I've received an email from an anonymous tipster calling himself "Mr X" (insert your own theme here), he claims to have information on Super Smash Bros Brawl.
Note that none of this can be substantiated in any way and is firmly in the "rumor" domain. These are likely the penned fantasies of a mentalist, and should be taken with BIG handfuls of salt. But it makes for good reading though, so here's what he had to say:
Recently Super Smash Bros. Brawl has a 7 day countdown. I can tell you a few things you'll see when that site goes up - a video will be displayed in both English and Japanese depending on which you choose. The video will display new characters, returning characters, and at the end give a release date.
Returning characters not yet revealed
New characters
Ganondorf, Mewtwo, Falco and Dr Mario will return with new movesets; we will have evidence of this in the video.
Jigglypuff and Luigi will not be shown in the video, but will return as unlockable characters (as done in Melee).
Mr. Game & Watch and Ice Climbers may return as downloadable characters later or be added last minute.
We will then be introduced more characters as weeks pass. Different magazines are currently signing on to reveal one character exclusively. Only 4 characters will be revealed in magazines (some in different magazines during the same month, and money is involved).
Others will be revealed every 2 weeks. Currently, Nintendo is trying to force Sakurai into putting all Melee characters in it- which is why Mr. Game & Watch and Ice Climbers could return along with Pichu, Roy and Young Link (Cel-shaded Link would then be a costume)
There are also talks with many third parties that want to include a character still. Companies that could have a character include:
Rumored characters from those third parties that are going around include: Prince of Persia (Ubisoft), Rayman (Ubisoft), Megaman (Capcom), Leon from Resident Evil (Capcom), Sonic (Sega), Alex Kidd (Sega), Pacman (Namco), Dig Dug (Namco), Dr. Stiles (Atlus), Magnus (Ogre Battle, Atlus), Hero from Dragon Quest (Square-Enix), or Crono from Chrono Trigger (Square-Enix); these are only rumored though, and none are confirmed as true.
Release dates that are being thrown around here are different still, but so far we've heard July 24, August 21, September 16, and October 19. It's being kept very secretive, considering the team's commitment and work is kept from some of us in America (the team will also be revealed when the site opens, but do not expect a big surprise); we do not know if these are Japanese release dates, American or both.
So there we have it. Don't blame me if it's all a load of crap ^_^. Then again, idolize me if it's true. Yea, that'll do pig.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
Experience the finest Aviator Game and take advantage of the helpful guides to win. visit aviatorgaming.info ...
gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
DJames said:
Well that was probably a complete load of crap, except maybe the returning characters. I like the sound of Ike being in brawl and Plusle and Minun would be a great duo alongside Lucario as the new added Pokemon, also it wood be good to see a new EarthBound character in there. Please let Game & Watch back in! Ice climbers are crap but G.n.W was awesome.
Wii Freak said:
If all of this is true how are they going to use toad? He has no powers what so ever. Also Pac-Man is a mystery.
stinky12694 said:
I hope this is true.
Name123 said:
Most of it is crap no doubt, but I'd like to see pac-man kill mario! And a lot of those characters are from a gag super smash bros. hand drawn video, so I wouldn't trust it.
crystal lucario said:
Lucario rocks. Still, all fake.
Zendalf said:
Oh dear god don't let them include pac-man. That would ruin the game. Also Roy is one of my favorites.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Lucario. That's all I want.
Samus Aran said:
Where am I!
Aussie said:
Master Foot said:
Roy is too popular a character to cut, but then again Namco cut Jun Kazama from Tekken. There are a lot of names thrown around here and so much new information that it's hard to discern the crap from the BS. Nintendo is not saying much which may hurt Brawl in the long run because this give a chance for rumor mills and hype machines to work overtime.
Nova said:
Oh sweet. But I always thought that King DEDEDE would appear. Along with NiGHTS. Especially since he's going to be on Wii and Wii only.
Unknown said:
Who's Andy?
Elemento said:
Leon from Resident Evil? What a crappy rumor.
Rygar said:
Anybody who believes that load. I have a sandbox in florida for sale for a few grand.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
What? NO Diddy Kong or Bowser Jr.
awesomeness said:
I don't believe a word of that, that's just a list of the characters people on the forums want, where's the "wtf factor"? Plusle and Minun would be cool but Pikachu is all the thunder mouse we really need; someone else should replace pichu.
Wii Freak said:
Hsre is a character I'd like to see: Peter Griffin.
Babus Swain said:
Tingle? Are they nuts? Tingle smells. Now if they put Pac-Man in there or Megaman, or sonic that's fine by me but, really... Tingle? Give me a break.
shinihed said:
Crono!? Yeah right! But I'm praying so that happens! I would even get over the Cel-shaded Link if Crono is in. Anyway. I'm pretty sure this Mr. X is just messing with everyone. So I'll be around to look at the complaints once the official site is back up.
Scooby Jew said:
Seems slightly interesting, but only time will tell and all those other cliche sayings.
pcamtz said:
This sounds to me like a compilation of everyone's hopes. If only.
ssbb said:
This sounds like a bunch of crap. Who would want balloon fighter?
someguy said:
Elementrat said:
A lot of this sounds highly unlikely but it sure has a lot interesting ideas. A lot of these characters (cel shaded link, ridley) have been rumored about for a while so my guess is that it's some gamer (Master Foot I'm looking at you!). It sounds legit but I guess that's not too hard to do on the good ol net'. If this stuff turns out to be true however, Wiisworld will be flocked to by thousands more users. New noahs everywhere. Argh.
eric wii said:
Wow. That is interesting. Well we will know if all this crap/useful information is true in 7 days right?
Captain Jamesman said:
That's alright with me. I'm not going to agree on this, but if it does happen, then that's cool. I was hoping maybe SNK would want to put a character in the game, like Athena.
Epsilon said:
The countdown is true, as you can see for yourself, but somehow I don't think this is credible. However, in terms of returning charachters and new ones, he's largely right, although I just can't imagine that there will be so few returning characters. Well, we'll all see soon enough, won't we?
crazy tape said:
Some of it I believe and some of it I don't, like toad and tingle. I mean they wouldn't do anything.
