Godzilla, CSI and Carnival box arts

Godzilla, CSI and Carnival box arts

Hello box-art fans, have I got some treats for you. Box arts for Godzilla: Unleashed, CSI: Hard Evidence and Carnival Games.

Godzilla Box Art
Box art for Godzilla: Unleashed.

CSI Box Art
CSI: Hard Evidence Wii box art.

Carnival Games Box Art
Carnival Games' colorful box.

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Rob Jones

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wii rox said:

In Carnival Games, I wonder if the guys running the games will hassle you to play like in real life.


Scooby Jew said:

"Treats"? kind of ironic you'd call them that, if you know what I mean.


Master Foot said:

Movie to game adaptations usually suck. Can CSI set the new standard for TV to game adaptations? Let's keep our fingers crossed. Love the show though.


itstimetoplaydawii said:

Carnival Games looks like a huge waste of money.

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