Where's Wally? Fantastic Journey 2

Published by Ludia, Developed by Ludia

Genres: Puzzle

US release date: - | EU release date: Apr 15th, 2011

Price: 500 points

Where's Wally? Fantastic Journey 2

Continue the search for Wally and his friends in Where's Wally? Fantastic Journey 2.

Based on the hit publishing series, Where's Wally? The Fantastic Journey 2 offers hide-and-seek puzzling fun, set in the magical worlds of The Nasty Nasties. Your journey will take you through such places as The Fighting Foresters and The Deep-Sea Divers on your search for hidden items. Adding another dimension to the game, you can either play solo or challenge friends. So get ready for a few surprises and friendly attempts at sabotage - all of which will serve to fuel the game's puzzling fun!

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