Splintercell4ever said:
How come all the attention on Brawl is about characters? People should be focusing on new fighting styles and gameplay elements. If Brawl just added new characters and stages, this game will be widely pancaked. Since there was no information on the new gameplay, I am absolutely certain that none of this is true. And if it did, it would have included Sam Fisher.
Koen van Beeck said:
I don't believe t. I mean, -Tingle-? Gimme a break.
Rygar said:
Sakurai said himself there will be ONLY 2-3 3rd party characters INCLUDING snake. So only 2 others. That's confirmation enough that whoever sent you that is lying .
It's not even believable in the first place though. Where did THIS person get thier information from? Nintendo has kept a VERY tight lid on Brawl these last 6 months, so this is obviously bull.
Master Foot said:
$2000 on the sandbox.
lol said:
Flint? Excuse me? Who is that! It would be cool if this crap was true. I hope Tingle is there though. Hrrrummpaah!
Unknown said:
If you really think that the characters listed in this will be the only characters in the game you are out of your mind!
JosephTheSquirrel said:
Granted, this is in the Rumors section, but it's quite an interesting list. The thought of these new characters are both interesting (Krystal, Lucario), and a bit weird (Tingle, Balloon Fighter). The possible third parties are an interesting look, as it means not just Sonic The Hedghog as the main guy to invite alongside Snake. Chrono is probably the best one to invite, next being Megaman, as his ability to absorb abilities. Kind of. Sounds like Kirby. But still, it makes for good fun. Young Link for Cel Link isn't too much of a loss, Pichu for Plusle and Minun is essentially just doubling his original character, but Roy is too good of a character to lose, even if it is for Pit. I would personally love for all the characters to just return as the Melee list stands and just add in the new ones. The downloadables are oodles of fun to hear. I can't say much about the release dates, but I would think September would be the best so there could be more work done to include as many characters as possible. Still, why Tingle?
BonbonJoe said:
Better not be lying, Mr X. Because nobody lies to me.
Donkey Kong said:
What, no diddy? This better be fake.
DJames said:
Master Foot has an excellent point and I still like his ideas from when I posted as Ja-Mez with the most posts on SSBB. Nintendo have certainly made its fans of SSBB unhappy.
Quartz said:
Probably crap, but what he says seems quite probable. All of it. He definitely took some time in coming up with crap!
TheBlackblaze said:
Minum and pluse one character? Nah, but the additon of Lucario is pretty ausum. But I'd personally like to add a couple more characters, Say King Dedede, diddy kong, and Tom nook? I don't think we need people like baloon fighter, lip lil' mac though wouldn't wok there just to unknown.
WiiObsessed said:
I hope it's true! I would love to see cel-Shaded link in it.
crystal lucario said:
Nova it's not true!
cmk said:
I'm kind of hoping this is true, but then again I would hate mr X because he knew before me. Anyway, we'll see in a few days.
wiimaster said:
Dr Stiles would be awesome.
Master Foot said:
Splintercell4ever has a very good point there. Nintendo should be focusing on new fighting styles and making each character unique and fun to play. I find myself playing Mario and ONLY Mario in Melee and that does not bode well for the fighting genre. Simply updating the roster is not going to cut it right about now. Now, what Nintendo should do is answer why people should stop playing Melee.
B Darius said:
Like Lucario, they REALLY should put some more 4th Generation Pokemon in the game.
Wii Wii said:
I also hope it's true. But if it is there will be like thirty five people in it. That's a little too much.
Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:
I want Ike in it so bad! As well you all can see my name shows it! But they said they will not be adding third party characters in SSBB.
ganondorfrules said:
Yea I'm not completely sure if I should trust this information just like the rest of you guys, but I'd like to see sonic make the appearance and I think a lot of you would agree with me. I wouldn't mind megaman to a certain extent.
I need a wii ew said:
Flint!? God I haven't seen him in years! But it wasn't very popular so this is most likely fake, I didn't see him mention snake though, and he's a definite.
Hey said:
Tingle. Yessss.
whiteshadow said:
So you're saying that when the website goes up they won't show characters like DK and captain falcon. This is nothing but tripe, tripe and boulderdash.
Zendalf said:
Black blaze: learn to spell. As for you others. I say we just wait. Four more days guys. Four more.
TheBlackblaze said:
Whiteshadow they said C Falcon and DK will appear, look at it more thoroughly.
Krystalfan said:
I doubt that Krystal, Ridley or Lil Mac will be in SSBB.
Killer Ape said:
How can you doubt krystal or ridley will be in brawl? Krystal is a fox like fox mccloud. And ridley, come on he's in it for sure. But lil mac, probably not going to be in it.
Amazon Kevin said:
(Has epileptic seizure) Yes!
Captain Jamesman said:
If only they gave an actual release date now. I heard that it will come out in Europe in September, BUT WHAT ABOUT US AMERICANS!?
Splintercell4ever said:
Thank you Master Foot. At least someone is not stereotyping me as a lunatic who is obsessed with a single video game franchise.
PoodleHat said:
I reckon Mario will be in it! haha.
whiteshadow said:
Blackblaze I meant that when it FIRST goes up, on day one, that the very popular smash bros characters like DK and C Falcon will be revealed on a later date. I for one find that hard to believe. And those newcomers, some seem way too unlikely. Time will tell.
Sceptic said:
Right when I saw word "downloadable", I knew that was a fake. Where could we store that data? And what if someone doesn't have internet on his/her Wii? And there's missing a lot of fine characters. Better not believe it.
Cody said:
First off this is a load. Second if square-enix was going to have any characters on SSBB why not Cloud and Sephiroth? Why haven't I heard anything about Wiimote control yet, the classic controller is for VC or as an option to those who want it. Anyway, can't wait to hear the news on Monday!
urgod said:
Dude you forgot mewtwo as a "Returning characters not yet revealed". You don't know your stuff, if this list you put is true I'm not playing a game that tingles playable. Which I know brawl won't have. You idiot.
wiidude99 said:
Put in Sonic. It would be EVEN better.
Master Foot said:
I heard that Goomba may be in Brawl.
Gonzo said:
Who's Sheik next to Link?
