Sega has released a trailer for upcoming game Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity. Apparently it's the "the biggest speed battle in history", inspirational.
So what's the deal with these games, are you racing against other characters or versus the clock? In that trailer there only seemed to be one racer on the screen at a time.
I'd still rather see a Sonic Adventure 3. Or another Sonic Heroes, with the annoying parts fixed up.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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User comments
shadow said:
Good point on the final lines.
lickwid said:
Manipulating gravity? You mean the thing you do near the end of EVERY sonic game? How original.
wiiiiiguy said:
That was so awesome but hypnotizing at the same time.
i need a wiieww said:
Erm, I'm with sonic adventure 3. But I absolutely hated sonic heroes, it was one of very few gc games I sold.
Jettwinlock said:
Is it me or has sonic team really been lacking in creativity and good gameplay for a while.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I agree and disagree with Wii's World on this one. I don't care about a second Riders, but I don't care much about another Adventure, or Heroes either. I'd like to see something, anything, from BioWare about the RPG.
B Darius said:
If they DO make a "Sonic Heroes 2", I hope Team Babylon is a team. And some more other teams as well. Instead of making a "Sonic Adventure 3", why don't Mario & Sonic come out with an adventure game together?
Garth said:
Sonic needs to die, I loved him but he sucks now.
WiiNinja said:
Wicked awesome.
Sonic Phantom said:
That was sweet! Gravity control, Gravity Dive. I think this is why they took out the turbulence. If not, then at least they had a good reason. Oh and you are racing against each other. And they probably put in the time attack. Heroes should remain a one time thing. As for an SA3, I think they stopped that series long ago. I have nothing against, but I think a new series like "Sonic Riders" should be the next best series from Sonic.
Keranu said:
Why do new Sonic games have to have such awful music? What was wrong with the old chip tunes?
Scooby Jew said:
Wow, I think I'll pass on this game.
PHiRE said:
Sonic Heroes started off boring but kind of got cool on the last few levels. SA2 is still the definitive 3d sonic for me though.
Gonzo said:
Yea, I want a Sonic Adventure game. I don't want a racing game.
divinity boy said:
I think the problem with sonic games is that you're always moving so fast you never have time to stop and just look at the game. Not that there's usually much to look at anyway.
Kitchwa said:
I'll give it this much. The graphics are hot.
Quartz said:
If they made a Sonic Adventure 3 it would suck. They can't make games now, because they rush them. If they would just TAKE THEIR TIME (Metroid 3 being released more than a year later than its intended release. Well, it'll be a hell of a lot better that way I'm sure). They rushed Sonic Heroes so it could be out for Christmas. They rushed Shadow TH so it could be out for Christmas (well, it would suck anyway, that game was about the worst Sonic spin-off I've played). Sonic Riders, they didn't rush. No, they did it right. I don't think I've seen many bugs, like, at all. Sonic '06 - rushed it for Christmas, they didn't want to have it take THREE YEARS. Even though it would have been the best game ever then. They rushed the plot obviously too. "Will have a better storyline than any Sonic game before it". I realize VGs aren't supposed to have great plots most of the time, but when they promise that it'll be better than any other, and it's actually worse than at least 2 other games (SA1, SA2), then it's really fagtastic. Their portable games, however, have been quite good lately. Sonic Rush, Sonic Rivals. Yep, good stuff. I have high hopes for Sonic Riders 2, and Sonic Rush Adventure. Luckily, the release date isn't for a fair time. So, I'm hoping that Sonic Riders 2 will be as good as the last one.
Sonic Phantom said:
Garth, I can't believe you're saying that Sonic should end. That could be hazardous to your health.
B Darius said:
The Sonic music now is WAY better than the old music.
Allen said:
Yeah, this game looks like all the other sonic games.
KOOL-AID said:
I would definitely buy Sonic Adventure 3 if they get rid of the crappy music, crappy characters and just make Sonic old-school but 3-D.
master1 said:
I think I will buy it.
adude said:
I think sonic riders was good, but it could use a lot of work. Hopefully they'll fix that in the sequel.
noname said:
I have been waiting for a new sonic game for ages! And the song and game look good.
Shadow rules said:
It would be cool to unlock shadow then use zero gravity. Oh yeah the characters should never have to have turbulance.
Twilli said:
Nice graphics and this probably will be good but not my type of game. I rarely play racing games and I would personally like to see Jet and Co in one of Sonic's normal games instead of just racing ones.
Illuminated Sonic said:
This game looks awesome. I don't know what you guys are complaining about. This is what I have been waiting for.
Illuminated Sonic said:
The Sonic Riders game was the greatest game I ever played, that game is what got me into Sonic, and I have the same faith in the sequel. In fact it's so awesome that they should make an animated series out of it.
Sonic Phantom said:
Illuminated Sonic, welcome to the club my friend. Either these people are drunk, or I don't know what. But (as what Matt Hardy would say) he will not die! But Sonic Riders is the BEST racing game I have ever played. I think they should make an animated series out of it.
DJ said:
Sonic Riders is a very good game, (probably one of the best games I've played in a long while!). The sequel's video also looks to be in good nick. I'll definitely be getting this game when it's out. I hope they make the storyline longer though.
black dragon said:
Sonic riders is a good game, I'm excellent at it.
HannahJuly said:
I wished there was a SA3 & a Sonic heroes 2. Of course, I don't really like Sonic riders as much, but I'm NOT saying I dislike it. Sonic & the secret rings is quite bad. Why make a sonic Wii game with a sucky practice level at the beginning? I can't get through it.
jack said:
It's cool but it looks like the other 2.
rouge the bat said:
Yay it's got me in it.