Nintendo 3D handheld

In an official PDF file Nintendo has announced a successor to the DS handheld. The temporarily named 3DS system can show off 3D visuals without need for glasses. It also sports backward compatibility for DS and DSi games. Nintendo spokesperson Ken Toyoda has said the 3DS will be playable at E3 Expo. As far as known facts go, that's it.

I haven't been a big fan of the 3D movement in films, so I'm being cautious with my optimism on this one. Are you excited about the prospects of 3D gaming or do you feel it's a gimmick?

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Rob Jones

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Brawler 200 said:

Umm. YES! This could possibly mean that FF Dissidia will come out for the 3DS.


wiiboy101 said:

Another wiiboy prediction comes true! It's going to be great if my imagination is on the right track. I'm thinking feedback and feeling through the stylus or maybe a 3D stick stylus mouse wiimote like movements, if you're viewing 3D then why not feel in 3D also. Headtracking is clearly part of it. DO NOT DOUBT Nintendo. Headtracking 3D, no glasses 3D screen, and depth 3D feedback feeling and rumble, bring it Nintendo.


ann summers said:

MOVIE 3D in games cough sony with glasses is a gimmick. Interactive gaming 3d what Nintendo is doing is evolving gaming, 3D is clearly the gaming mechanics in 3d hidden picture on DSi it's actually part of the game, movie 3D isn't. I trust Nintendo not sony.


wiiboy101 said:

Has Nintendo found a way of doing good 3D on standard HDtvs I wonder. Old school 3D can be done on any tv or console and digital 3D with glasses doable on most systems and tvs, what if Nintendo can do 3DS like 3D on HDTV sets without glasses combined with head tracking it would be amazing. I just cannot put my finger on what wii2 will have.. nvidea 3D with glasses works on hdtv sets, headtracking alone feels 3d-ish and allows a 3d like view point. If Nintendo can do clever 3D also it could be great. Glasses and just watching it cinema-style sony-style doesn't do it for me.

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