Splintercell4ever said:
Well, now that I made my point and at least one person listened, maybe we can actually get into a REAL discussion about the game. I am not talking about people just jibing out characters they want to see, in this very garrulous subject. I mean talking about new gameplay modes and game physics people want to have in the game.
Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:
They should at least put in Sora from KH. Now that would bring in a lot of fans. Let's just hope they show new characters not returning characters cause that will suck. I still want Fire Emblem in the game like IKE.
LOZfan said:
Lucario would be awesome for ssbb.
DJames said:
Ridley has a high chance because big N have been talking about him in the game for months, until recently anyway. Krystal has an excellent chance because she'll be a new addition to the starfox franchise and is a perfect size for brawling. Lil mac I'm not too sure of.
Andrea Amaya said:
Why in the blue hell do they want to put minun & plusle in one character? Joint characters suck.
Jubby said:
I want to know how they are lengthening the single player mode. The multiplayer was fixed from melee. I want to know new modes, new battle arenas and new challenges for single playing people. Don't get me wrong, I want to know about new characters and everything but there is so much speculation about that I want someone to talk about something different. I'll play it in multiplayer and online but someone talk about the new modes, please.
WiiNinja said:
This is the ONLY game (except Zelda) that I'm probably going to purchase. I WILL get this game.
WiiNinja said:
Well, with only one day left (today being the 21st of May), we will know for sure. Peace will come.
Splintercell4ever said:
This is the problem with this forum. Hardly anyone listens to other people's comments.
StarWindWizard7 said:
Lies, lies! Most, if not all of this didn't even come true.
goon said:
It can be true, but some of these characters are not mentioned in any of these movies or sites I've visited, and believe me, they were many! Although: I didn't see the latest movie until now, and the release date at the end was only shown as 2007. What I mostly want is that the first of June rumor is true.
yo' mama said:
Tingle and toad rock.
Telemachus Rhade said:
I hope it's true! (Points to "Lip (Panel de Pon)"). Heh, my most wanted.
WiiNinja said:
I did read in the Game Informers magazine [Feb. 07] that the due date WAS on June 1st. I hope this is correct as well, goon.
crystal lucario said:
The site is up, none of this happened. My friend saw this on youtube, Mr X was dumb enough to believe it. Poor sucker.
Mr X said:
I am actually a Nintendo correspondent. You will see.
Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:
I'm disappointed. Screw you Mr X! I wanted to see Ike in it really bad *sad*. I just hope I see him later on. Not the Ike from Path of Radiance but the older one from Goddess of Dawn.
matt colbert said:
Mr X is retarded. Tingle, balloon fighter, toad and all pokemon except for the yellow one suck. What about sonic? I hate it when they combine 2 characters into one. Didn't some Nintendo guy say that the only reason why dr Mario was in melee was because of his sweet music? What about Rayman?
Gary the Snail said:
Maybe Mr X is Reggie! Now wouldn't that be crazy.
Sonic Fan said:
Now hold on everyone. Even if Mr X is telling the truth he must've gone to some know-it-all website about this game. So if we can find the site, then perhaps Mr X's rumors would be true. Killer Ape, Krystal is not like Fox entirely. If she is in the game then she'll probably have her staff that she had from StarFox Adventures. Plus, Fox had that speed dash that he did from Melee and I doubt Krystal will have that kind of move. Anyway the only character I think he said will be in it is Ike.
Sonic Fan said:
As for third party characters, it's very likely that they'll put Sonic in it. As for other third party characters, I'd like to see either Prince of Persia, Megaman, Rayman, or Chrono (although I don't know what Chrono looks like).
Captain Jamesman said:
What I'd like to see is cool characters like KOS-MOS being in the game. Nintendo already owns the rights to the company that makes the Xenosaga games. It'd be weird if an anime character was playable in the game. If Naruto or Inuyasha was in it I'd be very mad, for I hate both.
Flame Skull said:
Lucario would be great but Ridley? I also think Roy should stay because he was my best character. SSBB should only have Nintendo characters. I'm also fine with Plusle and Minun and Krystal.
Nimi chan said:
They SHOULD put in Kos Mos in. She could totally kick butt! But I don't think pac-man might be in it. Half this stuff is complete bull.
Doc Falcon said:
Maybe Tingle is going to be in the game. I found a site in google talking about news from GameLab magazine. They say Tingle maybe is going to be in the game because his games are very popular in Japan. Of course that is just a rumor but it's very possible.
Anonymous said:
I have a few reasons to doubt you. 1) If you are from Nintendo couldn't you lose your job, and be sued for releasing info? 2) I believe that some of these are a given. I feel that the characters from the first game are going to be in it anyway. 3) As people already mentioned; Toad and Tingle would not be good character choices. However, I will not fully doubt you because some of the info given is feasible and could easily be true.
Skateboarda 4 life said:
I heard that shadow is going to be included.
Audrey Doubleday said:
I wonder if Plusle and Minun are going to be in it. Those to will be a tough knock out.
fox kloud said:
Lucario would be awesome! And krystal her staff attacks should be powerful.
Orez said:
Sephiroth can't be in ssbb, because he wasn't on kh chain of memories for gba. Cloud would pwn though, it'd be good to finally have a battle between him and Link.
Machew said:
I can't believe that lucario is in the game.
Prince of Nocturen said:
This is probably as likely as me sprouting wings like Pit. 1) What happened to the new video for one? 2) Why change Mewtwo's moves, he was no clone. 3) Why downgrade young link for a character that was good in style for the gamecube game but would look horrible next to the characters in Brawl. 4) Balloon fighter? How would he fight and you can't knock him off because of the balloons. 5) Tingle would be a clone of balloon fighter. He has the balloon flight power too. 6) Why would you risk your job to tell the public. This would have you fired faster than you could type "Mr X".
Dark Hamsterlord said:
How would Dr Stiles fight anyway? "Look out! I have a magnifier, and I'm not afraid to use it!". All he could do is slice someone up with a scalpel, and use Healing Touch to slow time (probably a Final Smash). Pfft. And Tingle, Pacman, Toad and Balloon fighter? Don't try and trick people with this.
person said:
I can't belive they get rid of young link and roy! They were my two best characters.
openfire2691 said:
I really hope that the Prince of Persia is in this game. Maybe it wouldn't fit in very well, but I LOVE those games. That guy would have the sweetest fighting moves too.
