A host of fresh info for Super Smash Bros Brawl has been coming out of Japan. The best bits are summarized here. Wolf O'Donnell is a playable character now. He originates from the Star Fox series and is Fox McCloud's rival.
Stop judging me.
So what's thought to be the full roster looks like this, with 35 brawlers.
SSBB full roster?
Info on some new stages has also emerged.
Green Hill Zone.
Luigi's Mansion.
Link's ship from Wind Waker.
Port City (F-Zero).
Classic Mario Bros.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
ganon man 62 said:
Yay! March 9 can't come soon enough. I'm so happy with Mario Bros as a stage. The roster is slightly disappointing. It has no: Ridley, Metroid is more popular than starfox yet star fox has more reps. Krystal: Do we really need 3 dudes with the same fs running with blasters. K Rool: It would have completed the dk trifecta Bowser jr. Or Geno: We now have less reps for Mario than in melee. Ganondorf doesn't have a sword. Toon link is a clone. Wolf is fairly different from fox and falco's luigi-fied. Oh yea, Luigi doesn't have his vacuum. Still looks great though.
Maximi11ian said:
Oh heck no.
bowling4bear said:
I honestly thought there'd be more characters (Mewtwo and King K Rool I was really expecting to be around).
Davinator said:
Why no Mega Man.
Wii Freak said:
I was hoping for mewtow, krystal, and Bowser jr.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
I don't know if this is real, there are english names on the japanese game? And I thought there was only going to be 34 characters not 35.
megamanfan said:
Please say megaman's in it or I will cry.
Andrew Rudloff said:
Finally! The full roster is here.
BrothaZ said:
Don't worry too much, this is kind of nice but even so, this is only what's thought to be. Sakurai's going to be revealing a lot more good stuff now that it's out in Japan, so he might unveil something that the average player can't. I'm only upset because Ganondorf has no sword and looks like a fruit.
Keranu said:
Those levels look outstanding.
SSB4LIFE said:
Yay. I can't wait for this game. Everything's awesome.
Lover of Brawl said:
Kind of a disappointing roster if you ask me. I was kind of expecting more for a game they delayed 5 times already.
Nuclear Milk said:
Awesome! Luigi's mansion looks so cool!
Charlie said:
Glad Ness is back, missing Mewtwo, and glad for Capt. Falcon (The Knee).
pichu fan said:
This is the worst update of all, everybody didn't come back. Why is there no Mewtwo? At least he will no longer be in the subspace emissary. Lucario and especially R.O.B are taking up space, but I think for the usa it might be different because why do we have to wait another month for this game? Please Sakurai for the fans sake, let everybody come back.
Randolph the Grey said:
I was hoping and hoping that Ridley would be a playable character. Zero-Suit Samus does not make up for the lack of another Metroid character. That whole, "he's too big" argument was crap. If they made Bowser fit, they could make Ridley fit. At the very least, give me Dark Samus. I hope this isn't the final roster.
Ya I'm getting a little disappointed looking at that little rooster with so much more room.
Brawl 4 Da Hood said:
I hope that stages from the original N64 Game are included. Also who would want to see Mewtwo making an appearance on SSBB?
poop said:
I wanted Geno.
WiiNinja said:
As I said in the last update: We've only scratched the surface.
WiiNinja said:
I am exploding with sooo much joy.
YoshLee said:
Ok I was wrong that last update on here was pretty much the full roster and I was hoping for a few more character, dang. Oh well might as well get ready to beg to Nintendo for another smash bros (it's great Wolf's in though).
Frogman said:
Ridley should have been playable.
Mob69 said:
I was really hoping to see Midna, but hey, we can't have everything. At least we should be happy that Cap'n Falcon is still there.
Juan said:
Ganon man 62, how do you know any of that? They could have different moves.
Vesper said:
Mr Game & Watch again, really? Hope he has all new moves. Mii would have been fun with all Wii sports moves. One more 3rd party character would have been great as well, maybe Rayman or Zack & Wiki. Oh and did anyone even ask for R.O.B? Maybe he's fun to play with but not so great a character.
Plaugefiend said:
Wait a minute! That can't be all characters! Where's the last third party character? This must not have been completed.
Plaugefiend said:
How can you tell yourself from a Sonic to another Sonic?
