Touch Battle Tank 3D 2

Published by Agetec, Developed by Silver Star Japan

Genres: Action (1 players)

US release date: Jan 30th, 2014 | EU release date: May 22nd, 2014

Prices: $4.99 (US) | £4.49 (UK) | €4.99 (EUR)

Touch Battle Tank 3D 2

This time, there are two types of tanks--the attack tank with its powerful offensive capabilities, and the defense tank with its impregnable defenses. The attack tank improves upon the original charge shot with the ultimate weapon--the super charge shot. It cuts a swath of devastation through any armor. The defense tank features a shield that bounces back any attack.

The hostiles have added new weapons like wave shots, scatter shots, lasers, and drills. Hover units unaffected by the terrain and a cloaking stealth system have also been added. Gargantuan tanks have also joined the enemy's forces. The original's weapon systems are back too, like ricochet, homing, and mortar-type shots.

There are 90 stages in all (60 regular and 30 bonus stages)--20 more than the previous game. Strap yourself in and gear up for an intense, futuristic tank shooting war--the original was only the beginning.

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