According to Famitsu magazine over in Japland, Capcom are working on a remake of Resident Evil Zero for the Wii.
Released in 2002 on GameCube, it was a critical success. That said, aren't Capcom putting out too many remakes? Maybe this effort should be going into creating new titles. The Wii is backwards compatible after all, if people want to play old cube games they already can.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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User comments
i need a wiieww said:
This is going to turn to a huge string of remakes now.
Tennindo said:
Joy another REMAKE. What fun, a game we played years ago (still can for the cube on Wii). Capcom make something NEW. Maybe like a NEW Megaman game on Wii (remakes of megaman on Wii doesn't count as NEW Capcom).
Good considering the RE series was revamped from games that spanned on older consoles and RE Zero was only on Gamecube. Oh and if you knew anything of the RE community, which is huge, they do want remakes as well as others.
wiiboy101 said:
Cheap cashing in, pure and simple. Capcom give the porting a rest. Okami should be the last port, all new games should be brand new like monster hunter or zack & wiki. This sounds like an optimized light gun version of zero and that's plain old cash sucking. This has to stop.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Why couldn't they just put Resident Evil 5 on Wii as well as Piece of S*&% 3 and Ex-Box Please Fix Me.
Lemmy said:
There is a RE4 and now RE0 for the Wii. They are making a lot of RE remakes for the Wii.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
I think this was the resident evil that I thought really sucked, but I'm not sure. If it starts on a train then I thought it sucked.
Keranu said:
I absolutely hate Capcom. They are the biggest scum in the video game industry.
Jonny said:
I lost the first disk of 0 for my GCN, so this is good news for me. That and RE games + Wii = autowin.
Fisherman said:
Why redo 0? Noone wants a remake of that. They'd have been better off remaking RE2 and/or 3.
Flumpy said:
I love Resident Evil games but Zero is at the bottom of my list for Resi games. If Capcom want to remake any it should be Resi 2- or, even better, give us Resi 5 on Wii like we deserve.
alexlili said:
That's good! But what I would like to see are the remakes for RES 1, 2 and 3. That would be great. I remeber being scared for RES 1 for the GC.
☆?? said:
This is freaking awesome.
Nintendoof said:
Very freaking awesome.
Jonathan said:
Aside from 4 and 5, 0 was the game that I got introduced. I love Resident Evil 0, and hell, I'm in full support of it.
orochi said:
You people speaking badly on wiimakes are a bunch of idiots. I do not have a gamecube and investing in a mem card, a cube remote and the cube game is throwing away money if you can purchase the Wii version.