Isle Delfino in SSBB

Isle Delfino in SSBB

Sakurai's latest news on the Super Smash Bros Brawl official site lists Delfino Plaza as a playable stage. Delfino Plaza is Isle Delfino's main area, of Super Mario Sunshine fame.

Delfino Plaza
Delfino Plaza from afar.

Pikachu at Delfino Plaza

Mario swollen hand
Mario regrets touching local plantlife.

Where's FLUDD
I know Fludd's around here somewhere.

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Rob Jones

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Wii Freak said:

There's 3 different stages?


Ril-eh said:

You don't suppose bowser jr could get in now, seeing that delfino plaza is in?


BrothaZ said:

I saw it on the official site. The main platform moves around the entire city and changes the stage around. Looks friggin' awesome.


Pikachu said:

This is a great new stage which looks good and would have brilliant playability.


Crimson Hawk said:

Pretty colors make me happy. Hehehe.


1st day Wii owner said:

I haven't played Super Mario Sunshine in such a long time.


Sonic Fan said:

Pretty damn cool! I like it.


Captain Jamesman said:

Awesome! It's like you can go anywhere in that stage. How is it possible?


Sniper Veteran said:

Makes common sense. Isle Delfino would make a great SSBB stage. Hmm, this makes me think. You guys think Fludd would be an item for SSBB? I sure hope so.


WiiNinja said:

Yea, Fludd would be great! Maybe kind of like Doctor Mario in Melee, or an item someone could pick up. They can't leave it out, now that they've exposed this stage. Why else would they have it?


Wii Freak said:

If Bowser Jr is in this game, he should transform into shadow mario.


Yoshi-1up said:

No way! That rocks.


kottonkitsune14789 said:

I wish Dr E-gadd were a character, he would have all these gadgets and stuff. He would probably break his frail spine though. I still think it's a good idea. They should add more new characters for SSBB.


smashbro said:

No there is a moving platform. Probably like mute city in ssbm.


Killer Ape said:

Yea a fludd item would be cool rather than a fludd mario. Maybe a vaccum item would be cool too (if they make a luigi mansion stage).


Gonzo said:

I like that place, it's mad hot! I want to know the other places in SSBB.


Master Foot said:

The background looks static. There should at lest be piantas in the background cheering or something. Otherwise, it's good. Starwolf better be in it!


B Darius said:

Hopefully in the next Super Smash Bros game, a Super Mario Galaxy stage will be in it.


Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:

I agree with Master Foot. The place looks deserted. But it looks exactly the same and I wonder if special features like the slimy goo would be in this level. Then they should add in the huge flood like what happens toward the ending in the game.



That comment on the third picture was really funny but out of nowhere, keep those funny comments going guys.


Epsilon said:

Hey wait, where's the Pianta Statue that's supposed to be in the center of the plaza?


Captain Jamesman said:

You know, it's great to see updates for Stages, Items, Powers etc. But when will they show new characters? I mean, the characters are the meatballs of video gaming! And if what whoever said is true, I truly hope Simon Belmont of Castlevania fame will be in it, along with Alucard.


Crimson Hawk said:

I agree with you CJ. Let's see more characters (even though the stages, powers etc is useful info).


someguy said:

Do you know what would be awasome? If you cold just run around dafiono with 29 other people and just fight to the death.


Orez said:

Yea Alucard would be sweet, I'm kind of hoping for Cloud, though his appearence on the gba was merely a cameo, to be in there.


insultman911 said:

My favorite stage. A big use of mario with fludd as his down special move, peach, yoshi, bowser, possibly bowser jr, and lets give luigi a tour. While fighting.

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