The critically acclaimed Sonic Rush Adventure has just seen its release in Japan, but the first day sales figures are remarkably low.
Despite the runaway success of Nintendo DS in the country, Sonic's latest game only sold 1,500 copies.
Analysts at Enterbrain say that the Japanese public has turned its back on Sonic due to a string of mediocre (and some abysmal) past titles.
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User comments
DragonFoxCoon said:
That's what happens. Make crappy games, people will eventually stop buying them. And yes, most of the latest 3D Sonic titles have been crappy, so all you Sonic fanboys out there can bite me.
Master Foot said:
Ouch, punch to the jewels.
Sonic Phantom said:
Japan is just being dumb. Every Sonic game was fun. Okay, so a few of them had bugs but I had no problem with it.
Wiipaw said:
Well, at least Sega is finally learning their lesson.
feb10isfartheraway said:
People hate Sonic in Japan?
kareshi is black said:
Nooooo Sonic, god I hate seeing this.
Epsilon said:
That's strange coming from Japan, considering it's success over here. Maybe because of Shadow the Hedgehog?
Nintendoof said:
People want Mario games not Sonic games. Sonic is great! But, his handheld games are horrible.
sidkid004 said:
Maybe the Japanese are sick of the Blue Blur, in my opinion he hasn't had a solid game in years. Anyone remember Sonic Xbox 360 (shudders).
Quartz said:
If that is true, then they're making a mistake- it's the recent CONSOLE games that terrible.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Sega hasn't ever had a good reputation in Japan since the Saturn, besides the Japanese market has always had an opposite view from most American and European markets.
WiiNinja said:
BonbonJoe said:
Wow. That's terrible.
joey24 said:
A flop, I blame sega, we need a 3D sonic game by Nintendo then it will sell.
Doc-Yoshi said:
I hope Sega learns from this.
Chris Bajor said:
Oh no not sonic, I need him to be better. We can't abandon him, he needs our love more than ever.
neil said:
All I can say is, sonic riders. That game was pure vomit.
Nickhead said:
Sonic is bad, I know that.
frogman said:
Am I sensing the downfall of sonic?
Yoshi-1up said:
Sammy's fault. When they started owning Sega, everything went downhill. "Sonic Heroes", the only good game since was "Sonic and the Secret Rings" for Wii!
Link said:
Dudes, I let him crash at my pad for a bit until he gets back on his feet. I remember that drunken fight that he and Mario had at one of my parties. Good times, man, good times.
Not Sonic said:
If I was Sonic, I'd find that offensive. Admit it, you all love every sonic game ever made. I sure do. The flame of the blue hedgehog will never die.
Doc-Yoshi said:
I hope Sega doesn't stuff up Mario and Sonic.
Andrew said:
I feel sorry for SEGA, don't get me wrong I'm Nintendo 4 life but SEGA is like an old man. I feel sorry for him.
frogman said:
Happy Trails, Sonic! If this keeps up you'll be dead and forgotten before super smash bros comes out.
insultman911 said:
Is this the first sonic game that wasn't popular?
TruBlu said:
Sonic was never popular in Japan, a huge majority of his fans are in the USA. Too bad for them, this was actually a good game.
TruBlu said:
I wannna beat up frogman.