Which of the major releases are you most looking forward to? | ||
Metroid Prime 3 | ![]() | 397 |
Super Mario Galaxy | ![]() | 660 |
Super Smash Bros Brawl | ![]() | 1307 |
Total votes: 2364 |
Yes | ![]() | 565 |
No | ![]() | 557 |
Maybe | ![]() | 376 |
Total votes: 1498 | Comments |
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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User comments
Dragdara said:
Brawl duh, the other games are good but no super smash bros brawl.
Sonic Fan said:
Oh man, I can't wait one more second! I need a Wii and Super Smash Bros Brawl NOW.
Wii Freak said:
How come the best games are always delayed?
Zendalf said:
Totally SSBB. It is going to own like everything on the Wii. Except maybe Twilight Princess, but they are in completely different categories.
Chaos said:
Hey, like Miyamoto-san said, "A delayed game is eventually good. A bad game is bad forever". I can't wait for all three either, but when I think about that quote I know that the game will turn out great because of the wait. I mean, who wants to play an awful, rushed game?
Crimson Hawk said:
NAH DIP SSBB is the game I'm looking forward to!
stinky12694 said:
Brain says ssbb, but my heart craves Mario goodness. *DRUMROLL* I PICK SMG, please don't hate me, those screenshots are beautiful. Mario is back to his roots of innovation and even Shigsy is excited. If I had a second choice I'd say ssbb then mp3, but it would be close, like in percentages, Smg ~ 34.3%, ssbb ~ 33.3%, and mp3~ 32.3%.
Ian C said:
Wooo SSBB!
cmk said:
Ssbb looks to be awesome, but I want to play for hours without my arms getting tired from so many wiimote gimmicks. Use the classic controller, or the GC one. That was a nice setup.
Unknown said:
Galaxy beats any game, even Zelda.
Scooby Jew said:
I knew that a large majority was going to agree that SSBB is the best of the big 3. God, I can't wait to kick every one of your asses on that game.
B Darius said:
Unless I find out some more characters appearing in "Brawl", then I won't get it.
PHiRE said:
Brawl is actually last for me, I couldn't get into SSBM for some reason. Mario I'm most interested in right now.
Toober said:
I can't wait for ssb even though right now I think smg looks better. We'll see in time.
TonyRomoFan said:
SMG. Sub-Machine-Gun or Super Mario Galaxy, whichever your prefer.
Unknown said:
1 Galaxy 2 Brawl 3 Metroid (No interest).
stinky12694 said:
B Darius, there will be the characters we've already seen +30 or so.
asparaWIIgus said:
I played SSBM once, and it wasn't that fun. So I'm all Mario now. Plus, you have to admit that the trailers were total sweetness.
tabsina said:
At the moment I'd be getting all 3, but I'm much more excited about the other two (which are equal in my mind) about Super Mario Galaxy, looks so innovative and fun. I would be more excited about Brawl if there was anything noticeably different (besides graphics and new characters) than the melee.
soulbreather said:
I think it's obvious what game is going to win.
i need a wiieww said:
I want ALL of them, but any day I'd rather pick brawl up.
Killer Ape said:
Hell yea brawl! Probably getting galaxy too.
ganondorfrules said:
I'm getting all 3 of them but yea ever since I saw the name on wiisworld, the first time I ever visited the site I was like I'm in heaven. SSBB was the game for me. I'm voting for it, followed by metroid then mario. This is going to be big.
Gonzo said:
Yea, Brawl is going to be the ill game. I will also be getting all three.
TheKid said:
They are delaying to make a second Wii rush. Nintendo wants to show at the next big game conference the Wii graphics true potential, take that and stack on top of it the almost simultaneous release of the "big 3" before the holidays. And they will find themselves reliving November 19, 2006.
Hey said:
Brawl and MP3 are under my radar, not so much Mario.
Luigi said:
Unknown, I have to admit Galaxy is a damn great game, but nothing beats Zelda.
Splintercell4ever said:
I've got a question, will any of those games be able to stand a chance against Halo 3?
Splintercell4ever said:
I do not get why brawl is at the top when it will not even have motion sensitive controls. Mario and Metroid will probably use the controls to the fullest, so they should be at the top.
BIG wii fan said:
When does super mario galaxy actually come out?
Gonzo said:
I voted for brawl.
Captain Jamesman said:
I want Brawl! I mean, there's more new characters, the stages are glamorous, the characters have special smash attacks and I'll get to play as Mario in a fighting game again.
Gary The Snail said:
Brawl as well for me.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Brawl first, Prime 3 next, Galaxy last. And to Splintercell, a game like Brawl can't easily use the Motion sensing capabilities of the Wii. Also, using the Gamecube controller allows for an easy transition from old to new. Besides, how can you pass up taking a baseball bat (or a few dozen explosives) to Pikachu?
cmk said:
I'm so excited for all three. But they had better give us a month in between so we can play em with all our attention.
tyler said:
Galaxy all the way, metroid second.
