they won't use any realistic guns, only explosives. Whether he's an Assist Trophy or a usable character, I'm curious as to his usage in the game. That is, if he's in it at all. I'm still waiting on Falco's verification, as per what Wikipedia said on their Brawl page.
Squadala said:
Nice addition, hopefully. Now all we need is Squadala playable.
Sariku said:
You know it has to be fake really. Snoop Dogg was the voice for Epona once.
YoshLee said:
I don't really expect him to be in, but if he does, awesome. Maybe he'll show all those jerks who think Nintendo's too childish (but I think he'd probably be an assist trophy).
Zendalf said:
Tone down the gun. Or completely remove it. Pretty much making Leon like any other guy.
Aeth said:
Well they'll remove the gun if he was playable like they did with Snake. But if you would take your attention toward the Assist Trophy Saki Amamiya he still has his gun (though it is a laser one and is attached with a laser sword I'll admit). They could also just tone his gun down to a blaster but I don't think many people would like that. But if he's an Assist Tophy they'll most likely allow him to keep his gun.
The Face said:
Well I don't know. People think he's an assist trophy but Nintendo has Snake as a playable character. Snake is like a realistic character so maybe Nintendo thought they should add a realistic character who was originally for Nintendo. Anyway I really hope he's playable.
WiiNinja said:
I am NOT a fan. Assist Trophy.
Jonny said:
I love peoples' bias against guns in Brawl, it's pretty silly. Samus, Fox and Falco have them, and they work out fine. I'm pretty sure they'd make them equal, obviously. Oh, and heads up, Snake has a pretty realistic rocket launcher and it's already confirmed to be in.
Keranu said:
Oh god, this would be a bad character to add. We already got a realistic human character with a gun and that's Snake; we don't need another one.
Rags said:
I would cry tears of joy, if I believed IMDb.
SmashBrosAddict said:
Assist trophy would be fine but an actual playable character would just be unacceptable. He doesn't fit at all.
ganon man 62 said:
IMDb is the worst place for video game info.
YoshLee said:
Hey can you guys imagine him teaming up with Kirby, that would be pretty cool and freaking hilarious at the same time. But yeah he's probably not even in.
Plaugefiend said:
Hey DragonFoxCoon, if Falco is going to be in brawl, he might have different moves than before, so be careful. And I heard rumors that if Falco's back, say goodbye to Krystal. And the same if Krystal's playable. Just make everyone happy, have them both in it!
GOR said:
Oh my god! Please be true.
Mr Wii said:
How would they be able to make his moves, I can't come up with any move sets for Leon.
Aeth said:
Plaugefiend, count how many Mario and Pokemon characters there are in Brawl and were in Melee. They can add in Falco and Krystal without having to take one out. Heck, they could even include Wolf if they wanted to.
Nintendoof said:
I don't know. Brawl seems to have too many gun characters already. He just doesn't seem to fit in.
Mrs Mister said:
I think they should put in all the Nintendo characters ever made. And they don't have to be playable characters either, they can be assist trophies or something. If they can't do that, I would really all the characters in Melee to return, krystal, megaman, some other pokemon, some more fire emblem people, bowser jr, and knuckles or shadow (even though there's too many 3rd party characters).
falcon5 said:
I don't think Leon will be playable and he should be an assist trophy. But C Falcon and Falco or Wolf should be in the game more than him, and they better be because they are bloody awesome.
Ish said:
I hope Leon ends up in brawl. I love Resident Evil 4. He would have one heck of a finishing move.
Gamer Prodigy said:
Guys. Deep breaths. Think here. What could he possibly do? He is a regular human being! I know I know. "Snake is the same thing!" but he is a stealth character made to run around and stay away from the battle, then come in and finish you after you've taken enough damage (or that's how it sounds like he's supposed to be used). Picture fat crazy fireball-shooting plumber or jamungo evil fire breathing turtle thing vs Metrosexual (don't get angry, it's not an insult) guy with a low caliber pistol. This game is made for cartoons and overpowered behemoths or ridiculously quick midgets, not humans.
Plaugefiend said:
Aeth, I'm not saying it's true. Yeah you're right about Mario and Pokemon.
Cookie Monster said:
I don't think he'll be in this, and if he is, I don't think it will be very good. This is "Brawl", it is NOT a shooter. I can't see him as being a character.
The Crimson Artist said:
Everyone wants a gun character. How about something different? There are what, 2 sword users and 3 gun users? And I agree with Master Foot, that surprises me too. Heck, they could put in Tifa Lockhart (which would be another female AND a strict melee fighter. But her specials could be different limit breaks, and even a recovery move too. She's perfect), Beatrix, Red XIII, Zel, Quistis (nah, she's too much like 0-suit samus), Rinoa, Selphie (actually, she's probably better as an assist), Yuna, Rikku, Paine, Auron, or even a Chocobo. I really hope they have a Final Fantasy character in it. And more Fire Emblem characters too (like Haar or Jill, and Edward or Zihark).
The Face said:
I hate that everyone doesn't want Leon in the game. They're saying it already has one gun man but Snake doesn't even deserve to be in the game.
Plaugefiend said:
I rather see that NO MORE HEROES guy in this game, it would be awesome to have a katana/lightsaber character. The Face has a good point, Leon does "fit" in better than Snake. Don't get me wrong, I think Snake is going to be good.
Dark Star said:
Zihark or Edward I could see, but how do you put a wyvern rider/wyvern knight on that field? That's a little hard for me to picture, other than a final smash. And for this news I'm skeptic. For the last third party character, I need more evidence before I'll believe this.
Wii Freak said:
Not any more.
Rubteleion said:
You know, they should put Albert Wesker or Jack Krauser. Face it, those two aren't human any more, and they got them clean moves like Wesker can dodge multiple bullets and stop a rocket launcher shot with his bare hands, also he's so fast he pretty much disappears in mid-air. Krauser's real buff and has that mutated razor blade arm that can obliterate through a building.
Raver55 said:
Gamer Prodigy, you are an idiot. What do you call Solid Snake? A toon?