PokePark video

This Japanese video shows us some footage from PokePark on Nintendo Wii.

Creatures Inc are developing this game, they're the guys behind the handheld Pokemon titles so there's some hope this will be a good'n.

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Rob Jones

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Captain Jamesman said:

Whoa '.' that actually looks like it's worth getting.


insultman911 said:

Looks ok but I wish you don't have to play as pikachu the majority of the time.


Lokee said:

Looks good so far. The Pokemon models in particular are way better than those crappy Battle Revolution rehashes, but still not as good as Brawl's playable Pokemon models. The gameplay looks fun too.


Joe Mama said:

Awesome, this is like the first pokemon game where you fight and it's not turn based! I'm glad Creatures Inc has finally started thinking outside the pokeball.


jolteon said:

I wish you could choose something like jolteon instead of pikachu.

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john said:

Is this in english.

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