WIIMAN said:
I want them all to be out now, but I'm going for metroid because I want another shooter on my Wii. Red steel was awesome.
TopHatMan said:
Smash Bros first, galaxy second, then metroid.
TopHatMan said:
Smash Of Bros. First, galaxy, second, then metroid.
TopHatMan said:
I love the name Scooby Jew! I just keep laughing every time I see it.
TopHatMan said:
I wonder. They should really have for SSBB (a) samurai swords as drops, (b) tophats, and (c) be able to make your own stages and be able to take that online. Oh and for practice target on there, there should be an optional character from Animal Crossing, they make me want to beat them up sometimes.
Gonzo said:
I'm dying for Brawl right now!
Zelda fan said:
Ssbb is going to be by far the best. I agree with tophatman, Animal Crossing characters would make good practice.
Wii Freak said:
I wish baby bowser would be in SSBB. He could use his paint wand like he did in super mario sunshine and mario power tennis.
Gonzo said:
I picked Super Smash Bros. I'm going to get all those games anyway. I'm just mad that Nintendo doesn't have third-party games. We want more games, like GTA and sports games. Microsoft and Sony always get the better games. COME ON, Nintendo!
singapore meh said:
SM64 and MP are both rated higher than both Halos, and Smash Bros Melee outsold Halo, and sold about the same as Halo 2. Why would you think that they can't hold par with Halo 3?
SSBB fan said:
I played SSBM for gamecube a few years ago (I would be still on my Wii if I didn't lose it!) and besides Zelda: Twilight Princess and kingdom hearts 2 it's the best game I've ever played.
mE said:
It's got to be Brawl! I mean, the top selling game on gamecube, Wii motion control and Snake. SNAKE! No question. Period.
Splintercell4ever said:
Well, some people's whole life is halo. The thing halo has is really good multiplayer.
Gonzo said:
Yea, I'm gonna love Brawl. That's going to be the hit game. I think these three games can hold up the hype for the Wii. Oh, and also Smackdown vs Raw 2008! That's going to be a hit.
Wii Freak said:
But since Brawl's going to be Wi-Fi, that game is going to be hard to find.
stinky12694 said:
You know, I'd probably vote for brawl IF I COULD SEE SOME GODDAMN GAMEPLAY. You can watch Mario fly around in space, you can watch Samus use her sexy badassery, but you can't see snake shoot kirby with a rocket launcher, then get hit with a fireball my Mario!
Gonzo said:
This is going to be good! If we can get these three games, and MAYBE some 3rd party games, I'll be perfectly fine.
Sonic Fan said:
I think I might use the Gamecube controller when I play Brawl. Because I think it's easier using a classic kind of controller than the Wii-mote. But I'll try it with the Wii-mote first and maybe I'll be suprised on how it turns out.
BrothaZ said:
Brawl then corruption then galaxy. The controller scheme for galaxy looks too weird for me.
Gonzo said:
You know, no one in the comments said that they like Metroid Prime 3 but there are 16.2% of people who voted for it! Everyone says Brawl.
Splintercell4ever said:
Whoah, the current vote total creeps me out. 666, is Damien visiting this site or something.
Kuro said:
FPS on the Wii are the shit, I can't wait for MP3 since it's going to look awesome like the others MP did. It will hopefully have some online play. It's going to be so badass!
revenge said:
I seriously can't wait for these 3 games it's going to be amazing. Wii is doing so well and it hasn't even launched 3 of its main sellers, Brawl is going to be awesome with snake in and a bunch of whole new players, along with metroid prime 3 which as we all know MP series are amazing and SMG is looking quite nice from some gameplay demos of E3 2006.
Guy said:
Can't wait for SSBB, I need to get to the Wii.
Ekaj185 said:
Damn. My Wii-mote broke. I guess I'll be using Cc for Brawl.
BJ boy said:
Oh man I just buy the Wii for ssbb.
Andrew said:
Metroid! The Wii-mote makes shooting games inherently fun, but it's just been crappy games like that one on Wii Play at the moment with FPS games never getting it quite right. You know Nintendo will have had Metroid in mind when they were designing the Wii and I reckon they've got some really cool way of controlling it that other developers will be able to copy so we see a lot more FPSs for Wii.
cmk said:
I really need to buy melee before brawl. Melee's like 30$ though! What's up with that?!?
GiGANToR said:
I'll probably get all three, but it's SSBB hands down.
YoshiGirl said:
Woot! Like mario galaxy all the way. Smash bros is nothing new, neither is metroid prime 3, but mario galaxy is a totally new mario experience, so that makes it my most anticipated.
BJ boy said:
Mario Galaxy just looks like Mario 64.
