The newest update on the official Super Smash Bros Brawl website shows off some of Pit's special moves.
For one, he can shoot arrows with his bow. Not just regular arrows though, ones that can take a curved flight path. He can also fly temporarily, particularly useful if he's about to go over the edge.
Pit drawing his bow.
Arrow takes a curved trajectory.
Uh-0hz, going off the edge.
Super-Pit flying to safety.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
Gonzo said:
I'm starting to like Pit! I see his name everywhere now.
Zendalf said:
Yay! I'm going to totally own with pit. He is like super link. Without bombs!
Wii Freak said:
So those are his moves.
BonbonJoe said:
Woah. I think I'll use Pit a lot. I hope they release a release date soon, other than one simple thing at a time.
yay wii said:
I hope the graphics are as nice as they look.
Hey said:
Nice graphics. I hate it when people just fly to safety!
Scooby Jew said:
Oooh, a nice little "Previous" and "Next" feature, I see. That might come in handy a bit. About the news post: I love it, I can't wait to see all the characters "super" abilities. I remember seeing him do the "Super Arrow" thing in the first Brawl trailer, I thought it was normal for him to do that and not a special ability.
Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:
That's awesome! But it's kind of like Ness's attack. Oh well it's faster and I hope it's better.
WiiLiteFusion7 said:
So what if Pit can fly? Link would just shoot him down with arrows (I do wish Link's arrows were as cool as Pit's).
Sonic Fan said:
He's probably like Jigglypuff and Kirby when they float. But he has wings, so he can fly.
Elementrat said:
Wow, these screens are impressive. They really show of the Wii's graphic potential.
cmk said:
Sounds cheap like kirby. That's the way I likes em. By the way nice layout! I love the prev and next wiisworld.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I don't really care that Pit can "fly"; I'm only interested in his swordplay. I'm interested in Meta Knight for the same reason. And Samus without her suit. Now, as for the Dojo's updates, I wish that they'd put more per update. True, it'd be no fun if everything about the game was revealed before it hits shelves, but I'm dying to know about some of the new characters.
ganondorfrules said:
Yea pit looks really good in this. I'm glad Nintendo pulled off graphics like this for brawl.
Woooo said:
Why Pit, why not hole?
PantoneDream said:
Anyone else think Pit might be due his own action/adventure rebirth? Of course, it might feel like just another Zelda with flight thrown in, but it's worth a look.
Crimson Hawk said:
I will play as Pit all the time in SSBB, he is so cool. But what about his final smash?
Elementrat said:
PantoneDream, you are absolutely right. Kid Icarus is the perfect franchise for a resurrection. We have had plenty of Marios, Zeldas and Metroids. Right now Nintendo should release some stunning teaser for a graphically astounding game starring Pit. With no details at all obviously (seriously, it's Nintendo).
BrothaZ said:
Damn straight. Pit is an angel. And, uh, link isn't. Don't GET ME WRONG, I'm a huge zelda fan. But another kid icarus would be tight.
Aquamarine said:
Actually guys, Miyamoto said that he would like to make a new Kid Icarus for Wii. So yeah.
Steve said:
Never played the Kid Icarus game, but Pit in this looks like the coolest (currently released / confirmed).
Nickhead said:
Pit looks pretty hard to beat since he has wings.
Mr1337 said:
Wow. How imbalanced to they have to make characters from unknown games, like fire emblem Roy and Marth. Pit seems really rigged. He can fly and since he isn't light he is tougher to make fly off the stage.
insultman911 said:
Pit can fly. Why can't charizard?
brawl freak said:
Pit's beast! But doesn't he have other moves too?