Somebody2 said:
Why is Roy taken out and why is tingle in it? That is crap! Put sonic in or megaman in.
Some person said:
Why would they put in more pokemon? They all suck except for maybe Mewtwo in melee. Maybe Pikachu and then two others but any more that is just overkill.
ernstsaysno said:
They should keep Roy. He's awesome. Ridley would be cool but he's the only one of the "new characters". I wonder if any of this is real. I almost hope not.
ssbb freak said:
Where did this guy get this info from?! I hate getting my hopes up 4 myths. I think this is a big joke some dude (Mr. X) did when he got bored. Though I would love if the new guys and replacements were there with roy and young link. That wwould be AWESOME!
Mr Pillow ( : said:
Zelda is released. Mr X is right about something.
ernstsaysno said:
I think they should add "the great mizuti" from baiten katos: eternal wings and the lost ocean. They should also make it so young link can transform into a goron, a zora, and a deku scrub like he can in majoras mask. Actually, maybe not the deku scrub. They should never have joint characters though. The ice climbers sucked in melee and if they're in brawl I will be disappointed in Nintendo for putting such lame characters.
Sonic Phantom said:
I think is Mr X is telling the truth. Since he was right about Zelda, he could be right about the characters except the third party ones. If Toad and Tingle are in it, then I highly they would need powers. They just use their own style of fighting. Like Toad's fighting stance would be karate stance and Tingle would have Raiden's powers. Just kidding about that part. But that would be awesome.
me said:
This could happen over the next few weeks. I hope some of it doesn't though. I hate lil mac.
smash fan x said:
Maybe mr X is sakurai? Does it make sense?
Pikachu Kirby Fan said:
This rumor is one of the worst that I have seen yet. The reason is because it is missing characters such as Sora, Sonic, Guilmon and Shadow.
smash fan x said:
He's right again, bowser's in.
pichu fan said:
I really hope this is real. Well some of it. I just like the part that every character might come back. You go Nintendo.
Anonymous said:
This guy is so full of garbage it's not even funny. Any idiot could've put the favored characters from the past two titles and say they are coming back in SSBB and probably be right. The rest is just plain stupid, especially the 3rd party characters. Nintendo wouldn't bother spending money for permission to use characters from so many different companies, no one is that moronic. If anything, Nintendo would probably pay 2 or 3 companies and take a bunch of characters from them. Also, based off of the fighting system of the past two SB games characters like Ridley, Balloon Fighter, Captain Olimar and Toad would be too awkward to control. Characters like Lil Mac, Lucario, Tingle, Krystal, Flint, Lip and Andy are quite obscure characters and would be pointless to put in because people have either never heard of them or they just don't care. This is just some fan boy with an overactive imagination and a strive for attention. Think before you do.
Donkey Kong said:
This is wrong because he said a video will come at the end of the countdown, and no video.
Name123 said:
Donkey kong you are a genius.
smash fan x said:
Speaking of dk, he's right again. The ape is back for brawl.
Nickhead said:
Rayman and Sonic for brawl? Wicked! I can't wait for SSBB.
DXSA said:
You know, I think this isn't right. Although I've been putting a lot of thought as to who is most likely to be a character, and a playable character at that. Which makes me ask, has anyone even thought of a midna/wolf link combo character yet? All the moves needed are pretty much what you've seen in Twilight princess.
KOOL-AID said:
I know this rumor is fake. The only reason he is getting all of the returning characters is because of the facts. He is putting the most popular characters in the returning list (even though I hate Peach). There was no video when the site opened and the new character list is ridiculous (Lil Mac, Tingle, Toad, Lip, Flint and Andy). There are only 3 third party characters I like there (Megaman, Rayman and Sonic) when other 3rd party characters were not even mentioned Black Mage, Pacman, etc. The replacement character list is all very far-fetched (yes Celda Link too). The new moveset ordeal is also very far-fetched. If anything Luigi should have been in Dr Mario's place and Mewtwo shouldn't have been there at all.
smash fan x said:
The release dates were wrong so I'm starting to doubt him again. Though maybe the release date just came out of the blue from sakurai. Well we'll know in a few months.
KOOL-AID said:
Even though the rumor is fake, the release dates might not be. I mean one of them could be for Japan.
Prince of Nocturen said:
Why am I not surprised that his release dates were so far off? I have to agree with KOOL-AID on most points.
Fire Fox said:
Sora from Kingdom Hearts will never be in Super Smash Bros Brawl. Not only that I really hate Kingdom Hearts to the core so much that I want to destroy it, but Sora and other characters original to KH are copyright to Disney. For a third party character to be in SSBB he/she must appear on a Nintendo system and must have originated from a video game company (Disney wasn't a video game company to begin with, and the majority of the Kingdom Hearts series is on Playstation). Of all of the third-parties to deal with, Disney seems to be the hardest one. Sora appearing in SSBB would also hurt my feelings, I like Super Smash Bros and it is one of the greatest games ever made, but I cannot see a Kingdom Hearts character like Sora appearing because he would hurt SSB altogether.
Prince of Nocturen said:
Just today, July 20, an unusual and cryptic post was found on the official Super Smash website. It seems normal except for the background and the last picture and its commentary. It may be part of the story.
Da PimP said:
They should get rid of peach and keep mr Game and watch.
KOOL-AID said:
Why would Sora hurt SSBB? I mean I hate Kingdom of Hearts too, but I really don't see Sora hurting the game. He kind of seems like a more kiddish version of a Fire Emblem character. I believe the Kingdom of Hearts' characters that don't already belong to Disney belong to Square-Enix (Sora is one of them). I agree with the PimP all the way. Mr G&W was the bomb, Peach was a pushover.
Sonic Phantom said:
Why do you guys hate Kingdom Hearts anyway? I haven't played it myself but I might play sometimes soon.
Seittit said:
Sora's P-I-M-P, he'd kick ass. So would Stitch but I don't think he has ever been in a videogame.