AlexKidd said:
I think its about time for a new poll, eh?
BrothaZ said:
Brawl then Corruption then Galaxy: don't get me wrong, Galaxy looks bitchin'. It's just Corruption and Brawl look even BETTER.
Wii Freak said:
I can't believe another 1000 people voted on this poll.
Wii Freak said:
Wiis world must be a popular site.
just talkiing said:
I just want to kick butt at brawl. It's so funny to see peach getting beaten by mario. Good times. Good times.
Splintercell4ever said:
When is the new poll coming out. It's been over a month now.
Koen van Beeck said:
SSBB is "just" a sequel to "just" a fighting game. Galaxy looks like something entirely new. Not to mention freakin sweet!
Scooby Jew said:
Every Mario game is "something new" because they change the elements and the storyline around. In my eyes it's actually completely opposite of what you think, Koen. Galaxy looks like a Super Mario Sunshine 2 based in space to me. Super Smash Brothers Brawl is going to have it's fair share of innovations too, I'm sure. They just haven't released enough information or trailers for people to realize that. And also, Galaxy isn't going to be any different from the other Mario games' styles, it's just going to be the same thing again with a different storyline. I doubt I'll get it, Super Mario Sunshine was a horrible enough game. (Fin).
cas 09 said:
Dunno (don't care) what you guys think, I just know that Galaxy stands first (in my list), and brawl 'n MP3 have a shared second place (third place is reserved for the next Zelda game).
Game Veteran 2 said:
Definitely SSBB. SSBM is great and all, but SSBB just blows it away. Once I first saw the trailer of SSBB I knew I just had to get the game. Unlike other games the SSB (Super Smash Bros) series never gets old no matter how much they keep making a sequel. I don't know why, maybe it's magic, or maybe it's because you get the chance to throw a bomb-omb at your friend's face. I know Nintendo is all about innovations and all (AKA Wii Remote), but this is one of those games that just makes you truly happy. I don't know what makes you happy but what makes me happy is to KO Ganondorf with a big metal hammer and hearing him scream as he flies off the screen (that always makes me laugh for some reason). Anyway this is one of those games that are timeless, replacing it is like playing dodgeball with rocks: it's scary and it's painful.
WiiNinja said:
Brawl will sell the fastest.
yay wii said:
I think all 3 will do very well.
My name is Wii said:
Why is galaxy higher than Metroid Prime 3 is? Sad.
Scooby Jew said:
Ok, Wii's World, I think it's time for a new poll. Maybe "Which of the following games are your favorite?" and don't include The Big 3 in that list? That's just an idea off the top of my head, but you see my point; this poll's been up far too long.
matt colbert said:
I know right? Maybe it's because everyone who would normally vote for mp3, are also the kind of people who who would vote for ssbb.
Game Veteran 2 said:
I know a poll that will really start a lot of argument: which character in Brawl would be the best? Oh I can't wait to see how people will react to that.
JD said:
SSBB, because it'll be online!
Wii Freak said:
We all know SSBB is going to do great, but why? Is it the characters, the stages, the online play, what is it?
Elementrat said:
The multiplayer. That is where SSB has always truly shined. Let's be honest, no one plays single player mode much. It's all about the classic multiplayer mode.
Zendalf said:
Wii Freak. Not only is it the amazing gameplay, the myriad (look it up if you don't know what it means) of characters to choose from and the fact that you can beat the crap out of someone and say," mom its only rated teen"; but it is also the smash brothers legend. Their legacy will live on forever. High five everybody who voted for SSBB. Vote McCain.
WiiNinja said:
Look how many articles are in the "Wii Games" section on Brawl. Over 12 articles! Plus, Brawl has Wi-Fi on its side, multiplayer online.
Quartz said:
The good games are always delayed because they wouldn't be good games if they weren't delayed. As in, they would suck if they rushed them.
Chain-Link said:
Brawl will be the next-gen game for the next-gen system. We have all been playing ssb since we were 5 and we are accustomed to the battle, the action and the turmoil caused by this game. We are all looking forward to it.
code green said:
Brawl 90% the other two are 10% each. Is metroid going to be wi-fi like the DS version? Brawl is going to be kick ass because what is more fun than beating up on your closest friends and their game hero. Two birds with one stone (Electric Knee better be in there, Ganondorf rocks it).
stinky12694 said:
New poll! Been +2 months!
stinky12694 said:
How about pokemon, that looks awesome?! Nobody focuses on other games any more! No more heroes, the bigs, POKEMON, Zack and wiki, and what happened to project H.A.M.M.E.R..
ps3 sucks said:
Brawl beats them all hands down, no contest!
