Here's a commercial for upcoming sports title Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games.
Mario so won that race. What Olympic events would you like to see make it in?
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
B Darius said:
Well, personally I'd like to see some fighting in it. But that's another story.
Omega Red said:
I'll buy it when it becomes 29.99 because it'll be kewl to have Mario and Sonic in the same game. I always was a SEGA fanboy.
Rygar said:
I can't believe they got the movie announcer to do the commercial. Nice touch.
lickwid said:
I'm sorry, but Sonic would own anyone at a foot race. Honestly, he can run at Mach 2. Mario kind of just dashes at a moderate speed, nowhere near sonic's speed. Mario may be better at shot put, but everything else seems like a speed advantage. I wanted to see both of them in the same game, but honestly, not like this.
BrothaZ said:
Wow the game looks nice. Shigeru Miyamoto accidentally revealed that there will be fencing in the game, so I'm looking forward to this. I still hope Sonic makes it into Brawl.
smash fan x said:
Skateboarding, that would be AWESOME.
dizzledawg said:
This is so tight, can't wait for it to come out.
i need a wiieww said:
Cool, didn't expect a voice in the ad. Most Nintendo ads say- what can Wii do? We would like to play! Only on Wii. Either that or it has random people speaking to themselves.
Splintercell4ever said:
Midget tossing and squirrell skiing. I check those events out all the time on the ocho. Man I love that stuff.
For a fat Italian guy with diabetes, mario runs pretty fast.
Gonzo said:
I like this game. They should also have swimming.
DragonFoxCoon said:
It just twangs at a part of my heart to see Mario and Sonic sharing the stage for the first time. Let's see: we already know the hammer toss is there; running. DUH! I'd like to see if Sonic can learn to swim.
THAT KID said:
Isn't sonic supposed to be superfast? How does mario keep up with him. Doesn't make sense!
ROBst said:
Wow we can play Olympics without going there.
Kareshi is Black said:
The should have shown the Montreal event.
Kareshi is Black said:
When you watch this video it's like everything could happen. Like an Adventure game featuring both characters, that would be nice.
super silver7 said:
SONIC won. Not shocking. Sonic rules!
willandhiswii said:
I think this is going to be awesome.
Hey said:
Curling, man! That is the best damn sport IN THE WORLD. Even though it's at the Winter Olympics, it would be a great addition. Mario would own Sonic in curling (and competitive eating?).
SSonic22 said:
Great video, of course Sonic would own Mario in a race, but it would be unfair if you play as Mario and your opponent goes at speed of sound. So anyway we'll see Sonic swimming, as swimming is already confirmed. The voice and the epic esque is a very nice touch. And as I see the fastest will be Sonic-Mario, then Tails-Luigi Knux-Peach and Bowser-Eggman, do they even RUN?!
Wiipaw said:
They should have a flagpole event where the uh, "athlete" runs and jumps as high as he can on the flagpole. Kind of like that event with the long pole the athlete holds and then he/she runs with it to an archway and uses it to jump. What was that called again?
lickwid said:
Wiipaw, that event is called the pole vault, and your idea was pure genius! I think a minigame ring gymnastics type thing would also be cool, as sonic would rock at it.
lman07 said:
Did anybody see how slow bowser was, that was so funny.
A Yoshi Fan said:
The reason Mario can run as fast as Sonic is because they don't want to give Sonic an unfair advantage against Mario. Yet, Bowser is still slow like a turtle.
The Doc said:
If you look at Sonic, it looks like he's not even trying.
ganon man 62 said:
Right before the race starts peach looks at eggman like, who the hell are you.
fsfdgshytrj said:
If it wasn't in bejing they wouln't make this game. If it was in america or canada they wouldn't think about it.
YoshLee said:
I think sonic will be able to beat mario in anything involving speed, no shocker there but anything involving strength mario could win because he has been able to swing bowser around. As for jumping, mario because well really he used to be called jump man.
YoshLee said:
Yoshi fan take this from a guy with a lot in common with you, yes it's unfair they take away sonic's speed but they're taking away some of mario's stats too. For example his strength (sorry if I talk to much about this) and from the looks of it a bit of his jump ability.
SON of A Wii1-4 said:
Sonic won the race, no doubt, but sonic can't swim so I guess Mario and Sonic are even.
insultman911 said:
It's real dumb how sonic runs that slow. He probably had to throw out his soap shoes to enter, just to be even with everyone else.
doglover said:
Sonic's so fast he'd probably run across the water.
davyt0247 said:
Sonic wears a life jacket during swimming events.