The Conduit is a game under development by High Voltage Software, a technically advanced FPS for the Wii. It's being built from scratch using the Quantum3 engine to take full advantage of the Wii's hardware. The control scheme has been inspired by previous successes like Metroid Prime 3: Corruption and Medal of Honor Heroes 2.
Impressive to put it mildly. High Voltage are currently seeking a publisher for this game, here's hoping they find one. In addition to this, they also have some promising WiiWare titles lined up, such as Gyrostarr and Animales de la Muerte. Rock on.
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User comments
Juan said:
See people, the Wii can have good graphics.
Kamehameha X said:
The first time I watched it, I wasn't that impressed, but as I watched it the second time I realized why. I have been playing a lot of high-end PC games lately. I'm a Nintendo Wii guy all the way, but I have a great PC so I can play some of the especially cool games that I know the Wii can't handle. This game looks REALLY GOOD, and the play-control looks fairly solid. Definitely one to watch.
Wii Freak said:
I don't know why, but this game reminds me of Red steel.
luwiigi said:
Holy crap! This just jumped straight to the top pf my to-get list.
Yoshi-1up said:
Woah! This game looks badass.
willandhiswii said:
Looks awesome to me. Jump on it Nintendo.
Wolfkolf said:
I can't believe they STILL have not found a publisher! The game looks great! Here's hoping they sell this engine to everyone so we can start seeing more games with good graphics.
Wiipaw said:
Holy ****. I didn't think the Wii could do those graphics. They're better looking than Half Life II on the pc. The weapons kind of throw me off though. Still, it's probably going to be awesome.
Jonny said:
Whoever's running High Voltage is my new god.
ColdFusion0 said:
I hope its splitscreen multiplayer.
Vive le Ouii said:
Looks heavily 'borrowed' from classics like half life and halo, but if the controls are anything like Metroid and the gameplay is not too bad I am definitely buying this.
SkullHydra said:
AWESOME! I'm totally getting it.
BrAwL said:
Woah. YES.
DeanPOWER said:
My stars, this looks great! High Voltage look like they're causing quite a storm. Quite impressed with some of the visual work here too, didn't expect that with the Wii at all.
wiiboy101 said:
It looks better on ign's embedded video if anybody's thinking it don't look great. Remember this is basically beta footage, the game's got months and months of development to go. Factor 5, capcom will take it to the next level again visually.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
This looks awesome, can't wait to try it.
mike said:
Wow that looks great.
Lickwid said:
Looks very easy on the eyes to say the least.
StupidGenius said:
Thank you High Voltage, for making me feel a lot better about the 3rd party developers. I know it's a little too early, but it's looking fantastic so far. So keep at it High Voltage. And why doesn't this game have a damn publisher?! It's absolutely beyond me.
wiiboy101 said:
I never doubted Wii graphics. I always said 3rd parties are sabotaging the Wii.
waterworld said:
Wow if you ask me it looks like Nintendo just got its own HALO.
Senpai said:
Dude, looks like super powered scifi demon future CIA game of doom, totally sweet. And of course, the organic weapons look awesome, especially that one at 1:20. Wonder how many president code names we will see in the game?
monkeylemur said:
High voltage! You con duit.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Sa'weet a REAL supporter, not one that moons the Wii like Valve.
Wiipaw said:
I looked up conduit in the dictionary, and I found it means, and I don't remember the exact definition, something that travels through something else. Hmm. Sounds like the story might be good. Of coarse, a Flood Infection Form (from Halo) is a conduit as well.
wii r brawling said:
W00t. Wii Fps's tend to be very good and this looks great.
Rock said:
The alien coming out of the wall at 1:45 kind of looks like Metroid Prime in its exoskeleton. This game looks like a must have.
brawlboy said:
Oh my god. Halo much?