Jubby said:
Of course stitch has been in a videogame. He's been in several actually, including at least one PS1 game and a PS2 game. I never played them but he was in them. Mainly because they were based on his films.
Fire Fox said:
Wrong! Sora and other characters who are original to Kingdom Hearts are copyright to Disney. Square-Enix only developed the game. It has been stated many times on various news articles, magazines and web sites, see for yourself. Because of that, there is no way that Sora and other Disney characters would ever appear in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
KOOL-AID said:
Who cares if Sora or any other characters from KoH make it into the game. If we are going to start what characters make it into SSBB, my bets are on Sonic, Rayman and/or Black Mage. I would say Mega Man but he is too much like Samus.
ike rules said:
You guys are all exaggerating, you want characters that aren't even good choices. Prince of persia, what the.. and rayman would not be cool, he would be a waste of a character slot. Who would want to play with a black mage? Maybe for the first two minutes but after that he would be boring. Good suggestions are like Isaac, felix from golden sun. Ike From Goddess of dawn and the black night Lucario from pokemon. Oh and lyn also, she would be tight. Even Kratos from tales of symphonia has a better chance at being in the game than some of the characters you guys suggest.
Solid Snake said:
Who the hell is Black Mage?
KOOL-AID said:
Who are you to talk about good characters? Ike sucks, so does Kratos, Isaac, Felix, Lucario and Lyn - all of them SUCK. We got enough swordsmen and Pokemon are a waste of space. So you need to realize this ain't Mortal Kombat or Soul Caliber. And who mentioned Prince of Persia? The reason I said Rayman and Black Mage is because they both have VERY unique movesets and don't just swing a sword around.
KOOL-AID said:
Oh and Black Mage is a guy from Square-Enix that basically does magic.
Prince of Nocturen said:
Sora is possible because he originated from a video game. Third party characters did not have to originate from a Nintendo game, just any video game and appear in a game for any Nintendo system (thus Sonic is possible). Sora appeared in one of the handhelds. I have to agree there are enough swordsmen (if they must add more, give them a ranged attack and more variety ). Pichu needs to go. Three are plenty of playable pokemon. All other pokemon if they must appear should be pokeballs.
Mrx has right said:
Think about this! How could he know that Ike would be in brawl before it was confirmed. Maybe this is true.
Prince of Nocturen said:
Lucky/Educated guess. I was not surprised at Ike being in Brawl in the least bit. If I had created a false roster he would have be in it! Given the amount of information he spewed, with some research, some had to be right. Interestingly the clip he said would be in Japanese and English that would reveal all of the games secrets did not happen and the site was opened in more languages than just those two.
KOOL-AID said:
Because Ike was a very popular vote. If I made up a rumor just like this I would have said that he will appear in the game (sadly) and I also would have said all the characters (that he said are coming back) will be coming back. But I also would have said characters like Diddy Kong, Bowser Jr., King Dedede, etc. One of the biggest reasons he was wrong is simply because this ALL was supposed to be shown at the end of the countdown, not over the daily updates.
F-Zero X VC said:
The Pimp, How the hell could they get rid of peach? That would just screw the entire character selection.
Emanuel said:
I don't know, so far this person is hitting the nail on the head. I just hope Pacman (Pacman World 3) will be in it. Pacman for Brawl.
Captain Jamesman said:
Well, Ike was confirmed, so it might be true. And I think some of those characters will be supporter characters if you think about it. If so, Tingle would make a good supporter.
Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:
Oh no was he right?! Just who is Mr X?
KOOL-AID said:
He is lucky, he caught himself saying the 3rd parties are only a rumor because if he didn't have that then (hopefully) everyone would know he's lying, because Nintendo would never put Alex Kidd in.
JosephTheSquirrel said:
Hmmm. Now that I look back on this, X didn't really say that this video would be released the same time as the site, but that can be debated. So far all that has been revealed is true. Who knows; this X might just be telling the truth.
iceclimberbeastx3 said:
Ice climbers better be in! I also would like the addition of lucario. But I think they should just bring in all the original characters and just add the new ones. Also roy shouldn't be replaced, marth should. Roy's too good a character.
Fishmon said:
Tons of people thought he would be in, Mrx. It's not really surprising. Besides, it said all this stuff would happen when the site reopens. That was months ago.
Dayless Night said:
Mr X picked the most popular characters (Tingle is popular in Japan). Ike was on almost every false roster out there. Mr X did his research but for the stuff about the site itself I would think someone from the Smash Bros Team would be more accurate about the site. Mr X clearly expected (no pun intended) the site in only English and Japanese, however the site was in six languages and English in two forms. And of course the special video that was to reveal so much.
ds man said:
Tingle, oh my god that is so fake. What's tingle going to do? Shout his phrase!?
The Hamburgler said:
Mrx was right, it's like when a guy goes to a bar and hits on 40,000 girls. One is bound to go home with him. The guy made a ton of guesses and is right on one. We'll wait and see if he's right again.
WiiNinja said:
He's obviously right. After all, Ike has been recently revealed. I can't wait to hear about Plusle and Minun.
Fire Fox said:
As long as Sora doesn't appear in the game, then everything will be alright. There are more deserving third parties that have much higher chance. Kingdom Hearts is a part of Disney and it has no chance to be represented in something like Super Smash Bros Brawl.
Mr Zobe said:
I think he's got a few things right. I like some of the ideas, I don't believe that some people can dismiss some characters just because they don't like them or don't seem suitable for fighting. There may be new fighting types for example. Think of the ice climbers, you wouldn't have thought they'd be in at all, or Dr Mario.
Prince of Nocturen said:
I'm not surprised that Mr X failed to mention a thing about the new adventure mode. Nintendo was developing an entirely new adventure mode. Oh and I have to say that I hope that Ike is replacing Marth instead of Roy.
phantomzant said:
Bowser Jr and Sonic all the way! Ridley is cool too.
desert colossus said:
Bowser Jr would be awesome in brawl.
fox said:
Please add captain olimar! That will be so awesome! And have pikmin to help him out, but don't make them act like ice-climbers.
ernstsaysno said:
I agree with everyone who likes roy. Marth's moves are basically the same, but people like roy better on average. Also, not all of this is true. Who would put tingle or toad in a game like this? Maybe they'd just be in the background? Who knows? Hopefully not Mr X.
ssb fan said:
I think that roy should stay. They should add the great mizuti from baiten kaitos: eternal wings and the lost ocean. This mr X knew something because ike is going to be in it.
