This is kind of speculative at this point, but a video that was available in the Japanese section of the official Super Smash Bros. Brawl website apparently revealed three characters early, as found out by a GameFAQs poster called Edible.
As we know, some stickers can only be applied to certain characters. On selecting one of these stickers, small icons of characters appear in the bottom corner of the screen. It's a little hard to make out, but snaps taken from the video indicate the presence of Lucario, Ness and Jigglypuff.
Lucario and Jigglypuff?
The video on the Dojo has since been edited by Nintendo, but the original has been uploaded to YouTube and can be seen here. The small icons appear around the 4:20 mark.
Make of it what you will.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
doglover said:
It'd be a lot more entertaining if you could understand him.
Hicks9 said:
I'm so happy, I can't believe these characters are playable.
Miiikkkeee said:
That's not ness but pokemon trainer.
Nintendoof said:
Hmmm. Still kind of skeptical. Do people make mistakes like that or..?
ganon man 62 said:
How is that "speculative" no offense. That's a direct confirmation. But what will come of Mewtwo is the real question.
The Crimson Artist said:
I'm positive that's Pokemon Trainer. Sorry, Ness-fans. But really, Groudon goes on Pokemon, so why not PT too? That's awesome that Jigglypuff and Lucario are in though!
Aeth said:
Wahoo! Though this comes with bad news too (Mewtwo and Pichu are most likely gone), Lucario is coming to Brawl! Lucario will most likely have his Auro Sphere act like Mewtwo's Shadow Ball and Force Palm act like Mewtwo's Confusion. For his Final Shash. Hmm. How about he glows with an Aura and does Extremespeed (Will be like Sonic's and Pikachu's). Jigglypuff wasn't my favorite character but I'm somewhat glad to hear it made it back (Though I think it should exchange places with Meowth as Jigglypuff isn't seen in the anime any more while Meowth is the second Pokemon star of the anime). For Jigglypuff's Final Smash how about Hyper Voice? And finally I'm sure many are glad to hear Ness is coming back for some Brawling, though his moveset would have to be drastically changed to not have him or Lucas be like a clone. Having him use a different Final Smash is easy but the normal moves will be a challenge.
Gina Beets said:
Cool but I'm not sure about ness though. It looks a lot like pokemon trainer too.
ssbbssbbssbb said:
pichu fan said:
I just remember those icons in that wifi update. Just hope lucario didn't replace mewtwo, he was really fun and cool. Most importantly, he's the strongest Pokemon.
insultman911 said:
Diddy Kong Lover said:
I hope not Ness, I hoped he wouldn't return. The rest I sincerely hope to return/debut. After that just Rayman, MegaMan, Captain Falcon, Luigi, Falco, Krystal, Bowser Jr/Shadow Mario, and Ganondorf with his own attacks.
insultman911 said:
Ness goes in the veterans, Lucario goes to newcomers and Jigglypuff should go to veterans (even though it's a secret character).
Captain Jamesman said:
Jigglypuff & Ness I would imagine, but Lucario? I think things will be a bit more sweet.
Pikachu Kirby Fan said:
Well, Lucario is in, another character to master.
Pikachu Kirby Fan said:
I wonder why Mewtwo isn't listed with Pikachu, Pkmn Trainer, Lucario, and Jigglypuff?
Captain Jamesman said:
Actually guys, if you look at the 2nd screenshot closely enough, you'll see Ness' face.
DragonFoxCoon said:
The one with Lucario (forget Jigglypuff) says "Guraadon", which is probably obvious, since the pointer is above Groudon. Unfortunately, the Kanji is too small to read, and the kana over it even smaller. Can't do a thing with it.
Kraz said:
I predicted Lucario was going to be in so I'm quite happy about this. I'm not too bothered about Pichu, and I reckon he's going to be like an upgraded Mewtwo. Now all we need is direct confirmation, eh? Oh, and that's definitely Ness in screenshot two, you can see Pokemon Trainer in screenshot one and they look different.
