Eyeshield 21

Published by Nintendo, Developed by Nintendo

Genres: Sports

US release date: Mar 8th, 2007 | EU release date: -

Eyeshield 21


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Wii's World said:

Note the release date is for Japan, there are no plans to bring this game west for the time being.


Master Foot said:

Here we go with the Japanese exclusives again! Wait a minute, is that Cactuar disguised in the first pic!?


Zendalf said:

This looks pretty cool. A good third party game by the looks of it. How weird. I already have madden 07 for Wii but I might get this anyways.


Wiipaw said:

Eye Chuawawa!


Ekaj185 said:

Hey this looks pretty cool. I need madden.


Gonzo said:

Football, wow! Interesting.


Hey said:

I'm pretty sure this'll be a lot better than Madden.


Gonzo said:

It doesn't look better than Madden though.


wii-mote dude said:

Aah! Shield your eyes! It looks exactly like budokai.


GiGANToR said:

Oh I know this, my friend used to read the manga. Looks weird but whatever.


DarkVic said:

I wish they would make normal sports games for the Wii instead of transforming it into this cartoon crap.


i got wii said:

Holy molly that guy's huge (in the bouncy ball way).


Flipping For Fox said:

It looks unique. I'll try it.


kareshi is black said:

Yeah finally some pics of the game. It will probably never come to the states so again time for me to use my mom's credit card.


Sonic Fan said:

That is definitely like Cel Damage.


Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:

Reminds me of Mario Strikers. The graphics and the play in Mario Stikers is that they play really DIRTY!


Nimi chan said:

I loved this anime! I can't wait to play this game.


Whiiz said:

Oh my god! Shield your eyes.


OMG said:

I wish this came out in the USA good thing the anime is coming out soon in English (I have the Japanese version but who cares). I hear they're going to censor the quarterback and that makes me sad, and they can't do a decent voice over to save a life. But I want it to come out so it's easier to get a hold of. I had to go to three different book stores to find the volume of the manga that I wanted dammit! Anyway, this would be the first and probably only sports game I would buy.


Me 0 0 said:

Same. I'm a BIG fan and it pisses me off that they are dubbing it because they'll never be able to do it completely right. I LOVE Hiruma and the Japanese voice is perfect. They had better not censor him. I would buy the game, if it were available in the US.


lilyputt said:

Football doesn't need anime.


Plaugefiend said:

Wow. I actually like this manga. If it was in the US, we would probably ruin it with our crappy voice actors.


Zeke said:

Manga always better than anime.

1 post

rulad said:

that is right manga is greater than anime

1 decade ago

1 post

sena_16 said:

how will you play this thing YA-HA!

9 years ago

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