Nintendo at Penny Arcade Expo (PAX)

A press release just issued details Nintendo games that will be playable at PAX.

The upcoming Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle will give consumers their first-ever chance to play key upcoming Wii and Nintendo DS games like:

The recently launched Metroid Prime Trilogy, Wii Sports Resort and Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box will also be on hand at the Nintendo booth (#352).

Additionally, Nintendo will debut a new WiiWare game at the booth: Pokemon Rumble, which lets you battle with Pokemon like never before. Up to four players at once can team up and unleash powerful attacks as enemies surround them in this action-packed game.

In addition to the playable games at the booth, Nintendo has invited artists to create one-of-a-kind animations using the Flipnote Studio application for the Nintendo DSi. Throughout the September 4th-6th show, a professional artist will be on hand nearly every hour at a special area in the South Lobby (#S-3) to showcase the many ways that people can use Flipnote Studio to create original works of art.

Some of the artists scheduled to be on hand include creative talents from the world of comic books and video games like Scott Kurtz (PvP), Eric Jones (DC Comics: Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade), Christina Strain (Marvel Comics: Runaways), Mike Choi (Marvel: X-Force), Edison Yan (5th Cell: Scribblenauts) and Ryan Jones (Telltale Games: Tales of Monkey Island).

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Rob Jones

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