Nintendo announces Wii U

At the annual E3 Expo in Los Angeles, Nintendo has revealed its next console, the Wii U. This is how it looks in general:

Controller and console

Console itself

The details currently known are:

  • The controller has a 6.2 inch touchscreen with dual analog sticks, D-pad, four standard face buttons and motion sensor, inward facing camera, rumble, microphone and speakers.
  • The controller itself does not support HD graphics but the main console does, in full 1080p.
  • Some games in the pipeline: Legend of Zelda, Lego City Stories, Ninja Gaiden 3, Tekken, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon, Batman: Arkham City, Assassin's Creed Revelations, Darksiders II and Battlefield 3.
  • Wii U is expected to release in 2012, no prices are available yet.
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Rob Jones

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Dave said:

I have mixed feelings about the Wii U. I'm completely and totally excited about 1080p, which Nintendo has been lacking for years now, but the lack of detailed information about the console has me concerned. There's been no mention of 3D support, something that would make the U dated before it ever arrives. Also, there's no mention of updates to the sensor bar/pointing feature. One of the biggest frustrations of the original Wii is the erratic, jumpy nature of pointing due to the sensor bar--has this technology been refined, or will it be as hard as ever to point from anywhere that's not directly in front of the TV? Have the annoying friend codes bit the dust? How powerful is the system? I also worry that, with a 2-year head start on the competition, Sony and MS have a lot of time on their hands to create more powerful, more innovative systems; surely Nintendo could have spiced up the original Wii for the remaining two years to ensure that their next-Gen console was up-to-par with the muscle and technology of the competition. Now all we can do is hope. I will say, though, that there are some positives. The controller is cool undoubtedly; I can see the immediate benefits of being able to toggle and swap out weapons inventory on the controller while still playing the game. Despite my complaints with the limitations of the sensor bar, I am happy that there is still a pointing device, and I'm somewhat pleased that I won't have to buy new Wiimotes to do this--I just hope, again, that the technology has been somewhat refined. If Nintendo has managed to create a system that's as powerful as the next-Gen consoles, and if the touch screen is a gadget that keeps Nintendo's wow-factor on top of the pack, then I have no doubt that the Wii you will follow its predecessor in being the next-Gen victor. However, if the competition heats up and Sony and MS take aim at the you, then Nintendo may have a disaster of Dreamcast proportions on their hands.

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Arindam said:

Personally, I wish they'd make more games that use MotionPlus, and bring out some of the Japanese games, (ex: Earth Seeker, Takt of Magic) for the Wii. Ominous Precedent: The last console to have a screen on the controller was the ill-fated Dreamcast. Let's hope Nintendo's new console fares better.


wiiboy101 said:

The UTABLET does not replace Wii controls it acts as a console hub addition to Wii remote, plus it's a 1 UTABLET per console and up to 4 Wii remote plus or classic pads. The controller is part of the new console so showing the UTABLET, the 1080p HD and the games was how to sell it. Why show close ups of a boring box a console and talking about usb ports and ibm EDram, I THINK NOT. Nintendo showed what MATTERS.


KingreX32 said:

I kind of want to see the thing in action before I get too excited. That controller looks way too big and heavy.

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