Ian C said:
Wow I really like these stages. ROB, Falco, Wolf, WW link. Great, absolutely great.
Epsilon said:
Hmm, hope there'll be a few more, but hey, I'm not disappointed. By the way, that's not Link's ship.
supersmashboom said:
I really hope they fixed the moves though that'd be really nice.
Wii Freak said:
After 3 delays you'd think Nintendo would get more characters. I wish there were 50 characters. Oh well maybe next game.
Cinderblock Man said:
I can't believe they got rid of mewtwo. He could have easily filled the "villain" gap for Pokemon. But instead they bring back jigglypuff who has absolutely NO significance in the Pokemon games. I'm surprised they didn't put Miis in there too. I figured that would be a good one.
ganon man 62 said:
*spoilers* (if you don't want to know spoilers, don't read this comment)! R.O.B is the Ancient minister. It's in a vid. Also his FS is this ray thing that has short range but you move around and it does massive damage. I dislike how toon link isn't even cell shaded.
annominous said:
The roster was extremely disappointing to me, all the hype Nintendo was making made me think around 50+ characters. Like bowling, I was expecting King K Rool. But you never know, there might be something we Americans are getting that the Japanese are not.
Aeth said:
Well I must admit, I am a tad bit disappointed with the final product, but after watching a few of the cutscenes and actuall battles you can't complain for long. Boss battles are cool and the final cutscenes in the game you don't know what is going on. Hopefully someone will actually go through the game as it was intended and videotape their playthrough with the cutscenes, we need order not random bits here and there.
wii addict said:
This game is going to be awesome. Just be happy they even made brawl.
Nintendoof said:
I just had to click on this news. Sorry I hate spoilers.
KoKo said:
The final roster is definitely disappointing (if it is real). Sakurai said there were going to be 3 third party characters, where is the last one? It really should have been Bomberman or Megaman. I agree with Ganonman62, we didn't need 3 Star Fox dudes that are so similar, it was enough with Falco. But where is Bowser Jr., Ridley, Midna? Any of these characters should be in Brawl instead of that robot thing. I really expected more and better characters.
Jonny said:
Seems too small. I don't believe it. Hopefully there'll be another row added.
Mattimos said:
Great find. I think I'm going to die in anticipation of this game. Revive me on the ninth.
sumguy said:
This is a great looking roster actually this will be a fun game.
David said:
Where is Krysal? Wolf will probably have the same moves as fox. We need more female characters.
GameFrk said:
Having seen most of these characters in other games, I am impressed with the roster, it is improved from the last game and Lucario replaced Mewtwo. Toon Link looks pretty cool as well as R.O.B.
Captain Jamesman said:
Ya know, I coulda sworn I heard the character roster would go around 40.
Wii Rox said:
If that's japanese, how isn't Olimar called Orima.
TurtleGuy said:
Yes, WOLF! But other than that, hack. Small roster.
TurtleGuy said:
Ganon man 62, I don't agree with what you say. StarFox 64 was a big hit, bigger than any Metroid Prime Game will ever be. Wolf, Falco and Fox will all have different moves and attacks. None will be a clone of each other anymore. This roster needs some more characters, but right now I'm relieved; WOLF. YAY. I wanted him more than ANY of the other characters, actually.
NIckhead said:
I read a spoiler last night! And it says that Ness is officially in brawl.
Bibilo said:
Only one Sonic character?! and absolutely NO Mii support? Lame.
Xfe said:
I cannot wait. Sure I would have liked to see some other people in there, but who cares. This is still 10000 times better then any other smash bros game.
akasheo said:
You never know man, this might be a Nintendo joke? Fake.
divinityboy said:
Lucario replaces mewtwo, ridleys a boss, so is master hand and a fair few subspace robots, there's a new stage called electroplankton, ROBs FS is laser-ish eyes, marths is a one hit KO, Luigis is a slo-mo bubble which does damage over time. There's also a boss called Taboo?
PIEZ 4 U said:
That would be awesome if you can make your own brawl character and customize or upgrade Final Smashes. And it would be awesome if you could download your favorite characters from Melee into Brawl. And did you notice that characters are lined up by game, like Luigi under Mario and Peach under Luigi etc.
rayman rabbit123 said:
I told you all Wolf was in it. I told you so I told you so.
