Niki: Rock 'n' Ball

Published by Bplus, Developed by Bplus

Genres: Platformer

US release date: Jan 26th, 2009 | EU release date: Dec 19th, 2008

Price: 500 points

Niki: Rock 'n' Ball

Are you in love with those unforgettable arcade classics where the only goal is to vanquish all opponents to reach the next stage?

Niki - Rock 'n' Ball is a new interpretation of those games with a completely innovative and unique gaming mechanism. Roll along with Niki through fantastic worlds, find all the ZeLeLi pearls, and liberate your village from cuddly-yet-evil monsters before it's too late. Timing is everything. Jump in the nick of time to avoid landing amid barbs. Hop across the stages thanks to the realistic gaming physics. Snap on the ZeLeLi amulet, transform yourself into Niki Rock, and force even the most obstinate monster to its knees. Explore all the stages and win valuable medals while dribbling through them, alone or with a friend. Use familiar controls in Retro style, or experience novel controls in the Wii style.

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