Thanks to Seth for sending this tip in. An opening video for Super Smash Bros Brawl has been uploaded onto YouTube.
If this is for real, some things to note:
SSBB is only two days away from release in Japan.
Today's Dojo update was a long list of music tracks available from when you start the game. Head over there if you want to check them out.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
Experience the finest Aviator Game and take advantage of the helpful guides to win. visit ...
gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Wii Freak said:
Yeah Ness. But he may just be a clone. Thank you Seth. Also Mr Game and Watch is there too.
Davinator said:
Nice, this confirmed Marth. Ok and we knew about Ness.
EDD said:
Yay ness and marth is there! The best thing ever.
blab355 said:
Finally a legit one! There's no way that can be faked, with Ness, Sheik and Olimar in.
Cervantes said:
This video is legit. It's way too realistic to be fake.
wiistorm13 said:
Awesome video, also there is a weird platform of ice as a stage.
A Guy said:
When will Captain Falcon show up? He has to eventually, they practically guaranteed that when they made Samurai Goroh an assist. And it's only two more days until the game's released in Japan. These past few updates have been disappointing. He's pushed it for another month and a half, and he hasn't had any good updates to make up for it. On the bright side, if he pushes it another month then on April Fool's Day I can tell all my friends that they've added Master Chief and have a "build your own character" mode.
Rags said:
Luigi, Lucario, Ness, Marth, Game & Watch, Falco, and Gannondwarf have all been confirmed. Bomber Man may be the last 3rd Party Character. Brawl is officially awesome.
Rags said:
Also, R.O.B is confirmed as well, I think.
David said:
UMMM, where is Marth and Ness?
Aeth said:
Hmm, this can't be fake due to the fact it features scene and characters not yet seen in any released videos. My guess is that this is more of a commercial as I expect the actual intro to be WAY better than this. Glad to see Ness and Marth back to Brawl. Also another few things I noticed: 1) Samus does put her power suit on. 2) Lucas and Ness team-up (They mix all the other Nintendo characters but keep the MOTHER/Earthbound Characters together?). 3) Lucas teams up with the Pokemon Trainer at one point. 4) Green Hill Zone is either a Stage OR a part of the Subspace Emissary. 5) Marth and Meta Knight team-up. 6) Mario teams up with Link at one point. 7) Ike joins with Marth and Meta Knight at one point. However all in all, pretty awesome and way better than today's Dojo update.
Seth said:
No problem, guys. Always glad to help.
Seth said:
Thanks WW for the post of the video I sent.
Rags said:
Toon Link (aka Wind Winker Link) is in Brawl.
Sexystf said:
Note the confirmed list is: Bowser jr (imdb), Luigi (is a evidence), Krystal (star fox website), Jigglypuff (a released video), Ganondorf (imdb), Captain Falcon (another evidence).
Sexystf said:
I hope that rumor of Bomberman is true and another one about Simon Belmont (Castlevania). Please I want Dr Mario/young link/Falco back.
wii rox said:
What are pika and samus doing together.
DKX900 said:
Will there be updates when Japan have got it? Perish the thought I've been living on updates for the past 6 months! What will my life be without them.
SSB4LIFE said:
Holy flirking shnit. That was the greatest video ever. It's so cool. I can't wait to watch it on my Wii.
Wiipaw said:
Well, I looked at the title screen and I the companies besides Nintendo and gamefreak. Sega, Konami and Cap--wait! Where's Capcom? Sorry guys, but because of their absence, I don't think mega man will be in Brawl.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
LAME! I can't believe this, ness sucks, and there's no point of putting marth in because clearly ike is going to own.
Plaugefiend said:
R.O.B? Why be it? It's a servant to the Subspace Army, it betrayed Nintendo. Can't wait to see The Black Knight, Krystal Fox, Mega Man, Ridley (even boss), A bounty hunter from Metroid, like Noxus, and Luigi. Yup, this is my dream team. A Guy, I think there might be a riot if they delayed it another month. If they did that I'll have call "Father Nurgel" to assist Nintendo from the riot.
dogman said:
I wet myself watching this.
YoshLee said:
OHHH MY GOD it's as if god made the very intro himself. Marth is revealed and I've figured out about several other characters that will pair up. Luigi better be revealed soon, if he misses out on this fun I'm going to need some serious therapy (just kidding).
YoshLee said:
I bet yoshi and link meet in the forest then team up to kick the crap out of the leader of the primids.
TruBlu said:
Falco and Lucario. Yes, now all they need is Krystal and Tails.
hbh said:
And cell-shaded link, I saw pictures of him.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Where's Jigglypuff and Captain Falcon. Not to mention a lack of Marth and Mewtwo and wheres Young Link? This is going to be so overrated without those characters.
insultman911 said:
I'm going to freeze myself. Please defrost me on March 9th.
Did everyone see the final destination like stage at 0:28?
YoshLee said:
Yoshi, kirby, link, mario, and pit most unbeatable team ever designed.
Davinator said:
They only pop up quickly, marth has got meta knight's back toward the end.
Quartz said:
I figured that Green Hill Zone would very likely be in Brawl ever since Sonic was proven to be in it. Anyway, cool stuff.
goldseer said:
Wow that's... no comment. NESS? WOW. Marth too (faints).
Luigikillsmario said:
Whoa! Ness looks older.
Aeth said:
I found out this is the actual intro. In my opinion this is their laziest intro. The original and Melee had trailers made just for the intro alone, yet this trailer is just cuts and snips of cutscenes in the Subspace Emissary. They put so much effort into the game yet they decided to leave out a specially made trailer?
Wii Rox said:
I don't think they shouldput any actual stages in adventure mode. It would be too much like the one in ssbm and it would lessen the impact of the story.
Plaugefiend said:
I really don't want Cell-Shaded Link in this game.
Coryd10 said:
Captain Falcon is in. But I think mewtwo got the boot. No body wants tails or sonic or Knuckles or Shadow.
Nintendoof said:
So beautiful. Thank you so much Seth.
YoshLee said:
Thanks for showing me that stage I didn't notice it good eye wiiping for Wii.
Plaugefiend said:
I want to see Buck Bumble as a assist trophy. I love his little laugh when he gets a powerful gun. Of all the characters I heard, I least expect to see was Marth returning. People complained about Marth and Roy so much.
Kimia said:
YES! Marth is in here! I am SO happy--he was my best and main character in SSBM and will forever be my main character. I would choose him over Roy any day.
insultman911 said:
Mario should team up with the following: Luigi, Link, Sonic, and Yoshi.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Huh. I'd like to know where Rags gets his info, and where Seth found this video. I'm a natural skeptic about certain things, but it's hard to be skeptical with video evidence. As for Rags. I need proof.
YoshLee said:
Add Kirby insultman and you have my top 5 characters (there's a tie between Mario and Sonic for number 5).