Join me on a journey back through time, for yesterday's Super Smash Bros Brawl update, ooOOooOooOoo. It's character color changes.
Each brawler has six different color combinations which you can pick from at the character-select screen. Some of them look really cool too.
It's a me, Mawario.
Oh hai, I R Freezy Kong.
Whoah, no more gangsta rap for you.
I'm clashing.
I look awesome to the max.
You've got to accessorize these days.
Mirror mirror on the wall.
Foot odor FTL.
We're huge.
Chuck Norris is back in business.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Yoshi-1up said:
Link looks EVIL.
wiiman said:
Those are some tight colors, especially dk.
EDD said:
Fox's black suit is tight.
feb3isfartheraway said:
Do you realize what this update means? Pichu and Jigglypuff are not coming back, Pikachu stole Pichu's goggle costume and Jigglypuff's green headband costume.
YoshLee said:
Woah these color changes are way better than the ones in melee.
Keranu said:
Awesome to the max.
Nintendoof said:
Look! Zora Armor clad Link!
divinityboy said:
Doesn't dark link/fox, and samus's fusion suit looks cool.
Zumwan said:
Samus, Link, and Ice Kong look great on those stages even though they are not theirs.
blab355 said:
There go costumes most likely. Boo.
wiistorm13 said:
Finally a worthwhile announcement, I like the choices.
SSB4LIFE said:
I like this. Some of them look really awesome! I hope there are more like dark link where more than just the clothes or fur change.
brawler said:
Fox looks badass.
Nova said:
Great captions as always.
#1 Peach Fan said:
This update is sweet! I've always wanted fire suit Mario ever since Melee. I can't wait to see Dark Peach.
Jinchuuriki 88 said:
Oh my god, Dark Link, Zelda, Samus and Fox are amazing.
Aeth said:
They didn't include how Peach has her Daisy outfit switch. Oh well, at least we get to see all the characters in six different outfits. The Pikachu's are wearing the clothing of Trianers. Fire Mario, Dark Link, and older clothing Zelda are added. And a whole bunch of other clothing and possible character swaps. It would be awesome if they added a Shadow and Silver character swap for Sonic but it is most likely they'll just change the color of his shoes.
kareshi is black said:
Lol Chuck Norris is indeed a badass.
Super King said:
Ha I didn't even notice how huge the Ikes were.
BrothaZ said:
I really like the dark link color swap. I wish that there was some cool type for the pokemon trainer, like different pokemon.
Nickhead said:
That black Pit reminds me of Sasuke.
insultman911 said:
Dark link looks awesome.
pichu fan said:
I like the looks of fox, link, dk and now a black zelda. This week is going by well so far.
Nintendoof said:
Thanks for pointing that out feb3isfartheraway. P.S Your name is really long!
RisingPhoenix said:
Since Dark Link is here with his red eyes (he appears in the Zelda games) that means that Sonic WILL swap for Shadow and Silver. AWESOME. Best update in many weeks. The yeti DK and camouflaged Snakes are very creative and fresh for the Smash series. I love the Fallen Angel for Pit. And we finally get FireMario. But the best looking one is hands down Shadow Zelda. Peach might get a swap for her evil purple costume from "Paper Mario 2", that would be sick.
insultman911 said:
Mario has red, blue, yellow, green, black and fire mario.
Aeth said:
Hey, just thought of something, wouldn't it be awesome if the Pokemon Trainer could be switched from others across the generations? I mean we have Red, but what about the female character from FireRed and LeafGreen, Gold, Female character from Crystal, Brendan (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald), and Lucas (Diamond & Pearl)? I didn't add May or Dawn because they already have popularity from the Pokemon anime.
Dark Star said:
Aeth, Sonic's fur color changes. I have seen a black Sonic in an E for all clip. Some of these color changes make me think of an interesting theory for the Subspace Emissary, but I'm keeping that to myself because it is a long shot.
Aeth said:
Dark Star, thanks for telling me that. Too bad it's a re-color instead of the actual Shadow or Silver but, unfortunately Nintendo might not have the time and permission to add the costume swap.
YoshLee said:
It would be cool if they made a boshi style yoshi be an alternate costume.
Peach is #1 said:
I agree with #1 Peach Fan, I hope you can make Peach look like Dark Peach.
Gregory Green said:
Oh snap! Another reason to buy SSBB!
jokestar said:
Yes I also saw the dark sonic in the e for all (shadow?).
fox kloud said:
I wish fox dressed like that all the time.
Dark Star said:
That does not mean jigglypuff is not returning (though I agree pichu does not have as big a chance as some others). It only means pikachu has a green head band for an alternate costume. Jigglypuff was one of the strongest characters in both of the previous games. Why would they get rid of it?
theykilledkenny said:
The goggles are definitely Pichu's from SSBM, and we probably won't see Pichu, but the headband is not Jigglypuff's because Jigglypuff's was plain green. Pikachu's headband is like the one from the male trainer in Emerald. Also, Pichu has a relation to Pikachu and Jigglypuff doesn't.
Dox said:
I wish they had the flying mario from galaxy.
Blue Pikachu said:
Pikachu's Goggles are cool along with his Headband.
doglover said:
What if Sonic changed colors completely? That would be weird, I mean come on, a red or green or orange Sonic.
Epsilon said:
Heh, Mawario. But "Yeti DK"? Fusion suit looks tight though. Unimpressed by the Pit, Ike, Pikachu, and Fox costumes, they're not really all that out of the ordinary.
Dremora Joe said:
Will sonic have an alternate color that makes his fur green?
ssbb god said:
Did you know they delayed it again for the 3rd or 4th time. So you know it's going to be the best game out.
TruBlu said:
Sonic's alternate colors are changes in his shade of blue. And the wrist part of his gloves will be in various colors.
Super Sonic said:
I agree with the Pit/Sasuke idea. He DOES look like sasuke.
Astrekuni said:
Chuck Norris is back in business.
Darunia said:
My favorite costume swap is definitely toon link's. He gets a makeover and looks like the original link from the first zelda! I just wish that there was wolf link.
Dark peach said:
I like Dark Peach and the costume in brawl you can also make captain olimar blue so he looks like Louie.
SamusROXX said:
OMFG luvs the Chuck Norris is back in business.