A brief trailer for Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk showing off some of what you can expect from the gameplay. Fans of the original should be excited.
Camera work courtesy of I Am Sam.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Zendalf said:
You mean like the retarded guy?
jskrdude said:
Looks pretty hot, but I'm not liking the way those monsters fly into the air when they get hit hard. It looks kind of weird.
Soul Lock said:
Monsters are replacing actual teammates? Noooo.
Scooby Jew said:
I guess it looks ok, but I didn't play the first one so I don't really know what to expect anyhow.
David K said:
Lol I am sam is a good film, sad. Funny caption though.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
Is it just me or does this look exactly like that last one with different characters? Anyway still looks great, I'll probably get it.
Wiimaster said:
Hell yeah now I really can't wait for this game.
wii man said:
Not bad.
kareshi is black said:
In the Fire it was LLOYD.
Gordi said:
Don't know why but I couldn't stop laughing about the I am sam comment.
Minako said:
The first game was AWESOME. This looks great too. But HOLY CRAP Lloyd why are you in the fire like that? Don't kill yourself. I am so ecstatic, I thought this game was just a rumor and now here's proof, or it could just be me always being behind again.
Trey said:
Personally, I think that the game will do well. I mean I'm not certain if it's going to come out in the United States (although I hope it does), but I don't think that if I play I'll get the same satisfaction from it as I did from the original Symphonia. The first one was my favorite game of all time. I'm a freshman in high school now but I started playing that game in 6th grade. I didn't really start liking it until 7th grade though. I found myself playing it as often as I could and neglecting all my homework. Ignoring that, I'm still trying to fathom why the characters aren't the same in this installment. I'm a bit disappointed to tell you the truth.
Kevin said:
Man I am so pumped about this game. The first one was off the chain, I completed it over and over again. Just for this game I'm going to get a Nintendo Wii, same way people got an xbox 360 for halo 3.
Tom said:
Looks good to me. I wish it was the same characters though.
Kratos said:
The fire guy was totally Lloyd, and the game looks pretty sweet.
Tumarilink said:
Man, I've beaten the first one over and over again, every possible way I can (although, my favorite storyline is the one where you get to kill Zelos). I really hope this comes out in the Americas.
Trey said:
What most people fail to understand about the Tales Series is that you never know what to expect with the next installment. I mean, tales of Symphonia and tales of Legendia had similar story lines. Collette being the Chosen one and that other girl from legendia being the "Shining" one, but still, the three tails games that came out in the US were probably very successful as a whole. Now, Tales of the Abyss, didn't meet my expectations and I'm sure lots of people feel the same way. From what I hear, Tales of Symphonia 2 has some of the characters from Tales of the Abyss. What I'd like to know is where did my Symphonia characters go off to? If I were able to make a video game strike I would because I can't imagine Tales of SYMPHONIA without Lloyd, Kratos, Sheena, Raine, Genis, Collette, Zellos, Persea, or Regal. That game just said a lot that's all.
Tian said:
The original tales was probably one of my favorite games of all time and was the reason I bought a gamecube instead of another console (although it did depress me a little to hear that the game was ultimately released on ps2 as well). This game's video looks worthy of its predecessor so far and I'm glad I bought a Wii last month. Hopefully it'll arrive in the US around winter next year since the video said it was coming out in spring 2008 for Japan.
mickl3 said:
You do know that there are going to be the old characters right? This game follows the storyline, after the old part reunited the worlds, and the two new characters are people that were pretty much raised in that new world. I know that at least some of the characters are playable again, but I think that few of them might not be. Who knows, the reason Lloyd might be in the fire may be because he turned evil, or because someone/something attacked his town again. Anyways, if you guys look closely for one of the short short battle clips, you see a girl with wings flying off towards the left. That's most likely Colette reappearing. My friend also told me that Genis and Raine are coming back, since he played a trial or something, but he isn't sure about the rest of the party. I know it sucks that it isn't purely the old party, but this is still going to be nice. I mean you see the old world maps and the new world maps. Plus you can now see the world as a sphere. That makes a big difference. Well anyways, just got to wait for it.
shecka said:
It looks like Lloyd was about to go angel in the fire, because he crouched and it looked like when he jumped and got wings at the end of ToS.
Tasam said:
Will it still have multiplayer? That and the story is what me and my friend liked most about the first one.
irving said:
Lloyd just figured he'd get better babes than Collette if he decided to pretend to be Sephiroth.
Dito said:
Noooo! Why monsters instead of teammates.
Nick said:
The first one was flipping amazing. I just beat it, man my emotions are going crazy at first. I was so happy when I beat it but then I realized what the hell am I going to do with my life now. I can't wait to see it on the shelf, I hope Lloyd and everyone else are in this one and playable.
lengthornov said:
I want to know if Lloyd will still have his wings in the new game.
Samspit said:
Where's Presea?!
brian said:
Oh my god, a new ToS. Going to be awesome, but you don't play as LLoyd, that sucks. Lloyd owns.
beki said:
Ain't Presea in the new game? I love Tales of Symphonia.
Tales fan said:
I'm sorry to say, but I found out that Lloyd is evil in this game.
