Wii startup disc

The back of the Wii's retail box has raised some questions about one of the contents. As seen in the picture below, a "Start-Up Disc" is named.

Speculation as to what's on this disc has been rife, some saying that it simply means Wii Sports while others think it could be to do with operating system updates. No official confirmation is available at this stage.

Wii Startup Disc

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Rob Jones

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elephant.stone said:

Perhaps it's to load settings onto the main memory. Like, err Wi-fi settings. God only knows (well, and Nintendo staff).

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aaron said:

Anyone think that it possibly could be used for calibration for the wii sensor bar or perhaps it tells you how to play your wii.


quartzlcc said:

Good question. It's one of the two though, I'm quite sure.


Dragon_Master said:

Hey maybe it is a disk that would store all your mii's, friend codes and other info so if you have to get a new Wii later you could keep all your info.

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joe said:

Wii Sports.


Ja-Mez said:

I have no idea what that might be for but I guess it's for the options and settings on the Wii.


David said:

I heard that the Wii startup disc is some sort of firmware update.


Scotts said:

Yea, I also heard that it was an update because they have been packing Wiis for a while now and have made some changes to it since they started packing.


Wii-Worshiper said:

Hmm not sure on that one.


Penguin said:

Well, it doesn't say Wii Sports on there, which should be included, so it probably is just Wii Sports.

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aaron said:

No it ain't Wii Sports, it says you get that bundled with it on the front of the box not on the back.


nintsegao said:

It's wii sports because start up disc means to get you started up with the Wii. Right?


jon said:

I'm guessing it's like a computer, that you have to load the operating system on the Wii then start playing.


Nick said:

I'm thinking its like a startup disc kind of like what you would have with Windows . but then again it says "Includes" it could very well be Wii Sports.


fraer jock said:

I'm going to have to agree with you jon. It wouldn't be the wii sports because it says it clearly on the front.


Aeron said:

It might be an electronic manual.


fraer jock said:

It is a firmware I read that on another site.


Hey said:

Maybe it's like a memory card.


Drew said:

It can't be a storage device because all disks are read-only (meaning, you can't save stuff on them once they're already pressed and manufactured). I'm thinking it's a one-time disk that you put in the Wii that shows you instructions and configures it and stuff.


friend of the wii said:

Definitely firmware.


Master Foot said:

It's not Wii Sports. BigN is printing only one type of box as Wii Sports is being labeled as a sticker and not printed directly on the box. Maybe it's the OS CD. Buy one and find out.


Bored said:

Hey drew what about burnable disks? Those can have info burned onto them, so maybe it is a disk that has special software that lets you save basic settings on from your Wii like friend codes, Mii's, etc.


Candall said:

Not likely, Bored. I'm pretty sure that the system's drive is read-only. Why would Nintendo boost production cost by using hardware that would only be used for one function, which is much more cheaply accomplished through hardware features that the system already has?


Bored said:

Hey Candall I really doubt that it would be used that way I was just saying that you never know.


Penguin said:

Well my magazine showed what should be inside the box and there was no sign of any loading disc, so I think it's still just Wii Sports.

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