Here is the Pokemon Trainer's final smash in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
The final smash item can be collected by any of the three Pokemon, it doesn't make any difference. When that happens the other two will appear and they'll wind up for a big Triple Finish, each one doing a special move:
I see pain in your future.
Here comes the cavalry.
Fire & water is an effective attack?
Dance, Fox.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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User comments
Master Foot said:
That's a Capcom VS SNK style triple finish.
Captain Jamesman said:
I'd say that is Super Effective. Poor Fox. And poor Yoshi! WHY DID THEY DO IT ON YOSHI!?
Peter said:
Thankfully this ain't a contest for Red.
B Darius said:
AWESOME! It must do a lot of damage.
dec3issofaraway said:
Wow! A brilliant 3 way attack.
RisingPhoenix said:
Damn! It's cool, but basically somewhat the same as Mario's. I still think they should've gone with the 4th pokemon idea. Summon a Dragonite or something and have unbelievable power with it. Oh well.
SSB4LIFE said:
I knew it. I knew all of them would come out and attack at once. I even posted it on this website on the pokemon trainer update page. I told you so. Anyway, sweet choice of moves and it looks powerful. Question, can you control the direction of their attack? Sweet.
Scooby Jew said:
Pretty cool. Way better than Donkey Kong's final smash. Normally I'd be upset that a character had a really horrible final smash, but it's Donkey Kong. You can't really expect much from him.
Elebot said:
I was a little concerned how this was going to turn out, but I'm not disappointed. I love the "It's super effective!" text. A nice reference to the games.
insultman911 said:
Horrah! How did you know I posted that I wanted pokemon trainers final smash? This is so awesome! If I ask you do a certain update, will you do it? Next week, can you put the rest of the pokemon's special moves? Thanks.
Nintendoof said:
Cool. Not expected. Everyone thought of a Single Mega Finish like Blast Burn, Frenzy Plant, or Hydro Cannon.
kareshi is black said:
WiiNinja said:
Right, Fox'd better dance.
insultman911 said:
Squirtle's standard special should be water gun, withdraw, or tackle. Ivysaur's side special should be razor leaf. Charizard's up special should be seismic toss. Fly up, grab someone, spin in a circle and a spiral, then fly down fast and pound them real hard depending on the height.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Well, there goes my hope for a fourth Pokemon for the Trainer. Such a tame attack compared to what could've happened.
Quartz said:
Pawned, good sir.
smashdodo said:
The trainer is a cheater.
John said:
I like it, but it could be a little less flashy and a little more damage inducing.
Gonzo said:
Those are like my favorite moves for those starter pokemon.
Stinky12694 said:
It should have been blast burn, hydro cannon and frenzy plant in one.
insultman911 said:
I wonder at the start of the match, you control the pokemon trainer and move him around until you hit down B and then he starts using the pokemon.
dragoon3646 said:
Squirtle and Ivysaur don't learn hydro cannon or frenzy plant! Only Blastoise and Venusaur learn that. I'm not even a big fan of pokemon and I know this. The big man knows what he's doing when he makes final smashes so be happy.
dudeman said:
Dude I wonder what the total damage is after that.
David said:
The attacks are: Squirtle: Hydro Pump, Ivysaur: Solarbeam, and Charazard: Fire Blast. But, you are correct dragoon3646, only Blastoise can learn Hydro Pump. And Ivysaur is using Solarbeam, not frenzy plant. There is no attack in Pokemon called frenzy plant.
davyt 0247 said:
I was wrong, there is an attack called frenzy plant (it is not in this game) but only the final evolutions of starter Pokemon may learn it, there is an ultimate attack for water and fire types as well.
Cheffinator said:
David I hate to break it to ya but there is an attack called frenzy plant. It's learned by Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasuar/Chikorita on 2 Island.