Rifle accessory for Wii

Rifle accessory for Wii

If the Wii Blaster isn't your thing, perhaps the Wii Rifle from DealExtreme will take your interest. Behold!

The Wii Rifle


  • Single or dual handed use.
  • Ergonomically balanced.
  • Lock and load.
  • Made of high quality hard plastic.
  • Dimensions of 18.11" x 5.51" x 1.57".
  • Weight of 11oz.

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Rob Jones

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User comments


JosephTheSquirrel said:

Hoo hoo! Looks pretty bad-ass right there.


Master Foot said:

That's gangsta.


Jskrdude said:

I'd feel like the terminator holding that in one hand.


Pescador Gama said:

Would like a more rusty-like design. This is too.. Starwars-galactic-looking? Well guess I could paint it!


Scooby Jew said:

I'm going to paint mine black, because I agree with Pescador. It looks too professional and people never take professional weapons serious. Unless we're talking about James Bond's guns and silencers. That's a whole different story. The idea itself is awesome, they could just make it look a little less professional and clean.


divinity boy said:

This looks cool, and easier to hold than the Zapper.


Lovely Lady said:

Well at least it's not 50 cent's. That would ruin it for me.


Kitchwa said:

YES. This is the thing I need for all my fps's. Epecially call of duty 3.


DragonFoxCoon said:

Looks like something right out of a SciFi movie.


TRB14 said:

Damn. That is the craziest piece of a Wii controller good so far. The thing that would top that is a guitar for the Wii.


WII MII said:

The rifle kicks ass.

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Eric said:

Umm, where is the stock?


Meemok said:

I agree where is the stock?

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