Rising Pheonix said:
Lucario is definitely in! I'm so happy to see the news. Ness is also in (as shown in the second pic). I knew Ness was going to be in since the beginning, it's OBVIOUS. He's been there since the beginning why not now. Mewtwo is easily still in, he's completely original and there's no reason to kick him out. He's just not on the list because he's probably at a different level (he IS the most powerful and evil Pokemon ever).
DragonFoxCoon said:
On second thoughts, the Japanese text isn't too important. It probably just says what id does and "Attach to:". I'll just have to contain my enthusiasm until later. (Lucario! Yay!).
grumpy said:
Sweet, Lucario is going to be a souped up Mewtwo. That's Ness in the 2nd screenshot.
Aeth said:
That is Ness. Ness has his cap's lip pointing to the side while the Pokemon Trainer has it pointing forward. Also why would the Pokemon Trainer have the ability to use a Mother Sticker?
wiistorm13 said:
What will Jigglypuff's final smash be?
ganon man 62 said:
Anyone who says it's PT and not Ness is not paying attention. Groudon has Pikachu, PT, Jiggs and Lucario. Ness is under the CLAUS STICKER along with Lucas.
Johnathon Jones said:
I'm sure Ness will certainly make it back, whether that is is picture or not. I never cared much for Mewtwo, he wasn't so great. Or Pichu. Good riddance. I'm actually concerned about my favorite character, Falco, getting the boot, but I'll still live and demolish the competition once more.
S0NICGunman said:
In the first picture, it looks like Pokemon Trainer, while picture #2 looks like Ness. Coincidence?
kool-aid man said:
That's so cool. I can't believe Lucario's in, but don't you think he'll replace Mewtwo? Maybe they're clones.
Earl said:
To everyone who is saying it's not Ness but the Pokemon Trainer are not completely right. In the first screenshot it is the Pokemon Trainer. In the second it shows Ness.
nintendo fan said:
EDD said:
It's not Pokemon Trainer. Try again and look closely in the second picture. Zoom if you have too. It's Ness.
Master Foot said:
At least they should try to make an effort to keep the title screen secret. I have to admit, that was stupid. This may be indicative of even more secret characters to come.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
I hope that ness isn't in but the puff and lucario can stay.
DaveMan said:
It has to be Ness because when it went to that earthbound sticker it showed lucas and that character so it would only make sense that ness is in it.
Wii Freak said:
That makes 5 rumored characters.
Bkslider said:
Lucario, YES. My absolute favorite Pokemon ever is playable in my absolute favorite game ever. The month delay was worth it if it meant Lucario is in. Although I'm still not 100% sure. It looks legit, but I won't trust it until I see the warning: challenger approaching sign with Lucario's shadow on March 9th.
Juan said:
That's pokemon trainer, he's listed with the other pokemon.
Splintercell4ever said:
Assume temporarily that is Ness. Would he have been listed with three other Pokemon? No, the boy in the cap is PKMN trainer.
-- said:
Hey Miiikkkeee, the poketrainer icon (in the first screen) is looking straight forward, the 'ness' icon is looking sideways.
The Trickster said:
UUghhh. Some of you guys are stupid, there's TWO pictures, the top one is the poketrainer, the bottom is ness, that's why it corresponds to the Mother sticker.
blab355 said:
Awesomesauce-also, PLEASE, pay attention to the 2nd screenshot, and also, use common sense.
BrothaZ said:
Couldnt that "ness pic" just be pokemon trainer?
Keranu said:
I love that old skool Sonic sticker.
GamingGuy84 said:
Not so excited about Ness and Jigglypuff coming back, but Lucario is welcome in my book.
bored said:
I know that's ness because under the description for the attack bonus it says PSI in english, Pokemon trainer doesn't use psi. And also his hat is crooked and it looks different from the pokemon trainer.