Metaray42 said:
Ridley is a boss.
DeanPOWER said:
A little bit on the disappointing side. Lucario should be interesting to play but not too sure about the resurrections of Falcon, Falco, Ganondorf and Ness. That's way too many clone characters for my liking. Not sure about Toon Link either, oh well. Stages look interesting and maybe there's some secrets about them.
desj said:
It can be better but wherever this info is coming from, the people arent even close 2 being done I wouldnt doubt that around 5 more characters could pop up into the game.
DeltaDisaster said:
There is also now a classic Donkey Kong Stage. It looks pretty neat.
Unity said:
I only see two third party characters. Didn't Sakurai say that there were going to be like 3 or 4?
Yoshi said:
March 9 is bogus. I should have been playing this game 3 months ago. Release it now and patch it later.
Shanegod said:
Ganondorf does have a sword. Check your resources. In TP he has one, I'm not sure about other games.
Brawl for all said:
This looks awesome I am glad they made a new young link and the stages look great. I can't wait for March 8th.
ssbm lover said:
Mmm I feel dissappointed with the full roster, and resent the lack of Mewtwo.
doglover said:
I thought Wolf wouldn't be in this, guess I was wrong.
Thissitesucks said:
Was hoping for Midna.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Where's the Mushroom Kingdom stage and where are Dixie Kong and Bowser jr ,/Shadow Mario.
Miiikkkeee said:
This is pretty disappointing. It seems there are more 'almost' clones than ever now. Whoop ee.
Technom said:
Looks good! I can't wait to play the game.
Quartz said:
Nice new maps. Too bad Tails isn't in Brawl though.
scg said:
I'm upset, honestly. I was expecting more newcomers.
Master Foot said:
I can't believe that Megaman is not going to be in Brawl. Maybe he might be the only secret that Sakurai will keep until its release. I'm keeping my fingers crossed until the very end.
Divinity said:
NEGATIVE: Okay, what I don't get is why they threw both Ness AND Lucas in there. What really pisses me off is that Ness is (or Lucas is) a clone of one-another (besides the slightly altered moveset) but yet Roy can't have a chance. Those Ice Climbers are like Dead Space, and Roy should have been in there with nearly and entirely different moveset (dude, even I can think of a moveset for him!) but yet the ones nobody wanted back are back. And Robot. Three Words about him: What. The. Hell. I just can't emphasize how much this roster just made me scream. POSITIVE: The fact that Marth has, in fact, returned. That makes me fairly happy. Toon Link (also known as CGI Link) makes up for the Young Link Clone of SSBM (Super Smash Bros. Melee). Ike is also a smart addition to the ranks. To have the Luigi's Mansion as a stage is pretty fun too. I think the rest of the roster is very awesome, so keep up the work, Nintendo, and you too WiisWorld.
DKX900 said:
Guys we should be happy with what we've got. We were promised a 40 character roster so 35 has got to be good enough. I know Ridley and Megaman aren't in it. So what? They can't possibly hope to please everybody. This is going to be the greatest game released this year, enjoy it and give Sakurai a break.
Gina Beets said:
I don't think this will be all the characters. They said at least 40. I thought that if they were going to put toon link that they would give him his moving spin attack or use his wand to make cyclones. But he just a smaller link.
Sonic & Tails fan said:
No tails but you can see him at green hill zone.
Sexystf said:
WHAT! Full roster. IMPOSSIBLE! I don't want to play The R"O"B. Where are Bowser Jr. and Krystal? They must be in (probably as stupid assist characters).
functionman said:
The screen expands as you unlock more, I think, so there could still be more. K Rool sounds cool, and Krystal I sort of expect, just because they could easily come up with moves that make her unique.
JPH said:
Too bad there are still 4 clones: wolf, ganondorf, luigi, falco and toon link. Oh well I still love the roster.
Meh Yoyo said:
(sigh) After seeing the full roster I feel a teeny bit disappointed with it. First off I read on the old SSBB website that Sakurai wasn't going to put any clone characters in, but it seems that Toon Link is just like the Older link. His Final Smash is also the same! Second, there were some characters I wanted to see playable like Krystal (Starfox), K Rool (DKC), Megaman (that's a good choice for another third party character) or maybe Bowser jr (Mario sunshine, I actually wanted to turn into Shadow Mario, even though it would be like the Zelda/Shiek transformation, but I always wanted to play as Shadow Mario or see him in another game at least besides Mario Golf). Every other character seems like a good choice though. I still can't wait for this game so I can finally play it.