Xehanort said:
Cool! I can't wait for it. Man, but why did they have to put another person as the main character? I wanted Lloyd to be the hero. What if Lloyd is like a secret boss and do you guys think Abyssion will make a reappearance?
TOS major fan said:
I beat Tales of symphonia 1 and then sold it, then bought it again and beat it again. Tales of symphonia 2 I thought it was a joke, I now found it to be true and am surprised. Lloyd was my person in tales of symphonia, but I like the new main character, not better but if I can't play as Lloyd I'll play as him. When is it coming to us? I hope it comes soon after the Japan release like 1-2 months after. Lloyd being evil in this game, I don't know but I think it will be a cool boss to fight.
chu chu lovely said:
Tos is my favourite game ever, so I have to get a Wii XD. I don't reckon Lloyd is actually properly evil, he's probably just gonna end up how Kratos was in tos1. It seems like a bloody good excuse to get a Wii though so excited. And I'm sure all characters will be playable like before.
Kami said:
I'd rather have monsters being my allies. I mean, think about it, you're in a volcano, you recruit a monster in that habitat. You can use it to use items on you (if possible) and take all of the hits. And there's a wider variety of techs now. I really wouldn't mind having Genis or Raine though (didn't quite like Colette, Zelos, Presea or Kratos much). Aside from that, I wonder if you'll be able to recruit bosses.
Trey (again) said:
The last time I looked up this trailer, it was in July I believe, there were many questions that I had pending. Unfortunately, none of them have been answered. If you guys aren't aware, there are more than six tales games. None of them having anything to do with each other though. Tales is basically like Final Fantasy( but I pick tales over it). Expect there to be too many of similarities between the two stories. It seems as if the world is exactly the same with some minor modifications. And I would assume that after tales of symphonia 1 (*HERE COMES A SPOILER*) when Lloyd saved both worlds, he was in the same conversation as Mithos the Hero. I assume Mithos just fell of the grid and Lloyd was the savior of the worlds. Ignoring basic story lines, the characters probably all play the same roles. There's probably going to be the loud mouth main character with a sword. Another person they meet with sword based attacks that holds a deadly past. A healer, being the most educated of the party. A girl with a big setback, being the" Chosen" or whatever they decide to name her. Among other people, the game is pretty much the same. I don't own a Wii but I just might have to get one for this game. Yes, I may have downed it a bit in this last entry but all I know is that I have to try it. I beat TOS eleven times through so now I shall wait for something else to blow the time I should be using to study Geometry.
Christie said:
Oh my god. This is the greatest day ever. I loved ToS so much. I played it through at least 30 times, cried when I received news of the OAVS and now this. I can't wait. It is supposed to be released in North America on August 28th 2008 and I am so PUMPED. I covered my website in screenshots of the second game. I cried when I watched the trailer. No, I BAWLED when I watched it. I am a die hard fan and I am so happy to see that Namco jumped at such a great opportunity and thrilled me and made me the happiest Tales of Symphonia fan on earth. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH NAMCO. THANK YOU FOR BEING SO awesome.
xeon said:
As far as I know there might be more than just 2 new people that you can play (excluding the monsters and old characters). From what I learned it seems there are three or four other characters that might be playable and the one I can't wait to try out is that richter abend guy (the dude wearing glasses). He uses a sword and a sickle, now that's going to be tough to beat for me. So anyways yea TALES OF SERIES ROCK! Beat the first one like 6 times and I still find it amusing.
Tayy said:
I am so excited for the new ToS! I agree with what Trey wrote, but I liked the storyline in the first ToS. I've beaten the game about 4 times, and I'm currently playing it a 5th time, I am going to continue to play the game until the Fall of this year when it is expected to be released for North America!
DarknessCalls said:
I've heard that the main characters are different because the main characters are now evil. Or at least the former main characters (LLoyd and such) are the enemy in this game. I'm not sure how valid that info is but by looking at how evil LLoyd looks in those flames, I'd say that it's probably true.
ZelosFTW said:
Hate to say it but from what I have seen and read looks like Lloyd and the others are going to be evil and they have a Pokemon-esque monster capturing part of the game. LAME! I hope it does well though. September '08 for Wii in the US (supposedly).
Does kratos even show up at all.
Junior said:
Lloyd wasn't in the fire it was the new character Emil looking like he was totally going to kill somebody.
bah said:
Does it have 2 discs again? I hope this one is as big as ToS.
LiKaDaOrIgInAl said:
The monsters flying up every time they get hit. The game does not look as good as the original, but as they say, don't judge a book by its cover. I hope there are more than 4 characters, and betrayals and such. I wonder how fun the sidequests are.
WAPO said:
Lloyd's evil in this game and destroys Palmacosta. The new main character, Emil, gets mad at Lloyd for killing his parents at Palmacosta and so Lloyd becomes the "bad guy".
Zed said:
What! Lloyd can never never be the bad guy.
origin said:
I want to see a battle of Lloyd and Emil. I have the first game and it rocked! Good thing they put some new gaming experiences in this one.
jared said:
I can't figure out how to make it two player but other than that it's alright.
Love said:
I hate this game. ToS > ToS2. ToS had a better touch to it.