Golden Wii Wheel for Club Nintendo

Golden Wii Wheel for Club Nintendo

Club Nintendo over in Japan has some more interesting gifts available to platinum members.

Golden Wii Wheel - used in racing games such as Mario Kart Wii.

It's a me, in my-a Maaario hat.

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Rob Jones

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Supersmashdodo said:

4 words and 1 name, I want that mario hat.


Step said:

I want that wheel. The hat would be awesome too.


YoshLee said:

I already have a Luigi hat (yes I still wear costumes for Halloween) so a Mario hat would be a good addition, but I'm more interested in the golden steering wheel.


Master Foot said:

Why does JP get all the good stuff? WHY!?


Monkeylemur said:

TBHIMHO, I don't think that hat is made for my head in particular. It's IRL size is most likely.. small. For kids and stuff.


Step said:

+1 for the Mr. T photo.

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Nova said:

I wonder if this stuff'll be available when club Nintendo comes to america.


gamer guru said:

Wooohooo club Nintendo America!



The wheel would be bad ass with black remote.

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