Check Mii Out now

Check Mii Out now

The latest channel to hit the Wii, Check Mii Out has been released as expected.

Check Mii Out on the Wii Menu.

Check Mii Out.

Mii Challenge.

The first challenge set by Nintendo is:

Mario without his cap.

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Rob Jones

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the smash master said:

Best channel ever! My mario mii is going to win.


BrothaZ said:

I could do that. I WOULD do that. But I can't. Dammit.


Penstro said:

This looks so fun.


Chris said:

In the UK its called the Mii Contest Channel.


Nintendoof said:

This is awesome! I already have it and entered. The music is great.


Jinchuuriki 88 said:


Avatar 1

Nova said:

I entered this. I also liked the parade option. I saw some funny things there like Darth Vader.


Gonzo said:

Just downloaded it a few minutes ago. Didn't try it out though. This should be great.


Aeth said:

Wait, you mean Mario's cap isn't part of his body, it can be taken off?


Wiiiiiiii said:

Downloaded a few miis and posted a few. It is awesome.


ssbbssbbssbb said:

I already made a mario Mii, so I will just replace his hat with some good old Mario hair.


i need a wiieww said:

I thought this was just a channel where you can show other people your miis but they have contests. Kewl.


i need a wiieww said:

Oh and also in the UK this is called the mii contest channel. Shame I preferred check mii out, still at least we have it.


wiicloud9 said:

-enters contest-.


rabid rabbid said:

I am-a so going to win-a this contest-a.


Wiipaw said:

Best channel ever. The youtube of Wii.


Dapea said:

Oh yes it rules, I spent about 5 hours on it yesterday.


Hey said:

Hey! That's really cool! I hadn't known about this.


annoyed said:

I've been looking for my Mario and I can't find it in the judge thing, been looking for an hour now.


jdizzle said:

Wow I'm off right up to my Wii and adding this channel. I'm the worst at making good miis.


cantfind said:

Did anyone find their own Mario mii? I been swapping pages about more than 400 or so and still can't see my Mario. We should be able to view the Mario all at once. Bit unfair for the Marios way way back, only Marios that are in front will be voted.

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