Plaugefiend said:
Wow. Best news I heard in a while. Everyone guessed that Lucario is going to be in brawl, but the return of Jigglpuff is an answer to a question. Diddy Kong Lover, remember only "3 third party members" will join Brawl. So it could be Mega Man or Rayman. This prediction might turn into a bloodbath. "And thus, Hell's Gates opean, and everyone's Nightmares becomes true". Hopefully it won't be a damn war.
NAme said:
Yeah what Kraz says is true. Although I am pretty disappointed with that because now there are going to be clones and I didn't want any clones in this game because that kind of says: Hey we were out of ideas so we made clones! (woopi!) ha.
bowling4bear said:
I'm still not sure if I want to believe that Ness is in. I mean, how different can he be from Lucas? And for all you Jigglypuff haters, have you ever played as her? Don't get me wrong, she goes flying easily. However, her rollout and rest attacks are immensely powerful. The rest attack can knock you off a stage when you only have 20%. She is very good against bigger opponents like Donkey Kong and Bowser. I am glad to see her/him/it return.
Falcon said:
Plus Pokemon trainer doesn't use PSI.
BrAwL said:
People the second post is Ness. Pokemon trainer doesn't look like that and his icon is in first pic. Not second. Plus, it says PSI power up. PSI is magic abilities from Earthbound.
leeferrell said:
I am really getting happy with the roster. I am just keeping my fingers crossed that Sora can be put in SSBB.
fgh said:
OK! For the "That's not Ness"ers, look at what icon is selected. 1st: Groudon [has Pkemon Trainer], 2nd: from EARTHBOUND [aka Ness's game]. So OWNED IN your FACE.
joey24 said:
Ok it's not just about the leak, it shows there are Sonic stickers.
nuked burrito said:
If you look on the lucario and jigglypuff picture it has a pokemon sticker selected and it shows pickachu, pkmn trainer, lucario and JP. But on the other picture it shows an 8 bit sprite but you can see it says [PSI] and has a face of lucas and what appears to be ness. Why would the pokemon trainer be using a psi sticker?
SSonic22 said:
What are you crazy?That is Ness' face. Copy paste it to MS Paint and cut them both and put it together, it's noticeable. Ness has the hat thing on the side. Anyways YAY for Lucario.
DKX900 said:
Lucario and Jigglypuff. I'm sad to say it but the evidence looks pretty solid. Ness? No way. That's so Pokemon trainer. Not incredibly pleased about these discoveries but oh well, it means a few more characters in the game.
Flyhight said:
I'll believe it when I see them confirmed.
KillerHonksta said:
What is wrong with you guys? The picture where the sticker of lucas's brother is highlighted shows ness and lucas at the bottom. The pokemon trainer is on the first pic next to the other pokemon.
smash fan x said:
I definitely see it at 4:21. You see Lucas and Ness together on 1, and half a second later you see Pikachu, Lucario, Pokemon Trainer, and Jigglypuff together. The weird part for me, I've seen that video at least twice and just now noticed. 3 characters in one day? That's lucky.
theykilledkenny said:
First of all, Mewtwo could be unlockable, guys! I really doubt they would kill off one of the strongest characters and an original one too. And one more thing, that can't be Pokemon trainer in the second pic, because there wouldn't be a sticker that is from EARTHBOUND that works for him (let alone pkmn trainer and Lucas).
MeleeBrawler said:
I agree with The Crimson Artist, it has to be PT, not Ness, since all the rest are pokemon and the sticker itself is Groudon after all.
MeleeBrawler said:
Recall on my last statement, Ness might actually be in (I forgot to look at the second screenshot before I post).
