Reggie Fils-Aime PAX interview

Here's an interesting interview with Reggie Fils-Aime, covering all sorts of stuff while he did the rounds at PAX.

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Rob Jones

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Nintendoof said:

I don't know how many times I'll say this. Third Parties. Pick up the freaking pace. If there are 10 thousand party games on the market, you are not going to make your expected profit. Be like Silicon Knights. Be like Alphadream. Be like Capcom. Make fun games. More than half the time I think the "party game planners" don't even like the game they made. Also no ports. We've had enough. More than a million people in the world have Wiis now, take advantage of that.


regigigas said:

The thing didn't work. I can't watch the interview.


kash money said:

Reggie is BOSS. Boss status.

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