Leo said:
I'm kind of mad at the roster because I was expecting more Mario people. I think that Sonic, Ganondorf, Toon Link, Falco, Ness, Jiggly Puff and Wolf O'Donnell should have never come out. The rest I plan to play with.
Joewii29 said:
What is Luigi's down be? Or has it not changed from luigi cyclone like mario's changed from mario tornado to FLUDD.
metwo boy said:
No Mewtwo, that is the biggest shame.
just me said:
I don't even look at melee any more. My mind is like set on this.
davyt 0247 said:
Krystal, where are you?
kareshi is black said:
So in fact they just added like 14 new characters. Wind Waker Link a waste, Lucario waste, Wolf waste. Where the hell is Marth and Mewtwo? Don't tell me there was no space for them.
Nigiheijami said:
I think it's really unfair, what they did. "We want no clones!" What did they do? Put characters in, which are in the same way! Falco + Fox, Ness + Lucas (SAME MOVES, Luigi + Mario and then they don't put in Raichu?). But Lucario having attacks like Mewto? That's really bad. I'm disappointed of what (silly) characters they've chosen.
Mochtroid127 said:
I was hoping for Dark Samus and Black Shadow.
nico said:
I guess Lucario just replaced Mewtwo. That's ok, though it'd be nicer with both.
BeastAtBrawl said:
I now REALLY can't wait for Brawl to come out. And it is possible that this isn't the full roster (it says at the beginning that this is what's THOUGHT to be the full roster). I'm disappointed though, as Tails won't be a playable character (you see him running in the background on the Green Hill Zone Stage) *sigh*.
gatorsrule said:
Pretty good roster. I still hope that the american version has more characters, since it is getting delayed.
Wii Freak said:
Rob is good.
jskrdude said:
I'm not complaining, there looks like more than enough on there to keep a casual peep like me busy. I haven't even unlocked all the characters on Melee yet (but that's mostly because I'm lazy, ha).
None said:
The next big thing they could do in the next game (if there is one) is have where you can choose the color scheme of a character, or just create your own character. Hell they have create your own stage, why not have your own character next? Maybe play as your Mii.
YoshLee said:
Ya know Geno was supposed to be in or from what I've heard, but Square Eenix took him out. Why on earth would they? It's not like they can put him in another game, seeing as he's from the Mario series.
Frogman said:
Randolf the Grey, I couldn't have said it better myself.
Frogman said:
TurtleGuy, I resent that. Metroid pwns Starfox. Who wants to run around as stupid animals when you can be a hot bounty hunter in cool armor.
BeastAtBrawl said:
If any of you can't beat someone online that is using Lucario, Toon Link or Marth, that will be me, HA. Those were all the characters that I wanted in Brawl (with the exception of Tails, who is not in it). I can't wait for this game, four weeks is just too long.
#1 Peach Fan said:
This is awesome. I can't believe someone said this is the worst update, are they on something? Whatever I am so happy with this update & Wolf O'Donnell.
BrayDogg said:
I know a lot of people are disappointed but it's worth it. If Mega Man was in the game, what moves would he seriously have? It's ok everyone, Ridley is in the game. He is just a boss. Wolf's final smash is the same but he just has a red land master tank. One thing's for sure. No one really wants to play as R.O.B {Robot Operating Buddy}, but I saw a video and he is a giant character. Lucario is basically better than Mewtwo. He still has a better shadow ball and looks like he has good hand to hand combat [which Mewtwo did not have].