The Crimson Artist said:
You're right. Ness and Lucas are in the bottom shot, while poke-characters are in the top. That also explains the "PSI". Sorry, I hadn't zoomed in on the bottom pic. And I think Lucario will be a more mobile version of Mewtwo. And he'll probably have "Aura___" as his Final Smash. But considering that the stickers work in groups, (Diddy and DK, pokemon, Earthbound/Mother characters etc.) I think it's safe to assume that is the whole line up for Mother and Pokemon characters. But since some people are alone (without a grouping, like Ike, Snake, Sonic), there are stickers that break the boundaries, such as stickers for sword wielders, etc.
Silvos said:
Guys ness appears on the second picture, on the close up is Pokemon Trainer, but on the one where lucas is there's also ness. You can clearly (well not that clearly) see the difference.
Dox said:
Hey I think Kraz is right. At first I just looked at screenshot 1 and thought it was Pokemon Trainer, but I read Kras' post and took a closer look at both and now I'm convinced it's Ness.
Davinator said:
Well, I'm sure the second shot is Ness next to Lucas, which makes sense, as they are from the same game.
Moogleman said:
For anyone who thinks the picture on the bottom is Pokemon trainer's, look at the top picture. The face next to pikachu is clearly pokemon trainer's, and is different than the one in the bottom picture. Looks like Ness is back.
blab355 said:
Well Pikachu Kirby Fan, I hate to break it to you, but that's pretty much confirmation that Mewtwo isn't back as a playable character, though he will probably have a role in Subspace Emissary. Oh yeah, and Pichu.
Aeth said:
We don't want to overload Brawl with playable Pokemon characters. Pokemon Trainer has Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard. Pikachu, Jigglypuff, and Lucario are playable, making a total of six playable Pokemon. I have a feeling that all the Pokemon are owned by Pokemon Trainer and since a trainer can only have 6 Pokemon with him in his party, then I think this is all the Pokemon characters we're getting. I think Lucario will takes Mewtwo's place with attacks similar in effect as his, and Pichu was just a clone of Pikachu. Also Mewtwo isn't exactly evil, just very confused and seeking a purpose. I'm sure Falco is in, he's what Luigi is to Mario and I'm sure it'll be easy to make a different moveset for him. Master Foot, Nintendo did go back to the video and whited out the Sticker's description. It was by-accident, Nintendo were showing off the stickers and didn't realize that some Stickers showed character icons most likely (trailer making might be a different apartment). Bkslider, the delay was because of the complexity of the people working on Brawl, read the new interview and you'll understand why the delays are occurring. From what we have seen, I don't think we'll have a lot of clones, they might surprise us by giving clone characters an actual moveset. I would like to see all the Melee battlers back like Mewtwo but some characters must go to make room for Newcomers. I bet you in the next Super Smash Bros they'll probably replace Lucario with a new Pokemon from the Generation released at that time.
Zumwan said:
I don't think that Mewtwo will return. I hope yes.
Plaugefiend said:
They shouldn't worry about the Pokemon. They need some characters from Metroid, Star Fox, and even Fire Emblem characters as well. God, now it's 6 Pokemon, if it's true. I'm not a poke-hater, but enough is enough. No more Pokemon, it's eating up the character roster.
#1 Peach Fan said:
I really don't know what to make of this.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
Nooo ness must not be in! Lucas only.
Shadow said:
I have no doubt in my mind that mewtwo will return. After all, this is a new beginning for him to be the greatest character.
Sephiroth said:
Mewtwo pawns Lucario any day. Mewtwo is just cool because he's like Sephiroth, doesn't became a slave to the humans, invents his own pokeball that can capture anything including other peoples Pokemon, and is the most powerful. He also acts cool heh.
Peppercat007 said:
Hi all, I used my ultra zoom on the pics, it's definitely Lucario, Ness, Jigglypuff and Pichu. A year or 2 ago when news first came out about ssbb, Sakurai said he was looking for "40 characters deep with 1/2 3rd party". He also said that Mewtwo and Jigglypuff may not be back due to fan dislike. Mewtwo was bottom of some tier lists. I hope he's back though. Ness would be in definitely, because on DOJO he said he wondered if Lucas could surpass Ness. There's only one way to test that, if Ness is there.
