Wario is in SSBB

Wario is in SSBB

Man, Sakurai's blog is full of surprises. Today he reveals the unthinkable! Wario is a playable character in Super Smash Bros Brawl. Although I must say, I did have my suspicions from the 100+ Brawl screenshots and videos he's appeared in.

Ta-daaa, it's a me.

Jedi mind trick.

Can see it in his eyes that he's got a nasty plan.

Wa-haaa, I love bubblegum.

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Rob Jones

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Scooby Jew said:

From what I could tell from the most recent SSBB trailer, he looks like a slow and worthless character. I especially hate the way he runs. Looks like it'd be pretty hard to control. However, despite all that, I'm still rather pleased that he made an appearance in Brawl. Let's just hope Waluigi doesn't follow him.


stinky12694 said:

Sakurai always gives the good information on friday.


Andrew said:

Wario's moves and attacks are very interesting, can't wait for this game I want to try him out.


Wii Freak said:

Wow big surprise.


Shugo said:

Thank you for this site. Because I'm at school and they block gaming sites (eg. Smashbros), I couldn't see the update. Thanks to this site (which thankfully my school hasn't found yet) I can see the update.


Crimson Hawk said:

Run Kirby, RUN!


Orez said:

So I was thinking, if Wario is in, how far away is Waluigi? I guess he would be a secret wario clone character, but I don't know.


Jskrdude said:

When's he going to release news that hasn't been revealed in year old screenshots?


Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:

For the last time! Just put news that we HAVEN'T seen in the trailer.


Koen van Beeck said:

Oh, Jskrdude, you mean like yesterday? Or the day before that? Or any day but last friday? Ahh, whatever. Let's just keep staring at Kirby getting a piece of his own medicine until the next update.


Killer Ape said:

Why the hell does everyone hate wario! He's going to be a fricking sweet character.


LOZfan said:

After the last 4 characters that we know are in the game are confirmed (yoshi, snake, metanight, and zero suit samus) they will release new character info.


Splintercell4ever said:

Why are they just giving us one thing at a time. Just give us the whole boatload at one point or another.


Want said:

He's probably pretty powerful, which makes up for his sluggish speed.



I hope in Brawl they don't do that clone thing where they have different characters with almost exactly similar attacks. Please Nintendo if it's a different character give him/her different attacks.


wiiziers said:

This is super smash BROTHERS so where's Luigi?!


DragonFoxCoon said:

I'm only going to control him to say "I farted on you!".


Quartz said:

Wario fails at life, seriously.


Gonzo said:

Wario's a FATTY.


itstimetoplaydawii said:

Hey Shugo, they also block gaming websites at my school, but not this one! Thank you Wiis World for being undetectable to the server.


Pescador Gama said:

Grat, on the contrary of most of experts. I thinks that in his appearance on the movie he isn't runing but walking slow. You know, he can't be a slow character, what happened with the "hurry up!" of wario ware!


Franksy said:

Man, I really got to hand it to you sakurai you really have made real good game. It obviously will be fun for kids. Loads of characters and better graphics than most Wii games I have seen.


Oreo Addict-OREOS said:

I'm thinking Wario's going to be sort of like Link, minus the projectile attacks. Link is slow, but strong. Wario may be the same. This is just a guess. And why is the bunny looking at me funny?


Nickhead said:

Kirby is not edible, Wario! Do you hear me!?


Nickhead said:

Wario's not a Jedi! Stop messing with my head Wii world!


Steve said:

I thought Link was a blanced guy, not like going to send you flying with one hit, but a pretty fast character. And I assume Wario won't be worthless, maybe slow and strong.


katman said:

Wario gets a bike, yay.


Dark Star said:

Wario is going to be probably the least predictable character on the move sets. Slamming opponents with a motorcycle and farting are his confirmed moves. Hilarious! He is probably the closest thing we'll find to a comic relief character.


insultman911 said:

Is there a point of Wario's bike? Wario runs very weird I think.


insultman911 said:

Why warioware costume?


YoshLee said:

Because Nintendo is trying to get people to notice the wario ware version of wario.


insultman911 said:

Yeah, if I was wario, I would wear warioware costume too. Luigi better not change.


nintendofan6794 said:

Thankfully you can change Wario to his original yellow and purple suit.


wario fan said:

Too bad they never put his shoulder charge in the game.

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