Whoah, who'd have thought. It turns out the UK has banned Manhunt 2 from being sold! The BBFC responsible for censorship in the country had the following to say for itself:
"Rejecting a work is a very serious action and one which we do not take lightly. Where possible we try to consider cuts or, in the case of games, modifications which remove the material which contravenes the Board?s published Guidelines. In the case of Manhunt 2 this has not been possible".
"Manhunt 2 is distinguishable from recent high-end video games by its unremitting bleakness and callousness of tone in an overall game context which constantly encourages visceral killing with exceptionally little alleviation or distancing. There is sustained and cumulative casual sadism in the way in which these killings are committed, and encouraged, in the game".
"Although the difference should not be exaggerated the fact of the game?s unrelenting focus on stalking and brutal slaying and the sheer lack of alternative pleasures on offer to the gamer, together with the different overall narrative context, contribute towards differentiating this submission from the original Manhunt game. That work was classified ?18? in 2003, before the BBFC?s recent games research had been undertaken, but was already at the very top end of what the Board judged to be acceptable at that category".
"Against this background, the Board?s carefully considered view is that to issue a certificate to Manhunt 2, on either platform, would involve a range of unjustifiable harm risks, to both adults and minors, within the terms of the Video Recordings Act, and accordingly that its availability, even if statutorily confined to adults, would be unacceptable to the public".
"Under the terms of the Video Recordings Act distributors have the right to appeal the Board?s decision".
Luckily it's thought that UK residents who really want the game will easily be able to import from other EU countries like France.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
DragonFoxCoon said:
I sort of figured that this game would get banned somewhere. I'm just glad that Hillary isn't president; otherwise, she'd be doing the same thing, Jack Thompson cheering her on from the peanut gallery.
Quartz said:
The game probably sucked anyway.
i need a wiieww said:
Crimson Hawk said:
Curse you UK.
wiiboy101 said:
Well it's an import copy and a freeloader disc or a pal copy from mainland europe for mii. Just as the Wii gets a teenager casual gamer boost they're trying to take it away. It's all to do with the manhunt linked teenager killing in Leicester, UK (funny enough where I live). This will only make Wii cooler to chavs, thus improving sales still further.
Wiimaster said:
The UK has some problems. I mean come on it's a game! Not real life.
noone said:
Hey where's the goomba in this one?
soulbreather said:
This makes me incredibly angry.
lickwid said:
This may be the only time I agree with the bigshots, but that game really does fully focus on brutally killing people and isn't even distanced from reality that much. Sure Mario jumps on heads, but the bad guys are laughable. In a case like this, I have to say "Good call. Shoop the whoop".
Buzzshow said:
Looks like rockstar is at it now, though Jack has some more ammo, which is always bad.
Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:
As long as it's not over here.
Ferox said:
I might have to get this game now.
BonbonJoe said:
I don't think "Rejecting a work" is proper grammar. That's all I need to read.
Does anyone know if rockstar are planning to appeal this decision?
sinn421 said:
Let the fun, controversy and free advertising begin.
Grrr said:
Poor old UK! Are we really in 2007?
me said:
It was always going to get banned somewhere, and since there was a big uproar and media attention for the original in the UK, this came as no surprise.
wiiboy101 said:
It's not the games content, it's its name - manhunt 2. It's the follow up to a game used as a scapegoat in a murder trial. It's like saying Wii is an xbox (politically motivated).
smudge616 said:
It may be a brutal game, but it is taking away peoples freedom of choice. It's an 18 for a reason, and it's peoples dumb parents who buy their kids these games because of this has ruined our chance of playing a highly anticipated game.
wherewulf1 said:
I fully agree on banning this game. No person can walk away from this game unchanged, for the worse.
Chaos said:
I know that Manhunt 2 was a bit bloody but I didn't think the BBFC would go this far. Oh well, bad luck for us Brits.
itstimetoplaydawii said:
If Hiliary was president, there would be no video games.
Kareshi is Black said:
Bad news the game will not be released on any platform.
ps3sucks said:
This is wrong, it's only stupid parents who buy mature game for their 10 year old.
ps3sucks said:
Well no Manhunt 2 for us, I checked amazon and game and neither of them have it for pre-order.
Nova said:
Who would've guessed that I would have been in the UK when this happened. Although I can't really say that I have much of an opinion. I am a bit against the idea of a slaughter game but I think everyone has a choice in what they want to play.
DjArcas said:
wherewulf1: Amazing. Played it, yeah?
Pirrup said:
I will import this but not sure what format the Wii will support- any tips?