Peppercat007 said:
I'm happy for Ness and co but SAD AND DISAPPOINTED! Does anyone know how I can email Sakurai and voice my outrage at the lack of female characters in Brawl? All we have is Peach, Zelda, Samus. I'm not happy about their transformations taking a slot that another female character could represent. I mean what about Chun-li, corsola? It's so unfair! I'm one angry female deeply disappointed. And Mega Man deserves to be in Brawl more than Snake. Because he's so much HOTTER (heehee).
Davinator said:
If you still think the second one isn't Ness, you are not too smart. The first pic has a character with a hat of a "truer" red. The second pic's got a cap with a bit more "orange" red. It's Ness duh, anyone not color blind can see that.
DKX900 said:
Hey guys don't you think that they would have been careful about which characters they put on that video? I'm a bit skeptical myself. Oh well, I suppose we'll know in a few months time.
Jimmy Silverrims said:
Why would Pokemon Trainer be on an Earthbound sticker? Yep, and seeing as it was on the official Wii site (and subsequently removed) this smells like a confirmation.
Shadow of the Lost said:
Knew Jigglypuff was back, Lucario not a big surprise, and Ness. There was too much smoke and mirrors to make a good guess.
Aeth said:
Plaugefiend, I totally agree with you, 4 Pokemon characters (6 if you count Pokemon Trainer as 3 characters). They could help Fire Emblem out by adding Marth or Roy as a veteran. For StarFox, Krystal is rumored to be in and people are hopeful Falco is coming back as a veteran and many people want Wolf in as well. Not too sure on Metroid, after Samus and Zero Suit Samus, who else is there to add, Dark Samus? We may lack female characters but the ones we have kick ass. Though I suppose they could add a female character from Fire Emblem, but I can't think of any other franchises that have female fighting characters that wouldn't be a clone (they could have a female MOTHER character but all of those characters use PSI and thus will have the same PK moves). The people who made the trailers might be from a different department from the programmers, mistakes like this happen easily if that is the case. While I agree Mewtwo can pwn Lucario easily, I would compare Mewtwo to Sephiroth. Mewtwo justs wants a purpose in the world and he eventually becomes good, Sephiroth knows what he wants to do and tried to destroy the world with a meteor and needed to be killed. Peppercat007, where do you see Pichu? Are you confusing it with Pikachu?
Frogman said:
Wait. That's not Lucario, that's none other than RIDLEY.
Quartz said:
Lawl Sonic sticker. Anyway, Jigglypuff's abilities should be interesting.
Plaugefiend said:
I hate to say this, but won't Ness have to copy moves from Lucas?
The Crimson Artist said:
Peppercat007, I agree with you (except all that megaman stuff, Snake is cool). They NEED Tifa Lockhart. And Rinoa and Angelo. But not Quistis (too much like 0 Suit Samus). They could put in... uh, there aren't many females in Nintendo games that fight. But what about Talim? OH. Yuna, Rikku, or Paine. They can have a down shift from Samurai to Alchemist (so the game doesn't get the "Suggestive Themes" and such). The Samurai would be short-range and the Alchemist could use bombs and have an infinite super scope (long range). THAT would be awesome.
jameyy said:
If anybody bothered reading the profile on Lucas on the official website, it ses "there was a character named Ness who appeared in this game until now".
jiggly said:
Jigglypuff's final smash will be this: She will start to sing, but everyone will fall asleep, she will proceed to become enraged, causing her to pull out her trusty marker and draw on everyones' faces. Not sure what the marker on face would do though.
Brawlnation106 said:
Sweet that Lucario is in it. I think his special moves should be Force Palm, Flash Cannon, Detect, and Hi Jump Kick. Final Smash: Aura Sphere.
