Violence down under

Some of Sega's hardcore efforts may not have sold too well on the Wii, down in Australia they're hoping to remedy this value-style with the Welcome to Violence box set.

As you can see, this compilation contains three games:

It's set to retail at $109.95 AUD (at the current exchange rate that's around $98 USD) and will be released on March 11th.

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Rob Jones

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Nova said:

Hmm. If this ever comes to US I might have to pick it up.


wiiboy101 said:

What a stupid bundle name, did an 8 year old think that up? Since when was a black and white 4 hour niche game ever going to sell millions. Conduit is a broken unfinished game with very slow gameplay, everyone's playing cod Wii.


Nintendoof said:

Hmm same here, looks intriguing. Also useful that I haven't played any of them.


Chips said:

Well, we know who's not getting it. Also, who's the only one still playing CoD Wii.

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