Foxman said:
Ridley would be so cool to join but invincible. Sonic will probably not join because the game's too far in production to add someone now.
KOOL-AID said:
I think Ike should be the replacement for both Marth and Roy but that is just me.
Sonic Phantom said:
KOOL-AID, Ike is replacing Roy from the series.
Dayless Night said:
Foxman, Nintendo talked with Sega at least a year ago. Nintendo is probably keeping it a secret that Sonic is in Brawl (I'm sure they have made some kind of hint though). Sonic Phantom, it is only according to Mr X that Roy is being replaced with Ike. This is to those that think these rumors are true. Guessing Ike is in is the only thing that was not, in my guess, 95% chance of happening that Mr X said and got right.
KOOL-AID said:
I know that the Sonic talk with SEGA started right after Nintendo found out he was the MOST requested character by the fans (which was around June 2006 I think). But just throwing it out there, what other 3rd parties does anybody (besides me) think are going to make it into the game?
Sonic Phantom said:
Dayless Night, are you telling men that these rumors could be false? In my opinion, these rumors can be true. Who knows, think about Tingle and Toad. While they maybe the most unlikely characters to make it, it could actually happen. Depending on what their "Final Smash" attack that is. They could actually be very good fighters.
EDD said:
I only believe the stuff that only THE CREATOR of super smash bros made.
WolfStar said:
I think that Mr X is telling the truth. Usually when people come along with these rumours it's like "omg nu characters. Can't believe it. Blah blah blah", but Mr X is very official, he doesn't boast, nor have a favorite character or much of an opinion. He is just laying down the facts in a very professional manner. Everything so far is spot-on. All I can say is, I have faith in you Mr X. And Krystal will be the best addition to the game. I'm checking the site every week, just waiting to see her and Balloon Fighter.
True said:
It might be true because IKE IS IN. So maybe the rest is true?
KOOL-AID said:
No not everything is "spot-on", this was ALL supposed to come out when the SSBB site went back up - on the day it went back up.
Dayless Night said:
I think most of these rumors are fake. Some of Mr X's guesses are bound to be right since he made them fairly educated. One more thing against these rumors, that nobody predicted, was the newest addition, Pokemon Trainer. Either my eyes have gone extremely bad or Mr X doesn't have him in the new characters.
Prince of Nocturen said:
I have six words that will throw more doubt on these rumors: pokemon trainer is confirmed playable character. Mr X did not have him as a playable character. When Mr X was making this he forgot how unpredictable Nintendo is and picked only popular characters.
WiiNinja said:
What about the Pokemon Trainer? That was revealed today.
WiiNinja said:
Mr X is probably right on most things. For all we know, he could've been one of Big N's undercover developers or somehow got to preview the game at a promoting convention or something. He's probably already been hunted down for revealing all that he could before the Smash Bros Website launched. From what I've already seen, he's given too much away already. Way to take the risk, Mr X.
Sonic Phantom said:
So I guess Mr X failed to mention Pokemon Trainer. But that doesn't mean that Mr X is entirely wrong.
WolfStar said:
Yeah, everything is not "spot on" but come on, I mean this is Sakurai here. They keep changing their minds about everything. He probably decided before the site went up (after Mr X's e-mail was sent) to make it more tense by releasing all this info in small stages rather than show it all in the trailer to keep fans on the edge of their seats. And before anyone doubts it because of the new pokemon trainer character (which in my opinion is the most pointless playable character ever) Mr X's e-mail does say we will be introduced to more characters.
EarthBound Player said:
Actually, Flint may be in SSBB. For those of you who don't know, flint is from EarthBound 2, which was never released in America but came out in Japan last year. He is a cowboy who wields a two-by-four. The reason I think he may be in is because the Franklin Badge has now been revealed as an item, which is a hallmark of the EarthBounds series, and, in Japan, an actual badge comes with the game.
EarthBound Player said:
Also, rumor has it that EarthBound 2 music has been leaked from the SSBB soundtrack. And since one of the composers for SSBB (and SSBM) also composed the music for EarthBound 2, I dare say that Mr X may be right about Flint being included as a character (and that Ness will return).
Dayless Night said:
Why did Mr X not have a section with the characters that were going to be revealed after the site went up? (Don't say that they had not decided on what character to put in. Cutting it to close to completely create a new character, and Nintendo is not going to spend money to create a character that is not going to be in the game). What happened to the magazines releasing character info? I have not heard of an article in any magazine announcing a new character. The only article I have heard that revealed a character was one confirming Sheik and Ganondorf will return to Brawl. This person did some research and picked the most popular characters and put them in an orderly fashion created some completely false talk about the website and sent it here. I work in a courthouse, and though I may not be a lawyer, I can still tell when someone is lying.
KOOL-AID said:
I'm done talking because as many times as I say that this rumor is faker than Michael Jackson's nose, everyone comes back and says well it can't be because they said Peach was going to be in it and there she is. None of you think that anybody else would have got most of those characters right.
Prince of Nocturen said:
Ok Mr X's failure to mention Diddy Kong is strike 9 (or 10 if you're willing to count how far off he was from the release date). Saying these rumors are a bit off "is like saying Alec Baldwin's phone messages are a little creepy".
fox and the crew said:
Captain Olimar has to be in brawl. But don't make them be like the ice climbers. Have little pikmin help out like the pokemon trainer, but have different abilities.
Donkey Kong said:
He is real wrong because he didn't say diddy.
EarthBound Player said:
There is one other possibility: suppose that he is a Nintendo developer, but not very high up in the project. He might know some secrets, but not others. By the way, it's not like any of y'all are doing any better at making Brawl predictions. I say we hear out Mr X for what he's worth, and not assume a holier-than-thou callousness if for what he doesn't (or possibly can't) get right. But it's not like he's some criminal that we need to crucify here.