MeleeBrawler said:
Guys, if you go to the "Sticker Power" update, look at the second screenshot- there's a shape in the bottom right corner when one of the Animal Crossing Stickers are selected. It might be nothing, but after this find, it could prove that there might actually be an Animal Crossing character in Brawl. Of course, I could be paranoid about all these Brawl "conspiracies" and am starting to see them everywhere.
Wii Freak said:
It's obvious there is going to be an Animal Crossing character. Look at the clues: 1) The pitfall is an item. 2) Mr Ressiti is an assist trophy. Finally 3) There's an animal crossing stage.
Aeth said:
The Crimson Artist, a lot of Final Fantasy characters you have there, but the problem is that we only have room for 1 more 3rd party character and I don't think any of those characters have appeared on a Nintendo console before. Jameyy, This was the basic "proof" people were using to say Ness wasn't in, but we don't exactly know what Masahiro Sakurai meant by that. Lucario is going to be able to use Aura Sphere like Mewtwo could use his Shadow Balls, it's its signature move and they aren't going to take it away. What Animal Crossing character do you have in mind that can fight? I think I figured out that it's not the characters who determine how many icons there are, it's the stages. The Stages determine how many icons there are because the Nintendo DS has it's own Icon but has no character or items related to it, only a stage. In addition Assist Trophies like Dr Wright, Devil, Excitebike, Little Mac, Saki Amamiya, and Stafy don't have icons for their own series, but each stage from a certain franchise does.
The Crimson Artist said:
I heard it's Ai from the Japanese movie. She's supposed to use AC items which would be. What? Killer letters? (if there's a present it does more damage!) or the Net? I mean, using the axe and shovel might be too graphic. I guess the fishing pole could be a recovery move like 0 suit Samus' plasma whip.
TruBlu said:
Kick Mewtwo out and put Lucario! I'll do a backflip if an Animal Crossing character is included. Hopefully you can be a boy AND girl.
hbh said:
Animal crossing characters don't fight much though, that's one of the problems with representing the series.
nuked burrito said:
I just checked the IMDB page for the game and it says the guy who voices mario is also doing wario and paper mario in the game.
The picture on top with the person pointing at that red Pokemon shows Pokemon trainer, Pikachu, Lucario, and Jigglypuff because they are Pokemon characters and it is a Pokemon sticker. The pic with the cursor pointing at the Mother sticker shows Ness and Lucas because they are Mother characters. See it's all elementary once you analyze the pictures carefully.
Peach is #1 said:
This is so awesome! Is this real?
I want Jigglypuff to get kicked out and replaced with Lucario. There are too many Pokemon.
Saeven said:
Man. All I've got to say is anything that sings, gets mad, and then markers all over your face while your sleeping is one of these coolest ideas ever thought of. Welcome back Jigglypuff. Oh, and, Lucario! That's just awesome. I'm sure he won't say his name in the game. Back in the day I watched Lucario and the Mystery of Mew and he was all telepathic and all that. At least I hope he's like that. He's not some tame dog or someone's pet. He does whatever he wants. And he's freakin' dramatic. Mewtwo is dramatic too, but Lucario is just.. He's going to be one of the top tier in that game I think. But, that's for another discussion.
TruBlu said:
So glad this was proven true.
Lucario said:
That's awesome how lucario is in brawl. He would have aura spher charge like mew2 shadow ball. His smash could be like a giant aur sphere covering the whole stage, killing everyone. Jiggly and ness idc too much about. Also, ridely would be cool if he was in.
uhm stupid idiots said:
The ones saying thas pokemon trainer on the groudon stick. Yeah it is. Ness is the one after THAT. The sticker with the little boy.
JIGGLY said:
Don't know if this has already been said but I believe jigglypuff's final smash should be swapped with Peach's and Peach has a NEW final smash move, as it would make more sense for everyone to fall asleep after jigglypuff sings, and perhaps after the singing jigglypuff does her usual MAD expression brings out the marker and draws on everyones face XD. Yay for OLD pokemon shows.