Netflix considering Wii service

Netflix considering Wii service

A survey conducted by Netflix shows that they're considering launching a Nintendo Wii-based service for their subscribers.

"Imagine that, as an added benefit to DVDs by mail, Netflix offers its members the ability to watch movies and TV episodes instantly on their TV via their Nintendo Wii, choosing from a library of over 12,000 titles".

If this launches on Wii, the requirements will be:

  • An active subscription to Netflix.
  • A NetFlix Instant Streaming Disc, sold for a one time fee of $9.99, this has to be inserted into the Wii to watch anything.
  • Wii must be connected online.

Streaming of TV and movies from Netflix is currently active on the Xbox 360. Is this something you'd like to see on Wii?

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Rob Jones

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Sanity said:

Yes. Maybe it could lead to something even better.



I have it on my 360 but that would be cool because I have a Wii also!


WiiNinja said:

Personally, I'd rather do Unlimited Wii Downloads.


Step said:

Yes. And I'd pay $10 for the disc (well my wife would). Absolutely. Even though it should be free.


Jettwinlock said:

I think it couldn't hurt them, and if they market it right and to the families it would be an even bigger boost for the Wii.


McSnapple said:

Meh, take it or leave it.


bowserkid24 said:

Yes. I want Wii active on videos.


monkeylemur said:

Sure, if I'm actually willing to pay for it.


dude15 said:

This may be good.


Diddy Kong Lover said:

Call me old fashioned but I for one prefer movie stores to Netflix.


MediumBlueMetallic said:

Oh my god. I've NEVER considered using Netflix, and have sworn against it, but if Netflix launches on Wii, I'll be down for it every month! I wonder what the quality of the video would be?


foster said:

Yes. I would buy this immediately if it was part of a netflix subscription.


wiiman said:

Ehh, I don't subcribe to netflix and most people don't either.


brinkofhumor said:

Heck yes.


Vive la Ouii said:

If they do it in Europe as well, then yeah.


Infurnes Exoa said:

I think this will only boost the wii's popularity, it's a great idea.

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Nova said:

Nice. I love netflix.


Striker said:

I would like this, because I have the XBOX connected to the HDTV downstairs, but the Wii is connected to the older TV, upstairs. It would be nice to be able to watch Netflix movies on either TV. I already subscribe to Netflix, and love the service.


Crystal said:

I would definitely. I bought an xbox for my husband a year ago and it already has a hardware failure. Besides, our xbox doesn't have Wi-fi and we would have to connect it to the computer for it to work with netflix. We do have a Wii that has wifi and works great. We would definitely have netflix if this was an option.


Chris said:

It is something I would definitely be interested in. I have found a primitive workaround so I can view the Netflix movies on my plasma TV. The quality isn't the best but it is watchable. Many plasma/LCD TVs have a video connection that allows you to hook the monitor up to your laptop. So I just connect my laptop to the monitor and then connect a couple speakers up to my laptop. It works just fine with the exception of some quality lost. But if you have a good internet connection the quality lost can be minimal. But in a pinch if I'm bored I can do this at anytime of the day or night to watch something.


Brian said:

Yes please this is obviously a great idea. Get with it.


Julie said:

YES! DO it soon or I'm going to cancel my netflix.


Jennifer Howard said:

Yes! I would love to be able to watch my Netflix "Watch Instantly" movies on my tv through my Wii rather than on my little computer screen.

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Eric said:

I'm in for Netflix through my Wii. We use our lap top to view movies currently, but have to hook it up each time. Netflix through the Wii would be awesome.


Teri said:

Oh yeah. It just makes Netflix more attractive as a service.


Jen said:

This could be a great lure to get Netflix, if the selection of movies you could watch through instant streaming offered more. However, with the very limited selection currently available, and their request that we pay more for the disk, I am seriously considering dropping my subscription. I am not getting what I am paying for.


jaii said:

That would be great. I go over my cousin's house to watch it on her Xbox and would love to be able to watch it at home from my daughter's Wii, I hope it goes through.


BigEdMan said:

The NetFlix Instant Streaming Disc is FREE for NetFlix members.

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