Mr X is right said:
Alright already. So what if he failed to tell us absolutely everything. There's going to be a lot of "stuff" in Brawl. So what. You see that he also forgot to mention Game Modes, Stages, Items, Music, and just about everything else. As I've looked over this message about a million times, everything Nintendo's announced so far is correct with Mr X's information. I know that what he's written has happened, or will happen. Why doesn't everybody get over the fact that he's right so far in some of his message, and what's "not right" will show up later? Half the characters haven't even been announced yet. What's the prize for saying he's a liar? Attention? All I can say is, I still have faith in Mr X. Way to go, man. You still got it. Thanks Sonicfan, WiiNinja and Earthbound Player. Mr X is right.
WiiNinja said:
Pretty good prediction for somebody who "doesn't know what's coming". Yup, Mr X is the guy.
Dayless Night said:
Mr X is right (the name), all pay attention to this: his only correct predictions were returning characters that everyone predicted would return and only one true prediction of his was right and that was Ike, however most (note I didn't say all) fake rosters included him. I predicted him and others to be in Brawl, however I wasn't going to be a fool and post it on the Internet saying it was true. To your questions on why I am proving Mr X wrong, it is because I find such lies annoying. One last thought, do you think Nintendo would have just stood by while someone leaked their secretes? Why was no one arrested for leaking information? And one request, please don't make a big fuss when Ganondorf is announced.
WiiNinja said:
I need to stop posting. This is getting too out of hand. Either it happens, or it doesn't. I don't really care anymore. I'm done calling the shots, because it really doesn't matter, does it? This, to me, ruins my love for Brawl. We don't know who Mr X truly is anyway. So right now, we're not writing about anybody. December 3rd is closer than any of you guys think. I'm just happy I already reserved a copy for myself. This is going to be a great game. I don't need some person to tell me what's going to be in it. After all, Mr X is in the rumor category. The only direct source right now is the Smash Bros website. The truth will come slowly, but I'm pretty content with waiting for more resourceful answers. From now on, I'm going to be patient with what Nintendo's got to offer.
WiiNinja said:
Earthbound Player, you're right. It's not worth proving someone who doesn't exist wrong. As I've said, nobody knows Mr X's true identity.
ghostrider brawler said:
I want sonic and viewtiful joe to be in it.
leon s kenedy said:
Leon should be in it. His smash attack should be where he turns into a zombie/parasite.
bbbrrr said:
I hate to be rude and say it, but you are all acting like morons about some rumors. Maybe they are true. Maybe they aren't. Why does that matter? You should all be ashamed. Obsessing like flies on dog dung, arguing like little toddlers when somebody stole your "twuck", and just plain attacking each other. This should be about the love of the game, not about whether he, or anybody else is right or wrong. You are all "more abominable than the most venomous serpent is to us". No offense is meant by any of this, by the way. So don't go and hunt me down because I said you were acting childish.
Dayless Night said:
WiiNinja has a point. I have to agree that arguing about this guy is fake is getting out of hand and is taking away from the focus on the truth of what has been confirmed on the official site and 100% reliable sources. Like WiiNinja I'm also going only on the other discussions.
bbbrrr said:
Don't forget, balloon fighter was going to be in melee instead of Ice Climbers. They were added at the last minute instead.
Meta Knight said:
Shiek is improbable as she wasn't in twilight princess. He didn't put in Diddy Kong. Plusle/Minun are illogical as Pikachu and the Ice Climbers take up both the slots this duo can fill. He completely missed the Pokemon Trainer and Lucario probably won't be in because their staying in 1st generation-ish Pokemon. The Balloon Fighter and Tingle don't have any offensive attacks, they just float on balloons. Ridley would be too awkward on most stages because his wings and other stuff that stick out would constantly be going through platforms. Panel de Pon is TETRIS! There are too many 3rd parties as there are only going to be three 3rd party characters. He should have also put Bowser Jr up there, as there is an Isle Delfino stage BUT HE DIDN'T.
Nintendoof said:
They should put Mach Rider in it even though he's only been in one game. I mean he was made by Nintendo. For those who haven't heard of him search it.
Pikachu Kirby Fan said:
If they are staying in 1st generation-ish pokemon, how is Chickorita, a 2nd generation pokemon; Groudon and Deoxys, both 3rd gen, in the game? Charizard has wings and a tail, and he is usually much bigger than Pikachu, and he is in the game.
SSonic22 said:
Meta you are not totally right. They already announced that Ganondorf and Sheik will be in, it's official, the guy from TLoZ said it. I don't think the Ice climbers will be back, they were like in the last second, also Tingle is weird but the same magazine that revealed Samus art before the official site, hinted him, with a pic of him and other brawlers in the background. Just because Pokemon Trainer has 1st gen doesn't mean Lucario can't be in, they even used 2nd gen, so I'm not sure but he has a big demand. I agree with Ridley being too big and I also wish Bowser Jr is in.
Twilli said:
Before another person says Ridley can't be in because of size, watch the intro clip to melee. In it he is not much taller than Samus at full height. If they have him slouch slightly like he is in most of the Metroid games he will fit perfectly fine.
Nickhead said:
This is so fake! But they were right about the Diddy Kong bit.
Dude15 said:
Wrong about Lucas not being in.
Sonic Phantom said:
Okay, I'm starting to turn my back on Mr X. This list is completely fake. Except Diddy and Ike.
SSBB said:
I heard Bomberman is going to be in this one. Well it's a rumor going around.
Panel de Pon Power said:
I believe Mr. X, because all signs point to him being right. Even if some of the characters like Toad and Tingle are assist trophies they could be in the game. The other day I saw a brawl graphic picture of King Dedede and Kirby pictures of Lip, NIGHTS, RAY 01, Midna, Zero, Megaman, Rayman and even Sonic! He may have some right and some wrong, people can change their minds. Lip, NIGHTS and Ray 01 for brawl.
dec3issofaraway said:
Mr X is lying. He said a video would come out with new move sets for ganondorff, mewtwo, falco, and dr. Mario, as well as revealing a whole bunch of other characters. That video never showed up. Instead, there were two different videos, that revealed metaknight, pit, and snake. How on earth could mr X have forgotten to mention the very first new characters revealed in the game? Plus, how could he not mention one of the most important things that separates melee from brawl: the smash ball? The new info about final smash should have been top priority to be posted if this guy really did know everything. If he was a Nintendo executive, the final smashes would probably be the first thing he would learn about the game.