Plaugefiend said:
Frogman, don't be mean. A lot of people loves Star Fox games (like myself) and it's not copying Metroid. BrayDogg, I agree with you 100% about R.O.B and Lucario.
bbbrrr said:
Sakurai said two or three third party characters. He never said anything about getting rid of clones, and Falco, Wolf, Gannondorf, Toon Link and Luigi are all clones. Luigi is the least clonish-he has a different final smash and his B+down is still Luigi cyclone. Next least clonish is Ganondorf, who has a different final smash than the Captain. Falco and Wolf seem to have different standard movesets than Fox, but they have basically the same special moves, and then same final smash (wolf's is just red and black). Toon Link just seems to be a pure clone. And will you please stop complaining? You aren't the one making the game, so you don't have any say towards the characters. Most if not all of the characters will stay-due to their inclusion in the SE story.
chicken said:
Meta knight is awesome.
doglover said:
More sonic characters better be unlockable.
RisingPhoenix 90 said:
My biggest complaint is that Ganondorf is the same as before, even though EVERYONE wants him to be different from the Falcon (both of which have no relation whatsoever). Ganondorf deserves his mammoth sword. Also, Bowser Jr with his paintbrush would be a great character. I can imagine Ridley as a light and fast character that can only viciously attack. Krystal could've been a great inclusion and would add another much needed female character, but she was ignored the honor. The Star Fox Team are slightly different to Fox, but their Final's are all the same crap. It could've been like: Fox-Tank, Falco-Arwing, Wolf-orders his teammates to bombard the stage with bombs. I just made those up right now, they had 3 years to develop a unique Final. Oh, and WWLink is garbage, he is exactly like Young Link. I personally think that are. O. Be is a waste of character space. Nobody REALLY knows him(it?) and he has NO personality. He sucks all-around. All of those characters I mentioned in the beginning (Ganondorf, Bowser Jr., Krystal, Wolf, Ridley) have a huge fanbase and were much requested. I also think that Smash Bros lack a great amount of Villians. Mewtwo should have stayed and Ridley and KKRool should of been added. In the end, despite all of our complaining and requesting, this game is STILL going to be incredibly AWESOME! And a 4th installment will be better than this too.
Peppercat007 said:
Actually there are 40 characters in the roster, it's they are not shown, the other 5 are: sheik, charizard, squirtle, ivysaur and zero suit samus, that makes 40. I'm disappointed with this roster. I was hoping for Mega Man. But apparently Capcom isn't on good terms with Nintendo. I also hoped Ashley from Wario Land would be in. Maybe they can make characters downloadable. I mean many games do that, you can download stages, why not characters?
some-guy-lost said:
I really like the stages and the way it looks. The roster seems a little wack. Other than that it's a great game. I can't wait.
thatsrightman said:
Wow, I hate to say it, but I am seriously not liking this roster! I was hoping for at least 50, maybe even 60 characters. They NEED to have Mewtwo, at least just for the fact of it being the best Pokemon ever. They NEED to have Ridley, for the sake of having a villain for Metroid, and who wouldn't want to control a frickin huge purple dragon?! They NEED more Fire Emblem characters, like Roy, Eliwood, Hector, Lyn, whatever, or even a villain from FE. Having a villain for F-Zero would've been awesome too, like Black Bull. I got to say, I'm wicked, wicked disappointed in this roster, especially since Nintendo changed its due date about a million times.
Wii Rox said:
I don't really agree there braydogg, I for one am quite excited to play as ROB, and I think people should stop treating him/it like such a joke.
YoshLee said:
I agree with Wii rox, I'm definitely considering R.O.B, he seems pretty cool and I've seen gameplay videos of him. His fighting actually seems smooth and powerful so lay off him morons.
Plaugefiend said:
Look, Nintendo is trying to make every country with characters everyone knows, and likes, so calm down. I still want at least Krystal in brawl. At it appears that Marth is back (even though most of us knew this already).
wii fanatic said:
There's way more characters than what they're showing, as of now. And the stages are looking nice, especially the old-school stages coming back to life again. As for Wolf O'Donnell, hmm. Wonder what he'll be like. Star Fox team's moves or a all new set, just for him?
The Yoshi Guy said:
Worst character ever= Toon Link. And where the bleep are Pichu and Raichu?
YoshLee said:
Rising phoenix you are 110% right. I'm praying to god with all my might for a fourth installment but in the Iwata asks interviews, Sakurai said it would be the last installment (read it yourself if you don't believe me). I honesty think this could have more sequels than final fantasy so I hope I've misunderstood that.