Dave the man Dave said:
Metroid will rock! It's time for a Nintendo made a first person game. Brawl, like all fighting games is just practice and learn the moves. Metroid and SMG will be brand new adventures, sequels to evolving franchises. SSBB will be just like the others. Go play the Gamecube one!
ps3 sucks said:
Dave the man Dave, you might as well play this SSBB if you haven't played the other like me, there's no point in going back to the gamecube. Stinky12694, I get what you mean - there are more than just these 3 titles to look forward to.
Wii Rocks said:
I so go for the SSBB, and it will stand up against halo 3 for sure and keep the Wii up.
smash fan x said:
Doesn't my name say my choice without me telling you.
Andrew said:
Halo is just overrated, seriously.
I need a wii ew said:
Time for a new poll. How about; what's your favourite channel (excluding cd channel) or, how many Wii games do you own, or have many VC games do you have or, how many miis have you created, or is the Wii overrated (you could put underrated as an answer). Or maybe, is your Wii connected to the net- and if you can, put yes-wirelessly or yes-wired. Well that's all my ideas. And that took less than 5 minutes to think.
Divinity Boy said:
Dude, halo is not over-rated. It's a great shooter, but PC games like Crysis and Bioshock shit on it. Anyways, I am gonna get all the "Big 3", but I think Brawl is, well, it's just COOL.
Andrew said:
Dude halo is boring, I dunno how you can stand it. I played halo man after 5 min I just quit. It's the same as other first shooters, what's so good about it? Nothing, it's just overrated. SSBB all the way!
Snubble said:
Galaxy will be one of the best Wii games yet.
Rave92 said:
Well SSBB I guess, I hope they will make mario game good.
divinity boy said:
I first voted for Brawl, but after seeing this years E3 trailer for Galaxy, it's Mario all the way.
Omega Red said:
Same here man. I still can't wait for Metroid either though.
Tim said:
Any Wii game is good. I'm so happy I wasn't retarded and bought a PS3. They're the same as Ps2 with slightly better graphics and the Graphics Chip overloads the motherboard because it's way too advanced for the rest of the Hardware so it freezes a lot.
Scooby Jew said:
Ok. New poll time. Please?
Smash Champion said:
I don't even have to tell you my choice. Thank god I didn't buy that evil thing they call the PS3. I would miss out on all of these great games (and others). Go Wii.
Pescador Gama said:
Metroid or SSBB. Phew. That was hard, but SSBB is like something special for me, no matter how much I like Metroid. Dismissed.
KOOL-AID said:
They are all good but none of them are eating away at me like SSBB is.
SON of A Wii1-4 said:
I am a huge fan of Nintendo, what idiot would buy PS3s? Wii has better games and brawl comes out in December so I'm excited.
Z said:
In my opinion galaxy seems the most original compared to the others (plus I am a total platformer), so SMG FTW.
w3 said:
"suuupa mario galaxy" that's how franky would have said it.
Gabooo said:
I can't wait for Brawl, it's going to be amazing. Probably one of the best games for the Wii. I just preordered metroid 3 because it is sick.
WiiNinja said:
Brawl pwns PS3 already, and it's not even out yet (as goes for SMG and MPC, but they come out sooner)! All three of these games deserve a higher rank. Oh, and I totally agree with Andrew. While Microsoft has 1 big game on the market (and, well PS3 has none?), Nintendo's got three.
wii player said:
It's funny that all of them are 2nd sequels (metroid prime 3 after mp1 and mp2, super mario galaxy after sm64 and sms, super smash bros brawl after ssb, ssbm).
steven said:
I already got MP3, it is the third best game I have ever played (1 is Zelda: Twilight Princess and 2 is ssb: melee). So yeah I really want to get brawl because it will kick ass. I still kind of want Mario because I've always wanted to play a 3d Mario game.
TheBuggattiPenguin said:
I love Metroid, I have got it now! It is so cool.
Neke said:
SSBB will probably break records.
gotta go wii said:
Jeez some people are blind, have you not seen the adventure mode (sub-space emissary) on SSBB? It's actually got a story unlike SSB and SSBM. They are expecting SSBB to break the sale records for games like halo 1-3. They also expect it to be near the top game of 08.
Grant[[FerSure]] said:
I was never interested in SSBB but reading the comments I WANT IT! I got MP3 and it kicked ass! And then Mario Galaxy and I wasn't too sure if it be good. Kicked ass too ahah. Was a good game. But I was psyched for MP3 before it was out I'd say.
Wii Freak said:
Even Famitsu gave Brawl a perfect score so you know it's a good game.
davyt 0247 said:
Getting all three (have Prime and Galaxy, GREAT GAMES!) preordered brawl, can't wait for march 9th.
hopeful said:
I patiently awaited for Galaxy and when it came out I went and bought it. Loved it. Then Brawl came by surprise, so I was more excited. Still, I like long and adventurous games. Thus: Galaxy. Though Brawl had an Adventure mode along (it just HAS to), I enjoyed it as well.