Run2Mama said:
A character(s) from Resident Evil would be awesome. Leon, then maybe some kind of monster from the game like Nemesis.
blab355 said:
Well, obviously it's been a while since this was updated, due to the fact that Ike was announced August 1st, Ice Climbers September 14th, Diddy Kong August 22nd, and biggest of all: Sonic, October 10th (website dates). Also, where is that video he was talking about? Some one either A) Was completely misinformed (yeah, WHATEVER) or B) He is a lying dipwad. I think that Sheik will be back as a different character, that Wolf Link & Midna will be a character, Everyone from Melee will be back, and Minun and Plusle will be a character, whereas Lucario will be an assist trophy. That being said, It would be really cool if these characters made it in: Megaman, Spyro, Banjo & Kazzoie, Crash Bandicoot, Rayman, a Rabbbid, and Soren. Most of these will not be in, because we will only have 1-2 more 3rd party charcters, if any. I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) that Soren is the only one out of those that actually is a Nintendo owned character.
Xenosaga Fan said:
I got to have KOS-MOS in Smash Bros Brawl.
Raioneru said:
These were horrible rumors. This should be updated to match facts.
Lie Detector said:
The confirmation of Lil Mac as an assist trophy should be what proves beyond a doubt that Mr X lied.
show me your moves said:
Hey, what ever happened to Geno and Mallow from Mario RPG? I would be excited to see them in there.
stalone said:
I think they should have ryu from street fighter in ssbb.
Captain Bighead said:
About Ridley, how do you explain giga-bowser as bowser's final; moving through platforms; metaknights, pits, and Charizard from poketrainers wings. Sticking out hasn't been a problem to brawl. If he's fun, he's good enough. I say 50-50.
Salute to Captain said:
Finally someone else agrees on the ridley for Brawl. They only need to use the size for the opening in melee.
KOOL-AID said:
As far as 3rd party characters go we know Snake and Sonic but who else? I believe that Rayman, Mega Man X, Banjo-Kazooie, and Ratchet and Clank yeah I said it Ratchet and Clank should make it. Yes I know that Nintendo said that only a possible 3 3rd party characters can make it and they have to have appeared in a Nintendo game before, but things have changed- example: the release date, and 4 times! First it was supposed to be Nov 19 then Summer 07 then Dec 3 now Feb 10. They said the final delay was for something big, who is anyone to say that this isn't it. All I'm saying is I hope I'm right, anyway for Nintendo characters I still want Bowser Jr., Waluigi, Krystal, Wolf, Skull Kid, and King k Rool and for the veterans Ganondorf (with a sword), Luigi (with his vacuum), Mewtwo, and Mr Game&Watch is all I care about.
Peteskeeter said:
I have some evidence that Krystal, Ridley, and Wolf are in the Brawl game. Mostly, however, I think you should know that only Ridley has actual evidence (a screenshot shows Ridley being a playable character alongside of some other people mentioned by me). Now, the first piece of evidence is this: You hear his boss tune in the game's Metroid level. The second is this: You get to fight on his level, Norfair. Also, there is a rumor going around that the Subspace Army is very, VERY real. There's just one shred of proof: The Ancient Minister will warn people of his arrival via the web. Be careful.
mizz manga said:
If anyone has seen brawl's official website then it tells you that Sonic, King Dedede, Zero Suit Samus, Pit, Wario, Ike, Pokemon Trainer, Diddy Kong, Metaknight, Snake and Lucas are the current newcomers. As for veterans, 12 of the last Smash series characters are on it. I'll leave you to find out who they are yourselves.
wee said:
I hope Capcom puts a character in, hopefully Leon or a Devil May Cry character.
Who said:
Well if Capcom puts a character in it will most likely be Megaman. More people are familiar with Megaman than Leon or Devil May Cry.
ham said:
Woooo Sheik is back.
draco said:
The characters I really really really want in brawl are Tails, Spyro the dragon, Rayman and Lucario.
Who said:
Draco, Lucario is playable and Tails is an assist trophy. Nothing known of the others.
TruBlu said:
This is a loaf of bread. All of those ill-chosen characters yet no other 3rd parties to accompany the already existing ones? And Mr. Game&Watch returns? No way. Snake would arrive with his twin brother or Maryl, Sonic would be accomppanied by either Tails (very likely), Shadow, or Knuckles. That is IF they decide to make more 3rd party.
gamevideomusic said:
Look at all the characters on the list. How did he know that Ike was appearing? The same with Captain Olimar and Lucario. Instead of Flint there is Lucas, someone from Earthbound. Other characters on the list, like Lil Mac, aren't playable characters but they still are on the game as assist trophies. Maybe this is a lie, but you all have to admit that this guy is good at guessing. I say that there are probabilities of including Bowser Jr (he became very popular after Mario Sunshine and has appeared on games like Mario Kart, Mario Tennis, etc), King K Rool and Ridley (these guys are the bad guys from their games, such as Bowser and King Dedede).
Mei said:
The guy was good at guessing, Ridley is a boss, Lucario, Game and Watch, Windwaker Link, Olimar, Snake, Sonic, and Ike all made it into the game.
somebody said:
It would be awesome if boo and king boo was in the game.
saiyan mario said:
It would be very great if there was saiyan mario. With the flame blast that's awesome and Yoshi golden with the wings. My opinion but fighting tabuu is he very hard if you put everything very hard in subspace? I like shadow in the game and tails. And lucario and that aura blast its very slow so anyone can just escap the blast and jiggly puff would take up mostly the whole stage with the smash ball. Play as dialga and palkia whoa he should be one of the bosses.
SSBB #1 Fan said:
About half of this is true and about half isn't, but most is crap. Like Tingle?. come on that would slaughter the SSB series. But I can't wait for SSB#4.