Wii Rox said:
Wii fanatic, there aren't any more characters, I've seen all-star mode. And yoshi guy, toon link may be a COMPLETE clone of link, but he's so different in appearance, it works, I like to think of him as more of a gimick than a character.
The Yoshi Guy said:
Mr X is probably somewhere, laughing at the people who didn't believe what he got right.
Peppercat007 said:
I'm sad that this it, this is the final roster, he put so many clones it's disgusting. And what's worse is APPARENTLY dixie kong, plusle and minun, toon zelda were partially created as playable characters, their data is in the game but they weren't completed. Also rosalina was REMOVED as an assist trophy. I'm really disappointed toon link, falco wolf and ganondorf are clones. Can't we write a letter demanding downloadable characters like mewtwo and the rest! I mean marvel ultimate alliance has 8 downloadable characters, and ssbb is bigger and better than that.
Mr Know it all said:
Yea I heard the folks at capcom were actually reluctant to put Snake in. Too bad it would have been cool to see X or Dante or even Ryu and Veiwtiful Joe. Maybe Miyamoto will talk to Bill Gates and we can get Master Chief. Final Smash: "Chief what are you doing? Sir, ending this war", the cliffhanger.
Plaugefiend said:
They should make a downloadable disc, to get additional stages, items, and playable characters. It seems logical to me at least (for my twisted mind, BWA! *coughs* Sorry, my evil twin escaped).
Canadian Guy said:
I hoped Pac-Man would be in it, but my hopes weren't too high.
Plaugefiend said:
Master Chief in brawl? That's highly doubtful. Bungie said they aren't planning on working with Nintendo or Sony.
doglover said:
The Robot I think might look like Wall-E from the movie.
doglover said:
Who's Zenigame?
EDD said:
Shut up and stop complaining everybody, so what if your favorite characters didn't make it to brawl, this will be the best game ever. Geez almost all you guys and girls are dumb. You already got Sonic in it. Be happy with what you got.
yayrob said:
Zenigame is japanese for Squirtle.
Splintercell4ever said:
Guys, quit thinking this takes rocket science to speculate. These are characters. It's done and now we are about to play the game.
Aeth said:
Well we have Snake and Sonic, that is not so bad. Wish they did add in Mega Man, though they either didn't have time to program in or couldn't decide which design of him to use. Though my question is where is Krystal and Leon Kennedy? There was "leaked" info they were in but they aren't even Assist Trophies so what happened? David, exactly my point, Krystal would have at least added in another female character. Wii Rox, either they have a language chooser or for some reason the Japanese programmers decided to use a lot of English in the games. Odd really, though the Pokemon characters still kept their Japanese names and after winning a battle the characters do speak in Japanese. All the StarFox character have the same attacks and Final Smash (Land Master), but in actuality there attacks have different strengths, speed, and looks. Bibilo, we do have Shadow as an Assist Trophy (Using Chaos Control to slow down the other players), and we also have Tails, Knuckles, and Silver running in the background of the Green Hills Stage. As for the Miis, well they could have at least had a Stage which involved them. With all the pros they have it outweighs the cons and this game will probably last even after they release the next Super Smash Bros (if they do make another, DUN DUN DUN!). According to Luigi's trophy that someone translated, it says that Luigi's Final Smash is him giving himself up to the jealousy toward Mario and doing an exotic dance while chanting. As for Taboo, he's the final boss (and battle) of the Subspace Emissary. From what his Trophy Description says, his English name will be "Tabuu" and he is from a realm that exists far from the Smash World. PIEZ 4 you, we now have a "Stage Creator", let's not push the customization thing so much. Metaray42, Ridley is actually a boss two times (Personally, they could have replaced the 2nd Ridley with either Metal Ridley or another villain (Heck, I'm kind of thinking they should have used a Kirby villain like Zero Two or Marx, they would have been perfect for that fight). Ganondorf doesn't use a sword, he's a modified version of Captain Falcon again, all except his Final Smash (He turns to Ganon and charges the other brawlers and launches them off the field).
davyt 0247 said:
There is no Master Chief or megaman (although a brawl between Chief and Samus would be AWESOME!). I'm really mad that krystal is not playable. If there is another smash bros game (I hope there will be), maybe krystal will be playable in that one. Most of the others I like though, Ridley is a boss in adventure mode. ROB? I'm not sure I like him, I'll have to try him out before I make my decision.
