A new image shows the 3DS can be used as a Wii U controller

A new image shows the 3DS can be used as a Wii U controller

An alleged twitter image adds to the speculation

A surprising twitter image has surfaced showing compatibility between the Nintendo 3DS handheld with the Nintendo Wii U.

It appears that you'll be able to pair the handheld with the console and use it as a controller, which is great news for people who won't be getting their hands on the GameCube controller adapter and already have the 3DS.

Between this, the amiibo figures, and the added GameCube accessory, Nintendo has spared no options for Super Smash Bros!

Super Smash Bros. will be released October 3rd for the 3DS and (while not confirmed) the rumored date for the Wii U release is currently November 21st, 2014.

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Jeremy Freeman

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