Nintendo at E3

Nintendo made an impressive appearance at this year's E3, showing off the new Nintendo 3DS handheld and revealing a slew of games. The video below has some of the highlights:

Among the new Wii games revealed are:

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Rob Jones

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Dave said:

I just about messed my pants. Zelda, DKC, and GoldenEye? I just might have died and gone to heaven. I'm hoping that DKC is a side-scroller ala NSMB, and GoldenEye had better feature online play.


Don't believe it said:

Donkey kong is coming back, donkey kong country is coming back! The one thing that I hope for in this game is that it will be a 2d side-scroller.


wiiboy101 said:

If the donkey kong was a side scroller at E3 then isn't it a given that it's a side scroller, what else would it be. Kirby's epic yarn was amazing so Nintendo the string tread wool cloth ideas looked great, I'm hearing skyward sword runs at 60 frames, that is out of this world. 3DS just owned the whole show and made ps3 3d obsolete just like Wii remote made ps3 and x360 obsolete. Sony must be very scared at the moment.


WiiNinja said:

For anyone who missed Nintendo's whole press conference, I encourage you to watch it. It really has been a sight to behold.


YoshLee said:

I think I crapped myself when a new Kid Icarus was announced for the 3DS. I'm looking forward to the new Kirby and Zelda games, though I wish more info was revealed on Other M (Metroid does kind of currently stand as my favorite Nintendo series).


Jordan said:

As usual, wiiboy101 makes his comments towards Sony. Why the hell would Sony be scared? They have released 3D gaming 1st, got Move on the way (which has had a positive reaction) and is doing well in sales. Sony will be sat comfortably at the front of the 'next gen' console line. Don't get me wrong, I love Nintendo and cannot wait for the 3DS, zelda, goldeneye, donkey kong etc, but I hate the way people slag off other consoles, just because they don't have one or like it. Nobody cares about your opinion. 100% case of fanboyism.


Marioman said:

Sony is scared, they're getting pwned here, this is also a Wii site and lots of people don't like sony so get used to it.


Nintendoof said:

You'd be surprised how much people do care about our opinions, Jordan. Donkey Kong Country Returns and Kirby's Epic Yarn= BADASS by the way.


WeAreTheFez said:

I agree with jordan. Sony shouldn't be very overwhelmed, but microsoft sure as hell should be. Kinect was, is, and will be a FAILURE. Move actually looks pretty sick.


wiiboy101 said:

Hay guys jordon the great just revealed to the world via the internet his true colours, he's a sad act sony fanboy. Jordon I'm about to blow your world apart, the snes, nintendo's second ever home console had 3d shutterglasses led 3D you played via powered shutter glasses and some snes games ran in 3D. They also supported red/green 3D both techs generations before sony. The 3d sony are doing now is what Nintendo did on the snes type or Nintendo 3d into google pictures and be OWNED then after snes 3d shutter glasses and red/green 3D Nintendo DID THE VIRTUALBOY A ACTUAL 3D CONSOLE HANDHELD using good old fashioned headgear. Gameboy gba and DS 3d was also worked on using a 3D glass lens like the magnifying lens you can get but a 3D lens instead oh and gamecube and wiis gpu have been confirmed to have video out for left eye right eye 3D, so sony went 3d first AH--HHMMMM 3d with glasses = snes and virtual boy not ps3 and it was years and years ago. 3D without glasses = 3DS, anything else you would like to add jordon. I think you have some homework to do you might as well type 6 billion loss at sony ps3 into google as well winkwink fellow gamers.


Jordan said:

Nice research there wiiboy, wikipedia can come in handy sometimes eh? The question is though, is there ANYONE in the world who is still playing the snes in 3D. Hmmm I think not. Grow up wiiboy, I like PS3 and I like wii/DS. There is nothing you can say which will prove to me which is superior.


Wii Rox said:

I agree with Jordan, people shouldn't just blindly follow Nintendo. I mean, I LOVE Nintendo myself and prefer it wholeheartedly over sony or microsoft, but still. All companies make good, stable entries into the video games industry, why even bother arguing over which is best?


wiiboy101 said:

I didn't research this, I played snes. I'm 38, I didn't start gaming as a playstation baby who thinks gaming landed on earth from mars on a spaceship called sony playstation. I was video gaming in 1980, I'm a TRUE GAMER not a HARDLYCORE! I was playing games and writing games on my sinclair spectrum 48K in the early 1980's. I was playing platformers and racers way before Mario existed. I've followed the whole gaming thing all the way to this day. Sony is not doing anything new, this tech is old and the company looking into 3D big time was always Nintendo. Look at n64 games, it's not just 3d games, the games are clearly designed with 3D display in mind: lots of depth and blocks, everything is very 3D. Iwata and shigsy talk of finding it hard to jump on a block cleanly because the block is 3D but the display isn't there right. How many times in 3D mario games have you misjudged a jump etc because the flat 2d display ruins the depth. If it was displayed in depth 3D on a glasses free 3D display the real life depth and angles would be seen making the 3D graphics appear as actual 3d space and your movements via analog stick would be much improved. Sony is doing gimmick 3D I.E movie 3d. Nintendo is doing true 3d gaming, there's a difference, even their n64 games seem perfectly suited to 3D display - it only proves how far ahead Nintendo look.


WiiNinja said:

I absolutely agree, wiiboy101. Apparently, there needs to be a little more sophistication when choosing which side you're going to be on and a little less 12 year olds thinking they know anything and everything about video games on this website.


wiiboy101 said:

I'm not trying to hurt jordon, I'm trying to wake him up from his sony induced coma. PS3 3D is not sony looking out for gamers or gaming, it's sony trying to sell their tvs. He is clearly sucked into the big sony lie. I'm just trying to click my fingers before his eyes and wake him up from the sony trickery, just like the COUGH COUGH BLURAY GAMING LIE. There's no such thing as bluray gaming, the game data is merely stored on a disc with the name bluray. Games shipped on dvd are not called dvd gaming, games shipped on a cart are not called cart gaming, yet people get fooled into this crap so easily.

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