Singapore meh said:
Did anybody really think that the massive delays were to add more characters? Instead of fan-servicing every obscure game in the Nintendo library, they made sure that brawl had everything melee lacked. Stage builder, flawless online play with dozens of modes, and an 8 hour long single player mode with co-op! And they made the roster huge anyways. Melee added 7 new, original characters to the 12 from N64. Brawl added 12 new, unique characters on top and luigified almost all of the clones. Everyone wishes there were more characters, but this roster shouldn't be a disappointment, unless you've already forgotten all the amazing new characters they already introduced. Bottom line. The game will be amazing, we all know it.
yayrob said:
Peeps stop trash talking the roster, there's nothing wrong with it even though some of you were desperate for more characters. Sorry but I think that you are exaggerating the problem. Okay, I admit that I wanted to see more third party, but how about we just take what we can get, seeing as it must have taken them forever to get all this in.
sriver said:
I don't know why people find it disappointing. They still added more characters than in Melee. I'm good.
Plaugefiend said:
Yes I agree, for once. It's done, and that is that. Though Aeth, if they wanted to, they could make downloaded characters you can get on Wi-Fi.
divya said:
I love it.
snow said:
Why weren't Richter or Alucard in this? Or Megaman Zero or Megaman X? Those are real Nintendo characters, how can you have Sonic and Snake but not true Nintendo cover boys?
alch3mist said:
I refuse to believe that this is all that the makers could come up with after so many delays. I'm guessing there's at least 5 other characters that are hard to unlock that most people haven't yet.
Nintyboy said:
I really hoped Ridley would get in. He can be shrunk, he had good move potential and Metroid only has one proper character. Instead, we get rubbishy clones like Wolf and Toon Link.
Crazy Four Brawl said:
How in the world could Ridley, King K Rool, Master Chief and Megaman be in Brawl? You guys are disappointed? Why? Brawl has enough characters. I mean Olimar? Snake? Sonic? It's awesome!
brawl man said:
This is the roster. I've seen the same characters on for sites and five videos.
rayman rabbit123 said:
Toad would have been awesome though, rayman rabbit too. But I've always thought Falco and Ness were sweet.
Random talker K59 said:
That's messed up. Capcom should have joined Brawl and given us Megaman, Zero, Dante and a ton of Assist Trophies.
Random talker K59 said:
Mr Know it all, Snake is from Konami not Capcom. Just something to know for future reference.
JY said:
Not sure if anyone noticed, but there are the exact same number of clones in each games. 5 in Brawl and 5 in Melee. Lucas, Toon Link, Wolf, Falco and Ganondorf compared to Dr Mario, Falco, Ganondorf, Young Link and Pichu. It seems like Mewtwo "evolved" into a Lucario since it has a better melee attacks than Mewtwo (Mewtwo had terrible melee attacks). And I am still terribly disappointed at same movesets for old characters. I was looking forward to new movesets for Shiek especially, but it is the exact same one (except the taunt). I was disappointed at that. But as of now, I am a proud, happy, content owner of Super Smash Bros Brawl.
BestAtBrawl said:
I have had the game for 3 weeks now, and I have unlocked about everything (I have all the stage parts, all the stages, all the characters, have most of the CD's, over 400 stickers, over 300 trophies). Only one complaint from this here gamer: okay, it is not much of a complaint, but still. I wanted Tails to be in Brawl. Eh, but all the other characters that I wanted in Brawl made it in.
EDD said:
Miis in brawl? People. Mii can't fight and what kind of moves will they have? It's hard making a character. Especially new ones. Like their special moves, or smash attacks, on screen appearance? Victory animations? Victory theme. I don't think they will put them in the subspace army, what about their taunts? Grabs? Graphics? How high their jumps will be? Weight? Much more.
robert kenny said:
I could care less that Megaman isn't in the game, he's been in enough fighing games already. Marvel vs Capcom, there is however no excuse for the fact that Ridley isn't playable, that just pisses me off, he so deserved to be playable.
Ymmit said:
IF ridley was in the game that would be so freaking cheap he's HUGE! Plus megaman sucks same with mewtwo and krystal. Plus snake is awesome and toon link does not suck, he pwns A** to you noobs out there.